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Fights of the African Americans
Fights of the African Americans
Fights of the African Americans
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Fights of the African Americans

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It is my hope that the readers of this book will come to realization that although people are of different colors and creed, we are all God's children. Everyone have the same body parts inside of them and no race is better than another. There are many opportunities in the world and each of us should not be discouraged or hindered from taking advantage of the opportunities. I hope that people, especially people of color will dream big and follow through on their dreams.
Release dateJul 26, 2022
Fights of the African Americans

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    Fights of the African Americans - Zettie Williams


    Growing up in the Deep South (Mobile, Al) as a black female I would reflect on the many things that the black race had to endure, which definitely caused me to be frustrated. I would always ask the question of why do the white race think they are superior over other races of people? Hoping and praying that one day they would realize that we are all created equal and no man is better than the other. It is well known that blacks used to be slaves to whites in earlier years, just as it is also known that blacks were forced to be slaves by them. One would think that whites ought to feel some type of guilt or shame for forcing people to do their work for free and more.

    While sitting at home in Desoto, Tx. watching the evening news, I was finally fed-up after seeing a live video on the news of another young black man being murdered.

    Almost every day there is some type of deadly killings or shootings of an African American being reported. The majority of these killings were committed by racist cops. This is nothing new because it has been happening for centuries and it is time for it to cease! So many different feelings came across my mind; I felt that it was now time for me to say something! I did not give any thoughts of whether anyone wanted to hear what I had to say or not, but I felt that it was time for me to speak up. Writing this book is my way of expressing my thoughts about the numerous and needless killings to whomever is willing to listen. My hope is that what I say will help the black race, racist cops and others be more conscience of people and to love their fellow man regardless of their race or creed.

    From the beginning of my life until now, I have perceived how the African Americans are mistreated and it has disturbed me tremendously. It is hardening to witness various harsh and unfair treatments from the racist white man towards blacks. All of my childhood days and now as an adult, blacks have been underestimated. A great number of whites have the impression that blacks are lazy and dumb. Some whites even feel that most blacks are thugs and criminals.

    It is my hope that the readers of this book will come to realization that although people are of different colors and creed, we are all God's children. Everyone has the same body parts inside of them and no race is better than another. There are many opportunities in the world and no one should be discouraged or hindered from taking advantage of these opportunities. I hope that people, especially people of color, will dream big and follow through on their dreams.

    With all of the things that have taken place throughout the years, I have to hope for exceptional days for the black race. I must admit that things are not as bad as they used to be, but they are not as good as they should/could and going to be. Some of the thoughts that run through my mind are (1) the earlier fights of the African Americans, (2) blacks allow the past to predict their future, (3) white Christians and racism and (4) African Americans uniting together. Although there are still some racist whites who do not want to let go of their antiquated racist mentality; yet, I would hope there are even more who have chosen to let the past be the past.



    Our African American forefathers were treated inhumane, even after fighting many wars. They built America, including the White House; yet, racist whites felt that they were not good enough to be treated equally. They were not allowed to sit in the front seats of buses; sit in restaurants to eat, drink out of the same water faucets or use the same rest-rooms as whites. Black schools were taught from older used books for their classrooms and the list can go on. Many times I would ask myself; what were the factors that prevented the racist white man from treating African Americans equal to them?

    The black slaves did not ask to come to America; they were captured like animals and brought here against their will. I am sure that if they were given a choice, their decision would not have been to come to another country, be belittled and live as slaves. Without a doubt, these black slaves wanted to live as free men in their own continent/country where they were loved and treated humane. No one wants to be owned by another person, nor be treated like or worse than animals.

    When I would meditate about the lives of our African Americans' forefathers prior to being slaves, I imagined them living in Africa where they had families that loved them. I am sure they had friends that they visited on a regular basis. I can envision them talking and laughing with each other while enjoying their lives. For sure, they never thought their lives as free individuals with rights to do whatever they pleased would change.

    No doubt, before slavery, life was pleasant in Africa for black families, at least for some of them. Thoughts of being captured like animals and brought to a country where they would be slaves to another race of people undoubtedly never crossed their minds. After the shock of finding out they were slaves and had no rights, they were in dismay and devastated. Now, they are in another country with a life of harsh treatment and considered to be less than a dog. With nowhere to run nor anyone to help them, they had no choice but to submit to the white man rather than get beaten or murdered.

    Yes, Black people came to America as slaves. The white man brought them to America to do the work they did not want to do. They worked the land, built America (including the plantations where they lived), planted and picked the cotton, took care of the little white children and even breastfed some of them. Not to mention that they also took care of their own families. Just about anything that needed to be done was done by the black slaves.

    We know that our black forefathers were brought to this country by racist whites so they could do free manual labor. I am inclined to believe that the white man expected the slaves to work non-stop, almost 24 hours a day. They were probably whipped when they attempted to stop for a break or rest. Black slaves did most of the work because they were diligent and a hard working race of people. I think that the white slave owners were amazed at how driven these people were.

    Yet, many slaves were called lazy and dumb because they were tired from working so hard. One would think that the white man ought to be appreciative of all the things that the African American forefathers have done for them. They did everything around the house, even dumped white families' feces. Not to mention that black women (and men) were raped and taken advantage of throughout slavery. Rapes were happening by the white women and men! Being the strong race that they were, the black man continued to persevere.

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