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The Chronicles of X: The Complete Short Story Collection
The Chronicles of X: The Complete Short Story Collection
The Chronicles of X: The Complete Short Story Collection
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The Chronicles of X: The Complete Short Story Collection

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The Chronicles of X takes place during the time of Aeon Power, an energy source that allows travel across the entire universe. Due to this power, all is known and all things have been seen. The most powerful of this age, the Prime Humans, rule over thousands of planets and have created a time of uneasy peace. Through this period came a rise in criminals known as Galactic Runners and an increase in black market activity. Enter X, the Intergalactic Thief and his journey to become the most infamous Runner of them all.

Release dateSep 18, 2022
The Chronicles of X: The Complete Short Story Collection

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    The Chronicles of X - J. H. Lipson


    845 AP – According to the Calendar of Aeon Power

    The snow had become so thick that even he could not see through the tundra of white. The wind echoed through the open spaces of dead tree branches, sweeping some of the white crystals up from the ground, trying to dig right into his eye. The massive figure dragged his giant legs through the snow, keeping close attention to the cloak tugged around his neck and the hood that he had to keep on at all times. He believed a town could not be that much farther, by his estimation it would only be about a mile away…

    He continued to haul his body through the field of snow, trying his best not to fall on his bad knee. All he could hear was the wind blasting at him, telling him to just fall and accept his fate, a tempting offer to be sure. He looked at his bare feet as to avoid the cold wind on his face, ready to keep moving forward. With each step the wind grew in strength, and it only got colder. It all came to an abrupt stop however…

    Soon enough he was no longer looking at his feet, but a small body lying in the snow, its eyes closed shut. It was naked, and had no fur, unlike him.

    It had to be - a human, a small one at that.

    The giant stopped his onslaught and got down on his good knee to pick up the body. With his one colossal claw he scooped it up carefully and felt its warmth. He had seen something like this before… a baby? Maybe? Maybe a human’s version of a baby?

    Whatever the case, it had to be dead. The human body was weak, he thought this had to be even more so for a human baby. He noticed how bald it was, a strange creature indeed. He had seen humans before, but only ever in uniform, never naked. The only thing that was remotely normal to him about the creature was its right eye, which had an x-shaped scar over its lid, like it had seen battle itself. It made him touch his left eye socket, his missing one. The giant prepared to place the dead child down, only for it to move its arms and legs wildly once it touched the snow. Shocked, he brought it close to his chest, feeling it breathe on his fur, squirming in his arms. The giant then looked at the blizzard in front of him, still no town in sight, and continued to walk through the tundra of cold. He began to plow through the snow like one of those human machines, gaining speed even as the wind brushed upon his black snout.  

    Finally, he could see it, small lights in the distance, and the ground beneath his feet had begun to become narrower like an actual street. The heat from the streetlamps began to reach him, quickly melting the snow off his cloak. His bare feet left their print on the open road with little snow left. All the wooden establishments had their doors locked and lamps close by, keeping them safe from the storm. The cars had been chained to the ground and the lights themselves were struggling to stay in place from the powerful winds. Wherever he had ended up, whatever planet he was on, it was incredibly underdeveloped. 

    The giant looked around with his yellow eye and saw what he needed, a tavern. It had a broken sign that was close to ripping off and flying into the unknown regions of the town, yet it was the only vacant looking place. The massive man walked up to the wooden door, being careful not to step on the small staircase, as he would crush it. 

    He gave a light tug to the door, with it being locked. The giant gently knocked and asked,

    I know that these are not normal business hours, however I was hoping you could let me in? His voice deep and growly. The giant waited with no response coming his way. Please, if there is somebody in there, then I would like a drink? Once again, he was left with silence. Very well… I – I will be on my way, he said, his voice becoming dull. The giant turned, his feet causing the wood beneath him to creak at a fever pitch, which in turn made the baby cry. The sound drowned the howling winds for a moment, the beast surprised at the child’s pair of lungs.

    Are you crying? a voice asked on the other end. Finally! He had gotten some attention.

    So you can hear us? No, I have a – well, I believe it is a baby? the giant proclaimed, his anger quickly getting flushed away.

    If you’re lying buster and you don’t actually have a baby, I just want you to know I have a blaster and I know how to use it!

    I – we, do not mean you any harm.

    Fine I’ll let you in… but you’ve got to buy a drink, I’m not some charity.

    I was going to anyway! The giant nodded, hearing the sound of chains and locks hit the floor, only for the doors to open wide. It was another human, but not the kind he was used to seeing. This one had grey hair, glasses, an apron around its waist, a different looking chest and was also smaller than most humans he had seen. And of course, they held that blaster they mentioned in their right hand. A small pistol with the Grey Tech seal of approval, a GT logo engraved on its shaft. She looked at the giant, arms crossed, her eyes then moving toward the squirming child in between his furry arms. 

    Well, I’ll be… a Mutant holding a human baby? the person said with disbelief.

    I am not a liar, the Mutant nodded, standing in front of the human like a tower.

    Well what are you waiting for? Come in and make sure to lock the doors, will you? Even with those new lamps it’s still frigid out there! they ordered, walking into the tavern. He was a little surprised, to be welcomed like an actual customer. There was no way tensions would ease in a matter of days, even if the victor had been decided. The giant bent carefully, trying to fit his way through the entrance. He managed to do it, even if it hurt his knee. He then turned to the doorway, and closed it, looking at the nine different kinds of locks on the floor. Each lock had a key already placed in them.

    After some time, the giant managed to lock the door back up, not letting an inch of cold sneak its way through.

    So tell me… the human began as they slammed a mug of beer on a table nearby. The giant turned, looking around at the old western styled bar. It was completely empty, only thing filling the tavern being the human, the giant and numerous amounts of empty chairs. The human stood behind the counter, in front of what looked to be a small screen, possibly a TV by his account? The Mutant saw the human gesture to him with the drink as he stepped up to one of the chairs and decided it would be best to stand instead. The human tried to peak under his hood, but the giant had kept it on well. He wrapped his claws around the mug and downed the drink in under a second. What brings a Mutant to Earth-42? the bartender asked, taking the mug out of the giant’s paws and making another drink.

    Nothing. I didn’t even know what planet I was on… I got stranded, he replied.

    Really? What’s your name?

    Rather not say.

    Why’s that?

    Because it is not of your business. What other excuse do I need? I swear you humans are all the same.

    Fine, go ahead be rude. The name’s Elma by the way! Nice to meet you!


    And you’ve gotta tell me buster, what’s with the kid? Elma inquired, looking at the naked baby continue to squirm out of the giant’s grasp.

    I found it in the snow, left for dead I guess?

    My, my, poor thing must have a cold, let me hold it! Elma opened her arms wide, only for the giant to look at the baby, it’s blinking open every couple of seconds. He carefully placed the baby in Elma’s arms as they quickly began to rock the baby. The human then raised the baby above their head and smiled. Ha-ha what a cute baby boy.

    It’s a boy? the giant asked.

    Of course it’s a boy. I know you people aren’t taught on how humans are but geez.

    That’s just because a Mutant could be just about anything, the giant said with a rasp.

    What’s with his eye? Did you hurt him!

    What no? I found him like that, the giant nodded, gulping his drink down with no issue.

    So, what are you going to do with him? Elma asked.

    No idea. You want it?

    What no! Just because I think it’s cute doesn’t mean I want the damn thing! Elma proclaimed, giving the squirming baby back to the giant. The Mutant was holding the child in his one giant paw. By the way, just what kind of Mutant are you? Mixed with what?

    I’m a tiger humanoid, and that’s the most you have to know about me, the giant replied angrily. 

    Well now I’m even more intrigued. Come on lift that hood bucko.


    Then you can get the hell out of my tavern. I swear I won’t make fun of ya, I just want to see who I’ve been talking to? What kind of Mutant would save a human baby?

    Well… the giant lifted the hood revealing his face. Sharp teeth like a carnivore, strong orange and black fur, a snout and one yellow eye. Yet all Elma was looking at was the large hole on his left optic socket, like he had it ripped out by force.

    That face does tell a story, wow, wanna tell me?

    Definitely not! You could kick me out if you prefer?

    Fine, fine, I won’t pry anymore… Elma nodded and then took out a sheet of paper. By the way, thanks for buying two mugs of our most expensive beer! they proclaimed.

    What? Damn human, fine, how much? the giant asked.

    5 Prime Dollars, each!

    How much is that in Mutant currency?

    You only have Mutant currency?

    I don’t exactly hold human money on me.

    Well you’ll have to soon. The giant stayed quiet, reaching into his cloak’s pocket, and slapping a ball of crumpled up green paper on the table. 

    This is all I have on me right now.

    Oh geez, ever hear of paying by card?

    We don’t use card.

    Fine… I’ll take it, this will be such a bitch to exchange for though.

    Should have known what you were going to get by letting a Mutant in just a few days after the Last Battle.

    Didn’t really know you were a Mutant when I opened that door, pal, Elma replied, taking the ball of paper and putting it under the table. Elma looked at the baby in the giant’s arms and saw it close its eyes, falling asleep in his paw so easily. Say, it’s almost midnight, want to watch the ball go down at the capital?

    You mean the Prime Human capital? the giant asked.

    Yeah, it’s the new year soon to be 845 AP on the calendar!

    I see… a new year for everyone…

    Yes sir! A year of peace is ahead for all of us! Elma snapped her fingers and the screen behind them lit up with a view of an energy ball strapped to a poll, slowly falling. On the bottom was the main story for Grey Tech News, New Year, the Best Year for the Prime Humans is yet Ahead!

    As long as your president doesn’t want another colony, right? the giant asked looking at Elma intensely. The human gently nodded and turned her head to the TV.

    Sorry pal, but I’m not into politics that much, they replied, the giant looking at the baby in his massive paw and how sound asleep it was, wondering how this thing will grow up in a universe with a defined winner.

    Yeah… me too… the giant lied as he watched the ball drop and the year had become 845 AP, the year of the human to be sure. He sighed and looked at the table, empty.

    Well, let’s switch the channel, shall we? Elma proclaimed. Channel 42! And with that the screen quickly changed into another news outlet. This one is our news channel! It might not be much, and it might not get to go to the capital for new years, but they actually have relevant stuff for us at least! Elma crossed her arms, the giant lifting his face again to look at the screen. Two humans, a hairy one and a small one sat in their chairs, behind a desk, talking directly to a camera.

    Well today folks we got some exciting stuff to talk about! the hairy one proclaimed, sorting out papers on his desk.

    Indeed! The Prime Human’s president recently declared that Earths, 45, 44, 43 and us, yes that’s right, 42, will be getting the next sweeping overhaul! The other human declared.

    Better defenses, law enforcement, and businesses straight from the capital will also set up shop right here!

    Yes Frank, it is an exciting time!

    Honestly, I cannot wait to try one of the capital’s sublime Honey Hot Dogs, now with spices straight from Earth-23!

    I hear they’re great, maybe a little hard on the colon though?

    Ha-ha, yes! The giant began to tune out their idiocy and instead turn his attention back to the strange baby in his paw. It had to have a name of some kind, left to die in the snow… so like humans to leave their own kin behind. 

    So, you have no idea how he got that strange scar? Elma asked, looking at the baby as well.

    No clue, probably whoever owned the thing beforehand.

    Do you have a plan for the child?

    Knock door to door, maybe some human would want another human?

    No, no. No one here has enough money or patience to raise a kid. You go around the whole planet twice and you won’t find anyone. Best thing to do is take him somewhere else, like the Prime Human capital.

    Not an option.

    Why not?

    Breaking news, reporting breaking news! The screen blared, getting both the giant and Elma’s attention. This is – this is straight from the capital itself, the hairy human started babbling. A – a dangerous Mutant has apparently entered our atmosphere! A – a general from the Mutant faction! Its ship was found not minutes before the new year! We just received info that the capital will be sending soldiers to capture this individual, but it will take them a whole day to get here as there are no ships available at the moment! Please remain calm and stay indoors! Whatever you do, do not answer the door!

    Yes – yes Frank! His name is Vladimir, thought to have died at the Battle for the Heart of the Universe, Ea! He may be armed and is most certainly dangerous! Here is the capital’s bounty image! the tiny human proclaimed when suddenly the giant’s face popped up on screen with the number of 50,000 Prime Dollars for his capture, Dead or Alive, it made him crack a small smile. In the image he looked a lot tougher just a few days ago, not to mention he had two eyes. The giant then looked to Elma, expecting her blaster in his face, only to see her have both arms crossed. Rather than a blaster the human let out a sigh and turned off the TV with a snap of her fingers.

    So, General Vladimir? she asked. The giant shrugged, in a strange sense of confusion.

    Not scared of me? Most humans shrivel in their boots once they’ve figured out who I am?

    Why would I be scared, the war’s over, and you’re a paying customer. The Mutant faction is fractured, along with the three others. The Prime Humans won, that’s that, and besides, like I said, I’m not a political person. I prefer to judge for myself.

    Ha, that makes you better than most! Even among Mutants.

    Although I think I get it now, why you don’t want to take the kid with you? Or go to a better planet.

    Well… I crash-landed here too, so even if I did want to do it, I don’t have a ship to take with me. And if this kid gets caught with me then he’ll be killed. They might think it’s a sleeper agent or something crazy.

    Yeah, yeah, but seriously, in your situation I’m surprised you saved the thing, many would have just let it be in your situation. Being a Mutant and saving a human is one thing but being an ex-Mutant soldier and helping it out, that’s another.

    Let me get this straight human! the giant shouted, Elma not budging an inch, not showing an inkling of fear. I am not an ‘ex-soldier!’ I am and will forever be a warrior! I will follow that path till it leads me to my grave! The war might be over for someone like you but to me it won’t be over until we are victorious! Elma rubbed her eyes tiredly in response, even as the giant’s sharp teeth stood in front of her face.

    You seemed pretty docile till now, even defeated? What’s with the sudden change?

    I just can’t stand it when you humans pretend that there still aren’t soldiers like me! Willing to lay down our lives just to mess up your plans! I will never stop fighting!

    You know there is no way that is happening!

    I might have seemed defeated for a moment but –

    How long have you’ve been on this planet?

    What does that matter?

    Answer the question!

    Three days!

    And, what source of news have you’ve had for those three days?

    Not – nothing! Why? I know the war is over, but what does that have to do with anything?

    So you didn’t hear? 

    Hear what?

    After your leader and the Titan leader admitted defeat, they were executed two days later!


    The leader of the Muges and Clockworks also admitted defeat, but unlike the Titans and Mutants they really did back off! Mutants and Titans, two different factions teamed up to attack the human capital after the admittance of defeat, so the capital hit back, hard. Your leader and the Titan’s leader led the attack on the human capital, and the armies were slaughtered, all except for the leaders specifically. They were used as an example. The Prime Human president aired their execution live and with that, any hope of revenge by any other faction were cut short, understand? If you so much as try to say the war is still going, even though you know it’s over then they will just use you as an example, just like they did your leader! The assault of words cut deep into the giant’s heart. He placed the baby gently on the table and backed away, turning his back on Elma.

    That’s – that’s impossible. Rakshasa – she would never…

    That’s the name of your queen, right? I’m sorry for your loss, but yes, she’s dead, the bartender explained in a cold demeanour. The giant placed his claw on his chest, grasping his fur like it was an enemy’s head.

    NO! NO! SHE COULD NEVER LOSE! the giant yelled, tears rolling down his snout.

    It’s true. You knew this was the case too. Come on, Vladimir… everyone has to accept it, the Prime Human faction is the victor, they hold the most powerful weapon in the universe, and nothing is taking it away from them.

    You say that like you’re not one of them! A damn human! 

    I am, but the reason I don’t give two shits about what they say, or any other faction says is because no one has ever helped this planet. Our land that was stripped of its resources and left in the dust, nothing more. Now that the war is over, they noticed more resources they can strip from us. 

    And that doesn’t make you angry.

    Not as long as we get paid what we’re owed, no. And we will, then we’ll be forgotten about again. The cycle repeats, time and time again, my place in it is watching sad saps like you crawl in here, serve the free people is what I say.

    What does that even mean?

    You aren’t chained to this planet, but I am. Now with the war gone you can actually make some free choices.

    My choices aren’t changing!

    Really? Because you saved a human baby! Elma proclaimed, as she picked up the sleeping child. I can tell a human from a Muge or a Clockwork, it’s in the eyes… and this boy is human! So why save him when you hate humanity so much?

    I don’t know, I just did! It was there and I picked it up! I thought the damn thing was dead! It doesn’t matter though; you can have it! I’m out of here! The Mutant moved toward the door, much to his own disappointment.

    And what if I told you, you could give him a place that is actually safe on this planet?

    Why would that matter, you can bring it there?

    No, I can’t! Elma proclaimed. Ha… the human walked from the bar table to the middle of the tavern and gestured her head toward her tiny legs. These legs are fake, you see?


    Yeah, lost them both to frostbite. Half of me is Grey Tech certified, ha! I was trapped in a storm one day, just like this. No one would let me in. The following day the townsfolk found me, and I had to find a way to pay for new ones. That was a bitch, believe me. However, they are made out of normal metal on the inside, the cheap stuff, they’ll stop working if I’m out there for too long.

    And you live on this planet?

    Like I said, I am chained to this place. Point being I can’t climb all the way up there and I’ve got no form of transportation either!


    An orphanage, it’s moved away from the rest of the town. And it’s on a mountain, that way the kids know going outside, especially during a time like this is certain death.

    And this orphanage, why should I care?

    Because – because you just have to! Please!

    Get someone else to help you, that thing is your responsibility now.

    No, please! I don’t have the money to take care of a child! No! Please!

    I’m sure your capital can give you a better paying job!

    Not an old woman like me… please don’t sign this child’s death warrant, I – I will not be able to give it a good home, but they can!

    Not my problem, bye, the Mutant ripped the locks off the door with one swipe of his massive claw. 

    PLEASE! PLEASE SAVE HIM! Vladimir turned back to the bartender and then saw it again… the image that plagued his sleepless nights. 

    A human holding a baby in their arms. The walls were crumbling around them, the planet had become a warzone and they were just civilians, but they were also from an enemy faction. 

    He knew his mind had to be playing tricks on him! This was not the same situation! Yet it was still a human asking for his aid. You might as well throw him back into the cold!


    Soon they’ll tear down my tavern – hell this whole town will be gone! There will be nothing left! Tears began to stream down Elma’s face, and suddenly it all clicked.

    I see… so, the reason you are so passive is because you’ve already resigned yourself to your fate? You don’t actually care what happens to yourself anymore because you know how it ends? Elma shrugged and gave a weak smile.

    I knew… I knew as soon as the war was over the capital would come back, turn this town – this planet into another tool for the Prime Human faction, I mean, it is within their right. The town will be turned into something completely different and for those who cannot offer physical labor like me… well… I’ll get whatever I can for a dying tavern.

    And… if I were to get this boy to the orphanage you speak about, it’ll be safe?

    I can’t guarantee it, but it would be better than the alternative. 

    Vladimir went silent and stared at the floor. The image of those civilian humans crying out in fear. His hatred blinding him and his own justice. 

    I’ll do it.


    I’ll save the boy. Tell me where this orphanage is, Vladimir proclaimed.

    Really? Elma replied, taking a step back, surprised.

    Yes, tell me where it is and I’ll get a move on as soon as this blizzard stops.

    Oh but… the blizzard could be here all day, maybe even a week?

    Are you serious?


    So the capital would already have their dogs on this planet by the time it lets up? Shit. And they could find me even in this frozen tundra… okay, I’ll just have to grin and bear it.

    You certainly changed your mind quickly?

    Yeah well, it isn’t my policy to hurt civilians, no matter who they are, and if I can help them that’s even better, Vladimir nodded and walked up to Elma and held out his paw which was twice the size of her face.

    Give me the baby, I’ll keep it safe.

    The orphanage… it’s atop a mountain a couple hours away from here, Elma started to explain, handing the child over to the Mutant carefully. The sleeping baby stayed comfortable in Vladimir’s paw as he brought it under his cloak and close to his chest. You can see a fork in the road on your way out of town, keep to the left and then at the first mountain you see, that’s the one you gotta climb. But keep in mind, they are high up so that no child in their right mind would run down and try to escape, that also means they barely get any of the drama we do down here. Problem is, during a storm like this it’ll be a hard climb the whole way.

    I’ll do it, end of story.

    Man… Elma chuckled. If only I started crying sooner, maybe you would have actually opened up faster?

    Doubt it. This is not emotional in any way, human, it is purely redemption for a failed mission from a couple years ago.

    Well I can’t wait to hear about it.

    Don’t think I’ll be seeing you again old human. As soon as I drop off this baby, I’ll be going deep underground until I can find a way off this planet.

    You really don’t trust anyone, do you?

    The only ones I trust are – were… in my platoon, the giant said solemnly as he placed one foot out the door.

    Okay, well, do me one more favour then, find a name for that kid? Okay, Vlad?

    Only my friends get to call me that, so don’t go spouting it. And I’m not so good with names, so I’ll see what I can do, I’m out of here.

    Yes sir! Good luck, and for what it’s worth, I’d consider you to be a soon to be drinking buddy?

    Maybe, but only if you’re still alive. That means not letting those capital scumbags walk all over you.


    Bye for now, Elma, Vladimir said, going back onto the streets under the protection of the heated lamps. 

    He heard the door lock behind him and now it was just him and this human child. Vlad walked out of the town and soon as he did, he was met with piles of snow so deep it went up to his knees. He did not know how he was going to find this mountain, but now that he had started a mission, he couldn’t just drop it. It was definitely easier to trudge through the land now though, with the warmth from the tavern still pumping through his veins and the skin of the baby clutching at his chest. 

    He was met with a sign pointing in three directions as he walked out of town. The arrows went in three different directions. He took a moment to circle around the pole, until he found the sign that lead toward, the Silver Orphanage.

    Vlad’s resolve grew stronger as he took a sharp left, plowing through the white dust like a real animal. Even with the thick layer of falling snow, he could see a large blue figure in the distance, it had to be what he had come for. The mountain in question!

    What felt like hours passed with each step. His resolve was stronger than ever but the warmth in his blood was quickly being sapped from his body. The cloak tugged around his neck was blown off by the wind, the trees around him had become fewer and fewer. The land began to curve upward, each step growing in weight, each adding what felt like ten pounds at every turn. Even with all of his strength, right at the bottom of this mountain he felt like a leaf in the wind, almost getting blown to either side. He pierced the claws on his feet to the dead ground just so he could stay afoot. 

    The baby began to squirm in his arms, awake. Vlad grimaced, now having to deal with a moving object that would start crying any second. 

    Cry it did, pouring warm tears into the Mutant’s chest, made the pain of walking through what had to be a frigid hell a little better. 

    There were no steps to count, and time had become irrelevant. Vladimir stopped for a minute, his breathing had become erratic, and journeying was only getting harder. The giant looked to his left and saw lights in the distance. He already traveled so far from the town, and even though it felt like a long time had passed, it also felt like he was in some kind of trance, this was not something to think about, only an objective to be completed. With that in mind Vladimir took another step and fell onto his knee, feeling the weight and pain of all things crash upon his body. The Mutant tumbled like a ton of bricks, losing his grip on the ground below and slipped. With the one paw available to him he slammed his sharp talons into the mountain before he could completely fall. His breathing only became more erratic and the baby in his other arm only squirmed more, crying like some kind of animal.

    Quiet! he commanded like he would to one of his troops. Instantly the baby stopped moving, stopped crying, much to Vladimir’s surprise. He wasn’t about to question it though; he had a job to do.

    But those old wounds were getting the better of him. He… he had to take a break. That would also mean finding decent ground though. With one large breath Vlad got back up with the help of his good knee and ignored to the best of his ability the separating pain of the other. 

    Eventually the curve became a bit more leveled, enough for Vlad to no longer press his claws into the ground. He walked up to one of the dead trees and with one powerful swipe, cut the rest from its trunk. With his sharp talons and powerful grasp, he broke parts of the wood into tiny pieces. 

    He quickly used his own body as cover so that no more snow could get onto what would be great firewood. He placed the baby on the ground, right in front of the wood, and in between his legs, shielding both from the cold. Vlad placed his hands to the wood and started to rub his claws at a quick rate, creating small sparks with each strike. 

    What felt like hours passed until finally the sparks caught onto the wood, creating a nice small fire for the soldier and the baby. The Mutant picked up the child and turned it to face his own, destroyed skin. The baby smiled, and laughed, tears long gone. The giant felt a strange sensation in his heart, but knew it had to be a coincidence to this… cute… baby. 

    What’s with the face? he asked with the response being spit pouring out of the little thing’s mouth. Listen kid, I’m not doing this for you, this is for me and me alone. The baby quickly replied by spitting up again. Fine, fine you win, I’ll tell you who I am, he couldn’t help it. The thing was too damn cute, and he was tired, very tired. You’ll be acting as my therapist, so I expect you to pay attention! Maybe in a few years when you’re old enough I’ll come back to quiz you! It was at this moment that Vlad expected the spit, knowing it wasn’t an actual response. "So once upon a time there was a baby left to die in the sewers of a planet named Caracus. Now, Caracus was a bustling Mutant faction planet, one that had gained independence from the Muges. All walks of life were welcome there, except for the baby. No, no, the baby survived off of eating and drinking whatever it could find. This baby grew into a malnourished Mutant until one’s hand came down, like a raining shine of light. It looked to be a human, surprisingly… their name was… Astraios. For two months Astraios taught the child how to fight tooth and nail to survive. And then they left, just as quick as they came… But now they had a chance to live. The child grew strong, really strong and finally had given itself a name after fourteen years of life… Vladimir. 

    The teenager wanted to copy the human’s good deeds, save people. So, when the war was declared between the five great factions of the universe, one of which being the Mutants, the boy enlisted as soon as he could. He fought for years on end, seeing the depravity of each and every race, even his own. But it was the humans that went farthest of all. Vladimir could never forgive the humans for complete genocides of neutral planets in the name of war, when really, they needed more resources to fuel their ships, machines, and their weapons of mass destruction. So that’s why… as the war continued… the boy turned into the perfect Mutant soldier…  costing many lives, even innocent ones. When the final battle came to be, the boy had been blinded by rage and hatred. That caused for him to be shot in the knee by one of those special metal human bullets. He was out for days until he got a replacement, the battle nearing its end. And then… he fought that monster… one named, Retglar. The boy… all the strength he had gained was useless in the face of true monsters, he was but a speck of dust in the final battle of this war. He saw the humans take hold of great power, becoming the most influential faction in the universe. The boy knew then that the day was lost and that the humans had won the war. Ordered to retreat, the boy landed on a strange planet, unconscious for some time, until he had awoken, walking aimlessly through the snow. You happy now runt? The giant asked, watching as the baby in his paws moved its hands, holding itself onto Vladimir like a security blanket. The Mutant felt his heart sink, but in some kind of pleasurable way. Whatever it meant, he knew, he had to complete his assigned mission, as a soldier, as a proud Mutant

    The snow continued to brush up against his cold back and night had only continued to take a grasp over the mountain. Darkness had taken hold, leaving only Vladimir and the flame he had been protecting. With one suffocation of his giant paw, the flame died, and Vladimir got back on his feet. 

    He looked up at the dark path ahead of him, clinging the baby to his chest as he got to a running start, digging his claws deep into the snow. The wind howled like a wild beast and tackled the Mutant’s giant body, the cold eating away at his flesh, nipping his heels, freezing his fur. 

    The knee snapped, the pain vibrating through his body and the echo of its break ringing throughout the mountain. Vladimir cried out in pain toward the moonless night, falling into the cold crystals below his feet, still clutching the baby in his arms for warmth.

    Vladimir looked up at the endless abyss in front of him, his one eye being blocked by the snow clutching to his face. His muscles began to slow, completely sapped of their strength. His grip on the child grew rigid, spikes of ice growing on the tip of his claws. The baby’s cries of pain began to fade, as did the darkness of the snow, the weight of his body doubling each and every second. He closed his eye, losing focus.

    He had been a soldier for a long time, for more than half his life war was all that the Mutant knew. All those who were not Mutant were the enemy… even if he knew that was not true. On a battlefield of a dying human planet, buildings were crumbling over control of it and the Mutants pushed forward into the abyss of bloodshed. The planet was not known for housing great resources; however, it was an amazing area strategically to counterattack the human capital. So, the Mutants placed all their might into the mission. Vladimir remembered; he was on the ground that day. The battleships flew above their heads, battles on all three floors of the planet: ground, sky and space. 

    It felt like it would never end. 

    Yet eventually, they managed to turn the tide, Vladimir went on the offensive with his platoon side by side, leading them into hell itself, one last attack toward the humans. In all of it though he never expected to actually hear anyone call out for help. He could see it like it was yesterday, his head moving toward a destroyed building and under it was a human crying out for help. They held two kids in their arms, struggling to free themselves from the weight of such a giant structure. Vladimir felt his heart pounce, instinctively, running toward the human and the children, eyes locking with the being. Yes, the human was scared, but he knew it was not toward him, it was toward this horrid battle. 

    PLEASE HELP US! the human yelled, tears streaming down their face, making Vladimir completely abandon his post, leading his platoon to the building, until a dark shadow suddenly stepped in front of him, jumping from atop the rubble of destruction. A slim, yet tall figure stood in Vladimir’s way. A Mutant, one named Rakshasa, the Commander and Chief of all Mutant military might. A tiger humanoid Mutant, just like Vladimir, yet to his memory her face had become vacant, no eyes or mouth, just the sapped colour of orange and black. 

    You have a job to do soldier, she commanded, her voice echoing in Vladimir’s head.

    But – but, we have to save that human! he heard himself reply.

    No we don’t. We are here to fight, to win. We are soldiers, not heroes, that’s why you are going to turn back and fight until we win this day!

    But –

    No, Vlad. We don’t have time to waste on a human, move. Remember that they would not do the same for us.

    If I –

    This is war Vlad! You are a soldier! You knew what you signed up for! What? Did you expect to become some kind of hero? No! Take one step further and I will execute you on the spot for insubordination!


    Go and fight! He could remember her walking toward him… and all he could do was follow her lead. The screams for help burned into his brain though and he had to believe – there was nothing he could do. Because he was a soldier, not some hero like the one that saved his life… not like that human.

    But he was not a soldier anymore…

    The war was over. And now, he could save a life, rather than take one. Rage fuelled his lungs, determination pumped blood through his heart, pressing through the cold, like a raging fire that had reached its peak before dying. Vladimir looked at the baby in his arms and knew… he had to press on. This was no mission; this was a promise! The winds gusts pressed on the Mutant with full force, but like a train he cut right through them. With his one good leg he jumped up the mountain, digging his claws into the snow each and every time. The abyss no longer seemed endless though. Light burned through the darkened blue sky, he saw a couple of lamps leading to a massive building. Its shadow towered over him just like hers, but this time he had to press through. A staircase led to two massive doors; a chain wrapped around the handles. Vladimir stepped up to the stairs and finally came face to face with the giant entryway.

    He gave a light tap to the door, hoping someone would hear. The Mutant then waited there, with only the sound of the baby in his arms, and the howling of the wind in his ears. 

    After a couple of minutes of waiting, the doors of the orphanage slid open, a human’s eye peeking through the small crevasse at Vladimir. In under a second the door shut closed on the Mutant’s face.

    Oh my God it’s the Mutant! The one on TV! A voice from the other side exclaimed.

    What! Why would it come to an orphanage! another person shouted.

    Don’t tell me it wants the kids! Is it here to eat us?

    NO! Vladimir shouted, his voice as sharp as ever. The sound on the other side went silent again… he came off too strong. I don’t want to eat you or anything like that… I’m here to give you all something, a child.

    A child? 

    Sorry we don’t take Mutant children, the government would just throw them out, afraid of what they’d do when they’d grow up.

    No… it’s not Mutant, not a mix of anything, just a human, naked one sure, but human.

    Why would some wanted Mutant criminal be caring for a human baby?

    Because… the war is over… my fight is over… my life as a soldier is done. I don’t want to hurt anyone here. Just please. I can’t take care of this child, if it were to come with me it would be an enemy of the most powerful faction in the universe. So please, take it, let it have a chance at happiness, Vladimir pleaded, looking at the child in his palms. It squirmed, and rubbed its eyes, tired. So cute and tiny, a thing to be protected… just not by him. He waited a whole minute for an answer when, 

    Fine, come in, but as you can see the lock is on the outside so it might be a bit difficult –

    Not to worry, I can deal with this tiny object, the Mutant placed one claw on the lock and with all his might crushed it into tiny bits of metal. If it’s not Crytorium then it’s not a problem for me! Vladimir declared, opening the door and letting himself in.

    Warmth washed over his body as he stepped onto the wooden floors. In front of him stood a desk, a fireplace, a staircase leading to upper floors and three humans dressed in strange clothing. They wore blue and white cloth that covered almost their entire body except for their faces. He noticed a cross hung around each of their necks. They all had a look of fear in their eyes as Vladimir walked in, almost having to bend down even through such a massive doorway. 

    Get another lock for the door! one of the humans ordered to the other. The homosapien nodded and ran up the stairs, even while wearing such restraining clothing. The other two looked scared, turning their attention back at Vladimir.

    Where is the child? They asked simultaneously, frightened. 

    Here, Vladimir proclaimed, revealing the naked baby in his arms. The child moved a little but was fast asleep, tired from the cold. 

    Did – did you hurt the child? They continued to pry, pointing at the X-shaped scar that covered the baby’s right eye.

    No… but it does look like someone tried to rip out this child’s eye. I found it, deserted in the snow.

    Oh… poor thing… and you – you saved it?


    Well, we won’t tell them you were here then! One of the humans walked closer to Vladimir, looking up at him with a smile. They opened their arms and the Mutant could not help but smile back. We’ll take him from here. Your part is over, thank you.

    Yes, that would be best, Vladimir agreed, looking at the child again, telling his paws to hand over the baby. Yet, they did not move, no matter how much he told them too.

    Oh? Having trouble?

    No… why would I? 

    Wow, you actually care for the child? the other human said in surprise.

    We’ll take care of him, I swear! the one in front of him declared with certainty.

    I… believe you… Vladimir placed his hands forward, using all of his will to do so as the human held the baby with grace, like they had done this a thousand times before.

    Does he have a name? they asked.

    No… on second thought… what about Astraios?

    You can’t do that! One of the nuns yelled from the corner of the room. Gloria, you can’t give this child a Mutant name like that!

    But it is not even – Vladimir tried to explain,

    No! The angry nun declared, waving her finger in the air, her face pulsing red, sweat dripping from her face. You come in here, you try to threaten us – and – and, then you dare to leave us with this – whatever it is. Is it a bastard? Some disgusting half-breed you cooked up? 

    Now, now, the calm nun intervened between the two, her face at peace. We’ll take the child, and give them a number…

    A number? Vladimir asked.

    Yes, we get a lot of babies without names. So rather than give them a name, we decided it would just be easier to keep track of them with a number.

    So what will we number this one? the scared human asked.

    Let’s go with… X-33, yes, I think we can fit him into a category like that with his scar being so prominent.

    X-33? Vladimir said out loud. Yeah, it sounded a little wrong, but he didn’t know human names all too well, and maybe a number would work for the boy anyway. Well… looks like my job here is done, the Mutant turned his back on the baby and on the humans, staring at the abyss.

    You’re going back out there, already?

    I have to. I must leave. Tomorrow, when more are available, soldiers from the capital will be swarming this planet looking for me. I have to find a ship as soon as possible now… and that could take longer than getting this baby here.

    I see… the human holding the child replied. Then, what are you going to do now? And, aren’t you going to say goodbye?

    I’m going to find more survivors of the war, see if, maybe I can save them from throwing their lives away. After that, no idea. As for the kid… I’m not good with goodbyes if I’m being honest, Vladimir rubbed his cat ears and sighed.

    We understand… we’ll tell him about you when he’s older, they said. 

    The Mutant shrugged and turned his head back at the baby, sleeping soundly.

    You will?

    Of course! And if you ever want to see him again then come and find me! the human holding X-33 said. Say you want to see Gloria, she smiled. Vladimir looked at the dark abyss again and wiped away a tear, sure to hide it from the humans. 

    Good… good… thank you… the Mutant walked forward, stepping back into the snow, no baby in hand. Once deep enough he looked back at the giant orphanage and saw the doors close, the baby sleeping soundly in the arms of another human.

    With that, Vladimir drew breath from the frigid air and took his sight to the sky above. He saw the twinkle of light in the reaches of space. Now that his promise had been kept, he could see it, stars that shined brighter than any he had ever witnessed.


    850 AP – According to the Calendar of Aeon Power

    Smoke blew into the blue sky above and quickly lost its dark texture. They passed it back and forth between them, twirling the cigarette like masters of their craft. Every single second one of them would peak over the other’s shoulder, making sure the walls behind them did a good job of hiding their escapades. 

    Don’t go smoking the whole thing without giving me one last go, the nun on the right proclaimed.

    Yeah, yeah sister don’t worry you’ll get your shot, the nun on the left replied. 

    The two shared their smoke behind the massive orphanage they had both called home and work. Every day was a challenge, so these rare moments of peace were ones to savour. From a glance, they looked exactly the same. Massive clothes covered them head to toe, only leaving their faces in the open, along with a cross surrounding their necks. The days had become so gruelling for the two of them. Even though many of the children were getting adopted, the ones left were of a more… difficult variety. Smoking naturally, even so much as a break was prohibited by the head of the orphanage, the two knew this but also figured it was her who was on duty for playtime now anyway. No harm, no foul.

    The two looked up at the clear blue sky again and watched as spaceships flew up and down from the planet like clockwork.

    A lot had changed in five years since the war. Now, they were booming. Earth-42 was a bountiful place of resources and economic prosperity. With that last thought, they finished their third cigarette, only having one more left in a pack they got months past. 

    What are you two doing here? a voice asked like a loaded gun as the two nuns lifted their heads to see her…

    Gloria, the principal of their orphanage and longest living member. Even though she was well into her years she appeared young and wore a larger cross than her kin. Her eyes went from their usual, moon-like shimmer to a dangerous stare filled with malus. 

    Sister Gloria! Eh nothing, we just found out that one of the kids was eh – smoking, yeah! the nun on the right yelled.

    Oh, Cynthia it does not do well to lie here! We’ll have a discussion later! I need your help!

    What is it? Can’t you handle it, Gloria? the two replied simultaneously.

    "Not when it’s that boy."

    Not him again…

    He got them! Perfect, one-hundred percent chance of victory! Nothing could stop his new killer move! The pincer strangle! A move where the boy would aim for grappling mastery! Surrounding his tiny legs around the opponents’ neck, using his weight to bring them down and render them useless! It was a perfect attack with no shortcomings until he was thrown off due to a lack of brute strength. The tiny boy was tossed to a tree, slamming his back against its strong trunk.

    The boy with the X-shaped scar on his right eye lifted his head and looked up at the much larger boy in front of him. Another snot-nosed brat, Z-49. He had a big head, fat arms and the widest nose the scarred boy had ever seen. That somehow made the boy want to pummel Z-49 even more.

    Come on X-33, what were you thinking? You can’t beat me in a fair fight! the large-nosed boy yelled, many other small children to his back.

    Don’t try it X-33! Just give up! Give him the chocolate! one of the other orphans yelled as the rest clapped in a circle, trapping the scarred boy and his enemy together. X-33 looked in his hand to see the broken and melted mush of chocolate, the one he could not un-hand. 

    No way! the scarred boy replied, getting back up, rubbing the back of his jet-black hair for any wounds from the tree. I got this fair and square! Too bad, so sad! It’s what I get for spending all morning cleaning the chalkboards! And now that Z-49 got me mad, I’m going to give him a lesson! 

    Really how are you going to do that? the larger child cracked his knuckles in response.

    Well… I’m gonna… the scarred boy’s eyes quickly started looking around for an exit, but he was completely pinned against the wall, and the odds of victory with his body were slim to none. Yet, the shimmering rocks in the corner of the playground got him thinking. The only problem was that they were past the other kids, meaning he’d have to somehow get through them without getting caught by the enemy.

    Don’t really want the chocolate anymore anyway though! It’s squished and stuff! the big-nosed boy said. All I want is to kick your but now, X-33! Z-49 yelled, preparing to swing his fat fist. The scarred boy looked for an opening and saw it! A small space only he could fit through, a pair of legs! 

    X-33 ran from his opponent and went on all fours going through his siblings' opened legs like a bullet.

    Running away now! Z-49 yelled, ready to declare his victory no doubt. The scarred boy smiled though, coiling his tiny hands around a rather weighty rock, and then going into a full-on sprint. The crowd of children moved at lightning-fast speed once they saw X-33 running, leaving Z-49 completely open. The scarred boy threw the rock, sending his opponent to the ground instantly. He smiled with glee and got on top of his enemy. AH! What are you trying to do, make us all look like you?! Z-49 screamed, revealing the gash of blood dripping from his forehead. The scarred boy stopped his assault and touched his right eye, the one with all the mysteries behind it, only to feel a much stronger force than himself pull at his neck.

    X-33! AGAIN! Gloria hoisted the tiny child up with one hand. The child tried to meet the nun in her line of sight.

    Please, miss Gloria, allow me to explain! This – this was not my fault! You see Z-49 wanted my chocolate, the chocolate you gave to me as a reward. Naturally, I was not going to allow him to take that away from me, correct? So, we got in a bit of a scuffle, and I was forced to use my brains rather than brawn! Yeah – that’s the moral of the story!

    Don’t give me excuses! I really thought it couldn’t get worse from you trying to choke him! I swear… and for the record, the chocolate was given to you because you were doing so well and had just finished your latest detention, not because you were so noble, so stop with all your flower talk boy! Should have never taught you to read so early, you’re becoming a real know-it-all!

    Oh but…

    No ‘buts’ mister! The other sisters are going to be watching over the kids and whatever you did to Z-49! You and me are going to have a little talk!

    Their footsteps echoed throughout the empty orphanage. The scarred boy looked through each room they passed, hollow ones and all. Desks lined up perfectly and smeared black chalkboards with the imprints of math numbers. There were hundreds of these classes alongside one another. In front of X-33 was a long hallway, each having their own doorway to classes.

    When they reached halfway through the wooden corridor, two staircases became apparent to them, one on either side. On the left to the scarred boy was the staircase leading to their shared rooms. Each one held two bunk beds, and that was all. No room for belongings or the like, not that they could ever be given any.

    Yet… most of them would be empty for quite some time yet. As far as his memory could go, one year that is, he remembered many older and younger kids alike living in those rooms. In the course of one year though they all disappeared, adopted, half of the entire orphanage. X-33 could only imagine this had something to do with what the nuns were talking about, more families were being made in a town not too far from them, as well as the entire planet. 

    We’re not going upstairs, X-33, Gloria proclaimed, grabbing the small boy’s hand.

    Why? he asked.

    Because you have to be taught a lesson, the nun replied, closing her eyes, and wrapping her other hand around the cross-bearing down on her neck. Gloria walked toward the right of the small boy, leading to a staircase to the place no kids should ever go, the basement. 

     X-33 had tried to go down before, naturally, yet there was always a massive door stopping him from going inside. 

    Gloria’s steady hand pulled at the boy like an anchor to sea, dragging him into the dark abyss where that same giant door stood over the two of them. For a moment the child’s heart raced, even though it was only an iron door it felt so imposing. His eyes fixated on the lock and chain which were wrapped around the handles.

    The nun pulled out a key from her massive clothes and twisted the key into its lock, the chains falling to the ground with ease. Gloria pulled on the door, bringing X-33 in with her. 

    The scarred boy watched as the nun walked into a dark abyss. He could not see ahead, until a sudden crackle lit a spark, spewing onto a candle. 

    He could faintly see a steel chair, tables, alongside large papers both on the floor and furniture. Across from Gloria was another blackboard, but one that looked to be covered with photo after photo, each of them carrying the word BOUNTY on it in all capitals. He also noticed that at the top of the board was a calendar, June 15th, 850 AP. The nun held the small candle in her hands close to her face, the shadows giving

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