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Blood Stains in the City
Blood Stains in the City
Blood Stains in the City
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Blood Stains in the City

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In the heart of the city, a crazy killer is killing only pregnant women, and after the murder, he cuts off one of their breasts. Assistant Commissioner of Police Arunima Roy started an investigation to find out the reason for such murder On the other hand, a famous novelist of the city who writes his novel about the dark world of the human mind, and has an illicit relationship with Sulgna, a famous journalist of the city. But the sudden death of Sulgna created a self-deprecation in the mind of this writer As Arunima indulges in this investigation, she learns that she is also pregnant So will the murderer of the city make Arunima his victim? Does this writer have any relationship with this murderer of the city? A web of mystery is created... how to solve the blood stains on the streets of this city?

Release dateAug 25, 2022
Blood Stains in the City

Swagatam Sengupta

Swagatam Sengupta is a fiction writer. His novels are published 200+ countries all over the world. A Kolkata based writer has given us so many thrillers like Rik, The Chastisement, The Chastisement2, Feral Funeral and many more. His every thrillers are unique and based on our daily life. He is too much related with our practical and daily life and he plays his words with our emotions and feelings.

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    Blood Stains in the City - Swagatam Sengupta


    The crickets make the stillness of the deep night even louder. Today, as if they too are silent, hiding in some unknown terror. The sky is overcast today, a sultry swallow in nature. The area in the heart of the city that has been awake for a long time is now asleep. Thousands of people crowd right now, the buying and selling of our daily lives begins. The market has been buzzing since morning; he is sleeping today wrapped in a deep night sheet. Suddenly lightning flashes in the sky, giving a hint to nature that I am coming in the form of a storm.

    In the inner part of the market there are some rotten fish and meat remains of the day. There are many cats and street dogs sitting there to get a family. This group of cats and dogs is constantly fighting for survival. The struggle to get the leftovers of civilized society as a gift from God to put food in the mouths of one's own children, and to cool one's own hungry stomach, is hard to understand unless one comes to the dark market tonight.

    After a while a gust of wind blew, the dust of the street flew away and the peels of the vegetables scattered randomly across the market, how much more plastic. The atmosphere that had been simmering for so long seemed to change in a cold wind. For a while, the wind blew away everything in the society, all the doubts of nature and people. In the scorching heat, it was as if a man with a lip was allowed to breathe in peace. Then came a downpour of black clouds Even in the darkness of night, the appearance of that rain is clear. Drops of water are falling on the road, looking at the frozen lamp posts in the road; one can understand the speed of the rain. The lampposts, which have been hot all day, seem to have met a wet obsession, as if the thirsty road is drinking water, life is back.

    In the night of that catastrophe, when the eyes of the city sleep peacefully, it is as if someone is sitting in the market. Who has no roof over her head, no shelter. Although bound by the laws of nature, she is excluded from society. Her name is not in the census, she does not exist in this world. She is anonymous in front of everyone's eyes all day long, sometimes she quenches her hunger when someone gives her something, sometimes she gets tired in both eyes due to stomach irritation, sleep comes in her eyes, but she is also deprived of dreams. She is no different from street dogs and cats. She fights equally for the remnants of any event lying in front of the house. Maybe this is true, it proves the burning of hunger, man is also an animal, in the bosom of this nature. Only after the formation of society, civilized and uncivilized explanations have been made.

    It is raining in torrents, the roads are frozen. The water has come down from the market in various ways on the road. It was as if he were groaning in that filthy market. What an impossible pain, with no one to explain it, she doesn't know how to get rid of that pain. Holding a dirty basket beside her, she dragged his legs forward and seemed to be fidgeting. It was as if she could not breathe, as if her breath were coming out, her whole world blurred before her eyes. The mind wants to make a scream, but the sound is silent. After a few torrential rains, nature is now cold, silent. Suddenly a scream came out of the market through the silence of the night. It was as if the cry had shattered all the silence of the night. This cry is like a joke of the creator, maybe the pain of someone's eternal departure is a new beginning of something.


    There is a slum in the heart of Kolkata city called Beleghata slum. It is said that this is one of the largest slums in India. This slum is inhabited by all sorts of people, not all the lower castes of the society, some lower middle class people also live here, with the dream of leaving this slum and one day living in the common people forest. Some day laborers, housewives, or some of the lower castes of the society live in one of the different parts of this slum. The people here are very happy but they are not ready to improve themselves in the society, they are living happily in their society with laughter, joy, love. But the words that the civilized society says about the life of this slum, or the words that are terrified knowing, are not always wrong, it seems to be proved today.

    The police jeep came to a halt on the alley just south of the slum. It is not possible to go far with that narrow alley. On both sides of the aisle, some people are frowning at the police car. The half-naked children who had been running behind the car for so long now stood beside the car and stared in amazement at the inside of the car. Assistant Commissioner of Police Arunima Chatterjee decided to get out of the car. This area of ​​the city comes within its police station jurisdiction.

    She doesn't usually need to come, but two murders in one place, within a month, forced her to appear in person. Arunima got out of the car, followed by Inspector Pakrashi and two constables. The crooked alleys are like a reptile in this slum, Arunima continued on that path. There was a strange look in the crowd of people around, like a lot of questions, again unknown fear in someone's eyes. After walking along that path, Arunima finally reached in front of a house. Usually the address of this slum is exactly with the house number. As usual, Arunima came and stood in front of the door of such a house, number 113. The constable pushed the crowd in front of the house and made way for Arunima. As soon as Arunima entered, she saw that Inspector Das had already arrived. A photographer is taking pictures. Arunima stood in front and looked at the corpse.  A girl, between the ages of 24 and 25 Her complexion is green, she is lying on the floor with her eyes wide open. From the bottom of the foot the cloth is raised above the knee, the upper part of the cloth is randomly. The clothes are so torn that the clothes on one side of the girl's chest are wet with blood. Blood flowed out from under the feet. Arunima saw the body and came out of the house Inspector Das came out from behind the house Arunima took a cigarette out of her pants pocket and held it in front of her. Arunima quit smoking and asked When did this happen?

    ... it will be around midnight In the morning, when he saw a person in the next room, he called the police station. I was on duty last night, so I left in the morning to get the news.

    Arunima shook her head and said, Looking at the pattern of murder, it seems that there is enough similarity with the previous murder.

    Inspector Das said, Madame, this is the work of the same man. This girl was also pregnant, and he raped her before he was murdered. The girl had an abortion there. He then stabbed her in the throat and cut off her right breast with a knife.

    Arunima frowned once, then looked around and asked Have you asked any questions around?

    Das replied, Yes, madam, no one has heard any shouting.

    Arunima once looked inside the room and said, Surprisingly, he killed her in such a brutal way, not once, but twice, but no one around ever noticed anything.

    At that moment, Pakrashi came out from inside and stood in front, looking at Arunima anxiously as if to say something. Arunima asked Say something?

    Pakrashi said Madam, the commissioner has asked you to meet him right now. He can't find you on the phone.

    Arunima took the phone from her pocket and looked at it once, then shook her head and said there is no tower here. Then she asked Das again, Did you get any more details?

    Inspector Das said the girl's name was Jhumpa, Working as a laborer on a construction site, I mean, she was. She was very sociable, cheerful, nice to everyone. The girl used to leave these two houses and talk a lot with an old woman, I got all the news from the old woman. The girl was going to get married next month.

    Pakarashi said a little further, Then madam, it seems that the boy he was going to marry has killed her. She's pregnant, so kill her.

    Arunima said seriously, Then the girl who was killed before, was not going to marry, then what is the reason for her murder? You are probably forgetting, the two murder patterns are but one and the same. They were both pregnant, and the right side breast is cut off.

    Inspector Das said, Madam, there is no doubt that these two murders are the work of one man, but who is committing these murders?

    Arunima looked around and said, Whatever he does, the fact that he is mentally ill, tells the pattern of his murder. Two murders are in the same slum. Maybe the murderer is here, maybe he is in the crowd, watching us. She then said to Pakrashi, Arrange for the body to be sent to the post-mortem, and report to the forensic. And deploy some police in this slum, day and night ... forever.

    Pakrashi shook his head and said that he would make all the arrangements. Arunima dropped her spectacles from her pocket, then said to Pakrashi, You and Das, get all the news from here and there, see if you get any news. I am going to see Commissioner Sir. But I want all my reports in the evening.

    Both Pakrashi and Das said that they would investigate them as much as possible and report the report to Arunima in the evening. Arunima slowly reached her jeep, and then took the jeep out of the slum.


    Arunima somehow came out of the commissioner's house with great annoyance, then entered with permission and saw the commissioner smiling and looking at her. Commissioner Banerjee, who looked like a fat bear, was smiling strangely, because he had three Singaras and his special tea in front of him. Although there were four Singaras, because the fourth Singara was inside the Commissioner's mouth, he asked Arunima to come in with such an uncomfortable smile before he could swallow it completely. Arunima was not surprised, as she often sees the commissioner in this way. So she sat down in the front chair very naturally. Banerjee somehow swallowed the food and asked, What's the matter, I heard you went to investigate the murder in Beleghata slum?

    Arunima shook her head and said Yes, very suspicious, two similar murders in a row. My mind says we are going to get into a big trouble.

    Banerjee sipped his cup of tea in front and soaked his throat a little and asked Why? Why does it look like this?

    Arunima said, Sir, look at the pattern of the murder. Both women are pregnant. After the murder, a breast was ruthlessly cut off from the chest of both of them. How can this not seem suspicious?

    Banerjee leaned back in her chair and asked, The question is about murder, but the suspicion is about breasts. Then he

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