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Christmas With A Stranger (Cub Bites)
Christmas With A Stranger (Cub Bites)
Christmas With A Stranger (Cub Bites)
Ebook25 pages24 minutes

Christmas With A Stranger (Cub Bites)

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Two days before Christmas, part-time pilot, Allie Benson is asked by her boss to fly to Maine to pick up Roy Colby, a stranded client.
She isn't prepared for the young handsome, blonde hair, blue eyed man waiting for her at the airport. When the plane makes an emergency landing, they are stranded and spend a night of bliss together-once rescued will their lives ever be the same?

Release dateSep 27, 2010
Christmas With A Stranger (Cub Bites)

Candy Caine

Whether she's writing red-hot interracial erotica or less edgy contemporary romance as Candace Gold, Candy Caine believes in living life to its fullest with her husband and best friend, Robert, in their Arizona home.

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    Christmas With A Stranger (Cub Bites) - Candy Caine

    Christmas With A Stranger


    Candy Caine

    Smashwords Edition



    Lady Leo Publishing on Smashwords

    Christmas With A Stranger

    Copyright © 2010 by Candy Caine

    All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photo copying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Lady Leo Publishing. For more information write Lady Leo Publishing, P.O. Box 14283, Silver Spring, MD 20911

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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    The persistent ringing of the phone jarred me out of a sound sleep. Wesley stirred next to me. Not wanting the phone to waken him, I rolled over and fumbled for the receiver. Without warning, Wesley’s arm shot out and grabbed my breast. I swatted it away as I tried to talk. He could be so annoying sometimes.

    Allie, are you awake? Even in my half comatose state, I recognized the voice as Joe Brown’s, my boss at Brown, Wyckoff, and Jones Advertising Agency. I mouthed, Stop it! to Wesley, who decided to

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