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The Rogue of Space, Episode 2: A Telepathic Calling
The Rogue of Space, Episode 2: A Telepathic Calling
The Rogue of Space, Episode 2: A Telepathic Calling
Ebook105 pages1 hour

The Rogue of Space, Episode 2: A Telepathic Calling

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Trained by the Galactic Council's very own schools for travelling in deep space. That's where skill sets needed to captain a starship are best taught. Although it's been quite some time since Koran's taken a direct GC task. Nowadays, they've been working wild specialty jobs. All for an underground network, ran by a Gorbulon who's referred to as

PublisherLauren Curtis
Release dateAug 27, 2022
The Rogue of Space, Episode 2: A Telepathic Calling

LG Curtis

L.G. Curtis is a creative individual that loves to embrace changes that present new and improved ways of approaching life. Especially when it brings about a happier perspective, enriches the health and wellbeing of themselves as well as others. They also believe strongly in challenging themselves to make bold choices. They are someone who appreciates being out in nature and connecting with the world. Learning is what they believe to be (at least one of) the meaning(s) of life. Whether it be esoteric practices or curiously exploring the workings of the latest discoveries in a wide range of scientific fields. L.G. Curtis decided to undertake an Astronomy course just for having a greater understanding of what's out there beyond the boundaries of our planet's atmosphere & truly hopes to one day venture out amongst the other planetary bodies of our solar system and beyond. Terraforming new worlds with their imagination is one way that they fuel this mission of theirs, and they humbly wish to thank you for supporting them on this wondrous adventure through literature.

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    The Rogue of Space, Episode 2 - LG Curtis



    The hulking arachnid stared at me from within his workshop, Well, Kor, I gotta say.. this armour set was quite the intricate collection, that’s for sure. The Ara’chanahzor, named Ranch’araz, exclaims. A rhythmic selection of tabla drums and duduk plays enchantingly in the background, while the scent of caramel permeates my nostrils. Some of these metal compositions are nowhere to be found in any GC database. In fact, my equipment-manufacturing software detected the anomalies, and offered me credit chits for sharing the innovative material-science behind the mixtures… with your permission? The eight limbed giant arachnid perks up as they ask this query. Clearly both interested in the chits and the science behind it as well.

    I don’t see any harm in doing so. Go for it. But, just for the sake of the original crafter, label the listing as anonymously as you can, alright? Wanting to remember and respect the friend who gave the armour to me, I figure that’s a fairly good idea.

    Of course, yes, of course! Certainly, watch this, oh watch this! They turn the monitor around, so that I’m able to see exactly what they’ve got going on with their work computer. I really like the open book character of Salim’s boyfriend. He seems like quite the specialist, and they really run a business without hiding details or ripping off clientele. It’s good to have honourable people around to work with. The monitor displays many organized columns, charts and details, along with the chemical composition of the metal alloys. "Great Tarah’ahzwali, would you look at that? The software’s internal, smart, offering system proposes 4.20 Galach Tokens for the 3 new mixtures! It’s interested in adding them to its public database! Hahaha, that’s just over eight months of Universal Basic Income, all in one go! Unexpected, and very appreciated.." They look over to me with some of their secondary eyes, an expression of theirs is telling me they’d like to have my opinion on how to split the take of the GTs.

    Keep it. Consider it a bonus, okay? Now enter it listed without a name associated with its addition, and show me what you’ve been working on. I say, not wanting to rush things, but I’m excited to see the modifications myself.

    Why yess, ohh I believe this will be to your liking. Thiss way, Kor, this way! They tap the screen quickly, to accept the bonus chits, and send in the chemical compositions anonymously. Then, from their Brain-Computer Interface they dispatch a command to a nearby table. The entire mid-section of which slides all the way into the floor. Then I hear mechanical shifting occurring underneath our feet. A moment goes by, and the table comes back up. On one side of its surface lays the armour, piece by piece, plus the sword and shield. All gifted to me by my friend, back on Shahll, Jae’waloo. Next to the metal-plated armour there’s a dark grey and black pile of folded up clothes. On the very top lies some sort of elaborate cloth face mask, with three almost glowing indigo eyeholes clearly showing. Two where they ought to be, for humans at least, and one up a bit in the centre of the forehead.

    Ranch’araz is showing Koran the armour he’s modified for Kor.

    Hmm, I see you’re interested in the stealth suit, yes? It’s entirely my very own design. Ranch’araz says, passionately.

    Actually, I am. What is it exactly? To me, it looks clandestine, light, tactical— I’m about to continue when Ranch cuts right in.

    Precisely, like a good spider? Hmm, ohoho! Verrry tactical. The suit masks any life-signs of its wearer, and with the bonus third eye embedded in the fabrics of the cloth helm, no one will tell for sure that you’re even human. They reach out an arm to grab the helm, another arm’s used to pick up the top part of the ensemble, while yet another picks up the pants and finally a fourth hand of theirs reaches for the running shoes, with gloves for the suit tucked into one shoe and socks in the other. Lifting their hand with the mask first, they say, As you can see, the ridges along both sides, at the top, further disguise your actual species. Oh, and look here! These lenses used for the eyeholes will sync with your BCI, bringing up further useful information along your future paths.

    Hm. I acknowledge, nodding my head for the mod-specialist to continue. Clearly, they’ve put some serious thought into all of this.

    Next, the jacket! Lined with both slash and pierce resistant materials, it’s a signature Ara’chanahzor blend.. uses our own silken web. Stronger than steel, by many times over and much, much lighter. They hand me the jacket, and I throw it over both my shoulders. Sliding an arm in each end, I notice right away they weren’t kidding about how light it was.

    Woah, Ranch! Are you really so sure about this being as strong as you say it is? I’ve worn spider-weaves before, this is easily a couple orders-of-magnitude less heavy than I would have ever expected, it feels like I’m barely wearing anything.

    Hahaha, allow me to demonstrate? I nod again and they pick up, with their now free hand, a blade that was underneath the stealth suit. I figured you’d want a demonstration. They shrug and swiftly lunge towards a manakin. The dagger slices deep, then comes back around the other way, piercing down to the hilt. Next, they eye me again, giving me a moment to prepare. In a blink of an instant, their arm slides, the weapon pushing hard against me, then comes back around. I felt the piercing stab like nothing more than a light compression.

    Ranch’araz shows Koran how strong the stealth suit’s tunic is by slashing and stabbing him with a serrated blade.

    Ranch extends the blade over to me, with its handle first. While beside us the manakin’s nano-filaments mend themselves, the fabric intertwines a perfect repair within seconds. Keep the dagger. It’s made of both carbon-plaz and Ara-weave. You’ll probably find better uses for it than myself. When you’ve got such claws as I have, this knife doesn’t even have much of a use in the kitchen. Ranch’araz laughs whole heartedly. It’s not as strong as your astro-plate armour, but it’s light and undetectable. Could come in handy, yes? They bobble their head, up and down rapidly and chatter to themselves with a few clicks. A sound commonly associated with an Ara’chanahzor who’s deeply content with their work.

    "Yeah, alright, thanks. Now what’s special about the pants

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