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A Kit Colbana World Short Story

This is a short story. It is only a short story.

Doyle. Human. Tiger. Aneiri. Alone.

Always on the outside, even in a clan. Now, as his dominance grows and threatens to spill out in a wave of violence, he might have to choose between staying with the only family he's ever known, striking out to lead a solitary life or spill blood of those loyal to the clan...and the few he calls family.

follows the events of Haunted Blade and Haunted Magic

PublisherShiloh Walker
Release dateAug 22, 2022

J.C. Daniels

J.C. Daniels exploded in being in May of 2012. She’s the pen name of author Shiloh Walker and was created basically because Shiloh writes like a hyperactive bunny and an intervention was necessary. J.C. is the intervention. The name... J.C. Daniels is a play off of the three people who pretty much run Shiloh’s life.About us both...Shiloh Walker/J.C. Daniels...Shiloh has been writing since she was a kid. She fell in love with vampires with the book Bunnicula and has worked her way up to the more...ah...serious works of fiction. She loves reading and writing just about every kind of romance. Once upon a time she worked as a nurse, but now she writes full time and lives with her family in the Midwest. She writes romantic suspense and paranormal romance, among other things.

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    Book preview

    Doyle - J.C. Daniels


    A Kit Colbana World Short Story

    By J.C. Daniels

    It’s only been a couple of years since Kit Colbana helped haul him out of a pit in the Everglades, but sometimes, to Doyle Channing, it feels like a lifetime. Already the best tracker in the Clan and growing more powerful by the day, he’s dealing with challenges from bigger, older Clan mates, not to mention getting the same from other shifters outside the Cat Clan who don’t like feeling outmatched by a guy barely out of his teens.

    But the worst of it comes from his own Alpha’s right hand man, somebody who should have been an ally. He can always suck it up until he’s ready to either separate from the Clan, and the man who has been the only family he’s ever known. Or he can wait until he’s strong enough to take down every challenger who comes at him so he can take his place, serving at his Alpha’s side.

    Waiting is definitely the smart path, because while he’s strong, he’s not quite ready to shoulder the position of second yet.

    Patience has never been his strong suit, though, and much like the woman who has spent the past few years helping to train him, Doyle excels at biting off more than he can chew.


    Doyle © 2022 Shiloh Walker

    Cover Design © Shiloh Walker

    Image from Promoteus via

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Several characters funded via Patreon include tuckerizations. Reference. The personas, representations, etc of these characters are entirely fictitious and should not be construed as real.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people.

    Please note that if you purchased this from an auction site or blog, it’s stolen property. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Your support is what makes it possible for authors to continue to provide the stories you enjoy.


    I’d like to offer a special thank you to my Patreon Supporters.

    Without your help, this novella wouldn’t be possible.

    Samantha Anne Karp Hauser


    Natalie H. ∙ Dawn

    Carla H. ∙ Debbie L. ∙ Clare H. ∙ Suzanne C.

    Nicole Amentas ∙ A.J. Morrison ∙ Larry Omans

    Candice ∙ Kathy Donald ∙ Diana S.

    Martin Nicolay ∙ Julia F ∙ Kerry Ebanks

    Elaine Young ∙ Anna Mae Naef

    Tracy Fernandes ∙ Kate Friday ∙ Kelly Y. ∙ Anne Marie Miller

    Kayla Miller ∙ Kim Morrison ∙ Lalgil ∙ Noelle A.

    Maggie W.


    Samantha Anne



    Her husky moan had interest stirring in me all over again.

    After the past two hours, I wouldn’t have thought it possible to want her again already. Except, well, I was twenty-one years old and a male feline shapeshifter—with a little human DNA thrown in there. From everything society and science says, guys like me—on both sides of the species divide, were perpetually ready to fuck.

    Some shapeshifters are even more sexually aggressive than others. Tigers aren’t number one in that arena. Wolves can be pretty high on the list—one of the reasons they’re so damn anal about control.

    Hyenas and lions were at the top, though. There’s one lion shifter in Damon’s clan and if he’s not sleeping, fighting or eating, he’s in bed with one or more lovers.

    I’m nowhere near that sex-crazed. But since I’m trying to control certain other…aggressive tendencies, that energy has to come out somehow.

    And Char’s my weakness.

    Yeah, lately, the tiger’s aggressive, dominant nature was riding me hard, but even if that wasn’t the case, I’d want her. I’d want her no matter what.

    Not that I give in too often. I couldn’t afford to let anybody know I had weaknesses.

    If she’d been on duty when I’d broken my arm in a fight earlier, I wouldn’t have gone to see her. Most of the time, I went to a Healer not affiliated with the Clan.

    It wasn’t a violation of Clan rules, but it wasn’t really considered acceptable, either.

    Shapeshifters much preferred everybody keep their problems to inside the clan, or pack, or herd, or what the fuck ever. But I wasn’t 100% shapeshifter, so they could shove their rules sideways. None of them had stood up for me when I needed them except for Damon and Chang. They were the only ones who had the right and authority to order me not to seek healing outside the clan, and they’d never do it.

    The woman who usually took care of my injuries was trusted by the Alpha, so even though it pissed my direct superior off, it wasn’t much of an issue.

    Char had been off duty and the compound fracture of my forearm was fucking painful. I didn’t want to drive to Colleen’s place outside of East O just to have her heal me up when Char could do it, too.

    Plus, Char liked to kiss everything and make it all better. And damn, had she ever.

    Now, lying on my side, stroking my hand up the soft skin of her back, down to the plump curve of her ass,

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