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The Hygiene Handbook
The Hygiene Handbook
The Hygiene Handbook
Ebook83 pages1 hour

The Hygiene Handbook

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About this ebook

Are you interested in learning Super Natural Health Strategies to maintain wellness and your own natural beauty? Look no further than The Hygiene Handbook to discover DIY methods for all your hygiene needs.

Would you like to discover natural hygiene tips so you can overcome dental challenges like cavities, rapid aging, hair loss, yeast infections and digestive issues all naturally at home? Then keep reading...

The Hygiene HandBook will give you natural strategies to achieve Natural Health and Beauty with at home methods.

In it you will discover:

Ways to combat gingivits, cavities and other dental issues naturally.

A Meditation to free yourself from mental challenges of the past and get results using one simple method.

Tips that work to quickly erase health challenges like ingrown toe nails and infections in the body.

Discover the core issue of most health problems and a simple solution to take back your health at home.

The Best Foods and Top Supplements that can help you get results and much more!

This is a simple guide so that you can follow a step by step plan and get results fast.

Complicating our issues that only cover up the root problem only makes it harder for most people to make any real progress.

This book was designed as a Natural Hygiene Road Map that will give you confidence and inner strength to take back your own health.

Enjoy these Natural Beauty Tips and see health results fast!

PublisherDodee Schmitt
Release dateJun 21, 2022
The Hygiene Handbook

Dodee Schmitt

Dodee is a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and an expert in Detox Protocols, Lifestyle Upgrades and the Raw Food Lifestyle. Currently located in Mount Shasta, California, her life’s purpose is to share the deep passion she has found through the study and practice of the Art of Living, Healing and Longevity Arts. She is a Level 2 master in Usui Reiki as well as a Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner, and is also a Raw Food Chef, certified through Planet Raw under the direction of Hollywood’s chef to the stars, Juliano Brotman. She has taught courses and workshops in living foods with renowned holistic healer Lou Corona, and was recently honored with a ‘Most Thought Provoking Blog’ award. Dodee cites her main influences as Quantum Reflex Analysis pioneers Dr. Bob Marshall and his wife Dr. Linda Forbes, healing foods expert Truth Calkins, nutritional consultant Donna Gates, spiritualist Howard Wills, yogi Gurmukh Khalsa, Naturopath Dr. Edward Group, health and longevity guru David Wolfe and best selling Author, Eckart Tolle. Always in search of new ways to help others find synchronicity of mind, body and spirit through reading, recipe creation and research, Dodee is committed to guiding and supporting your journey towards peace, prosperity, power, purity and pleasure.

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    Book preview

    The Hygiene Handbook - Dodee Schmitt


    (Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?)

    My name is Dodee and for the last 15 years I have been studying and living a Super Natural Lifestyle.

    What is a Super Natural Lifestyle?

    In Wikipedia the word Supernatural is that which exists, yet cannot be explained by laws of nature.

    Super Natural Living is a way of living in alignment with the Great Cosmos and Nature itself.  It can give us the great opportunity to evolve this lifetime and become more advanced, more loving, more compassionate beings, with the will to live as a vision of the future instead of a memory of the past. With strong, open hearts I believe we can evolve into greatness.

    When we look to harness the powers of the great cosmos and wield our innate powers; we open up to a whole new playing field.

    We can learn to harvest medicine from wild foods, care for our bodies in ways that make them grow stronger and healthier, and share within our communities’ different ways to heal through technologies that have been hidden away for decades.

    This way of living can assist us to counteract the extreme harm we have done to our bodies, the animals, the earth and waterways.

    From the vaccines stifling our immune systems, unnecessary surgeries, mercury fillings, nutrient deficient diets, plastics contaminating our world, lead paints and toys tainted with lead, ingesting polluted water and GMO’s tarnishing the food supply, heavy metals from environmental pollutants, and car exhaust fumes we have our work cut out for us. Personal hygiene is a key to reversing these challenges, and with every challenge, a solution arises.

    We are embarking on a great expedition and each of us is being called to wake up to our Greatness, which includes being the healthiest version of ourselves in body, mind, and spirit.

    We are each on our own Hero’s Journey - the great story of each of our lives that plays out in Chapters. Will we take our great challenge of this lifetime or will we play small and not heed the call of our destiny? Our lives are like movies or screenplays. The Hygiene Hand Book can be a tool to help power you up for your Hero's Journey. The Self Care and Hygiene rituals shared herein work to purify and strengthen us, leaving us solid to live out our Hero's Journey.

    With self care mastery we can live out our purpose with more clarity and strength, and ultimately a more evolved sense of self will become of us.

    Living a Super Natural Life takes great courage and connection to our own source within. It takes a loving heart, a nourished soul, and a wise being to walk as a master in these epic times we are living in.

    This book is an offering for those who have an open mind and a willingness to step into a more authentic way of living, honoring your soul mission and choosing to be apart of the solution.

    By applying these guidelines, we are assisting the collective to transform this planet and other planets for the highest good.  It starts with each one of us transforming our internal and external world. This book is a guide to  help you do just that.

    Why I Wrote the Book

    I feel everyone is worthy of the highest health practices. It is truly our birthright to have Super Natural Health so that we can evolve into the next paradigm, creating heaven on earth.  Super Natural Health can indeed go beyond physical health but it is the basics of hygiene that we will begin with in this book.

    Perhaps once that foundation is mastered, it will allow us to develop super natural skills like telekinesis, keener psychic abilities, and upgraded memory recall; or maybe we will be able to download consciousness with more ease, grace, and flow.

    Whatever Super Natural gift you feel drawn to, you can call it forth as you practice and master your physical self and the hygiene practices shared herein.

    Our goals for Super Natural Health can extend way beyond what we ever imagined possible.

    Each one of us is challenged with some aspect of ourselves that does not fit our expectations. We often feel inferior to others because of it.  Perhaps our competitive programming as well as mass marketing campaigns leads us to these feelings. Instead, I invite you to redirect your energy to become the best version of yourself and let go of the comparing of yourself to others

    This book is a way to support your best version of you.

    The world is in a state of less than optimal health and

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