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Multidimensional Heart: A Guide to Multidimensional Healing
Multidimensional Heart: A Guide to Multidimensional Healing
Multidimensional Heart: A Guide to Multidimensional Healing
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Multidimensional Heart: A Guide to Multidimensional Healing

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When we speak about the heart, we often talk about sentimental and emotional matters. Nonetheless, what I mean to explore here is the heart as a chakra, as an energy center, as an intelligence and as pure love.
In the heart, one can deal with and work on all subjects. However, in this day and age, human beings are programmed and conditioned to experience life through another energy center, the mental chakra, which is also very important!
Today we talk about the heart chakra as a center of energy and strength: it is a combination. This is about so much more than I can describe… We all have many bodies; you can imagine them as Russian dolls stacked inside one another. Because of our experience and because of the decisions we make as human beings, our energy will activate many of these bodies, and the heart chakra activates many others.
Our personal development goes through balancing and aligning all our chakras and energy centers, and what our service here is about is to give attention to and to reach the heart chakra.
This approach is very enriching, and it expands this chakra. We develop ourselves in a personal and deep way throughout our evolutionary journey. The heart chakra is very caring with us, in the true sense of the word care. First of all, it loves us, and it teaches us to find this love in ourselves. I am not talking about vanity nor narcissism; I am talking about a real, deep love, about accepting our reality and the being that we truly are.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 22, 2022
Multidimensional Heart: A Guide to Multidimensional Healing

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    Multidimensional Heart - Hélène Konokovi Abiassi

    Copyright © 2022 Helene Konokovi Abiassi.

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    Originally published in Portuguese under the title Coração Multidimensional

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    Cover illustration and book drawings: Pedro André []

    Chief translator:

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    Translation team:

    Carolina Valandro Farina

    Daniella Bauer Bastos

    Saimon M Silva

    Sara Silva de Oliveira

    Penelope Villela Prado


    Juliana Marchiori Fenner

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3294-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3296-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3295-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022915181

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/17/2022


    About the Author




    1   Multidimensional Healing—Healing through the Heart

    Presentation—Welcome, Dear Soul

    What Is Multidimensional Healing?

    The Divine Laws

    The Law of Free Will

    The Law of Karma

    Contracts, Pacts, Promises, and Vows

    The Law of Attraction

    Getting Along with the Light Beings

    The Dimension of the Heart


    Inner Portals

    External Portals

    The Neutral Love, The Perfect Love

    Staying Focused on the Heart

    The Heart and the Mind

    What Is the Healing Intention?

    The Power of Intention—Get Well

    The Healing Intention—How Does It Work in Practice?

    The Roots

    The Double—The Body of the Multidimensional Heart

    The Great Jade Temple of Telos

    2   The Keys of the Multidimensional Healing Practitioner

    The Heart and the Roots

    The Importance of Practice

    Learning to Manage Our Thoughts

    Dynamics of the Energetic Nourishment


    What Are Afformations?

    What Are They For?

    How Do They Work?


    The Main Sources of Energy Stability


    The Peace Hug



    Multidimensional Acceptance


    Divine Mercy

    3   The Practice

    How to Practice This Healing Technique

    Preparing the Multidimensional Healing Room

    Dealing with the Energies before a Treatment

    The Client and the MDH Practitioner

    Who Is the Healer?

    How Long Is a MDH session?

    How Many Sessions Are Necessary?

    Detachment from Results—Let Go and Let God

    Wild Therapy

    Practicing Multidimensional Healing Remotely

    The Multidimensional Healing Spiritual Clinic

    An Evolutionary Healing Technique

    4   During a Multidimensional Healing Session

    Regression, Progression, and Transmutation of Past, Future, and Parallel Lives

    The Peace Work

    Harmonization, Retrievals, and Attunements

    The Spiritual Ascension Process

    DNA Strands

    The Importance of Matter

    Retrieving Bodies from the First, Second, and Fourth Dimensions

    The Retrieval of the Body

    The Retrieval of the Soul

    Other Retrievals

    The First and the Second Dimensions

    The Fourth Dimension

    Bugs and Negative Energy Feeding

    Authorization to Circulate in the Astral World

    Clearing Obsession


    Spiritual Routing

    Clearing Magic and Spells

    Healing Our Inner Victim

    Clearing Implants

    Intergalactic Cleansings

    Releasing Prisoners

    Cleansing the Multidimensional Chakras


    Servicing the Emotional Body and Water

    Healing Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

    Healing Fear

    Cleansing Crystals and the Body’s Liquid Crystals

    Working on DNA

    Servicing the Soul

    Servicing the Spirit

    Servicing the Inner Child

    Servicing the Monad

    The Third Dimension


    Alignment of the Chakras and the Light Bodies

    Our Roots and the 0 Chakra

    Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies

    Reconnection with the Divine Essence or the Higher Self

    The Moment of Ascension

    Lemurian and Atlantean Codes of Ascension

    Crystals and Multidimensional Healing

    5   Frequently Asked Questions

    The Beginning of the Practice

    The Client’s Free Will

    The Double

    Staying Focused on the Heart

    Difficulties When Practicing Multidimensional Healing

    Duration of the Practice


    Surrendering in Multidimensional Healing

    About Having Doubts

    6   Initiations


    The Violet Flame Initiation

    The Sirius Blue Light Initiation

    The Orion Pink Energy Initiation

    The Rose Petals Initiation

    The Peace of Unity Initiation

    The Apples Initiation

    Activation of the Lemurian Codes of Eternal Youth

    Opening the Heart Chakra

    The Seven Rays of the Rainbow Initiation

    Activation of Immunity to Electromagnetic Radiation

    Initiations of the Fourth Dimension

    Permission to Circulate in the Astral World

    Permission to Clear Negative Magic Initiation

    Activation of the Chakras into Evacuation Portals

    Assignment of the Multidimensional Healing Team

    Liberation of Ancestors

    7   Practical Exercises

    The Peace Hug

    The Peace Hug Exercise

    The LARA Exercise to Increase Self-Confidence

    The Peace Hug Ceremony

    The Canceling Dance


    Spiritual Cleansing Technique for Spaces

    The Ten-Night Cleanse with Water

    Multidimensional Healing Practice Exercise

    The MDH Spiritual Clinic

    8   Acknowledgments and Considerations



    My name is Hélène Abiassi. I was born in the outskirts of Paris, France. My father was from Benin, in West Africa, my mother was French, and my grandmother was a Jewish woman from Eastern Europe.

    When I was a kid, I lived in Benin and attended an animistic convent with traditional colorful ceremonies. To the rhythm of the drums, I was initiated in the power of the African spirits. My parents divorced when I was nine, and I returned to France with my mother. I saw my father one more time during a trip to Benin.

    At age twenty-nine, I was once again initiated in the same convent and discovered that I was a direct descendent of a great high priestess, a saint who was famous in that region.

    My father accompanies and helps me from the other side of the veil. He and his extra-physical colleagues have arranged for my education and communication with other worlds.

    When I was young, I always beamed with joy when reading books originating from beings that lived on the other side of the veil—channeled books.

    Back in the day in France, there were not many books about the different types of energies and other dimensions, but literature written in Portuguese has a great wealth of spiritual culture. I dreamed and desired to learn Portuguese because I was strongly drawn to Brazil and Portugal, and I wished to go there just to be able to talk to people. In 1997, I moved to Portugal with my family.

    By reading books on positive thinking, my life started to change, and soon after, I discovered psychography.

    I initiated contact with the other dimensions when I was thirty-two. I had no idea that there were so many possibilities and beings in other dimensions or so many other forms of curing and healing beyond the traditional ways proposed by society.

    I received my education directly from the light beings through the healing exercises and experiences of my life. I went through periods of depression many times, but the light beings taught me how to use my heart chakra, and I was able to overcome those emotional states. I received all the advice I needed through psychography, channeling, and synchronicity. I got the support and the information necessary to change my way of thinking, of being, of living. My life changed radically.

    In Portugal, my work intensified, and I became aware of the spiritual ascension process. Ascension is an important mechanism to be considered in multidimensional healing. Going through ascension means lifting the vibrations into higher dimensions. The frequencies that we have available in our lives change in this process, they get a greater amount of love that comes from the source of everything that is. This transforms our behaviors and our interaction with others and the world.

    Through psychography, I received an order from Kryon, and in September 2003, I started channeling with my voice. Kryon is a non-human collective intelligence, an entity that has been with us since the end of the last century. His mission is to calibrate the planet’s magnetic grid to receive new energies. Kryon has been communicating through channeling via Lee Carroll, American author, speaker and channeler. After finishing his work with the Earth, Kryon has transmitted clear messages about evolution, changes of pattern, and love, supporting humanity to go through and understand this period of suffering in a smooth way. He wrote several parables, giving meaning to our evolution through a character who is going through transformations, Michael Thomas. Through his books, Kryon says that he can communicate with our cells; he speaks about the memories of our body and the planet, about the akashic records; he also talks about how it is possible for one to heal oneself, to communicate with one´s DNA.

    I organized meditation sessions in some cities in Portugal to send love to Earth. Every month for four years, people from all regions would gather. During these meetings, there was a great energy exchange with other dimensions, and my interest in the ascension process led me to bring together a group of friends to research this subject through channeling.

    After having my vibration raised, some people contacted me to learn how to work with the healing technique I practiced in my individual sessions. This technique was named multidimensional healing (MDH). This process was channeled by me and the light beings throughout the years.

    Teaching this workshop was my biggest challenge. The first training programs were about the ascension process followed by the multidimensional healing practice and channeling.

    Over the years, I traveled a lot spreading this technique. It was very enriching as people helped me structure and put into words parts of my work that were very intuitive. I made many discoveries that helped expand the MDH technique.

    I have two sons and a daughter who give me much love, and I love them very much. They have been involved in the development of this project since their early days.

    I started working with children when I was sixteen, and I worked with children for sixteen years organizing activities for their free time after school on the outskirts of Paris.

    I worked in sales and marketing teaching communication skills, positive thinking, motivation, dreams, visions, and materialization. In my company, we worked with our hearts. Due to this job, I traveled a lot, accompanying groups to Mexico and the United States, and I helped organize monthly events for 1,000 people. Annually, we managed to congregate 10,000 people in great venues in Paris.

    Later, I went to Portugal, where I worked with elders for some time.

    Nowadays, I share my interests connected to the heart, the ascension process, and healing. Through this book, I wish to make available to everyone all the information collected in the journey of my heart.



    It was an immense pleasure to receive the invitation from the author of this guide to multidimensional healing, Hélène Abiassi, to write the preface of this great source of knowledge.

    I’ve had great experiences in workshops practicing the multidimensional healing technique and in private sessions living them intensely. I’ve had the pleasure of being close to this light being, Hélène, for almost twenty years. I can see and feel the love with which she carries out this work and passes it along to her students.

    I’ve had the privilege of receiving teachings directly from her. Each piece of information is a door that opens to a world of multidimensionalities and self-healing. Her love for what she does can be seen in her eyes; learning from her is an honor.

    I hope this guide will unite many hearts so that we can build our desired New Earth.

    Hélène, I am so grateful for your friendship, your love, and for everything you have given me without even knowing it.

    May this book reach many places beyond all the borders!

    —Maria Luisa Santoro



    After I experienced the opening of the heart in a multidimensional healing (MDH) workshop, I was never the same. I was moved in an intense and deep way in that experience. Since that day in June 2016, the great heart portal opened, and the effects have been deepening each day. After the workshop, which was my first contact with Hélène Abiassi and this wonderful practice, many transformations and experiences have happened and continue to happen.

    At the time, I was studying physiotherapy in college and was in my ninth semester. The experience of going through the training was so strong that in July of that year, I asked Hélène for permission to go to Portugal to take the Multidimensional Healing Teacher Training workshop. I was listening to an impulse of my heart and embracing my need to deepen that knowledge. I wanted to dive more and more into the experience that had deeply moved me. She allowed my participation, so I took time off college and flew to Portugal.

    The experience I had in the workshop was as incredible as my first contact with this technique of healing through the heart. I spent an afternoon with Hélène at her place getting to know her children and family. They were incredibly special moments.

    She returned to Brazil in 2017, and I went to her retreat, Ascension from the Heart, where this deep healing work continued.

    Later, she taught the Channeling and Extra Sensory Resources workshop and the Communicating with Quartz Crystals workshop. It became clear to me that I would participate in any way I could and as many times as I could given the tremendous joy and affection I felt by being in contact with such magnificent energy.

    In April that year, I went to another city for another workshop, but one night, I dreamed about Hélène. When I woke up, I texted her. Hello, Hélène. How are you? Last night, I dreamed that you were hugging me very tightly … A couple of hours later, she texted me asking if she could stay in my house in Rio de Janeiro. I was honored and surprised; of course my doors would always be open for her. We made arrangements, and she stayed at my place for a few days. I got the chance to get to know her better.

    In November 2017, I returned to Portugal and accompanied her on a trip to Spain, which was incredibly special and memorable. From then on, our friendship and partnership have become stronger.

    Every moment we spent together contributed to this journey of friendship and companionship, and every time, I learn how easygoing life can be. Hélène is a truly awakened human being. She lives what she says. She is a coherent person in regard to what she says, teaches, and lives. She has a big heart, and she has been teaching us what it is like to stay in the heart and just be. For all these reasons, she was able to get in contact with the light beings and bring us back this incredible healing technique, which teaches us what a great portal our hearts can be.

    It is an honor to be able to present the MDH technique to many people and practice and experience more and more the state of being in the heart. My wish is that this guide to MDH will bless more beings and open up more hearts to the New Earth.

    With affection and love,

    —Danielle Vilela Paulino



    The purpose of this book is to share with you the multidimensional healing technique and the frequency of the heart through this activity.

    The Portuguese Association of Multidimensional Healing (APTMD)¹ was founded on May 13, 2016, to bring together all MDH trainers and practitioners as well as to solidify the profession of MDH practitioners and teachers. The intention was to disseminate the MDH technique within the fundamental and original principles according to the guidance of Hélène Abiassi, the cocreator² of the technique.

    The rules of conduct, code of ethics, unification of the practice, and the sharing of knowledge were designed and published by the association.

    The spirit of mutual help and fraternity is manifested in the active members with respect for the principles and the practice of our activity. Its current form allows MDH practitioners to receive a multidimensional heart vocabulary of sensations through which they can decode their healing sessions. It is a new way of evolution.

    The meditations in this book were channeled by Hélène through her heart during monthly group meditation events she hosted throughout many years. The moments of peace were channeled during the global pandemic through daily live events intended to bring peace to people’s hearts.

    Thank you for your interest.

    —Majda Machraa




    Multidimensional Healing—Healing through the Heart

    Presentation—Welcome, Dear Soul

    This book can help you open your heart. The multidimensional healing (MDH) technique is constantly evolving. The information here was collected during MDH sessions performed during my journey. This technique opened my heart and made my life have meaning again. Each day, I thank the infinite help that God makes available to us through the masters, the light beings, and the universe.

    Over time, there have been many transformations and a great expansion of this activity. A few years ago, I was the only MDH practitioner, but today, there are many multidimensional hearts. Many people practice it and teach it through the heart. The initiations are given only by certified teachers through official workshops certified by the Portuguese Association of Multidimensional Healing (APTMD).

    What Is Multidimensional Healing?

    The APTMD has defined multidimensional healing in a simple, easy-to-understand way with the aim of unifying it and making it credible. This healing technique is a complementary, integrative healing practice also known as healing through the heart since everything comes about through the practitioner’s heart chakra. The heart serves as an energetic channel between the masters, the light beings, and the client.

    The technique aims to restore balance and establish harmony in the client’s well-being. There is no physical contact between the practitioner and the client since everything is done by light beings in other dimensions. Multidimensional healing is an ascensional service that has its origin on Venus.

    By working with and teaching multidimensional healing, I realized that students would encounter something that felt very familiar and simple, something good for the soul. I remember asking the light beings why we had such a sense of familiarity, and they replied that these people once existed on Venus, that many human souls had lived on Venus, and that they were now incarnated here on Earth.

    The light being Sanat Kumara has been our mentor since then, and he still accompanies our certifications, training programs, and school.

    The Divine Laws

    The divine laws are about unity, unification, forgiveness, and love. There are other laws regarding duality, but we cannot call them divine. They serve to regulate our world of duality, of action and reaction. They are a consequence of our situation in duality.

    The Law of Free Will

    One of the fundamental laws of the universe is the law of free will. We can find it mentioned in some sacred scriptures, for example, Ask and you shall receive. This law is a divine grace that allows us to have choices when we plan our incarnations and the important projects for our lives. This is the same law that allows us to ask for help and to provide MDH with a healing intention.

    In MDH, free will is an important key in the laws of the universe. A person’s free will activates the keys of liberation. When requesting an MDH session, our clients use their free will and give the MDH practitioners authorization and clearance to help them. Thus the MDH practitioner will act like the client’s lawyer and be able to terminate contracts from the past, parallel, or future lives that the client might have created.

    MDH teams give priority to the choices made by the incarnated part of the beings. Today’s choices will guide their lives and the present moment, and they can transform all multidimensional realities.

    I Choose Life

    Our choices are honored by the universe. We choose, and then we change our minds or opinions; therefore, the events of our lives change as well. For some reason, maybe due to sadness, disappointment, or an unpleasant feeling, one day, I may have chosen that it would be better to disappear. Maybe I think of it as a solution to the unpleasant sensations and feelings I am experiencing. Early in life, in my mother’s womb, I may have felt unloved or rejected and wished to leave.

    Our choices are like commands to the universe, and our guardian angels go through a lot of work to maintain life in these difficult times.

    This situation happened a long time ago, and now I enjoy living; however, this decision I made long ago was the result of a strong emotion that still vibrates to this day. I never remembered to revoke that decision.

    Today, I can revoke it and declare, I choose life. I may repeat it three times out loud so that because of my will in the here and now and my love for life and this life choice, the universe will grant it to me.

    The changes happen in the here and now.

    We live the consequences of our choices, but we can change our beliefs and our decisions.

    Henrique’s Session

    Two friends accompanied Henrique³ because he was feeling down. After getting comfortable, we talked about his needs. When the MDH session began, I was very focused. At a certain point, the masters asked me to verbalize the question Do you want to die, or do you want to live? Henrique was silent for a long time before saying, I want to live. The masters asked him to repeat I choose life, and we repeated it three times together: I choose life, I choose life, I choose life. These strong statements vibrated in the room for a long time.

    The session continued with greater tranquility.

    A few days later, Henrique went to the hospital because previous exams had shown that he had three brain aneurysms, something he did not mention during the session. The doctors thought there was a mistake in the previous results as Henrique had no signs of the aneurysms.

    Right here and right now, make this decision and say out loud, I choose life with intensity, strength, and desire. Everything around you will change. The universe will hear you and send angels to accompany you. It will send healing energy and cancel all previous conscious or unconscious wishes and commands that stated otherwise.

    Moment of Peace

    Breathing Prana

    Please check how your roots are doing. I think they are fine.

    Why are my roots always so loved, blessed, and happy? Why is my guardian angel always so loved, blessed, and happy? Your Guardian Angel is very well indeed!

    I welcome you to our moment of peace.

    Please focus on the center of your chest, the heart chakra. Feel your heart chakra in the center of your chest.

    You feel your energy connected to love, which comes from the source of all that is. It is important to feel the heart chakra. You then reflect, contemplate, and meditate. You are calm; you feel relaxed.

    You let your breath become deeper without forcing it too much. Breathe.

    In the morning when you wake up, go to the window and take three deep breaths to enjoy yourself and align with Mother Earth’s codes whether it is hot or cold. Breathe in the fresh air and feel the codes of the day entering you. You catch them at the beginning of the day, which brings codes coming from nature that you are unable to decipher but that enter all parts of your body to align it.

    When you breathe the air outdoors, fresh air, you breathe prana, energetic food. You breathe thinking that you are receiving the codes of the day. A little bit every day. One step at a time without forcing it, gradually.

    The air has oxygen, and that prana helps you walk.

    Breathe in the new day. Just for yourself.

    Do this as close to your waking time as possible.

    Prana is an energetic nourishment in the air, which enters you through breathing, through the cells of your body. It is good to capture these codes of the new day when the brain is still half-unconscious. Your nose is the code detector. It’s like opening a newspaper and saying, What’s new today? You do not manufacture anything; you just receive it. You do not understand it, but it makes you happy.

    The new living codes are arriving by all the means, and you have access to them through small, simple, and accessible gestures.

    Now you have a moment of concentration on your heart, on the center of your chest. You focus

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