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Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories: Sex Is The Most Important Thing In The World
Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories: Sex Is The Most Important Thing In The World
Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories: Sex Is The Most Important Thing In The World
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Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories: Sex Is The Most Important Thing In The World

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Enjoy anal sex with me
Sex is the most important thing in the world

Each person has different needs and preferences that should be addressed in lovemaking. A relatively popular sexual practice is anal sex, which was a taboo subject for a long time.

The area around the anus is one of the erogenous zones that can be particularly well stimulated sexually. Both women and men find anal sex pleasurable and satisfying. It usually leads to more intense stimulation compared to vaginal intercourse, as the body opening in the anus is narrower and more muscular.

This is how it works "from behind

It doesn't get more intimate than this: anal sex is an act full of trust and intimacy. If you go about it the right way, you can experience full pleasure - both as a woman and as a man. Feel like it?

Just give it a try. As long as you proceed carefully and listen especially well to your physical limits, you can't go wrong. I wish you a lot of fun!
Release dateSep 1, 2022
Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories: Sex Is The Most Important Thing In The World

Gloria Hole

N'est-ce pas le rêve de chaque femme et chaque homme de vivre à fond ses fantasmes sexuels ? Le sexe est une partie importante de ma vie. Il ne se passe pas un jour sans que je pense à une aventure érotique. Je suis une MILF coquine qui veut profiter intensément de sa vie sexuelle le plus longtemps possible. Je suis née en 1968 et j'ai déjà moi-même vécu beaucoup d'histoires sexuelles, mais je continue de penser que je n'en ai pas eu assez. Afin d'épicer ma vie sexuelle constamment, j'aime essayer de nouvelles choses. Depuis plusieurs années, je pratique l'échangisme et j'y ai vécu les choses les plus excitantes. J'y rencontre également en permanence des hommes et des femmes intéressants. Beaucoup me racontent leurs histoire érotiques que je vous transmets avec plaisir. Mes histoires ont pour la plupart eu lieu en vrai. Elles ont été vécues par moi où par des personnes que j'ai connues. Je ne suis pas écrivain professionnelle. Il s'agit plutôt d'une envie personnelle de laisser d'autres personnes prendre part à ces histoires de sexe ou même de les inciter à devenir personnellement actives. J'écris ces histoires en parallèle de mon travail en tant qu'infirmière. Aujourd'hui j'écris beaucoup d'histoires sur et pour les personnes ouvertes au sexe. Les nouvelles sexuelles et érotiques en français, interdites au moins de 18 ans cependant, sont ma grande passion. J'aime particulièrement : le sexe anal, le sexe en groupe, l'adultère, la domination féminine, le sexe en extérieur, l'échangisme, le partage de femmes, les conversations coquines, les Milfs et le sexe avec des personnes âgées. A mes yeux, il n'y quasiment aucun tabou. J'écris aussi bien sur les hommes mûrs et les jeunes femmes, sur les écolières (les filles ont plus de 18 ans), les premières fois, l'adultère, l'infidélité et l'amour lesbien. Pour moi, le porno doit être érotique, non-censuré et hard-core. Écrit dans une langue précise et explicite. Les histoires de sexe doivent être comme un porno dans la tête du lecteur. C'est exactement de ça dont il s'agit dans mes livres. Des livres érotiques qui excitent les hommes et les femmes. Nouvelles Érotiques. Roman Èrotique.

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    Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories - Gloria Hole

    Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories

    Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories

    The Girl Next Door

    The Other Side Of My Girlfriend

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    Porn For The First Time

    She's Back... And Front... And Fucking EVERYWHERE!!

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    Enjoy Anal Sex With Me

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    A Lot More

    She Plays To Win


    Enjoy Anal Sex With Me - Erotic Stories

    The Girl Next Door

    My wife was amazing. We had been married for 17 years now, together for a few before that, and she still managed to surprise me. Every year for my birthday it was something different, and every year it was something amazing. A few years into marriage, we realized that we'd be able to pick our own gifts better than our spouse could if the gifts were simply items. (We weren't exactly loaded, but I did make quite a bit in construction, mostly by knowing when to double down and when to pull capital out of my company. As a result, when many of my friends' businesses were closing during the recent housing shortage, I was simply biding my time and playing the stocks, and I was able to jump back in when the market dropped and make quite a bit.) Some couples solve the gift problem with a wish-list, some simply decide to purchase their own presents; my friend Dan gave us a different suggestion over beers one night, and we adopted it immediately. Now instead of items, birthdays are exclusively reserved for sexual gifts.

    Early on, it was a lot of what you would expect. I bought her some sex toys, some of which we used regularly and some of which were impractical but fun to explore. Lingerie made a regular appearance in the rotation. She gave me sex coupons for various acts, an erotic massage, a day of naked cooking...

    As the years went on, it seemed like I struggled to get more creative while she thrived on the sexual challenge. A few years back, she tied me up and gave me the best (and longest) striptease I've ever had, with a pole and everything. Last year my birthday fell on a Sunday, and she invited a few of my friends over and then served as a topless waitress for the full day of football games (albeit with a strict look but don't touch rule). My buddies haven't stopped talking about it since, and trust me when I say that both Mary and I went to sleep EXTREMELY satisfied that night. The foreplay of teasing all day made for a great night, with many orgasms for both of us.

    Suffice it to say, I was excited as I raced to get home from work on my birthday. I had enough self-control that my dick wasn't exactly hard on the freeway... but it also wasn't exactly soft. I pulled off and into our cul-de-sac to see a familiar car parked in front of our house. I had seen the little red sedan in our neighbor's driveway for years, and although the Millers had moved away, Francesca had continued to babysit for us throughout the years whenever she came home from college. A night without kids was a good start, and I looked forward to what Mary had planned for us.

    I pulled into the driveway and entered the house trying to appear calm and collected. I could see my wife and Francesca talking at the kitchen island as I entered the room, and the open bottle of red wine promised good things for me tonight. My wife always gets very horny when she drinks red wine. I took a moment to take in the sight before the girls noticed me.

    My wife was tall and curvy, and her body never failed to turn me on. Tonight she was wearing a very sexy red dress, showing off some very sexy legs and more than a bit of cleavage. At 36D, her breasts were one of my favorite features, and although she'd say that her body was changed by childbirth, in my opinion it had changed for the better. She was sexy before kids, and now in her late 30s, the curves that had been a hint before were now a pronounced hourglass. She was wearing a pearl necklace I'd given her long ago, the dress, some black heels, and I thought I could make out the outline of a very sexy black bra underneath her neckline.

    Francesca, by contrast, was trim and athletic. I hadn't really seen her in years- typically when she babysat for us, my wife made the arrangements and I waved from the car. I had seen her grow up of course; after all, life in a modern cul-de-sac means that fences are more for show than for privacy. But when she went away to college, she seemed to grow up at twice the speed of other girls. Now at 21 (I learned later), she was cute as hell. Her blond hair, cut just above the shoulders, framed her perky little face beautifully, and the hint of freckles about her nose and cheeks just added to the beauty. Her body was tight and petite, tonight wrapped in yoga pants (an eternal thank you to whomever made yoga pants acceptable daily wear) and a skin-tight white top. She must have taken her workouts seriously after college too, because her ass looked fantastic perched on that barstool in front of me. Her breasts were perhaps as perky as her cute little butt, and I guessed them to be a nice B cup, although I sure didn't see the outline of a bra tonight.

    Enough ogling, I muttered, as I walked far enough into the room for my wife to notice me.

    Sweetheart, you're home! My wife greeted me the same way every day, just one of those endearing rituals that develop in a comfortable marriage.

    Hey, honey! Hi Francesca. Good to see you, I responded, eager to get out the door to whatever sexy adventure my wife had planned tonight. I'm just gonna head upstairs and say bye to the kiddos.

    Oh, they're at my mom's tonight, sweetie, my wife responded.

    My confusion must have been visible, because Francesca giggled into her wine just a bit.

    Umm, okay... I trailed off trying to think of a way to ask why Francesca was here that didn't make me sound like an asshole. Luckily, my wife jumped in and saved me before I put my foot in my mouth.

    Why don't you go change into jeans and a nice shirt, and then come down and we'll talk.

    Confused, I followed her directions, and freshened up as I changed out of my work clothes and into an outfit appropriate for... maybe a nice dinner out? It certainly didn't match her level, but then again, she tended to take the spotlight whenever we went out, which was just the way I liked it.

    I bounced down the stairs to the sounds of both girls giggling again, and noticed that the bottle of wine was mostly empty. My dick stirred within my pants, as I remembered how sweet my wife's pussy tasted when she drank red wine. To this day I don't know if that's psychosomatic, or if she actually tastes like fine wine down there, but the result for me is the same.

    Francesca stood up as my wife came around the kitchen counter, and we sat on the sofa together. My wife took pity on my confused expression, and broke the ice. So dear, you remember Francesca?

    Of course I did. I nodded, and she turned to me with a wink and said I mostly go by Frannie now, but you can call me whatever's comfortable for you Mr. Davison.

    I probably should have said something along the lines of please call me Tim, but I was still having trouble understanding why she was here if my kids were not.

    My wife spoke up for me, Frannie and I have just been talking about college and what a fine young woman it made her. Frannie went to a small Christian college, didn't you, honey? Now that she mentioned it, I do remember the Millers being slightly religious, but nothing more than nice clothes on Easter and a few Sundays at church.

    Francesca was still holding back giggles, but apparently I wasn't in on the joke. My wife continued.

    Well, apparently college has changed a bit in the time since we attended, love. Or at least, Christian colleges. See, Francesca here took a pact in one of her Bible classes, didn't you? She turned to our lithe guest with a wink.

    Sure did, Mrs. Davison. I'm going to stay a virgin until I'm married. By now I was completely lost. Was my wife just stalling until our reservation or something?

    See, dear, my wife turned back to me, Francesca may have taken one of those silly promise ring vows in college, but she's discovered a little something else as an 'anything but' girl.

    An anything but...? My confusion was palpable.

    Yes, Mr. Davison. See, I'm saving my virginity for my husband. But... I still have my mouth, my hands... She did this cute little shimmy as she said this, and I swear I could see the faint outline of her areolas through her top.

    My wife prompted her to continue, And didn't you pick up a nickname by the end of senior year?

    Frannie giggled again, and said Yep. That's kind of why I go by Frannie now- all the boys used to call me Little Miss Fanny. See, it turns out I really like anal.

    I swear, if I had been drinking wine with the two of them, I would have spit it out then and there. The girls collapsed into a giggling fit, and when the shock passed I joined in.

    When we started to calm down, my wife stood to grab me a beer from the fridge, and I spoke up. Okay, Little Miss Fanny, I said with an exaggerated wink, that's pretty funny. And it seems you got quite a bit bolder too, hmm?

    My wife returned with an open beer, and a new bottle of red. She spoke as she refilled Francesca's glass, and then her own. Honey, do you remember those sex coupons from ages ago? And the only one that didn't work out so well? I certainly did. The deepthroat coupon had to be my favorite, but the anal coupon had backfired a little. It turned out my wife did NOT like having me back there, and although it wasn't a hard limit for us, we never approached the subject again.

    Maybe I was a bit slow on the uptake, but I was just starting to put two and two together when my wife leaned over (giving me a great view down her dress, by the way) and whispered sensually into my ear, Frannie's ass is your birthday present.

    Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck...

    My brain was broken for a minute. Sure, we had brought a few people into our games before, but

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