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10 Keys to Understand the Globalist Agenda: Welcome to the New World Order
10 Keys to Understand the Globalist Agenda: Welcome to the New World Order
10 Keys to Understand the Globalist Agenda: Welcome to the New World Order
Ebook43 pages48 minutes

10 Keys to Understand the Globalist Agenda: Welcome to the New World Order

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Is it true that a global elite has found the perfect excuse to move forward with a large-scale control plan? What is the famous "Globalist Agenda" and what does it imply? Is this group so powerful that presidents or prime ministers are merely its puppets? What names and institutions are repeated over and over again in this structure? Is there a psychological battle going on, aimed to break democratic societies? In this book you will find the keys to answer for yourself each of these questions, based simply on the facts presented
PublisherMB Cooltura
Release dateMay 31, 2020
10 Keys to Understand the Globalist Agenda: Welcome to the New World Order

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    10 Keys to Understand the Globalist Agenda - Catherine Dumont



    Amid episodes of global alarm, wars on terrorism, pandemics and climate catastrophes, the theory of the Globalist Agenda emerges with increasing force: it claims that a small group of people with enormous power and money operates to create a sole state of control. The tools that this group uses are diverse, ranging from its best known and official forms, such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization or the International Monetary Fund, to its most secret and dark versions, such as the Bilderberg Club, the Club of Rome or the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), and some of their own foundations.

    Although there is a tendency to dismiss these theories as crazy or conspiracy, we have physically experienced, for example, being subject to control and surveillance by the State, and we have submissively submitted to the loss of our individual liberties. Because we are being cared for before the enemy of the hour, be it the terrorists or the pandemic. Listening to our private conversations through electronic devices, secret projects like HAARP, geo localizations via GPS, surveillance devices and facial recognition are some of the new forms of control that we seem to have become accustomed to. Those who denounce the New World Order (NWO) that the Globalist Agenda wants to impose, speak of the implantation of a chip, something that will emerge in the near future and that will be the most direct and effective means of control over our bodies. The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) only reinforced these ideas: it is said that the chip would be introduced into our bodies along with the vaccine, or that the chip would be required to cross borders or to circulate, for example, by containing the reliable information that this individual has been vaccinated against this virus. The terror of the pandemic and the need to sanitarily control individuals would be the way in which we would gladly accept the implantation of the chip.

    There is a group of more or less secret organizations, with more or less explicit agendas, that have the same last names behind them: they would make up the institutional framework that prepares the conditions for the implementation of world government. There is, for example, the Federal Reserve System, controlled by a handful of international bankers, who manage the world’s strongest currency. There are organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which in addition to pushing presidents and cabinets, determines international political agendas. There are also international financial institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank, which have offered loans to developing countries since the second post-war period, and have only created unplayable

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