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Death by Cupcake: Lost Secret Series, #2
Death by Cupcake: Lost Secret Series, #2
Death by Cupcake: Lost Secret Series, #2
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Death by Cupcake: Lost Secret Series, #2

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Meddling boyfriend, being a sidekick on the weekdays, forced into marrying one of three guys, and sweets are her biggest enemy. Yep, just another day in Lost Secret.
The rose-colored sweet life of Lost Secret is in danger, when Shari's hit grows more important. Is there something else to this bet more than even she knows? When the whole truth is exposed to Zeke, he begrudgingly has to agree with Timothy, and turns against everything he did for Shari, making her reconsider her choices. In order to save her, Zeke will have no choice but to face the one thing he never wanted to do: Find out about the parents of Lost Secret.


Book 2 of Lost Secret Series


PublisherSerena Walken
Release dateAug 1, 2022
Death by Cupcake: Lost Secret Series, #2

Serena Walken

Serena Walken likes to write fantasy, sometimes whimsical or sometimes dark. She lives in Kansas with her wonderful daughter. She enjoys writing stories for a more broad-based audience and it's usually romantic but not always. is where you can find more exclusive books and writing of hers. You can also find her on several other sites like Tumblr, Wattpad, Webnovel, and more writing for free and for paid.

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    Death by Cupcake - Serena Walken

    Death by Cupcake

    Copyright 2022 Serena Walken

    All rights reserved.

    These books are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    No part of these books may be stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without express written permission of the author.

    This book was first written in 2009, but this series has been changed to be more engaging to a general audience. While this second book has little mention of it, there is something contagious in the air. It’s more prevalent and plot intensive by book 3. This part hasn’t been changed and does not have anything to do with the 2021 pandemic. It’s just integral to the whole series and cannot be changed.

    This series contains some tongue in cheek type humor but it also features people dying and being murdered of all ages, including children. The scenes are not heavily dripping in description. Its biggest changes were language and sexual inferences. It also contains a lot of name-calling from heroes to villains.

    Also note, that while book 1 and book 2 seem to dissuade from unhealthy food? It wasn’t written by a vegan/vegetarian and is not here to change your own mind. I actually eat meat/junk food/dessert all the time, and book 3 will throw a twist into this way of the audiences thinking anyway.

    Chapter One: The Deal

    S o, do we have a deal ? Elon Delorean said as he finished explaining his deal to Reynold Wabashaw.

    Mr. Wabashaw straightened his tie. Yeah, I can do it.

    This is important.

    I always get my client what they want.

    I want her dead.

    I don't do that, Mr. Wabashaw corrected him. I bring what my clients want to them, the results afterward I have no part of.

    Aren't you a little boy scout. Elon took his lighter and watched the flame light his cigarette. He took a drag, blew it out slowly into Mr. Wabashaw's face and put it out on his desk. That witch has escaped me for over a year. You know my nickname now?

    I've heard rumors.

    Delostean. Delostean! He shouted as he banged his fist on the desk. She made me look like a fool and shamed my family name. No one shames my family name, fiancée or not.

    I thought, sir, they didn't care as much, Mr. Wabashaw sniffed. "In fact, I thought there was a higher price for her being brought to them. A much higher price."

    Should've known you would know. Delorean reached in his suit and pulled out a checkbook. Ten thousand now, to start. If I find out you double crossed me for their deal, I will hang you from the flag pole outside your window. Personally.

    Mr. Wabashaw coughed. No sir, I work for my client. Your family's other reward will not be on my radar. He quickly grabbed the check and stuffed it in his pocket.

    Good. You have a reputation of staying honest to your clients. Elon sniffed as he brought out another cigarette and stood up. A million dollars can be tempting.

    Living is more tempting.

    Elon laughed, That's funny, but true. He got up and turned, leaving the room with no other words. Wabashaw had better listen, he wasn't joking. There was no way his family was going to get to her first. She eluded him for over a year, there was no way she was getting that deal with his family.

    She wasn't becoming his sister. Even if he had to raise his award to 100,000 dollars, Shari Kari was screwed. As soon as he found her . . .

    Chapter Two: Dealing with Tempies

    Violet used to wonder exactly how it was Zeke kept the tempies from disrupting Lost Secret. Now that she knew, it was her duty to warn those on the verge. However, they never listened.  I am telling you now, kid. You need to stop; you have no idea what Ezekiel will do to you.

    Oh whatever, the kid wrinkled his nose and flipped her off. What do I care about what one grownup thinks? My mom and dad could buy this town if they wanted, so kiss off.

    Look you sassy . . . Violet caught herself in time. You don't know what you're getting into.

    Doesn't he?

    Violet looked back and saw Zeke, smiling, unaware of his duty ahead. I was talking to the kid, Z. He's a little rough on the edges.

    How so? Zeke's carefree smile metamorphed fast into one of a serious adult. This was the part she hated; it was overkill. Unnecessary. She told him many times, but he always spouted policy. His relaxed movement became rigid as he approached the young boy, no more than nine years old. Are you doing something against the rules of Lost Secret?

    Violet covered her eyes, disappointed she couldn't make the point clear as the boy chuckled and flipped Zeke off.

    I'm not afraid of you, the boy said as he kicked Zeke in the leg. My parents could fire you if I asked them to. I'm the king here.

    King? Haven't heard that one. Zeke's voice was monotone as he said, Your majesty, follow me. I will lead you to your new throne. He bent down and grabbed his ear. Violet tried to pretend she didn't hear the small pleas of 'let go'. The kid was about to get his whole attitude adjusted. Every resident in the nearby vicinity stopped playing and watched as the boy was dragged down the road.

    You better let go of me! When my parents are through with you, you'll never be able to work anywhere but a convenience store! the boy continued to scream. You'll pay for this. You have no right!

    Zeke didn't say a word as he threw the boy into the town's cage. About the same size as an average jail cell for adults, it was made of soundproof glass. The cage remained in the middle of town, only appearing from the ground by Zeke's remote control.

    He couldn't be any older than nine, maybe eight. Violet spoke up as she watched the disgruntled boy holler. I would think eight.

    The boy shouted as he hit the sides of the cage, screaming but no one could hear.

    Zeke pressed a button outside that allowed his voice through. I will continue when you are quiet, The boy continued to rant for another five minutes before realizing he could never be heard or taken seriously. Done? Good. You will spend one hour per your age year in this cage. Since it is closer to nighttime, you will be given a warm blanket and a pillow. Did you eat supper?

    You can't keep me in a cage like a fu-! The boy yelled.               

    Zeke pressed the button again, silencing the boy. He waited a few minutes before the ranting stopped before repressing it to talk. You will stay in here nine hours and will be given some basic water and a little bread with an apple. This is your warning.

    Warning, the boy yelled, this is not a warning, this is prison!

    Get all your jollies and habits of cursing out in this cage, Zeke warned him. When you are free again, your warning is over. If you disrespect Lost Secret again, you will be kept in this cage for the remainder of days until your parents come. If they do not return for you in two months’ time, I will not be considered your guardian and you will be sent to the nearest orphanage until your parents win back their rights to you.

    The boy did not know what to say. My parents are gone for four months.

    I suggest that you shouldn't act up then, Zeke said. We don't give any more than two months.

    You don't have any right to do that! the boy hit the sides of the plastic cage.

    Actually, I do. Zeke leaned against the cage. You see, when parents drop off their children, they always sign a waiver of rights. Lost Secret has the right to do anything it wants with you. We even have this constituent about handing you to an orphanage in two months if you are not the right material.

    My parents wouldn't sign something . . . the boy grew quiet again.

    Every parent does, Zeke stopped leaning against the cage and smiled at Violet, like absolutely nothing was wrong. Want to play some basketball?

    Violet shook her head. The rules of Lost Secret would never sit with her the same way. She watched as Zeke ran off to play with the other kids but glanced back to the boy. Hopefully he took the threat seriously. Because in reality, it wasn't a threat. It was Lost Secret's code. It was how they kept out the 'riff raff', the crime, and the foul language out. That is how they had such a paradise for kids to grow up in. They didn't tolerate anything less.

    DANGIT Z, I HATE WHEN you do that, Violet grumped as she went into the rewot. Can't you even warn the kids, 'hey screw up and your toast'?

    A warning of nine hours in a cage is fine, Zeke disagreed. It has been that way for thirty years. Do you think saying 'I will lock you in a cage?' would actually work as a warning? It's not strong enough. Tempies would rule Lost Secret if such a thing were allowed. So many more wouldn't take it seriously either. They need to earn respect, right away.

    I hate it, Violet gritted her teeth. Treating children and adults equally isn't always right. He was nine years old.

    With one wicked tongue, Zeke reminded her. I cannot coddle a child with that kind of tongue in this town. You know that V.

    Cursing is a habit, Z. Shari folded her arms, Damn it, you're setting him up for failure.

    No, Zeke's mouth turned upward, it's not. Most children after one warning break that habit fine. They are young enough to turn away from that filth. It is actually harder on grownups. He tilted his head toward her. Much harder. Considering you just broke a rule yourself.

    Oh, shoot. Violet hmphed as she stomped her foot. Darn it.

    See? Much easier for children, Zeke sat down in a nearby chair. Relax, he'll be better for it.

    Realizing that his parents practically made you the sayer of whether he lives or dies? Do you realize that, according to those waivers and contracts parents sign, these kids could be sold into slavery?

    That's why we run it, Zeke asked. Are you going to sell them into slavery? I'm not going to sell them into slavery.

    That's not the point-

    That is the point, Zeke interrupted. "All these so-called parents know full well what they risk when they sign them over. Do you think I trick these people? He rolled his eyes, I warned his parents, especially since they were leaving for four months what I would have to do. They just smiled. He looked away. We don't cast judgment, Violet, we only take care of the residents."

    Shari sighed, it sounded more like Zeke was reminding himself of his own rule. She changed the subject. Well, I guess I'll leave it to you, it's about three hours before the weekend.

    Yes. Zeke's voice spoke slow. He always acted like that every time the weekend rolled around. When Violet gave up her weekday work and home as his sidekick and went off to live with their biggest problem in Lost Secret. Timothy Varmen. Leave your uniform.

    As always.

    You could wear something more than a skimpy dress to Varmint's house, Zeke said. The boys around here will have a harder time with you around dressed like that.

    Actually, I always think of it as a way to expose them to the real world. Violet's job may have been to help the residents, but her true goal would always be different. To help them see the other option: Of not growing up forever in Lost Secret. She kicked up her foot as she grabbed her red lingerie out of a drawer. Too sexy for the road?

    Zeke stood up. Shari Kari, I will take that boy out of the cage, and I will-

    -just kidding, Violet assured him quickly. If he was calling her by her real name, she definitely hit a button. Purple, slit up the side, perfect. She headed to her separate room and came out in a dazzling purple sequin dress with a v-cut top and a slit on the side. If I had a matching purse, I'd look really good. Violet used to have a little more flab than she liked. Ever since she became a guardian of Lost Secret though, her extra pounds had disappeared, and she even gained some muscle that took out the flabby arms and thighs she used to have. Much to Zeke's displeasure, she had grown a habit of showing off her new form on the weekends, and why not? Damn it, she looked good, and one day she might not fit into that number again. The future could never be predicted.

    Not liking where her train of thought had gone, she headed to the hole in the rewot. See ya on Monday, Zeke.

    After arriving on the surface, she glanced at the boy in the cage as she passed. Quiet and reserved, legs pressed together with a distinct glare to anything moving near him. Currently her. She avoided his gaze and proceeded to Timothy Varmen's home.

    Chapter Three: Lost Secret's Newest Resident

    S o where is she, Tracy ? Wabashaw asked as he cracked his knuckles This can be easy, or this can be hard.

    I don't know, Tracy said as she spat at her captor's feet. Wherever she is, you won't get your grubby hands on her.

    Mm. And where is that little girl of yours? Samantha, right? Last time I heard from you I thought you were playing mommy well. He laughed. I doubt you ditched your daughter, and I doubt you ditched your sister. You have a rep; I know it well. Let's just say I can make everything go away for you if you give me Shari Johnson's location. Your daughter will be absolutely fine too.

    I know she'll be fine, Tracy hmphed. I'm not stupid Wabashaw, I knew you'd go after my daughter to get to me. I'm not exactly new to the game. I also know you never kill, and torture is below you, so you're not getting a word. You're stuck Wabashaw because you ain't gettin' nothing from me.

    Tough talk, Wabashaw said as he looked at his watch. We'll see what a couple of days does for you. I'll deal with you later; I've got business to attend to. He walked out the door and locked it, pocketing the key.


    Mr. Wabashaw got out of his car and looked around the place. Never changed, and hopefully he didn't have to stay long. Stanley.

    Pat smiled at his father as he adjusted his tie. You did come home. Did I dress right for the occasion, father?

    Yeah, sure Stanley, inside, I've got business to discuss with you. Mr. Wabashaw patted his son lightly on the back. It's time you start becoming involved in the family business. He looked around the neighborhood. If he didn't get the kid out soon, he'd end up like the other idiots in Lost Secret. Inside Pat, I don't want to be here longer than I have to be. This town gives me the creeps.

    He stepped inside with the kid and slung his jacket on the couch. He picked up the newspaper. Never anything big in the town, just the same old Paladin with the same old- Hang on. Who's this?

    Are you referring to the Adventurer Sidekick, father?

    Adventurer? Mr. Wabashaw threw the newspaper back down. The rainbow man is an Adventurer now and has a sidekick? Ugh. He looked back over at the paper. The woman beside him looked familiar. How though didn't quite register as he threw the paper back down. Mm. He looked back as he heard the doorbell. He went over and opened it, revealing a girl in cute overalls. Oh, another kid. What.

    Hi, sir, hello, is Pat here? she asked. I'm Rebecca, I'm a friend of his.

    Mr. Wabashaw looked at her for several seconds. This was what his legacy was playing with? A girl? He adjusted his tie and sniffed. He's busy. Run along, Kid.

    Oh, okay then, well when he's-

    Mr. Wabashaw closed the door, not bothering to let the twerp answer. It was time to consider moving Stanley out of this den. He would have to contact his associate Nina in order to talk about that decision. For now, it was time to see how far Stanley had come along. Stanley. Come over here, please. How old are you getting there, Stanley Wabashaw?

    How old am I? Stanley asked. Are you asking for a reason? Mother said last time that, that you might be here for my birthday. If I asked nicely.

    Birthday? Mr. Wabashaw wasn't pleased. I haven't received a memo yet. He looked at the boy carefully. You're not even ten, are you?

    Stanley looked offended for a moment, then quickly looked at the ground. I will be twelve this year, father.

    Oh. Twelve. Mr. Wabashaw looked at his fingers. Yes, he was getting old enough to begin his training. "I

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