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Until I Found You: Short and Sweet Series, #46
Until I Found You: Short and Sweet Series, #46
Until I Found You: Short and Sweet Series, #46
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Until I Found You: Short and Sweet Series, #46

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"Chloe, wait."

I turned around.


There was an expression in his eyes. So much emotion in one moment.

"I don't want you to go," he said.

"I guess I could sleep a little later..."

 "No, I didn't mean it like that. I don't want you to go away from us."

I met his gaze.

Was he really saying what I thought he was saying?

"I want you to stay here with us," he said then added. "With me."


CHLOE, a recent graduate holds a painful secret inside that has caused her to keep a distance from any man she meets.


MARKUS, a rich Billionaire's young daughter, Marie keeps getting rid of her nannies and he has no idea why.


When Chloe struggles to find a job, she decides to become a nanny for a rich Billionaire's young daughter, Marie. The longer she stays the more Chloe gets Markus and Marie to heal their broken relationship. And along the way Chloe falls for Markus too. But can Markus let someone in after everything that happened?


And is the nanny really worth breaking a promise for?

Release dateAug 29, 2022
Until I Found You: Short and Sweet Series, #46

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Until I Found You - Luna Moon


    Another nanny.


    She didn’t even come in to explain everything. She just called early this morning and told me she wasn’t coming in again.

    When I asked her to elaborate on why, she told me quite a story about my young daughter.

    Again, it had happened. How many times were they going to leave? I’ve almost run out of agencies to get them from.

    I went up to my daughter’s room and sat down on her bed. She was playing with her dolls and didn’t look up at me. I knew she knew what was coming.

    Gina says she’s not coming in today.

    Oh, was all she said.

    Do you know why?

    She shook her head still not looking up at me.

    Gina told me what you did, Marie. Why did you flush her wedding ring down the toilet?

    She sighed dramatically, as dramatically as a five-year-old could, and looked up.

    I don’t like her.

    I sighed this time around.

    Why not?


    That’s not an answer, sweetie.

    She was mean to me.

    But you told me she wasn’t.

    Sometimes she was mean.

    Give me an example.

    She was quiet.

    I knew she’d given into defeat.

    I bent down on the floor until I was at eye level with her.

    Marie, daddy is really busy and can’t always take care of you.

    I know.

    It’s not that daddy doesn’t love you. But you need someone to look after you. And that’s why I hire you a friend.

    But I don’t want a friend. I want daddy.

    You have daddy when daddy is home. But during the day when daddy is working, I can’t come home.

    She stuck her lower lip out like she did when she was upset.

    I kissed the top of her head.

    Just give the new one a try, okay?

    She nodded but didn’t look up at me, still frowning.

    I got up and gave one last look at her playing with her dolls, then turned to leave. 

    Daddy, she called.

    I turned around.

    Yes, sweetheart?

    When will you play with me again?

    I saw the innocent look in her eyes and I felt my heart break a little.

    I smiled at her as if that would be a consolation prize.

    Daddy is a little busy with work at the moment but as soon as it settles, we’ll play, okay?

    She didn’t answer, just sighed and focused on her dolls.

    I hung my head and left her room going downstairs, feeling defeated.

    My sister waited for me there.

    How is she? she asked.

    Upset, I said. I don’t know what’s wrong.

    You don’t honestly mean that, Markus? she said.

    Of course, I do! I said.

    What’s wrong is she needs a mother.

    I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

    Don’t start with that again.

    You need to start dating again! Madelynn said.

    I’m not interested in dating.

    But think about Marie, she said. She’s lonely without you and instead of giving her another nanny she needs someone she can depend on.

    And you think a wife would do that?

    Yes, I do, she said. Every time a nanny comes, she thinks of that person as another person that will leave.

    But that’s because she chases them away!

    Don’t you realize why she does it? She said. Have you forgotten what it was like to be a kid?

    Madelynn, I don’t have time for this. I’m not dating anyone and that’s final.

    With that, I turned and walked toward my study. I closed the door behind me not looking at my sister’s face.

    Turning around and leaning against the door I took a deep breath.

    What I didn’t tell my sister was that I just couldn’t bear dating anyone.

    After Lorelai...

    I promised her. I promised her while I held her cold body in my arms.

    Marie would adjust. Kids always did. I had to, growing up.

    But no matter what I wasn’t going to break my promise.


    Even though I tried not to show how my sister’s words affected me, I couldn’t help it.

    I did feel bad about what she said and I lay awake that night thinking about it.

    I couldn't give my daughter what my sister wanted me to. But I could try to spend time with her. At least then she wouldn’t feel alone if that was how she was feeling.

    So that weekend I took Marie to Disney World. And she was really excited when I told her we’d be going.

    Everything had been going great at first. And then the calls started. What I didn’t tell my sister when I told her about our plans, was that I was still working today.

    We had important things coming up at my company and I couldn’t just leave everyone in the dust.

    I answered the calls and tried to hurry up with them so I could pay attention to my daughter again.

    But I could see she wasn’t happy about me taking them.

    I tried to act playfully with her. Make jokes and act as if nothing was wrong. But now and then I couldn’t help but focus on the calls more than on my

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