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Unbroken: Shadow World Shifters, #3
Unbroken: Shadow World Shifters, #3
Unbroken: Shadow World Shifters, #3
Ebook48 pages31 minutes

Unbroken: Shadow World Shifters, #3

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After being exiled from the only home and family she's ever known, Impundulu Gema is forced to start a new life. Armed with only a backpack and her wit, it doesn't take her long to find herself in trouble with a rival pack of werewolves.

Abel can't believe his eyes. What was supposed to be a quiet night tending bar at the local werewolf hangout has instead turned into an all-out brawl between his pack and one petite woman. But he's soon about to learn to never judge a woman by her stature, because the strength and ability within the woman's tiny frame could be his downfall. All that's left to do is buckle in and enjoy the ride - without getting killed.

Can Abel save the woman he loves and still keep the peace within his pack? Or will Gema's doubts and insecurities leave him with nothing?

Release dateJun 30, 2021
Unbroken: Shadow World Shifters, #3

E.L. Jones

Elizabeth Lauren (E.L.) Jones is a mother to one little terror who keeps her on her toes. She's always loved books and have a soft spot for paranormal romance and fantasy genre. She is an introverted soul and on her spare time, loves to read various books, go on adventures with her little terror and her much taller husband, such as horse riding, snorkelling, kayaking and rock climbing, as well as watching different genre movies. She loves her coffee with no sugar and sitting by her deck taking in the soft breeze and fresh air.

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    Book preview

    Unbroken - E.L. Jones

    Chapter One



    Everything around me is silent. Too silent. It feels like I’ve just been in an explosion. My ears have that sensation of being plugged, but the persistent, sharp ringing is absent. I want to think that this is a very bad dream that I’ve got to wake from, but I realize this is me we’re talking about. I’m like a magnet for unfortunate things. First, I get stuck in this family of Impundulus, which should be comforting, being that I’m one myself. But things like what’s just happened reminds me that even within species, there’s blood and then there’s water. I remember clearly being told that it’s important that we Impundulus stick together because of how uncommon our kind are. Why, then, am I being punished for acting on what I’d been told?

    My head rings. The family lounge room becomes a court, and in that court the memory of what I’d just heard replays itself. It’s torture, like being sliced by little razors over and over. I look up at them. They are three Impundulu – the oldest in the house – sitting on highbacked chairs in front of me. The chairs must be their own improvisations for thrones.

    What an improv. Couldn’t you all do better? How does sitting on chairs with longer pieces of wood for a back make you regal?

    I don’t tell them this though, because I’m still harboring little pieces of hope that they’ll rescind their decision if I show them just how much of a good little girl I can be.

    Naughty grandpas.

    Please, my voice comes out choked. I don’t even recognize it, but it’s a proper representation of the turmoil that’s rolling inside me. You can’t do this to me.

    Gema, Aunt Lauretta says. You endangered the life of a human.

    She’s not a human, I protest.

    There goes my chance of being a good girl. I’m not sure I can be servile if I really want to regain my place here.

    She’s got powers. Kane can attest to that.

    I give Kane a desperate look.

    Please back me up, please, I’m begging you.

    Of course, he can’t read my mind. But anyone, even the daftest of humans, could recognise the message on my face. Kane’s face is all wrapped up in sympathy, and that’s all he spares me – pity – just before he moves his eyes away.

    Alright, I’ve had it with this bunch of hypocrites.

    You pieces of fuck, I seethe.

    Gema, you don’t have to cuss, Kane says.

    And you, I whirl to face him. Why are you pretending like you’re some saint, huh? Oh, look— I place my arms akimbo and flap it, imitating the movement of a duck and its quacky voice too, it’s Saint Kane. I’m the most reasonable one in the family, blah blah blah.

    By this time, I’ve managed to rack up an emotional reaction on everyone’s face out here in the courtyard. They don’t act the emotions they feel. It’s reflected right on their faces for everyone to see, like a goddamn sign on a fucking billboard. There’s pity, sorrow, acute sympathy, disdain, aloofness

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