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Worthy: Your Exclusive Guide to Programming Yourself Back to Self Love and Living Your Best Life
Worthy: Your Exclusive Guide to Programming Yourself Back to Self Love and Living Your Best Life
Worthy: Your Exclusive Guide to Programming Yourself Back to Self Love and Living Your Best Life
Ebook288 pages2 hours

Worthy: Your Exclusive Guide to Programming Yourself Back to Self Love and Living Your Best Life

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About this ebook

A powerful mix of spirituality and science with a subtle touch of woo-woo.


"It all starts on the inside. Let's unlock your magic, so you can start living your wildest dreams remembering who you were alw

PublisherKismet Books
Release dateAug 29, 2022
Worthy: Your Exclusive Guide to Programming Yourself Back to Self Love and Living Your Best Life

Malgosia Stanislawski

Malgosia Stanislawski is a lifelong entrepreneur committed to personal development, freedom to work from any part of the world from her laptop, and impacting millions. She is a certified Health Coach, NLP Master Coach, and Licensed Esthetician. She has 20 years of experience in the beauty industry, including working as a fashion runway model, personal stylist in a high-end store, and owner of 3 skincare boutiques. She is a graduate of New York's prestigious Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Chicago's renowned International Dermal Institute. Malgosia provides coaching and consulting services supporting individuals in achieving their dreams and falling deeply in love with themselves while feeling worthy and empowered to conquer the world. Malgosia enjoys sipping Champagne and shares her time between Europe and the US with her husband and son, and her beloved toy poodle, Lulu. For media inquiries please contact:

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    Worthy - Malgosia Stanislawski





    Malgosia Stanislawski

    Kismet Books

    New York

    Worthy © 2022 by Malgorzata Stanislawski

    All rights reserved.

    First Edition.

    Cover Design: Daria DiCieli

    Interior Design: Arkonna

    Editors: Jane Lorenz and Megan Jackson

    This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher.

    Disclaimer: The author and publisher make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this book or its contents. This book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed medical, educational, legal or accounting professional. Before you begin any change in your lifestyle in any way, you will consult a licensed professional to ensure that you are doing what’s best for your situation.  As such, use of this book implies your acceptance of this disclaimer.

    Kismet Books

    Babylon, New York 11702

    For my Mommy…

    And my beloved Grandma who looks upon me from Heaven



    The Secret

    What It Means To Feel Worthy


    I Am Enough

    The Gift Of Self-Acceptance


    You Become What You Believe

    Mirror Gazing

    Wealthy Doesn’t Mean More Worthy

    Make A Choice

    Many Layers Of You

    Tender Blanket Of Self-Love

    It Needs To Happen Now

    Imperfect Is Just Perfect

    The Act Of Forgiveness

    The Depth Of Your Worthiness


    Fluffy Self-Love

    Self-Love Is Never Selfish

    Ahh I’m So Vain

    Imaginary List

    Loving Yourself More

    The Luxury Of Being Authentic

    Your Blind Spot

    Flip The Coin

    I See You

    Self-Love And People Pleasing

    A Word On Compliments

    The Safety Within

    Your Body Is A Masterpiece

    Kiss Yourself

    Permission To Trust

    Counterintuitive Is Not Always Wrong

    Transmuting Energy

    Own Your Gifts

    Surrender To Love

    Your Access Code


    Feel Into The Essence Of What You Want

    Come Back To Your Power

    You Are Amazing. Deal With It.

    You Always Have Your Own Back

    Your True Beauty

    Control Is An Illusion

    Circus Monkey

    Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

    Stay Impeccable With Your Integrity

    Divinely Aligned Friendships


    Abundance Codes

    Abundance Is Infinite

    Never Put Your Dream On A Pedestal

    Not A Big Deal

    Your Logic Can Quiet Your Heart And Make It Feel Wrong

    Alignment And Allowing Yourself To Heal

    The Art Of Allowing

    Divine Structure Coming From Alignment


    Unleash Your Inner Queen

    Queens Are Allowed To Cry

    The Essence Of The Queen

    Love Your Laziness, Queen

    You Are Free To Choose Brilliant Queen

    The Dance Between Feminine And Masculine Energies

    Queen And Her Closet

    Wear That Perfume For Yourself, Queen

    You Are Worthy So Get That Purse, Woman

    Celebrate To Amplify

    One Snowy Night On Magnificent Mile



    Attracting All The Things You Want

    Wrong Signal

    Limits Imposed By Ego

    Discipline Your Sweet Derrière, My Dahling

    You Can Have It All

    Your Future Is Here. Boom.

    Befriend Your Fear

    Your Purpose And Falling In Love With Life

    Get Plugged In To The Source

    Bali, The Island Of Gods.

    Savor The Moment

    You Are A Walking Magnet

    Wake Up To Magic

    Your Exquisite Dream Life

    Girly Girl

    Look Beyond The Shiny Layer

    Be Here And Now

    Stop Diffusing Your Energy


    Daily Bubbles


    Now It’s Time To Own It, Baby

    Commit To The Work

    Au Revoir

    SECTION 1:


    To be irreplaceable, one must be different.

    ~ Coco Chanel


    My father left me when I was a little girl. He fell in love with another woman, divorced my mom and started a new family.  As a result of this situation I was abandoned by a person who had a formative role in my development. This situation shaped me and influenced how I perceived everything around me for many years to come.

    Of course we don’t understand what’s really happening when we are little children. Maybe in our innocence we do comprehend even more than we realize. We clearly recognize how we feel. That’s more than enough to know and distinguish between what’s right and what’s wrong. Our little hearts know. Our feelings are perfect indicators of our internal state. The impact of unclear, confusing, or traumatic events from your childhood will be carried in your cells and stop you from accepting yourself as a worthy, brilliant, and capable woman. This will influence each important decision you make throughout your life – unless you rewrite the story.

    If you are one of the children who experienced watching your parents get divorced, you understand the disturbance it causes. The parts that are the most painful and damaging are invisible to the outside observer. However, the inner world of that child is completely shaken and destroyed with fear and confusion. The sense of safety is gone. Subconsciously, the abandoned child takes the blame and thinks that she’s not good enough to be loved  – even by her parent, who is supposed to love her the most in the world, protect her, hug her, and tell her how wonderful, clever, and beautiful she is.

    It’s all confusing to the inexperienced heart of a little child. It creates tall gates around her heart and a lifelong pathway of red flags and lack of trust in the sincerity of other people. It creates a sense of unworthiness, not being enough, and low self-esteem.

    The good news is you can remove the scar of unworthiness from your heart.

    I invite you to open yourself up to inner work and then make a commitment to never stop. Yes, it’s an ongoing practice of inquiry and reframing beliefs that don’t serve you in life and block you from reaching for your heart’s dreams. This is a process of healing and it starts with your decision. It takes work, practice, and commitment, but it’s so rewarding! You need to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive beliefs that will help support your journey and allow you to create your dream life.

    Remember that nobody will be able to abandon you if you don’t abandon yourself. You hold the key to unlocking your magic. Always.

    Your goal is to learn how to accept and love yourself no matter what. You need to learn how to befriend yourself to the point of knowing you always have your own back. That is the secret. All the pieces fall into place when you start feeling worthy, accept yourself, and pour love into your cup first.

    I’ll teach you how.

    So let’s rewrite your story and create a fairytale, shall we?

    Love Note…


    I’m worthy conveys your belief that you trust life and feel you are enough and safe in your body to follow your desire to be who you want to be in this lifetime.

    You feel deserving of your dreams.

    You recognize your purpose.

    Reflect on these questions:

    If you knew you could have anything you want, what would it truly be?

     If you knew you could do whatever you want, what would it be?

    If you knew you could be whoever you want to be, then what would your identity be?

    Then ask yourself why.


    M.   💋


    Outside things will never be able to define you.

    Yes, they can be a temporary fix and a fast-lived high, but the truth is this is not real enough-ness. Filling the void you feel inside with material items is not a solution. This doesn’t fix anything and it’s not sustainable.

    Remember, things are just things. They are items, possessions. They don’t have a Soul. They are disposable…and your worthiness is deeper than things. What you have around you doesn’t ultimately define or prove your worth. The feeling of worthiness is something that’s created on the inside.

    You need to accept yourself to feel worthy.

    If you feel unworthy, you won’t be able to manifest and receive what you want with ease.

    You will feel like you want something on a superficial level, but subconsciously you believe that you are unworthy of what you desire. That energy will block the flow of magic you probably crave from life. Don’t be mistaken, though – all of it will be available, but as a hardship and something you won’t see as possible for YOU.

    Feeling unworthy completely alters your perception.  

    It’s like your heart would say I want this and your ego would say I don’t deserve this.

    The flow of magic is blocked. You have an inner conflict. Can you see that?

    Worthiness at its core is this:

    You exist, so you are worthy. Worthy of joy, love, money, everything you want. From the spiritual point we know that God, Creator, Higher Power does not create spare people. Everybody has a purpose and lessons to learn in this lifetime. Your Soul is on a journey.

    Heart and Soul Reflections…

    Your thinking mind will always try to justify your worthiness and enough-ness. Therefore, I encourage you to do this exercise:

    What if you played a game of I am worthy because…

    Fill out a page in your journal starting each sentence with I am worthy because… and focus on all the positive aspects of your identity that come to mind. Nothing is too small.


    Feeling worthy eliminates many insecurities that influence how you feel about yourself and your life in general. The I am enough statement is a crucial part of inner transformation. It teaches you self-acceptance. It is your golden gateway to personal, sweet freedom. It’s the foundation of everything. It’s the prerequisite to creating your dream life step by step.

    Not feeling enough is the feeling of emptiness. It stems from a lack and scarcity mindset. You believe you’re lacking something that others have. They have it and it makes them better than you. People fill this void with various kinds of addictions. It could be overeating, overspending, people pleasing, hoarding, perfectionism, etc. We hope for things to fill the emptiness that we feel inside. It’s a temporary high of being full and whole, but in reality we are just numbing the pain and running away from looking at the problem.  Of course the work is on the inside and material things won’t heal the feeling of unworthiness or not enough-ness.  

    You can change all of it. You can reprogram your way of thinking and transform your life.

    First of all, you need to realize that feeling this emptiness inside is something that you have control over. The process starts with acknowledging the fact that you have power to change it. You need a shift in your perception and this is not based on how many material things you currently possess. It’s also not tied to your weight or your looks. It’s a separate aspect that’s on the inside – it’s part of your belief system.

    The gap – this feeling of emptiness – is completely in your mind, and you have the power to close it. Your entire life will change because of this shift. You will be happier and more confident. Your energy will change. People will start treating you differently because you are going to start treating yourself with more respect and affection. When you feel worthy, people sense it and respond accordingly to what they feel. The world is like a big mirror to what we think of ourselves.

    The I am enough statement that I would love for you to start repeating to yourself a hundred times a day, is your link to drawing more pleasure and satisfaction from life because it allows you to believe in yourself and your dreams.

    Make a commitment. Ready?

    Let’s go.

    Heart and Soul Reflections…

    Now I want you to grab a piece of paper and start writing sentence after sentence beginning with two magical words:

    I am…

    This is a very powerful and revealing exercise for you.

    Your subconscious mind always listens, and this statement of I am codes you with powerful messages.

    Who are you, then?

    This is one of the most transformational exercises.

    Go back to it often, because depending on the day you might get a glimpse of a treasure that will come from your heart and Soul and reveal to you who you already are on the inside.


    When I was younger, I didn’t feel worthy and I certainly didn’t believe in myself. My beloved grandmother encouraged me to become a model because I was tall and skinny. She really paid attention to how I looked, often criticizing my hair for its lack of bounce and volume. Each time I visited her at the other end of the city I grew up in, I exposed myself to judgment.

    Her behavior wasn’t unusual because I had become accustomed to it and I felt in my heart she loved me very much. I had to pay extra attention to look good when I visited her for hot tea and cookies. I received advice about my hair, skin, and posture. Nothing was ever right. Even my voice wasn’t good enough. She was coaching me on everything: an olive oil cream on my face, big hot rollers in my hair at night, and a straight back with my chin up when I walked. I needed to smile more, too, because my face was sad. Despite all her criticism, she believed I could be a runway model for a famous fashion agency in Poland. All of a sudden, the multitude of harsh comments I received for years and years finally made sense – my granny believed in me after all.

    I listened to her advice and applied to a modeling agency where they took me under their wing. I was only 16 and the youngest model on the stage. This experience definitely shaped my life. I was constantly scrutinized for how I looked. It was a big life lesson for me on how catty women can be to each other and how easy it was to use our feminine power to get what we wanted from men. I observed and learned from the best, but perhaps that is

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