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Cardinalis Academia Trilogy: Bloodlines: Cardinalis Academia, #1
Cardinalis Academia Trilogy: Bloodlines: Cardinalis Academia, #1
Cardinalis Academia Trilogy: Bloodlines: Cardinalis Academia, #1
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Cardinalis Academia Trilogy: Bloodlines: Cardinalis Academia, #1

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From Book 1: This is not a standalone novel! This is book 1 in a trilogy and must be read in order.

What if everything you knew was based on a lie? What if I told you that there are puppeteers behind the scenes that pull the strings of all organized crime, corrupt governments, politics, wars, and greedy powerplays in the world? You wouldn't believe me! No one ever does. Just like you wouldn't even consider that magic exists or that all of those facts in your history books are what they want you to believe. They distract you with their designed entertainment and busy schedules so that you won't see. They like you blind and indoctrinated to believe success is money, power, and pride. They've already corrupted us, and we are supposed to know better.

I'm taking a chance here! This is the secret...

Their system is all based on Bloodlines, lies, and deceptions. They don't want you to know the truth because if you did, you might look deeper. Yeah! Unbelievable, right? Well, here is something to think about. Columbus might have sailed the ocean blue, but North America wasn't the New World! Shocker, right? Yeah, there was a more sinister motive behind that voyage. To introduce you to this hidden world, you must know of the Cardinalis Academia. I bet you haven't heard of that before! There is always a war of good versus evil... But what happens when the good has been corrupted since infancy and trained within a system that teaches them everything illegal, immoral, and shady? Welcome to Cardinalis Academia! This is where students learn everything from interrogation, surveillance, hacking, embezzlement, forgery, larceny, combat, mastery of every weapon, to wield their magical abilities, and everything in between. If it is illegal, they are supposed to master it within their time at the academy. It's always been like this... or has it?

Release dateAug 22, 2022
Cardinalis Academia Trilogy: Bloodlines: Cardinalis Academia, #1

A.J. Nighthawke

There is nothing like a good story that leaves you feeling warm and cozy inside. Here is my promise to you - Within the pages of my books, you will never find anything vulgar or inappropriate. My goal is to leave you encouraged and happy. Who doesn't like a happy ending? You may find a little drama, maybe a touch of suspense. Some of the characters might even face hard challenge's but a sweet kiss, and a happily ever after is a must.

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    Book preview

    Cardinalis Academia Trilogy - A.J. Nighthawke

    Cardinalis Academia Trilogy – Bloodlines: Book 1

    © 2022 A.J. Nighthawke No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without written permission from the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    For more information, contact

    A.J. Nighthawke

    All rights reserved


    ISBN:  9798847242295

    Published by: A.J. Nighthawke

    Printed in the United States of America

    A close-up of a compass Description automatically generated


    Book 1  Bloodlines

    Year 1 - Semester 1


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29


    Xavi Aparctias struggles to pull in a solitary breath. His taut muscles protest any movement as his Royal Blood seeps and pulses from the deep lacerations across his chest and neck. He has to see her one last time.

    Rolling onto his side, the dew that dotted the grass brushes against his cheek, which feels as hot as fire. The heat is at least something that he can feel other than the fear of loss. It isn’t his magical abilities that he will miss. It is her... his beloved daughter, still a toddler and innocent.

    Xavi will miss her growing up, growing strong, and most of all, her ethereal eyes that can always see past the fake façades and fortified walls that people put up. Her young age did not hinder her ability to assess both allies and foes. He briefly wondered what her magic would have been, if she would have been a handful in her teen years, or whether or not she would surpass him in knowledge and skill. His heart wants to be here for her, to train her to face every enemy without fear but even ‘want’ could not keep him here. Shear will isn’t enough.

    His heavy heart clenches at the sight of Maureen, his wife. Her dark eyes are already set and glassy, the soul within gone. Her gaze is still frozen on the toddler that lay between them.

    Dada, the raven-haired angel whispers.

    I love you, precious, Xavi chants, knowing they are probably his last words.

    Love loo, she replies, her bright eyes like the moonbeams above, a blessing in his final moment.

    With the blood that covers her little body, these are probably her last moments, too.  She never had a chance to live. His daughter is the one thing that he got right, and now she was paying for a war that she knew nothing about. He thought that he could keep her safe. He failed the ones that he loved most. The greatest and most feared King of the Royal Bloodlines lay bleeding that precious scarlet and could do nothing to stop it.

    The clang of blades and pop of firearms in the distance tell him that the battle still continues. Men shout, and beasts snarl from the wood line. There are worse things than death. Living in this world without his wife and child, for instance.

    Xavi reaches for Eirian, pulling her into his broad chest. Shhh, he soothes, his hand accidentally dipping into the blood that spills from the wound down her spine.

    It’s odd that she doesn’t cry.

    The warm Royal Blood coats his hands... that is when he sees it...

    Important! Please be aware that each chapter is from a different character's point of view. The P.O.V. will be located under each chapter heading.

    Chapter 1


    North. South. East. West. These words sound familiar, I know. The thing about it is that their origin comes from a place that most people have never even heard of... Cardinalis Academia.

    The name sounds innocent enough, but oh, how deceiving it actually is. This place, hidden behind the misty veil of fog and tree-covered mountains, is no preppy university that most have heard of. Only those of the ‘Bloodlines’ know the atrocities that this place can dream up and achieve. No one that enters those imposing gates out front comes here for the academics. That’s for sure!

    My birth family still resides in Connecticut. As the oldest son, I was plucked from my family as a sacrifice of sorts. Someone had to carry the family burden, and unfortunately, that falls on me. While most kids grow up surrounded by loved ones, nurturing homes, and civilian life, I was given a different lot. I wonder if most people who know my family are led to believe that I was shipped off to some expensive private boarding school in the mountains of Switzerland. Maybe no one knew about me except for the woman who gave birth to me. Who knows what they come up with? It’s not even close. Let’s just say that there is a reason the ‘New World’ was discovered so late.

    There is no way that my tongue will utter the location of what's been held a secret for hundreds of years. I’m pretty sure that was programmed into me while I was still in the womb. Here at the academy, there are rules. If you break them, you die. Everyone... and I mean everyone is expendable. If I lose my head, then the next sibling just under me will be forced to take the place that my family holds in such high esteem. Well, that is what the Bloodline descendants have been taught since early on.

    Before arriving here at the university, I was shuffled through several schools that, let’s just say, ‘catered’ to what my future would bring. To be honest, all those who attended the schools of the ‘Bloodlines’ are sacrificial lambs that are willingly painted to be the black sheep of everything underground, illegal, and shady.

    Did I mention that magic is involved as well? Yeah! Well, that just makes life more difficult for me. You would think it would make it easier, but no, that’s not how my world works. Magic has a price, and its payment is usually the firstborn.

    My unknown family back in Connecticut lives a happy little mortal existence. As they have never crossed beyond the veil into the magical lands, they will live the average lifespan, living in the lap of luxury. My own mother doesn’t even know her firstborn. Does she even have a single picture of me? Does she think or wonder about who I am or what I look like? If so, she’s never done anything about it. I have no memories of the woman, not even one birthday card written in her hand.

    Two months into my expected four-year ‘college education,’ I’m already a Prince here on campus and within the criminal world. That’s right! There are four main Bloodlines that are considered royalty here at Cardinalis Academia. Not by my choice, of course. I was born into this. If I had to be here, it didn’t hurt that I was at the top of the hierarchy.

    The first two years here at the academy are designed to instruct all sacrificial students on everything illegal. My classes will range from surveillance, hacking, embezzlement, interrogation, forgery, larceny, and everything in between. If it is illegal, I am supposed to master it within my time here. The last two years are what we all looked forward to. Those were the years when we would be taught and trained in our magic. One sacrificial child from the Bloodlines will gain their magical abilities on their twentieth birthday, meaning that I have a little less than two years to go. For Bastian and Gray, both would gain magical abilities since they were rare identical twins. It’s only when we gain our magical abilities that we are allowed to cross the veil into the supernatural realm.

    Even in my first year, I am feared, sought after as a valuable ally, and already have a reputation for taking jobs from the Aster. It has been low-key jobs that can be accomplished remotely since I’m only allowed to venture to a single nearby city. That has only happened twice since arriving at this campus. Keep in mind that the city only employs those of the lower classes of bloodlines.

    The Aster is the ruling board of the most prestigious Bloodlines in the criminal world. My father is a seated and well-respected member. Maybe the word member is too tame of a word. He is the King, the fearsome King of the East. Most of his subjects call him Majesty, but the Underground refers to him as the Jackal of the East.

    Pffft! I really do not know the man. He only calls to talk business. It’s a depressing life, really. I’ve never even heard the three little words before. I couldn’t tell you anything about my mother or siblings. The only thing I know is what is posted on social media, so it is most likely a staged show to present the perfect family. There is no time that I remember when I had a personal relationship with any of them. It’s ironic, really... because this entire criminal system is based on Bloodlines. The jobs I take will fund the comfortable lifestyles of my family members while they never have to lift a finger. They will be able to live with clean hands while I am expected to willingly soil mine without a second thought.

    The four main Bloodlines, Aparctias (North), Apeliotes (East), Notos (South), and Zephyrus (West), are the Kings and Queens of all criminal activity around the world. The royals of dark and depraved are aptly named after the four winds. It’s fitting because they are just phantoms, invisible, yet pushing and pulling all the strings that destroy the world. To put it simply, they are the hands of evil itself.

    The next level down is represented by the Boreas (Northeast), Euribitus (Southeast), Argestes (Southwest), and Skirion (Northwest). Any surnames under that tier are useless to mention. To be frank, there are too many to categorize, so we classify them by the Wind (Ánemos), Fire (Photia), Earth (Gaia), and Water (Hudor). Their magical abilities are always tied to the elements.

    The Princes of the Royal Bloodline live in a separate building here on the Cardinalis Academia campus called the Basilica. The top four floors of the impressive mansion have lavish living quarters, each Royal Bloodline having its own floor. The ground level includes a massive training arena, an entertainment/hangout space, and a kitchen. The basements are what we refer to as The Vaults. Every elite family has a vault. Inside each are precious items, treasures, weapons, advanced tech, and, most importantly of all, secrets.

    No one can enter the Basilica without retina and fingerprint scans, along with a code that only we know. It is a three-way system that ensures protection and safety, as well as assuring that the bodies that are buried stay that way. There are four keepers that stay nearby that can access the main suites for cleaning and delivering food. Those keepers are loyal to each family and have worked for the Royal Bloodlines for centuries.

    Hurrying from my class on Bribery and Extortion, I enter the main dining hall we have donned The Compass. I like eating here because I get more of a sense of what's going on around campus. There is always chatter and, more than likely, a little scuffle to entertain us before we leave.

    Heading to the front, I place my order for lunch and tear off my ticket. I’m not waiting in line for my food to be prepared. With my slip of paper in hand, I head to my usual table that is slightly elevated upon a raised dais.

    Only royalty are allowed to sit here. Our table is elegant and constructed of the purest marble and gold embellishments, relaying our status. This also gives me an unobstructed view of every student. That’s right! In our world, we are always on alert, knowing the dangers of enemies and even those we consider allies. We can never be too careful or ever let our guard down.

    Girls always watch the main dais with half-hooded eyes and batting lashes, hoping that we will choose them. Guys give us tilts of their chins like we are bound by an unseen bro-code. Everyone wants a piece of royalty. It’s really too bad that I know them all well enough to know that I’m not interested. The girls are petty and deceitful, and the guys are conniving and only want to advance their status.

    I’m lost in a daze when someone takes the seat beside me. I’m so bored that a ragged sigh escapes. You’d think our time here at the criminal academy would be far from monotonous, but nope. Most of this stuff is repetitive, and I guess that is to be expected when you start training as a toddler.

    Glancing to my right, I find the twins, aka the Lions of the South. Sebastian Caine Notos and Grayson Pain Notos are a unique combo. Their combined training and abilities are second to none. Where most families sacrifice the oldest son or child, theirs sacrificed both. It is definitely a good thing that they are together because one cannot survive without the other.

    Next is our tech-savvy royal, Felix Rogue Zephyrus, The Rogue of the West. None of us call him Felix. He hates it. He prefers The Rogue, and I have to say it suits him better.

    That leaves me, Axel Jax Apeliotes. The Beast of the East. Together, Bastian, Gray, Rogue, and I are as close to family as we can get. It doesn’t matter that the four of us share no blood. Our upbringing and circumstances bond me to them more than to my precious Apeliotes Bloodline. The four of us have been together since infancy, and I really don’t see us parting ways even after we graduate from this horrid place. There is trust between the four of us and no other.

    I guess the next logical question is for one to wonder about the Aparctias bloodline. Mmm... well, to be honest, no one dares even mention the name anymore. The whispers never even speak of it, probably terrified that it will bring an inescapable curse.

    Years ago, there was some kind of attack on the Royal Bloodline. It’s hush-hush. The entire Aparctias family was wiped out in a single night. Even though backstabbing and enemies are expected, no one was prepared for an attack on the Aparctias family. Out of all the dark, magical families, they were the most powerful.

    Xavi Aparctias was the most feared of the Bloodline Kings. No one crossed him and lived to tell the tale. With details kept locked up like the vaults in Fort Knox, no one really knows what happened that fateful night. The only fact that anyone shares is that by morning's light, every man, woman, and child of the Aparctias family was dead. There is no one to carry on that bloodline.

    Hey Axel, Bastian says, breaking me from my thoughts. Foods here.

    Shaking my head to dispel the brain fog, the scent of a marinara and meat pizza catches my attention. Hurrying the first slice in my mouth, it immediately turns to ash when a familiar whiney voice grates against my ears.

    Why don’t you four come and eat at the Argestes table with me? Trix Argestes whines, the sound making me want to ball my fists to protect my fingernails. Is it crazy that her voice makes the roots of my hair hurt?

    Not today, Trix, Gray answers, leaning back nonchalantly. He kicks one foot to rest on the other, spreading his arms to rest on the back of Bastian and Rogue’s chair.

    Gray... Trix says, sounding like an ambulance siren. I hate that high-pitched whine that she does. It does the opposite of luring us in. It’s a deterrent, and the girl just doesn’t realize it. It’s been three days since any of you sat with us.

    Trix may be an Argestes (Southwest), but she likes to have her posse of underling worshippers surrounding her. Her need for attention is exhausting. She would be unbearable if she were actually of the Royal Bloodline.

    Sorry, Trix, it's just us boys right now, Gray says unapologetically. He lifts a hand to shoo her away. With a spoiled-sounding harumph, Trix finally stomps off with her arms crossed and her pale pink lips pooching out like usual. It’s a wonder that she doesn’t roll an ankle in those ridiculous high-heel shoes!

    Ugggh, I don’t even want to deal with her drama right now, Bastian says low, making sure that no one can hear. It’s crucial that we keep our alliances and watch every word that leaves our mouths. I’m the one who struggles the most with that, being that I am the hothead of the group. I’ll admit to violent tendencies, the urge to act first and think later, and to trust absolutely no one but my brothers who sit at this table.

    The Aster sure doesn’t mind anyone here at Cardinalis Academia dying. In fact, when parents send their children here, it is encouraged to have another heir because the first usually doesn’t make it to the third magical year. Yeah! It’s that cutthroat. Literally! There are deaths on the academy grounds every single year.

    For my brothers and me, our third year can’t come fast enough. At least when we receive our magical abilities, we will stand more of a chance of surviving. That is, if we manage to inherit a useful high-magic. There is a chance that one of us will be a dud. Many years ago, every descendant of the four main bloodlines would inherit magic. Now, it is only the oldest child. If the first heir dies, the second will inherit the magic. It’s not ideal since they don’t have the training since their infancy. It’s always best if the first sacrifice survives. Sending the second-born is just an inconvenience, and, to be honest, most second-borns don’t survive either. They are too ill-prepared.

    We only spend two years here at this specific campus. In years three and four, we all head to the crown jewel, the Cardinalis Academia that sits beyond the veil. On the other side, in the magical lands, sits a perfect carbon copy of this campus where we are free to practice our abilities without fear of the human world finding out our secrets. Once we graduate, each student must decide where they will live and work from, either in the magical realm or the human realm. We will be free to travel between the two, but strings can be pulled from either side of the veil.

    Honestly, I can’t wait. I’m ready for a change in scenery and people.

    The Aster












    Eight must be appointed

    by the Kings from the

    elemental bloodlines of

    Anemos, Photia, Gaia, and


    A compass with different symbols Description automatically generated

    Chapter 2


    The irritating screech of metal always makes me cringe, but it is to be expected in this old warehouse. Fists pound away on the canvas punching bags next door. Now, that is the familiar sound of home.

    Thump! Thump! Thump!

    It’s all I’ve ever known. Sometimes, those thuds are what lull me to sleep, but we can never be too careful... too comfortable. The thin walls also allow grunts and sweaty man smell to filter through. Those are not as welcomed.

    Twain walks in like a man on a mission. Like always, his stride is intimidating and that of dominance, which usually has everyone scurrying away from him. Without a word, he cants his head to the little soundproof office, beckoning me to follow. Standing from the corner desk where I have been keeping the books, I hurry to fall in line behind the behemoth of a man. Twain is definitely not one to chitchat or waste time. I’m pretty sure that he molded me in the same way.

    I take my usual seat on the old leather couch that sits opposite his meticulously organized desk. Twain’s meaty hand brushes down his constant five o'clock shadow with a groan. His haunted hazel eyes are darker today, giving him the look of a warrior about to deploy for battle.

    I can read you, ya know, I start, because I know he’s trying to figure out the easiest way to break it to me.

    Twain shakes his head, his hair shorn so close in a military cut that not a hair on his thick head moves. This is hard for both of us, but we both knew that this moment would come. He’s prepared me my entire life.

    Pffft! he snorts with his familiar smirk and a shake of his head. Yeah, you also probably have a bug on my phone and have hacked all my incoming and outgoing correspondence.

    Maybe I just know you so well that I can read your mind, I offer with a smirk of my own.

    You know me too well, Twain deadpans because although the man is decades older than I am, we are both cut from the same cloth. You wouldn’t know it by looking at him. Twain looks more like my older brother than the father figure who raised me. Magic has its benefits.

    I know what you’re gonna say, I state, finally lifting my gaze to meet his. You don’t have to say it out loud.

    I don’t want this, he reminds me, but we both know that as well.

    Me either, I agree with a tight smile. We knew that this was coming and are as ready as can be.

    It’s cutthroat, Winter, he states for the millionth time this year. From the moment you step foot on their turf, there’s gonna be a target on your back. I don’t want to lose you. There are things that I cannot even tell you, dangers that my tongue is bound to never utter. I can’t stress how vigilant you need to be.

    The right corner of my mouth pulls upward. You’re not gonna lose me, I promise, knowing that this will be a tall order to fill. I’ll not allow it.

    Well, by sheer determination alone, you got more steel than any other warrior that I know, Twain compliments, but neither of us are going to like being separated. The two of us are family. A family that we built.

    It’s the only way, I remind, although he already knows that. We will communicate every day. I’m taking Grimm, so if I need to leave in a hurry and evade, I can.

    What about the snow and rain? Twain questions, his dark brows lifting to his hairline. This is the worried father within him. He’s scanning the list of everything I might need along with every danger within his mind. He loves me, and I have no doubt of that. Twain has proven it every moment that I have been in his presence.

    There is an entire garage of vehicles that I can access, I point out, and Twain rolls his eyes.

    I keep forgetting that you will have access to the bloodline money, weapons caches, and vehicles. I’m not even sure what is all stored in the vaults, he says absently. I’m just gonna have to adjust to you not being here.

    I manage a nod in agreement. This will be an adjustment for me as well because we are a team.

    Come on, he says, pushing himself to stand. We can pack one bag that will be on your back. Everything else you need is on the grounds. Let's go through everything, and we’ll make it count. You gotta sneak out while the others aren’t here. They will bellyache enough as it is, and you know there will be tears with that bunch.

    My laptop is necessary, along with my own security cameras. I’ll not trust anyone else's devices. Weapons are an obvious choice, but only something small until I can gain access to more. I’ll have my pick of anything once I get in. A burner phone is imperative as well. It will keep me in touch with Twain. That leaves me with an extra set of clothes. I’ll fill the rest of the pack with miscellaneous electronics like listening devices, bugs, and signal jammers.

    Black market items can be purchased at the Black Tower, Twain points out. It is a huge place, but you’ll get your bearings. As soon as everyone figures out who you are, you’re gonna be challenged at every turn. Some will try and kill you on your first day. Trust no one.

    Nodding again, I realize that I will have to buy a lot of things once I arrive at the infamously mysterious Cardinalis Academia. Shopping for uniforms, shoes, clothes, toiletries, electronics, and school supplies will be challenging, with everyone out to kill me. Yeah... uniforms are not going to work for me. It’s not happening. But... this is what we’ve prepared for. Twain has taught me everything I need to know, and I trust him.

    Only you, Twain, I volley back, earning a rare smile.

    Kill anyone that gets in your way, he says, reaching to pull me into his protective arms. They won’t hold back on trying to get to you first. Get in those vaults as soon as you can. There may be valuable information waiting.

    You need to be prepared to run, I whisper into his chest. I can’t lose him. This is gonna make shockwaves all over the world. The Aster will not be pleased. Don’t worry, I’ve memorized every face and family member of each family.

    Twain releases me, exiting my little room and returning a few moments later with a small box in hand. Opening the velvet lid, he reveals two plain silver rings.

    This is a GPS tracker, he informs, passing one over to me. You can track me as well. As a backup, I have a pair of earrings for you. Never take both off at the same time. I’d prefer you never take them off at all.

    Frourá pánta psilá. Ópla étoima, ‘Guard always up. Weapons at the ready,’ I state. It’s a saying that only we share, kind of like our family motto.

    I don’t like separating, he growls in frustration.  But... I taught you everything I know. Hold your cards close. Don’t reveal too much. Have no mercy. Take names and gather as much dirt as you can. I’ve told you everything that I’m allowed. I need you to dig for the rest, Winter. Find the secrets.

    Nodding, I squeeze a little tighter. I love you, I murmur into his rock-hard chest, knowing this will be my last touch of home for a while. This mission will keep me away from my family for years.

    Love you too, Twain mumbles, dropping a chaste kiss onto the crown of my head. You show them what you’re made of. You’re ready!

    Nodding, I slide on my riding leathers, boots, and backpack. Trying not to make a big deal or call attention to the two of us, Twain and I only nod as I walk out of the warehouse.

    Hiding my face behind the helmet, I climb onto Grimm, my Ducati. Man, this bike is sleek! Letting the purr of the motor distract me from the temporary goodbye, I peel out without looking back. It’s showtime! This is what I’ve been trained for.

    The breeze is chilly, but my leathers protect me from how cold the ride actually is. It’s really a beautiful journey to probably one of the most dangerous places in the country.

    Spires of evergreen and hardwoods are a stark difference from the city I call home. The freshest oxygen I’ve ever inhaled fills my nose, making me hungry for more. These mountains and forests would be a paradise for loners like Twain and me. A cabin nestled in this foggy forest would be paradise. There’s a secret hidden in the elevation of these clouds, though, and it’s the furthest thing from paradise as one can get. This place trains the most sinister of our world.

    Grimm takes me to the main entrance of the Cardinalis Academia campus, where special-ops-looking guards line the massive wrought iron gate that has finials as sharp as blades topping the twenty-foot-tall imposing entry. These aren’t just ordinary guards. Most are graduates of the four-year criminal collegiate program. As lower in the bloodline hierarchy, the strongest in skill and magic guard the criminal fortress.

    A beefy-looking guard in all-black tactical gear steps forward. A military-style weapon is in his hand, his finger already flirting with the trigger.

    These grounds are off-limits, he states firmly. No doubt, that gruff voice and dominance rolling off this man usually work.

    I am eighteen. Therefore, it is time to start my education here at Cardinalis Academia, I state blandly. It’s best if he thinks that I’m not a threat... yet.

    I don’t have anyone scheduled today, the man insists, taking a tablet from another guard who walks close.

    Mmmm, I hum, not even lifting my tinted visor so he can catch a glimpse of me. I guess the most sensible thing to do is call Headmistress Euribitus.

    The guard nods once, now taking a black cell phone from another guard. I wait patiently for the line to ring.

    Front gate, Bravo speaking, the guard states with no nonsense. We have a visitor claiming that she is a new check-in.

    Bravo looks up, and I know what comes next. He’s an easy read when those eyes narrow. I’m sorry, Miss. There is no one checking in today.

    Well, tell Anastasia Euribitus that she’s wrong, I state loud enough to where the Headmistress can hear me without Bravo relaying the message.

    Bravo’s dark eyes widen, rigid and ready to dismiss me with force if necessary. No one stands up to the woman who runs this academy with an iron fist. Miss, Headmistress Euribitus requests your name.

    Eirian Sikarios Winters Aparctias, I state proudly. And there it is, the absolute shock. Of course, the guard has heard the rumors. He knows exactly who I am.

    Aparctias, he rasps, his words going breathy on the last syllable. The tablet in his large paws shakes with his trembling.

    That’s not possible, he finally says, composing himself.

    I assure you that it is, Bravo, I state with no emotion. How about you get in that black jeep and lead the way to the Headmistress?

    Nodding and apparently getting confirmation to do so from Headmistress Euribitus, Bravo and one of the many guards jump into action. The massive gates swing open. Bravo goes before me, and another black jeep follows, with Grimm and me sandwiched in the middle.

    The main drive up to the academy is just as scenic as the road leading to the main gate. Cardinalis Academia doesn’t disappoint. One would think that the Criminal Academy would be dark and gothic with tall spires that hint that something ominous is taught here, but it's nothing like that. It doesn’t look like

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