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Awakening Your Spirit: Discover Who You Are and Why You Are Here.
Awakening Your Spirit: Discover Who You Are and Why You Are Here.
Awakening Your Spirit: Discover Who You Are and Why You Are Here.
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Awakening Your Spirit: Discover Who You Are and Why You Are Here.

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Discover your true identity and your reason for living when you awaken your spirit. With this knowledge, you can manage life's calamities with compassion and grace and live a life full of love and joy. We all have problems, disappointments, and challenges. We sometimes feel sadness, confusion, and stress. This is the nature of life. The question is how do you bring healing to your traumas and move forward with confidence and enthusiasm? As an alternative therapy practitioner for over 20 years, I've helped people rediscover themselves and bring peace and harmony to their lives. My book can help you do the same. You'll learn to see your adversities as opportunities to gain a greater awareness of your self and your relationship to the world around you. This means you will see each experience, no matter how traumatic, in a positive light.
This refreshing how-to guide is for people who want to experience a personal transformation in their lives by realizing their purpose and direction. You can discover who you are, what you are, and why you are here. Learn through mindfulness to be more patient, appreciative, and compassionate. Embrace joyfulness in all of your life's activities through a spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Experience a deeper intimacy within yourself and with others. You have the potential and ability to have a totally rewarding life.
Life is a gift with beauty and fulfillment. Most people are busy living their lives and don't notice the loving that surrounds them. When you open your awareness to your spiritual promise, it will absolutely change your life. I invite you to embrace your journey of self-discovery. This self-help book presents ways to bring joy to your lives. Although this is written from a Christian perspective, you will benefit no matter your beliefs. Approach this book with an open mind and use your imagination to see where it leads you. Life can surprise you in a thousand different ways. Awaken to your holiness and the fulfillment of your spiritual promise. It's worth the trip and it can be fun.
Release dateAug 25, 2022
Awakening Your Spirit: Discover Who You Are and Why You Are Here.

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    Awakening Your Spirit - John M. Browning


    I grew up attending a Baptist church, went to Sunday School and church every Sunday, and was baptized. I had a very analytical mind as a child, so I always wanted to understand everything, including God. I was the youngest of four children and was generally left alone since they were busy with their activities. I would often go to the backyard and sit at the base of a giant beach tree, lean back against the trunk, and fantasize. After a while, in my imagination, the tree started talking to me and over the years we became good friends. I cultivated my imagination to be receptive to spiritual communications and started experiencing the energy of living things. During college, I took a course in world religions and discovered that some identify and describe this aura energy. This helped me verify that what I was experiencing was real and that the aura actually does exist.

    One of the reasons I became a biologist was to experience God in nature. I thought if I investigated nature, I might understand God better. I became a plant ecologist because I was interested in all the parts of a plant community and how they fit together. That’s also how I approached my spiritual investigations, what are the parts and how do they fit together? During my time in New Mexico, I visited the Quimby Center in Alamogordo which offered aura balancings where I actually experienced my spiritual energy. It was life-changing. For me, this approach opened many doors to understanding nature and the ways we could interact. During this time I was in a car accident and had a near-death experience where I left my body and visited the spiritual world. These experiences opened my awareness of the spiritual dimension and its relationship to the physical world.

    After unsuccessful efforts to use science to understand biological energy, I left my university life to become a Noetic Balancer. My decades of working with auras have transformed my life and my understanding of the spiritual world. I discovered this metaphysical world because I looked for it. I hear spiritual communications because I listen for them. Spiritual reality surrounds us, so you’ll find it if you look for it.

    Albert Einstein: I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.

    Cosmology is the branch of philosophy dealing with the origins and structures of the universe. This book describes my spiritual cosmology and is a description of my experiences. An important concept of this cosmology is that we create our own reality, so this book describes my reality. I acknowledge that each of us has our own perspectives and road to self-awareness. Hopefully, some aspects of my cosmology will resonate with you and enhance your appreciation of life.

    I am approaching this book as a Christian because that is my experience. I haven’t lost my Christian faith, I’ve expanded it. However, you don’t need to be a Christian or believe in God to use and gain benefit from this book. My career has been in science, so I am also including insights from Albert Einstein and others. He stresses the importance of combining the knowledge of both religion and science: Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. Science is a technique to study material things that can be tested through experimentation, so it can’t be used to validate the metaphysical world. The only way you can prove it is to experience it, and this book describes my experiences.

    The more you are aware of your true nature, the more effective and empowered you can be in your life. The more you realize that your thoughts and emotions are only partial aspects of your consciousness, the more open you can be to awakening your awareness to its full potential. The more you understand yourself, the more proficient you can be. This book can help you do that.

    Albert Einstein: I have yet to meet a single person from our culture, no matter what his or her educational background, IQ, and specific training, who had powerful transpersonal experiences and continues to subscribe to the materialistic monism of Western science.

    This book is about experiencing joy. Life is a gift with beauty and fulfillment. Most people are busy living their lives and don’t notice the love that surrounds them. When you open your awareness to your spirituality, it will absolutely change your life. You can become more loving, appreciative, and compassionate. You can experience joyfulness in all of your life’s activities. You can value your relationships more and discover a deeper intimacy within yourself and with others. You can do all these things simply by changing your perspective about yourself and your relationship with the world around you. This book can help you do that and I hope it provides you with some new insights and new possibilities.

    I’ve tried to present this cosmology clearly and concisely. I’m pleased that I wrote this book because it organized my thoughts and experiences and put many of my ideas in context. My enlightenment has given me peace and tranquility. I discovered that my purpose in life is to awaken my Authentic Self. I believe this is everyone’s purpose. I have lived everything in this book and I hope from my experiences you might find ways to enhance your life. For me it’s been a marvelous journey. Try to approach this book with an open mind and use your imagination to see where it leads you. It’s worth the trip.


    The Source

    Everything is God and God is the Source. There is nothing that is not God and there is God that is nothing. God is bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest. God is the beginning and the end, and with God all things are possible.

    1 Corinthians 8:6: Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, who is the Source of all things and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    God is the creator and the created. God experiences all and is all emotions and feelings. God is the lover and the loved. God is all consciousness and each Soul is an aspect of that consciousness.

    Defining God

    We do know from the Bible that God is love.

    1 John 4:16: And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

    God exists beyond thought and imagination. The Bible describes God as the one with no name. The best description of God is the indescribable.

    Isaiah 55:8-9: For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.

    Let’s forget about defining God. The only thing that matters is what does God do? These are things we can identify and define. We know God feels, sees, smells, and hears because He experiences those through us. We know God creates because here we are. God can think because we have a consciousness. There exists within God a creative universal intelligence that has both substance and life force that creates our universe. It has frequencies of energy that manifest forms and actions. The power of this energy, the driving force, we are going to call the Power of Love. This energy is harmonic and it flows freely with logical and purposeful intent. Some energy frequencies manifest as physical forms, others as thought and intelligence, and others as compassion and Grace. All of this energy is love expressing itself.

    Why Should We Believe in God?

    To ignore our spirituality is to deny our true identity. Connecting with God is not only important, it is the only thing that matters. To give birth to yourself in spirit is your only purpose and destination. Everything else is an illusion.

    John 3:5-86: Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 

    You must look for God to find him. You have to create your miracles.

    Matthew 7:7-8: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

    We are involved with God because we are an aspect of God. If God is intelligence, then God is our intelligence. If God’s energy created us, then it is our substance. If God’s energy is love, then we are love.

    If we lead a heart-centered life, then our energy harmonically blends with God’s. If we behave with judgment and spite, we conflict with God’s energies. Those conflicting energies can bring disharmonies including anxiety and disease. That’s the nature of conflict because it is dis-ease and dis-harmony. Therefore, believing in God and the nature of God’s expression has a profound impact on your life. You create your reality and your harmony or disharmony is your choice.

    Making a Commitment:  A Personal Experience

    In my search for a greater understanding of my life and my connection with spirit, I looked at a variety of sources to help me. I investigated different religions including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Native American. I also looked at Shamanism, hypnosis, astrology, and energy medicine. My cosmology is certainly a blend of all of these. But I came to a point when I concluded that even though I had this extensive knowledge about spirit, I lacked the core precepts and traditions that would form my spiritual foundation. I needed to choose my faith, so I chose as my gospel the red-letter dialogs of the New Testament, the Jesus quotes. I declared these passages to be my truth and that decision really worked for me. It gave me the stability to construct my cosmology. Over the years my spiritual investigations have consistently validated these passages. I certainly believe there are many avenues to God-consciousness and finding your Authentic Self. The words of Jesus of Nazareth worked for me and I’m truly grateful.

    The Son of God/Jesus

    What an interesting concept – the Son of God. Clearly, that name is just a metaphor because God is neither a man nor a father, so he can’t have a son. That intimate relationship is useful because the consciousness of God gives birth to the consciousness of the Son. We know the Son has a consciousness because he behaved as a Soul when incarnating as Jesus. The Son acts in concert with his Father to do His bidding, and primary in their relationship is love and using that love to support God’s other children, the Souls.

    The process of God giving birth is beyond comprehension, but the results can be understood since the Son as Jesus displayed a consciousness that performed observable actions. The Son has characteristics similar to the Souls, but clearly there is a difference between the maturity of the Son and that of the Souls because they significantly differ in their abilities and level of awareness. The Son is likely the elder Son of God who works on his Father’s behalf. The Son loves the Father and his siblings and expresses that loving unconditionally. The Son’s loving flows into the creation of the universe as a mirror to that loving. The Son through his loving manifests the beauty, activities, and functions in the natural artwork of God. The universe is the Son’s painting which displays his loving as physical reality.

    Through the Son, God can parent the Souls and love them completely. The Son is God’s representative in his interaction with his children. This process is everlasting and the possibilities are infinite. The Son supports the Father by nurturing and teaching the inexperienced children. The Son through the Word creates the universe to act as the children’s classroom that will aid them in their development. He empowers the Word to act as a mirror to each individual Soul for their maturation and evolution.

    The Son of God and the Word/Creation

    The Word is the Son’s action and creative force. The Son has the power and intention to create and the Word is creation’s conscious energy. The Word is the creator and facilitator of all things including life.

    John 1:1-5: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

    The Gospel of John describes Jesus as the Word.

    John 1:14: And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of Grace and truth.

    The Gospel of John also describes Jesus as divine.

    John 8: 23: And He was saying to them, You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world.

    The Son of God is an independent personality that acts as the Creator of all material things. The Son is likely the God of the Old Testament that frequently intervened in the lives of the Jews and was the God of the burning bush to Moses. To speak as the Word, the Son of God incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth. The Son through the Word’s Power of Love creates the physical reality that assists the Souls in their journey of self-discovery. The Word supports the Souls and is empowered through unconditional loving to nourish them. God has prepared the Word to be forever present in the evolution of loving consciousness and through Grace will welcome each Soul in their return to their Father. The Word is all-knowing and the facilitator of all experiences.

    The Soul

    God is love and the Soul is the divine expression of that love. The Soul was created by God and is the personification and individualization of divine love that has both consciousness and purpose. The consciousness comes from God’s love and the purpose is to express that love. God loved us into existence.

    Zechariah 12:1:  This message concerning the fate of Israel came from the Lord: "This message is from the Lord, who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and formed the human spirit.

    There is a universal Soul that was given birth through God. This Soul was further individualized with each new Soul distinct and complete as well as part of the universal Soul. Each Soul exists independently and at the same time its separation from other Souls is an illusion. Jesus didn’t say love your neighbor. He said to love your neighbor as you love your self. He understood that we are one and we need to treat each other that way. We are in this together and it’s all or none. If one of us fails we all fail. When the Gospel of Matthew

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