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A Moment of Breath: Peace of Mind Reflections on Everyday Mindfulness
A Moment of Breath: Peace of Mind Reflections on Everyday Mindfulness
A Moment of Breath: Peace of Mind Reflections on Everyday Mindfulness
Ebook55 pages30 minutes

A Moment of Breath: Peace of Mind Reflections on Everyday Mindfulness

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About this ebook

Mindfulness is a simple technique of breath that helps release tension, relieve stress and create better balance. During this unprecedented time of the coronavirus pandemic most everyone is experiencing some level of anxiety, increased tension and loss of focus. Mindfulness is not a "fix" for all that ails us, however, the practice is opportunity to move towards awareness, awakening and appreciation of living in the moment. This is how mindfulness helps the overall balance of your life.

PublisherAD Moreau
Release dateJul 21, 2022
A Moment of Breath: Peace of Mind Reflections on Everyday Mindfulness

AD Moreau

ad moreau is an avid reader who loves a library, stops to chat with pets, has a spirit of wander, and lives to laugh out loud. Other published works include a collection of poems, "Love: Walk Near My Grave", a coffee table travel book, "God’s Handwriting: A Celebration of Divine Inspiration" and "The Lotus Approach: piece of mind essays on living, loving and letting go." Other works include Spanish translation of books, a Letter Writing project and a first novel. The author loves travel, reading and writing about the journey of awakenings, grace, peace and why we must always return to love.

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    Book preview

    A Moment of Breath - AD Moreau


    peace of mind reflections on everyday mindfulness

    ad moreau

    Published by

    Peace Paper Productions.

    ©2022 by ad moreau.

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America.

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    Cover design by ad moreau



    First Edition

    Writing is thinking on paper.

    William Zinsser


    I am an explorer of mind, my thoughts.

    I feel compelled to question, seek out and challenge perspective(s) about life’s anything; mysteries, the mysterious and mystical, happiness and joy; love and desire; dreams and disappointments; grace and grief; kindness and pain; fear and failure sadness and successes or whatever may tug hardest at my heart to get my attention. Oftentimes, when I sit down to write, I’m not sure what imprint the thoughts in my mind will leave on the paper. Still, I write.

    I call these thoughts, stories and reflections…a peace of mind.

    I am told it can be a long-winding-road reading my essays, which take detours, go off the beaten path and don’t always lead to where you think you’re going.

    Sometimes it’s just a mystery!

    Isn't it mysterious to begin a new journal like this? I can run my fingers through the fresh clean pages, but I cannot guess what the writing on them will be. Maud Hart Lovelace


    Mindfulness means paying attention to the world in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally." has everything to do with waking up and living in harmony with oneself and with the world. It has to do with examining who we are, with questioning our view of the world and our place in it, and with cultivating some appreciation for the fullness of each moment we are alive. Most of all, it has to do with being in touch.

    Jon Kabbat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life

    Why Mindfulness?

    I first read about mindfulness years ago in a book titled Wherever You Go, There You Are written by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This book on mindfulness would change my life; or should I say it changed my mind about how I think, live and experience life.

    When I am feeling anxious, I focus on what’s wrong, what’s not working and what feels bad. This creates anxiety, tension and stress. During these times I can become so out of sync, I lose balance.

    Mindfulness is a simple

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