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Unloved: Shadow World Shifters, #4
Unloved: Shadow World Shifters, #4
Unloved: Shadow World Shifters, #4
Ebook46 pages39 minutes

Unloved: Shadow World Shifters, #4

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There's only so long a person - or Impundulu in Lisa's case - can stand listening to her roommate bump and grind in the next room before they go insane. Lisa has reached her limit. Looking to escape the hustle of L.A., Lisa settles in the dense mountains to enjoy some peace and quiet. But fate has other plans in store.

Bruce spends his days sharing his love of the forest with tourists. It isn't until his werewolf senses detect the beautiful Lisa that he wonders if there's more to life than the scenery. With danger lurking in the shadows, Bruce and Lisa must learn to open themselves up and depend on each other if they have any chance of surviving.

Release dateJul 21, 2021
Unloved: Shadow World Shifters, #4

E.L. Jones

Elizabeth Lauren (E.L.) Jones is a mother to one little terror who keeps her on her toes. She's always loved books and have a soft spot for paranormal romance and fantasy genre. She is an introverted soul and on her spare time, loves to read various books, go on adventures with her little terror and her much taller husband, such as horse riding, snorkelling, kayaking and rock climbing, as well as watching different genre movies. She loves her coffee with no sugar and sitting by her deck taking in the soft breeze and fresh air.

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    Book preview

    Unloved - E.L. Jones

    Chapter One



    Love is one tricky affection. These days, someone doesn’t even need to be in it to be on the same page as me. Look at our girl, Gema: rejected by the people she’d called hers for years. They’d all spat her out the moment they thought she was too much to chew. I’d told her the last time we met, which was some centuries ago, Come with me, Gema. You’ll enjoy much more with me than with them.

    I’m just paraphrasing though because with the kind of English that existed then, it would’ve sounded something like, Bring thyself along with me, Gema. Ye will gladden thine heart more pleasurably with me than with all those yonder.

    Be honest, which do you prefer? I thought as much.

    When you show someone a good gesture, what do you expect? Reception and gratitude, right? Well, our Gema did quite the opposite. She went along the lines of, Thank you, Lisa. But your ways are too rough for me.

    Fast forward a few centuries, Gema had left the soft and cozy folks in...uhm...God knows where, and came to rough Lisa. What can I say? I’m a friend. I accepted her in, and I’m beginning to love the Gema I see, except that she’s sad and gloomy the first days of her stay.

    She tells me it’s some guy named Kane. All throughout those days, I want to laugh and jeer at her. Honestly. But I don’t know how sensitive Gema’s become staying with those people. And then I hear she starts – and wins – a brawl in the Wolf’s Circle, and I’m like, Grrrrr, now that’s my girl. She brings home the beta of the pack as a sex buddy, and then like a bad pilot, she crashes my expectations. She falls in love. Naturally, the dude must choose between her and his pack. The pack comes to fight, we hold our own and dish some ass-whooping in the process. A few hours later, we run out of the small town I’d called home for close to a decade.

    I roll on my bed and sigh.

    She should’ve come with me from the start. I’d never complain that she’s too much to chew. I’m a chewer. I love chewing. At this moment, I’m doing some chewing of my own. I’ve been trying to ignore the squeaky sounds and the moaning coming from beyond my ceiling where Gema and Abel are doing it. A human being wouldn’t have heard any of the sounds, but this is what one gets for being a superhuman like me. Free audio porn. It’s times like this that I feel my powers are a curse.

    I should never have let her take the room upstairs. Nevertheless, I’d still have listened to their sex-songs all night long if we switched rooms. Such pathetic living.

    I sit up from my bed and walk close to the window. The street outside is empty but for a few cars lining the streets, and houses with lights shining from their windows. I wonder if the owners of these cars on the streets don’t have garages in their homes, or driveways even. On second thought, the owners could all be Abels, wanting to

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