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Don't Come In and Other Stories
Don't Come In and Other Stories
Don't Come In and Other Stories
Ebook38 pages27 minutes

Don't Come In and Other Stories

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The journey begins with "Don't Come In", the story of Tina, who is told by her husband, Tyler, who is also her boss, not to come to work. After there is an explosion in the building where she and Tyler work, she is accosted by the police and interrogated by a Detective named Walter Upton. Did her husband know that something bad was about to happen? Was this a targeted attack? Is Tina now a target herself?

Next, we have "Busted", which follows thieves Gerry and Shane as they try to elude the police following the heist of a one-of-a-kind Rembrandt. Will they get away or will the police win?

After that, we have "Hideout", the story of Chris and Callie, a father and daughter duo on the run from Callie's mother and her abusive new husband. They decide to hide out in a rustic motel room in the middle of nowhere until they can get out of town. Is this tiny motel enough to hide them, or will they be found out?

Next is "Mistaken", which follows the emotional journey of Jenna, a spoiled teen with rich parents and a bad attitude. While Jenna's boyfriend, Pete is driving his new car on the night of his eighteenth birthday, he accidentally hits a cat belonging to an old woman that lives in the woods. As Pete offers the woman money to make it better, the old woman curses Jenna. Will Jenna make it through the next night alive?

And finally, we have Deception, where Detective Kayla Bennett is trying to solve a case that hits very close to home.

PublisherKatana Fox
Release dateJul 23, 2022
Don't Come In and Other Stories

Katana Fox

Katana Fox is a novelist and new screenwriter who primarily writes in the suspense, thriller, mystery, drama, supernatural, and fantasy genres. She recently graduated with an Associate of Science Degree in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. She lives in New York with her overly energetic ragdoll cat.​​

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    Don't Come In and Other Stories - Katana Fox

    Don't Come In and Other Stories

    By Katana M. Fox

    Copyright 2022

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

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    Don't Come In





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    Don't Come In

    I am just getting out of the shower when I get the call. It’s my husband, Tyler, who also happens to be my boss. I smile when I see his face come up on my phone screen.

    Hey, Babe. I’ll be there in about thirty minutes.

    There is a quick pause on the line before Tyler’s voice comes on. Don’t come in to work today.

    Immediately, I notice something’s off. There’s a strange inflection in his voice. Why not?

    Just…don’t come in. I don’t need you here today. I’ll see you later tonight.

    Everything okay, Ty?

    Everything is fine, Tina, I promise. Don’t worry. I love you.

    I love- Before I can even get the words out, he’s already hung up the phone.

    There’s a knot in the pit of my stomach, but I try to ignore it. I let out a deep sigh, as I reach for the dress I’d laid out for work and put it back in the closet, instead opting for a tank top and leggings.

    Throughout the day, I keep myself busy running errands, going to the gym, and having lunch with my mother, who I don’t see very often. By the time I get home, it’s just after two p.m. I’ve all but forgotten that uneasy feeling that had gripped me this morning. I plop down on the couch and turn on the television.

    I flip through a few channels, before a news report suddenly captures my attention.

    "Search and rescue are still digging through the

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