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Coaching the Called
Coaching the Called
Coaching the Called
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Coaching the Called

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Do you have a calling on your life? Of course, you do! A better question might be whether you know what your callin

Release dateAug 22, 2022
Coaching the Called

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    Coaching the Called - Soneakqua White

    Also by Soneakqua J. White

    A Time to Heal

    Red Flag!

    Writing Is Life

    Working Through Mommy Issues

    Compassionate Children

    Before You Blow Up


    4 Mindset Shifting Strategies Every Faith-filled Influencer Needs to Operate on Your Platform with Excellence

    Soneakqua J. White

    COACHING THE CALLED © 2022 by Soneakqua J. White.

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Published by Author Academy Elite

    PO Box 43, Powell, Ohio 43605

    All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without express written permission from this author.


    LCCN: 2022912478

    ISBN: 979-8-88583-095-9 (paperback)

    ISBN: 979-8-88583-096-6 (hardcover)

    ISBN: 979-8-88583-097-3 (ebook)

    Available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook

    Scripture taken from the Tree of Life Version©, TLV©.

    Copyright © 2015 by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. Used by permission of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide.

    To protect the privacy of those who have shared their stories with the author, some details and names have been changed. Any internet address (websites, blogs, etc.) and telephone numbers printed in this book are offered as resources. They are not intended in any way to be or imply an endorsement by Author Academy Elite, nor does Author Academy Elite vouch for the content of these

    sites and numbers for the life of this book.

    Cover art by Robert J. Collins.


    For my Granny, Mary Lee, who kept me in the spotlight. She made those who didn’t even know me, love me.


    This book has been written for educational purposes only. It provides information only up to the publishing date; therefore, this book should be used as a guidance tool and not an ultimate source. Its purpose is to provide information, but does not contain all information on the subject. More research on your part may be needed. Every effort has been made to make this book as accurate as possible. The author and publisher shall have no liability or responsibility to any person or entity regarding any loss or damage incurred, or alleged to have incurred, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book.



    Preparing for the Call

    The Called in Action

    Who Are the Called?

    Operating in the Gift

    Accepting the Call

    The Called Speak

    Parenting and Partnering the Called

    On Assignment for Christ

    Believer’s Choice

    The Special Attack

    Building and Maintaining Mental Strength

    Coaching the Called

    Mental Pressure

    A Call for Help

    Firing on All Cylinders

    The Call to Coach

    The Call is a Process

    The Challenge

    The Revolution

    Called to Revival

    Call to Action

    Message from the Author

    A Prayer for the Called

    Scriptural References



    If you have not been introduced to Jesus,¹ then you may not be a fan of this book; however, I certainly hope to pique your interest. For those of you who know Him but are not walking in your greatest potential … this is for you! Creatives, athletes, ministers, and influencers … now is your time to shine! But instead of focusing the spotlight on you, I encourage Christ-centered behavior. Take a journey into how to use your respective platforms to draw your fans to Him!

    How do you do this? Well, you need the courage, the resources, the support, and the mental strength to follow this through to the end. This book asks you to first test your mindset and capacity. Do you have what it takes to be bold for Christ? If not, here is a great place to start. Once you reach your capacity, then it will be time to put it into action.

    One of the best avenues to effect global change is to use pop culture as the vehicle. Those of you who are called to the culture either already have your platform or are on your way. You produce and write the movies we watch and the songs we sing. You fill football, baseball, and soccer stadiums while others pack basketball and tennis courts. We cannot turn on the television and not see you. It’s nearly impossible to scroll social media without stopping to listen to what you have to say. When we look for hope in our lives, we turn to you.

    It’s time for you to use your gifts and your stage as leverage to help someone make the most important decision of their lives. To accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and to live for Him. Learn how to facilitate that, be encouraged in your efforts, and accept the support for the calling. If the outbreak of COVID-19 taught me nothing else, it made me realize that it is time for me to operate in my gift. My assignment is due and so is yours. Take your place in the movement of illuminating the chosen by building mental strength in God’s people. Prepare yourself to join the mission of Coaching the Called.

    ¹ John 3:16




    What if you could have a positive effect on popular culture with one simple adjustment in your given craft? Would you do it? Because you have the products and materials—the stage, the arena, the microphone, the platform, and the medium—you have the ability. Maybe you never wanted to be a role model. You simply wanted to make your dreams and desires come true and live your life. The other side of that is because you wanted the job, now you have a responsibility. Congratulations on your achievement as an influencer! You’ve made it and now you can use it for something bigger.

    What kind of influence do you want to have? If your followers would go over a cliff with you, why not lead them to Christ? You wouldn’t even have to change your method. Instead, simply modify your message. I’m tugging at those of you who are called to bring light into the world. I’m talking to athletes, creatives, ministers of the gospel, and all other influencers. You are essential in that we need your platform to do more than entertain us during the turbulent times we are in. Will you rise to the challenge?

    A crossover artist is one whose music appeals to more than one type of listener or audience. During the era of segregation, that phrase was often used when a black artist wanted whites to hear their music and to integrate the airwaves and concerts. When I use this phrase in current terms, I am talking about bringing mainstream into the light. I believe we are unlimited in our reach, but it must be intentional.

    Kirk Franklin mixes R&B with gospel, and it works. Lecrae does the same thing with Hip Hop. Tony Dungy and Tim Tebow brought Jesus onto the football field while Stephen Curry does this with basketball. Stephen and Alex Kendrick have taken Him to big and small screens! These are only a few who bring mainstream into the light. Others are doing it in different areas of popular culture, but it’s not enough. We need more industry leaders to come alongside these trailblazers and continue the efforts.

    I’m not saying we can’t enjoy a variety of genres anymore. Not everything has to be all Jesus all day. You can still sing R&B with slightly adjusted lyrics. You can still make rap music that spreads love and not hate. How about creating a song in a jazz feel with a message of grace and hope? Your fans only want to bob their heads, sing along, and create dance moves. They can still do that with the messages of salvation and transformation! Your fans might do something amazing with their lives if they are dancing and singing to your new bars and verses. You could even create something no one has ever heard before. The world is looking for something to hold onto, and God’s people have what we need.

    Colin Kaepernick took a knee for something he strongly believes in. Sure, he paid a heavy price for it, but nothing you stand for comes without consequence. The world is beginning to realize what he was doing and why he was doing it. Some have even apologized for how they treated him and his stance. What if followers of Christ took a knee at every football, basketball, soccer, and baseball game because of what we stand for? We show allegiance to our country by singing the National Anthem. What about giving honor to our God by praying before or after the anthem? We would likely be persecuted for it, too, but does that make it wrong? There is a separation of church and state, so it is unlikely the leagues would commit to this. However, ball club owners, headliners, promoters, venue owners, and those with the clout have the power to effect change in their arenas.

    Racial injustice will not disappear, nor will COVID-19 without intervention from Jesus. We are His hands and feet on Earth, and we have not been doing a good job. What if every minister of the Gospel got outside of the church walls to reach out to a non-Believer, not preach to them? They don’t even have to mention Jesus. All we need to do is show love. Wouldn’t it be amazing if those who are responsible for the sheep actually rallied them into revival? What if God is waiting for us to do what He put us here to do?

    Influencers, you have thousands of followers and subscribers that want to be like you. When you tell us which products to use and why, we purchase them because we buy into what you’re selling. Why not prompt us to receive a gift that has already been purchased for us? Is it because this freedom costs too much? I agree, the gift of salvation is expensive. It means that we don’t get to do what the rest of the world is doing and how they’re doing it. Sinning is dangerously fun … for only a moment!

    The world is in darkness, and many people are deceived into thinking it’s okay because social media and pop culture says so. Some see evil and don’t care, and there are others who know it and like it. We cannot and will not rescue them all, but we need to make sure they know there is another way. Use your gifts to bring light to your community. Steer us away from the entitled, get-rich-quick mentality. Take us into a reality where good is good and evil is evil. If everyone does their part, in their craft, we can light up the nation, even the world. Otherwise, it will continue in its current direction—full of hopelessness, fear, depression, anxiety, sickness, and trauma—and that will rule and reign.

    I can’t live with that. Can you? I don’t want to believe there is more I can do, yet I sit back and do nothing. When you know better you do better and to whom much is given much is required.¹ That means if I know something is wrong and I don’t tell you, I will pay a heavier price. More is required of the called, and we must step up to the challenge. How do we get it done? Well, I’m glad you asked. It starts with you. You have to buy into the fact that revival is coming, and you want to be a part of it, right? Then, reach out to your circle of influence. Get their buy-in, then coach them on how to keep it going.

    My part is to help myself and others stay mentally strong so we can operate and walk in our respective callings. You know what you have been called to do. Maybe you’re trying to ignore it. Maybe you’ve been focused on the need to make money, and therefore your calling seems to be a hobby, especially to other people. Maybe you’re struggling in your calling and can’t seem to get into it. Even though you wish your side hustle was your main gig, you’re stuck in a job that pays the bills. You’re staying afloat, but you’re not living. And by limiting yourself in this way, you are not experiencing the abundant life you were promised.

    I mentioned well-known names earlier. Maybe you’re hoping to get on that list of names, but you think you never will. Get ready to break through every barrier in the way

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