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Venatores Noctis: Consequences of Compromise
Venatores Noctis: Consequences of Compromise
Venatores Noctis: Consequences of Compromise
Ebook64 pages53 minutes

Venatores Noctis: Consequences of Compromise

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After his fiancee mysteriously becomes a Corpus and his family disowns him for staying true to her, Thaddeus Meridies decides to fight against his family for his new family to establish a place where his family can live peacefully and to bring justice to a Church blinded by worldly goods and power.
Included in this book is a short story called Useful Suffering. It's based on a dream where a young man moves to a prosperous suburban neighborhood that is secretly cursed at night when everyone is infected with vampirism but also forgets everything that happened during the night, and no trace of it can be found after the night is over.

PublisherAlbert Oon
Release dateAug 13, 2022
Venatores Noctis: Consequences of Compromise

Albert Oon

A Catholic, self-published writer who writes for fun and to help others out. I write in the genres of horror, fantasy, romance, and sci-fi. I hope to be a successful writer who will also write for movies, video games, and more since I've been told that's the crowds my books appeal to.

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    Book preview

    Venatores Noctis - Albert Oon

    Venatores Noctis: Consequences of Compromise

    Copyright 2022 Albert Oon

    Published by Albert Oon at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1 – All for Love and Her

    In the early minutes of the night, an engaged couple on a cliff overlooks a castle that’s sat near the shore with their forces behind them ready to attack. The young man is dressed in a black and gold shirt and pants made for the most respected of princes, steel-toed boots, and carries a rapier and single shot-pistol in their respective holsters. Unlike the man’s battle-ready appearance, the young woman is dressed in her typical purple and black princess dress with a purple bow on her head, heels on her feet, a purple rose choker around her neck, and seemingly no weapon on her to speak of.

    Are you sure you want to do this, Thaddeus? the young woman asks.

    I am. Your brother and my sister deserve to be together like we are, Tinuviel, Thaddeus says.

    But what about your family?

    They’ve already disowned me and I’ve set my heart on doing what’s right.

    As Thaddeus says this, he begins his approach toward the castle. Tinuviel grabs his hand.

    And I’ve set mine on being at your side in everything that you do.

    Thaddeus smiles before they approach the gates of the castle together with their forces not too far behind them. A captain and his soldiers look at the young couple from atop the walls with disdain and their crossbows and single-shot rifles drawn.

    So, you’ve come here to die together. It’s the wisest choice you’ve made in a while, Thaddeus, the captain says.

    We didn’t come here to die. We came here to save my sister, Thaddeus says.

    She’s another fool like you. If this doesn’t prove to the rest of you that the vampires are deceitful and corrupting creatures, then I don’t what will.

    My fiancé, her brother, and family aren’t vampires. They’re Corpus.

    Regardless of what you think. You have already chosen Hell over Heaven.

    And you have chosen hatred over love. Attack!

    Out of the wilderness come the couple’s forces, which are Corpus. They leap on and over the castle walls as if they were nothing but a short fence and fight against its defenders with ruthless speed and strength as even armored soldiers are torn in two with two strikes from their hands. Once the main gate is clear, the Corpus open the gate for the couple so they can join the fight. Thaddeus draws his rapier that pierces the armor of his foes while Tinuviel uses her undead strength just like the others decapitate and dismember. The overwhelming number of Corpus overwhelms the castle’s guards and allows quick access to the castle’s inner rooms where Thaddeus and Tinuviel find Thaddeus’ sister. His sister is guarded by many elite soldiers that have already cut down many of the Corpus with hardly a scratch on them.

    Thaddeus! You shouldn’t have come here, his sister says.

    No, you deserve to be with the one you love just like me, Thaddeus says.

    Drawing his single-shot gun, Thaddeus points his gun at the soldiers who hide behind their shields and slowly walk toward him shoulder to shoulder.

    Your bullet will just bounce off their shields!

    That’s what I’m hoping for. Thaddeus shoots the round part of one of the soldier’s shields to make it bounce off it then another part of the room and finally through the necks of the soldiers to bring down all three in one shot. Have you already forgotten about my bestial perception?

    Tinuviel’s brother comes in and embraces Thaddeus’ sister before kissing her.

    He then gets on his knees and says to Thaddeus, I cannot thank you enough for what you’ve done for me. I owe you my life.

    "You don’t owe me anything

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