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Amos the Gifted
Amos the Gifted
Amos the Gifted
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Amos the Gifted

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Amos was abandoned by his father at birth. His mother, Soriana vowed to provide Amos everything in life for him to succeed. Amos was gifted. Unfortunate circumstances landed Soriana and her son in a farming community in New Hampshire. It was there that Amos made his mark and lived up to his calling.

Release dateAug 31, 2022
Amos the Gifted

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    Amos the Gifted - Wilbur Shapiro


    Amos The Gifted

    By Wilbur Shapiro


    The impetus for this story comes from the aides who provided care for my wife during her long illness. Most of the aides were black and they all had children. The aides were very concerned about their children’s education and they sent them to the best schools many of which were charter schools. At least one of the aides had a gifted child.

    Wilbur Shapiro


    The room was smoked, and aroma filled, with marijuana. Five black couples were nestled together with each other, exchanging puffs of the makeshift weeds. Soriana, had been dating Tyrone for several weeks and he talked her into the marijuana party. She was skeptical, but she trusted his judgment and her girlfriends told her that it was lots of fun. After a few puffs, she began to feel woozy and tired. Tyrone led her upstairs to one of the bedrooms, where they laid down together. He undressed her and himself and they had sex. When she awoke, she was still woozy and she related to Tyrone, I will never do this again. I was in a stupor and really not knowing what was going on. If we had sex, I did not enjoy it. Tyrone countered with a smile, Yes, we had sex and I enjoyed it.

    Tyrone finished high school and has a job in a mail order warehouse sorting packages. He has no plans for advanced education. Soriana is a medical aide assisting elderly people. She also attends evening classes to become a medical secretary. Tonight, they were at Soriana’s grandmother’s home. The home is a gathering place for siblings, relatives and friends. The place was always crowded with people, and the women stocked the freezer with plenty of food, and grandma and some of the women were always busy in the kitchen making delicious morsels for everyone to enjoy. Grandma Randolph lost her husband some twenty years ago. She and her husband Gerry worked very hard to save up the money to buy the home and Grandma, with the rest of the family and friends, preserved the home in very good shape. Very few of the visitors to Grandma’s house owned their own home. They primarily rented apartments throughout the neighborhood. To them it was a treat to visit Grandma’s home with their children and significant others. At Grandma’s house, the women were in control. They monitored their children, discussed home improvements and money-making enterprises, provided the food, gossiped and enjoyed relationships with each other. Grandma was the centerpiece and she enjoyed all the commotion and chaos. One piece of conversation stood out. That was conversation about the children’s education. Many of the children were going to preschool and many were going to charter schools. The mothers boasted about their children’s accomplishments and their possibilities. Children’s success was mother’s dedication. The men seemed to be going along for the ride and enjoying whatever freebees were available.

    Soriana was a favorite of grandma and they supported each other as much as possible. She confided to Grandma about her lately feelings. Her breasts were more tender than usual, and she was easily fatigued. She had some spells of nausea and vomiting, and she urinated more frequently than normal. Grandma responded, You have signs of pregnancy. I do believe that you are pregnant. When is your next period? Soriana stated, My next menstrual period is Wednesday. I will let you know the results. I wonder how Tyrone will take my being pregnant. Grandma retorted, The men run away. They will not accept the responsibility. Look around. Single mothers are prevalent. Single mothers in our community commit themselves to bringing up the children as best they can. They work to support their kids and, if necessary, they request help from Social Services. Let me know what goes with you and if you are pregnant, rejoice in what can be. Remember, my help is only a call away and I so look forward to what you can produce.

    Later that evening, Soriana confronted Tyrone. There is a good chance that I am pregnant. Shouldn’t we marry and raise a family together? Tyrone was taken aback and momentarily was speechless. I do not think I can handle that. I can just about support myself on my salary. Perhaps you should abort. I am not ready to settle down. I cannot afford it and it will be too restraining. Soriana was shocked by Tyrone’s response. She replied, Together we can make it. We can look around for an apartment and get plenty of help with day care. Also, I can expect a better salary once I finish my medical assistant degree. Sweat poured from Tyrone’s head, No, I cannot do it. If you insist on having the baby, you are on your own. I cannot be involved. Tyrone made a quick U-Turn and scooted away. Tears welled in Soriana’s eyes and she leaned against the wall and cried. Later her energy restored she vowed to herself, My baby will be a great human being, be it male or female."

    On Wednesday, Soriana missed her period, and she was almost positive that she was pregnant. She wanted confirmation, however from a Gynecologist. Dr. Andrews at the hospital clinic, confirmed the pregnancy and advised against smoking and drinking and advocated doing prescribed exercises. He scheduled another visit in three months. Meanwhile, Soriana continued working as a medical aide and taking classes at night. She came through the pregnancy with flying colors. She had some morning sickness, hunger pangs, fatigue and other of the usual indications of pregnancy, but nothing serious enough to stop her daily routine. She spent considerable time with her mother and grandma which helped her substantially endure the experience. The three women anxiously awaited the birth, which was quite normal, and Amos arrived. He was named after his great grandfather, much to Grandma’s delight. Soriana had three sisters and a brother and many other relatives and friends who congregated at Grandma’s house. As was their custom, they all chipped in for birthdays, births and other celebratory events. Soriana seemed to have all she needed for baby Amos, and she looked forward to taking care of him. She knew of a day care center not far from her home and she made arrangements for Amos to be taken there. For a two-week period, Soriana was to take off from work and rest. Soriana’s grandmother and mother were Amos’s caregiver for the two-week period, and they rejoiced in the effort. As expected, baby Amos slept for a good period of time, but when awake he seemed quite alert to his surroundings. He was getting to know his mother, grandmother and great grandmother. When awake, his eyes were wide open as he carefully investigated his surroundings and the people around him. One evening when Soriana was rocking Amos in Grandma’s rocking chair, Amos lit up the room with a big smile to mama. Soriana quickly called her mother and Grandma and as they all watched Amos gave a repeat performance. In just a short time, they all loved Amos dearly.

    Since Soriana had to work, breast feeding would be difficult so the alternative was formula. After consultation with a pediatrician, Similac Advance, stage 1 was applied and received quite well by Amos. Soriana did her shopping at Walmart for pampers for new-born. For the time being, Amos slept in a crib in Soriana.s bedroom as she had a 1 bedroom flat. On her way to work every morning she would deliver Amos to Grandma who was more than willing to tend to Amos. Soriana, her mother and grandmother, decided that for at least one-year Amos would be cared for by Grandma and others who migrated there. After one years’ time Amos was to go to daycare and mingle with other children and learn what school is all about.

    An unusual event occurred, when Amos was 6 months old. As Soriana prepared to deliver Amos to Grandma’s she lifted Amos from his crib. Once in her arms, Amos wiggled furiously to be let down. She held him as he drifted to the floor. Once on the floor, Amos lifted his feet as if to walk. Momentarily, Soriana released Amos and off he went walking across the room. When he reached the wall, he turned around and walked back to his mother. Soriana looked in amazement and gobbled him up in her arms and kissed him as he smiled to his mother. Amos, I could hardly believe what I just witnessed. You are definitely an astounding child. Come let’s tell grandma that you are walking at 6 months old.

    Grandma was very much surprised to hear about Amos’s walking. I wonder how I am going to keep him in the playpen. Later that afternoon, mother and Grandma were playing with Amos. They were seated facing each other about 8 feet apart and Amos would walk to one and turn around to walk to the other. The two women were laughing and having a grand time with Amos. Soriana entered as she was returning from work. When Amos saw his mother, he blurted out MaMa, MaMa and walked as quickly as he could to her. Soriana remarked, My goodness! He is not only walking, but he is also talking!

    The following day, Soriana visited the offices of the Department of Social Welfare and she applied for funds for Amos to attend an accredited daycare service. Without extra help, daycare costs would unduly stretch her budget. She was interviewed by an administrative assistant. The criteria for a single mother to obtain financial assistance includes, current income, whether you have a job, and what you are doing to improve your condition. Looking at your application, your current income is below the excluded threshold, and you are trying to improve your income by taking classes at nights. Thus, if this information is verified, your chances for support are excellent. Please select a day care center and advise the cost. We will be back to you within a week. I would also advise you to apply for clinical, medical and dental services. Applications are available at the table located at the entrance to the office. Soriana was elated to hear the positive information declared. She took the applications for medical and dental assistance and she anxiously completed and submitted them before leaving the

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