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Uvaacha: From Beyond the Crowd
Uvaacha: From Beyond the Crowd
Uvaacha: From Beyond the Crowd
Ebook71 pages37 minutes

Uvaacha: From Beyond the Crowd

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Often in our chasing of the hours we get lost, defeated, and worse - deluded, by the results.

The poet provides solace to such weary travellers trudging through the by-lanes of Life. Through easy rhyme, she not only voices some deep-seated questions, but places arguments and answers that open one’s mind to the real meaning of life.

What is in it for the youthful adventurers, for those yet to set upon the stormy voyage of life? The questions that get pushed aside by their youthful curiosity are brought to the surface. Premises are placed and through lucid reasoning counterpoints are provided revealing a profundity beyond the seeming simplicity. Profound yet lyrical, here is a form of writing that relaxes even as it appeals to the deep thinker.

Tough yet gentle, adamant yet understanding, difficult yet easy: yes paradoxes rule the pages, and the light heartedness of the author’s writing carries the reader through them all with a smile.
Release dateAug 14, 2022
Uvaacha: From Beyond the Crowd

Sandipa Bhattacharjee

Growing up in a small town of India, the poet has dedicated her life to being a teacher, writing to avail that elusive bliss that escapes one in the frenzied world of technology and change. Here she presents her understanding of a life lived in faith, leading to peace

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    Uvaacha - Sandipa Bhattacharjee

    Copyright © 2022 by Sandipa Bhattacharjee.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    BOOK 1 – FAITH

    1. Shree Ganesh

    2. Paradise on Earth

    3. The First Spring Lily

    4. Daybreak

    5. The Journey of My Life


    1. Rara Avis

    2. The Broken Wing

    3. Lessons Learnt

    4. One World

    5. A Tribute to Old Age

    6. Dedicated to Women

    7. A Message from The Heart

    BOOK 3 – TALES

    1. Story of A Stone

    2. Says The Taj Maker

    3. Icecap

    4. The Assignment

    5. Ode to Music

    6. Heart of Gold

    7. Story-Telling

    BOOK 4 – LOSS

    1. To The Bereaved

    2. To The One I Left Behind

    3. On Parting from A Guru

    4. For Ma’s Release

    5. In Consolation

    6. A Mother - A Miracle

    End Note

    When words take flight from the pen I hold

    I seem to be by my Master controlled…

    For the thoughts that arise in my mind

    For the way they just turn into rhyme -

    I am but a scribe for Powers Divine!

    Uvaacha is a Sanskrit word which means ‘said’.

    For Baba

    Thank you for introducing me to fantastic dreams

    and believing they can come true!


    I am grateful to all who have touched my life in one way or another, for you have in some way featured in my thoughts presented here.

    I owe my parents, my sister and my nephew my first thanks for making a special place for me in their lives. I am grateful to my extended family and friends for bearing with my deviant thoughts and ways.

    My role as a teacher made me realise how dependent I am on my students and my gratitude to this community is immense. A special mention must be made of the two Chinmaya Mission schools where I spent some fantastic years as a teacher, yet, learning, living, growing and experiencing life in some surrealness. Much of what I present in these pages comes from the understanding of life I gained here.

    BOOK 1


    I have travelled strange roads of Life. Some journeys were along known paths, some along unknown ones, some tranquil paths, and some quite the opposite. Many times I have found myself alone even when the paths were populated. Surprisingly, when on lonely paths, I have experienced company, and my conversations during these walks are what strengthens my faith in Life being the work of Art of a

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