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The Badge and My Faith
The Badge and My Faith
The Badge and My Faith
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The Badge and My Faith

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The Badge and My Faith shares many experiences of the author as he built a career path in law enforcement. The story begins after he participated in successful state championship sports programs in high school in the small town of Dumas, Texas.

As a young man, he was employed in a position that sent him traveling and working in Europe for approximately one year. He had been considering the idea of becoming a Texas highway patrolman. When he returned to Texas from Europe, he applied and was accepted to attend the Texas Department of Public Safety Academy in Austin, Texas. This decision initiated the beginning of his law enforcement career.

Being offered the opportunity to attend and graduate from the Texas DPS Academy helped establish a positive standard in his adult life. Recruit training at the DPS Academy, along with on-the-job training, and additional years of classroom training were invaluable. Conducting complex investigations further strengthened his career. With more than 30 years of experience conducting investigations and earning the professional designation as a Certified Fraud Examiner assisted in fulfilling an exciting career.

“Officer Down” occurred to Don Samuels, but he survived the gunshot wound. This attempt to end his life was not the only attempt. What was his answer as to how he survived the attempts on his life? He said, “I was blessed, because God was my partner and He watched over me!”

PublisherDon Samuels
Release dateAug 6, 2022
The Badge and My Faith

Don Samuels

Don Samuels was born in the 1940’s and lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, Gala and their dogs. As a child, Don lived in the panhandle town of Dumas, Texas and participated in sports. He was a member of two state championship football teams in high school. His memoir, Black Knights of the Panhandle-Dumas Demons is about life as a child in the 1950s and early 1960s. The memoir tells about how the Christian culture provided positive guidance to the community. The era was during the birth of rock n roll music, sock hops and innocent romance among teenagers. Historic information in this writing revives the powerhouse sports teams from Dumas, Texas during the early 1960s.A career in law enforcement began when Don joined the Texas Department of Public Safety as a highway patrolman. He also held the position of elected Sheriff of Lincoln County, New Mexico. Lincoln County is the same county where Pat Garret was Sheriff and Billy-the-Kid became infamous as an outlaw. Don currently holds professional designation as a Certified Fraud Examiner since 1993. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is globally accepted and recognized as the premier professional organization of anti-fraud professionals. With over 30 years experience conducting criminal and civil investigations, he has also carried law enforcement commissions as a Special Officer of the FBI and Deputy US Marshal.Don has conducted investigations involving various types of fraud as well as crimes of domestic violence, homicide, attempted murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, child abuse, armed robbery, theft and burglary. Many of his investigations have been prosecuted in state and federal courts throughout the USA.

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    The Badge and My Faith - Don Samuels

    The Badge and My Faith

    Don W. Samuels

    The Badge and My Faith

    Copyright © 2022 by Don W. Samuels.

    All Rights Reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover designed by Don W. Samuels


    Events in this writing occurred many moons ago as my Native American forefathers would say!

    Emotions were a constant roller coaster as a Texas state trooper. From one moment to the next moment, expect the unexpected! Assisting people needing help was a means of obtaining healthy emotions.

    With some people wanting to harm officers, emotions were disturbing and fearful at times. These stressful changes are difficult to deal with at times and some officers’ change careers due to the constant stress.

    Law enforcement officers are exposed to intense stress and human devastation on a daily basis. These issues contribute to potential mental health issues and a high rate of suicides. Fortunately, I never contemplated suicide. I managed to roll with the flow, although nightmares continue to haunt me.

    Normal instinct for humans is to run away from danger, which is a positive thing. Law enforcement officers are trained to advance toward danger.

    Training officers to go against human nature instincts requires dedication on the part of officers. This type of dedication is definitely stressful.

    I dedicate this book to all fallen law enforcement officers and to all dedicated law enforcement officers who continue to maintain integrity while performing their duties.




    Chapter 1: College Days

    Chapter 2: New Venture

    Chapter 3: Texas Highway Patrol

    Chapter 4: Rookie

    Chapter 5: Early Years With DPS

    Chapter 6: Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch

    Chapter 7: Lubbock Tornadoes

    Chapter 8: Two-Lane Blacktop

    Chapter 9: Hereford Tornado

    Chapter 10: Christmas

    Chapter 11: Transporting Human Organs

    Chapter 12: Annual XIT Rodeo

    Chapter 13: Mickey Mantle

    Chapter 14: Transfer to Lubbock

    Chapter 15: Transfer to Pampa

    Chapter 16: Lincoln County Sheriff

    Chapter 17: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

    Chapter 18: Bob Hope

    Chapter 19: Texas Department of Insurance

    Chapter 20: Corporate World

    Chapter 21: Texas Health & Human Services Comm

    Chapter 22: Fraud Prevention & Detection Manager


    About the Author


    Positive influences provided by teachers during my childhood provided a foundation for learning about the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! This phrase was instilled in my mind as a child, and I have continued to live by those words all my life. Treating others as you want to be treated helps build strong friendships.

    Thanks to all of my law enforcement brothers and sisters for your professional dedication in honoring the Constitution of the United States. Our mutual understanding and friendship over the years assisted each of us at different times during difficult times. Routinely helping innocent victims who were preyed upon by unscrupulous criminals was emotionally draining at times.

    My gratitude goes out to the Texas Department of Public Safety Academy for the excellent training programs. The instructors and curriculum at the DPS Recruit School are excellent for preparing new DPS officers for being prepared as state troopers. Continuing education courses at the DPS Academy are excellent for further developing knowledge and skills in law enforcement.

    A strong Christian faith guided me throughout my law enforcement career. Especially, when I would have a difficult day dealing with unpleasant issues. Observing people with life threatening injuries or death were routine. Officers need support to deal with so much negative happenings. God blessed me by guiding me through years of trials and tribulations. Thanks be to God!

    Chapter 1: College Days

    The Runaways

    After graduation from high school, I attended West Texas State University in Canyon, Texas. After a year at WTSU, some buddies and I decided to enroll at Western Republic College in Amarillo.

    Western Republic College was a two-year business school. While attending WRC, I was elected president of a business fraternity.

    A 50s and 60s rock n roll band in Amarillo was practicing in a garage one day as I drove by. Since music is important to me, I stopped and listened.

    Finally, I approached the band and introduced myself. Subsequently, the members invited me to practice with them. We had a few jam sessions together and they asked me to join the band as their lead singer.

    After joining the band, we renamed it as The Runaways. Our gigs occurred mostly in the Amarillo area, but we engaged in a few out-of-town performances.

    We performed for a while at a popular club located on 6th street, which is part of the old U.S. Route 66 highway running through Amarillo.

    During summer months we performed numerous times at different swimming pool parties in Amarillo. Swimming pool parties were always fun for everyone.

    Our band would ensure we were far enough away from the swimming pool, so our instruments weren’t splashed with water. After a few alcoholic beverages, people would get a little too energetic and start splashing everyone.

    Another gig involved us performing at the Amarillo Club. It was located on the top floor of a high-rise building in downtown Amarillo. The Amarillo Club has continued its existence throughout the years.

    Performing at the Amarillo Club for private parties was always enjoyable. The view overlooking the city was spectacular in the evenings.

    Unless a person has been a member of a band, it would be difficult to describe to others, the pleasure and excitement involved while performing for crowds. When people enjoy the music, their energy radiates throughout the crowd. Band members feel the energy and excitement as well.

    A routine gig was performing at the Embers Steak House, located approximately one block west of Polk Street. If I remember correctly, the location was on Southwest 16th Avenue, close to the Hi-D-Ho drive-in restaurant.

    As the years have passed, those two businesses are no longer located in that area. Our band performed on weekends at the Embers Steak House for a lengthy time.

    The dance floor was small, but it was a popular place for enjoying food, music, cocktails, and dancing. Women wore dresses and men wore a coat and tie.

    The Embers Steak House was a nice establishment without problems from customers. Customers always presented themselves as ladies and gentlemen.

    When I was a member of The Runaways I met a lovely college co-ed with a beautiful voice. She and I formed a partnership. We sang popular love songs as well as popular folk songs.

    We performed at luncheons for local community civic groups, such as the Lions Club, Kiwanis, and Rotary. We harmonized while I played my acoustic guitar. I continued as lead singer, performing with The Runaways in the evenings.

    One day, after the young lady and I performed songs at one of the luncheons, one of the civic members introduced himself and said he owned a television production studio in Amarillo.

    Explaining how he enjoyed our music and harmony; he offered the opportunity for us to perform at his studio. He said we would be taped at the studio and our performances would be aired on television at later dates.

    We were ultimately taped on several occasions as the owner invited us back again and again. Our performances were aired on television weekly.

    Performing songs was fun and exciting, but we never made the big times. At least someone enjoyed our music and we enjoyed good, wholesome fun. Her father was a pastor and he supported us and our music.

    Graduation from Western Republic College

    Being a member of a rock n roll band was extremely enjoyable and rewarding. In 1966, I was in the process of writing two or three songs to perform with The Runaways.

    After graduating from WRC that year, I received two job offers located in Dallas, Texas. My head was spinning because life was carefree and enjoyable and suddenly two job offers appeared within a week of each other.

    For two or three years, I had conducted accounting and bookkeeping services for two separate small businesses in Amarillo. Now, it was time to decide if I should quit those two jobs, along with my music and move to Dallas, Texas.

    The other band members were unaware of my interviews in Dallas. One position was an auditor position with the City of Dallas and the other offer was with a company that worked on government secret clearance contracts with the US military.

    Contemplating the two offers required an adult decision. Maybe it was time to obtain a permanent job instead of enjoying my fun life of music. The position with the corporation involved in government secret clearance contracts piqued my interest, so I accepted their offer.

    Before the job was offered, the company conducted a background check on me to insure I would be eligible for a Department of Defense secret clearance. If my eligibility for a secret clearance had been undesirable, the position would not have been offered to me.

    Leaving the rock n roll band was a difficult decision, but there were no guarantees the band would become famous. We were in our initial stages of performing and all of us realized how complicated life is in the world of musicians.

    After meeting with the band members in a group meeting and explaining my situation, each of them wanted me to stay with the band. My heart desperately wanted to stay with the band, but something deep inside told me to decide on a regular job and go forward.

    Leaving the rock n roll band was one thing, but another issue was explaining to my female singing partner about me moving to Dallas. It wasn’t easy to walk away from my friends and the fun we were experiencing.

    Incidentally, the band dissolved when I moved to Dallas and my female singing partner went on to other things. It is amazing how many people are affected by the actions of one person. My heart felt an emptiness.

    There was no joy in leaving my friends, my music, and my bookkeeping jobs behind. Concerns constantly flashed through my mind, wondering what the future would bring. Did I make a mistake? Maybe God was telling me, It is time to be an adult and start a new venture. I moved to Dallas, so I decided to be positive and do my best with this new life.

    Although I missed my friends and music, my job in Dallas kept me busy. Staying busy was the best thing for me, because, I didn’t have time to grieve about leaving my former life behind.

    It didn’t take long to discover nightlife in the DFW area was extremely active. Although I enjoyed the nightlife, I never allowed the fun to interfere with my job. I constantly worked overtime and proved myself to my manager.

    Chapter 2: New Venture

    New Beginning

    Moving to Dallas, Texas in 1966 was an education for a small-town boy who wasn’t accustomed to the activities of a large city. Dumas, Texas was much smaller than Amarillo, but I had become accustomed to the size and activities of Amarillo.

    Upon first arriving in Dallas, the voluminous number of motor vehicles and activities appeared a little overwhelming. There was no doubt it would take time for my brain to process the changes I would be facing.

    At least a new job would keep me busy during business hours. Materiel coordinator was the title of my new position. The spelling materiel is correct!

    Materiel is a term for equipment or hardware relating to military technology and supplies. My objective was being responsible for the management, from acquisition to disposal of all supplies and equipment used in a military installation contract.

    My new job opportunity derived partially from my business courses at Western Republic College. My position as a bookkeeper for two separate businesses in Amarillo was also a consideration.

    To my surprise, Human Resources explained how my position as president of a business fraternity was also beneficial in their decision to offer me a job. They wanted someone with the ability to interact with upper-level officers in the military.

    Human Resources informed me of an additional part of my position was to be a Public Relations person when dealing with military personnel. Whether I had the ability of being a PR person or not, I was hopeful!

    With each day, I became increasingly thankful for being awarded the opportunity to prove my abilities. The company Collins Radio installed communication systems for military operations.

    Engineers with the company issued blueprints to me indicating specific components required for the project. I am not an electronics expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I quickly learned how different components were utilized.

    After studying the blueprints, I ordered the needed components. A couple of months later, I had received a tremendous supply of items, which were stored in a warehouse.

    Subsequently, I contacted an installation team, and they began to assemble the components. The components I ordered included metal cabinets, diodes, resistors and various electronic cables and gadgets.

    My duties in Dallas included oversight of the team responsible for partially assembling components inside the metal cabinets. At a certain point, the partially assembled items were crated for overseas shipment.

    The partial assembled cabinets would be completed later at the military facilities overseas. When the crates were ready for shipment overseas, I arranged shipping.

    Finally, I contacted the designated contact person with the military. I introduced myself and explained when I would arrive and when the shipments were scheduled to arrive.


    My first contract assignment was a trip to Europe and specifically, to a US Army military base in Germany. For a 22-year-old guy from Dumas, Texas, this was a welcomed destination.

    This assignment required months of preparation. Months of ordering necessary components and equipment and overseeing the partial assemblies.

    After initiating the shipping of numerous crated cabinets overseas, it was time to prepare my travel arrangements. The dedicated work up to this point was about to pay off for all of the overtime hours I worked.

    Included in my position was being liaison for my company with the commander of the U.S. Army military base in Germany. I would be the first Collins Radio Company representative to arrive at the military base.

    Not only would I be the first contract employee to arrive at the military base, I would be the last Collins Radio Company employee to leave.

    Orders issued to me by my company were specific. Under no circumstances could I return to the United States until the base commander was completely satisfied with the installation!

    Actually, I had a written contract for the base commander to sign before I left Germany. Without a signature I would have been in Germany indefinitely! I was a single man, so staying a few more months would have been okay with me.

    In the month of March 1967, I flew to Germany and the flight took several hours. If I remember correctly, I flew to Chicago, stayed on the same flight, and then continued to Amsterdam.

    Finally, I arrived in Frankfurt on a beautiful crisp morning. Germany is seven hours ahead of Central Daylight Time in the USA. Arriving a few days ahead of my shipment, I rented a car and drove to the military base.

    The commander of the military base located at Pirmasens, Germany was aware of my name and was expecting me. The long drive was enjoyable because Germany is a beautiful country.

    Upon my arrival at the military base and introductions, the commander appointed a captain to show me around the base. The captain was also instructed to issue a GS 11 rank for me.

    Along with the rank, they furnished me with necessary credentials. The credentials were necessary to allow me access to military facilities, including the military base, the NCO Club, Officers Club and PX.

    My military credentials included a photo of me and other documents that I wore around my neck while entering and exiting the base. Since I wore civilian clothes, I also wore the credentials the entire time I was on the base each day.

    The credentials actually provided access to other military installations in Germany. At times, it was necessary for me to enter other military instillations. My rank was the equivalent to a captain, which provided privileges.

    The captain assigned to me was ordered to maintain constant contact with me regarding progress and/or issues on this project. My normal attire each day included dress pants, long sleeve dress shirt and a sport coat. Depending on the occasion, at times I wore a tie.

    As history would dictate, after the commander of the base assigned a captain as liaison with me. The captain subsequently assigned a sergeant to meet with me daily.

    Thus, the sergeant could report back to the captain daily. These chain of command procedures were simply routine.

    When a sergeant was assigned to me, he assisted me in obtaining military credentials. He was actually the one who showed me around the base and provided guidance.

    It didn’t take long to learn the NCO Club members were livelier than the Officers’ Club members. Attending both clubs enabled me to meet nice people at both clubs and I gained close friends from both clubs.

    After meeting with the base commander, it was necessary to contact my manager in Texas and apprise him of my arrival and meeting with the base commander. My manager wanted me to contact him routinely and keep him up to date on progress.

    Within three or four days of my arrival, the equipment I had shipped to Germany arrived in Frankfurt. I informed the sergeant assigned to me about the equipment.

    Several soldiers and trucks were subsequently assigned to accompany me to Frankfurt. It took most of the day, but we transported the equipment to the military base at Pirmasens.

    All of the equipment was placed inside a secure location, dedicated to this particular project. Soldiers were assigned to ensure security for this location 24x7. This location is where the final assembly took place by the installation team.

    By notifying my manager in Dallas about the shipment arriving, he arranged for the installation team to fly from Dallas to Germany. The installation team was the same team who partially assembled the equipment in Dallas for shipment to Germany.

    Installation Begins

    A couple of days later the installation team arrived and it was time to begin assembling the equipment. The installation team consisted of four engineers.

    The engineers were experts at their positions, and they stayed

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