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Lucia Bachelorette Party
Lucia Bachelorette Party
Lucia Bachelorette Party
Ebook34 pages34 minutes

Lucia Bachelorette Party

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Young Lucia goes with friends to celebrate her bachelorette party for four days on a sailboat in Formentera. Juan, the mature patron of the ship, and his four friends will provoke his doubts at the wedding, and on the night of San Juan he will fulfill a legend of his town. That magical night, love is made yes or yes.

Release dateAug 9, 2022
Lucia Bachelorette Party



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    Lucia Bachelorette Party - Melquicided

    Lucia Bachelorette Party

    Sweet sin story

    18+ ONLY


    Copyright © 2022

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and

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    Ten years ago, not yet thirty-five years old, he was a young lawyer with relative professional success, who wore a suit and tie every day, ate in well-known restaurants, and invested in the stock market. One day I came home; Ana was waiting for me, she asked me to sit down, we have to talk, I've met someone else, a short speech that I stopped listening to when I heard the first sentence, and a I wish you the best with which she said goodbye. In a few minutes, the woman with whom I had spent the last eight years disappeared from my life. Fortunately we had not wanted to have children.

    Suddenly, the lifestyle that attracted me so much ceased to interest me, I hated bureaucratic work, suits, business lunches. I made the most momentous decision of my life. I quit my job, I left Madrid, she kept the flat, I went to Denia, where I had a mooring point for the boat we had bought two years ago, the Ariel, a Bavaria 46, fourteen meters long, with four cabins, in addition to the skipper's cabin in the bow, separated from the rest.

    At the age of forty-five, about to turn, I led a bohemian life as a sailor, half a year embarked in the waters of Ibiza, living on the ship, and half a year anchored in the port of Denia, during the winter months, residing in my apartment on the beach of San Juan in Alicante. The season began after Easter, although the first months, until July, were not covered in their entirety.

    That week in June, I was hired for five days to take a group of girls from Albacete for a bachelorette party on a tour of Formentera. The night before, after checking that everything was in order, like a good sailor, I went down to the living room, and lacking inspiration, I closed the laptop

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