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Unbothered: The Non-Chalant Way to Live Life
Unbothered: The Non-Chalant Way to Live Life
Unbothered: The Non-Chalant Way to Live Life
Ebook98 pages4 hours

Unbothered: The Non-Chalant Way to Live Life

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Life can suck sometimes, but that does not mean our attitudes towards it need to be just as crappy. In this book, I share personal insights and experiences that made me have my ah-hah moment. That moment you realize that every bad thing in your life could have been avoided if you simply made better decisions. What does that mean, and what does

Release dateSep 2, 2022
Unbothered: The Non-Chalant Way to Live Life

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    Unbothered - Eric Hernandez

    Dedication - Many Thanks

    I am sitting here writing a damn book. Writing a book is one place I never thought I would find myself. I opened many paths, for which I am thankful. I started swimming competitively in my youth, which helped me balance my competitive nature. I got to experience different internships, like when I was at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Had people tell me to be everything from a doctor to a politician to even president(neighbors on one street I lived on started calling me that, boy did I cringe knew then it wasn’t for me.) I was that friend always helping people, so maybe a psychologist. What about a lawyer? Hmm, I like arguing and debating.

    The one thing I always got from people is that I should be able to do almost anything due to my smarts. Sadly it took me a while to realize how awesome and intelligent of a person I am. So at my current job, I always have people saying you should teach more, train more, and start a blog.

    I know who I am, and sometimes I have trouble maintaining consistency with something. I might go go go this week and then the next three weeks not even think about it before circling back. Knowing this, I tried to adapt a blog around how I operate and found myself often not pleased with how or what I was doing. I was writing a training document recently, and even though it went through significant edits, there was this consensus that I tell a good story. I started to think back, and I’ve had teachers tell me how well I might hook them. I just struggled to end my thoughts or use proper quotes to make references. Almost every teacher, though, in some way, would become frustrated because they just wanted me to finish my thoughts.

    Well, here I am, opening and closing all my thoughts as best I can. So I started writing, and before I knew it, this book took on a life of its own. If anyone wants a tip as a struggling author, here is how I approached writing this book. I laid out my general flow for chapters, wrote the first paragraph for each chapter, and let it go from there. I am a little chaotic, so there was a bunch of switching back and forth as ideas hit me for what to say. The next thing I knew, I had pretty much a complete book. The only thing was to proof it and figure out what I needed to be able to release it.

    If I told 15-year-old me that the one thing I would accomplish is eventually releasing a book, id laugh and laugh and maybe laugh a little more. The kid who hates English class can’t stand the terminologies and everything surrounding them. Does not care what a contraction is, that person will write a book he is proud of? Wow! It is funny and ironic how we view our lives in our youth vs. how it ends up going. You can start becoming a corporate lawyer and then end up on a path that has you creating a non-profit to solve a crisis.

    It is too easy to look ahead, to get overly excited. What if I sell this many books or this many? I can not think about that because it loses sight of why I wrote this. I wrote this for people like my best friend, who felt helpless and wanted to take her own life at a certain point. Suicide rates are ever-growing, and if someone reads this book, just one person, and I say this many times, you will make this book worth it. If you are thinking about ending it all right now, and reading this book changes your mind, you have no idea how complete you are making my world. I always and forever will want to help. The look on someone’s face, the sigh of relief, will always have more value to me than any dollar.

    The people in my life like to tell me how I have this uncanny ability to deal with difficult situations. Almost sometimes, with a smile on my face. I like challenges. What can I say? I experienced an actual lousy breakup and needed to find myself in a big way. Thankfully, I did so and had an interaction at work that changed everything for me. A few people with who I shared this all asked the same thing, why did you decide to write this? The answer kept always being the same so allow me to share. I worked on the 1st floor of my current job and had the luxury of being right by the elevator. Considering our fast-paced social work job, I would often fill a bowl with candy to encourage someone to take a few minutes for themselves. I started to share more interactions with our current Nursing Director, and we became good friends. She has a daughter who, at this time, was around 8th grade—going to what we call an Exam School here in Boston. It just means you took a test to prove you could hang with the best of the best. Her daughter, Robyn, started to come in because her school was close so she could get a ride home with her mom.

    As she came in more, she would grab some candy, and we would talk about life things. As she continued to speak, I could see specific things she was focused on discussing. I took this information and started giving her all the advice I wished someone had given me. Enjoy your teen years; do not be so obsessed with what people think of you. School work is essential, but don’t sacrifice your whole childhood for it. Something was pricking at my neck to say these things to her. Eventually, she and her family moved to a different town and switched schools, so interactions with her became more limited. Her mom still works with us, and thankfully I can gain status updates and give her daughter books I come across to help in life. One day at an event for my job Simone and I were having a general discussion. Robyn was brought up, and Simone thanked me at that moment for getting through to her. Robyn had been struggling with personal issues like making friends and bullying. The advice that I gave her and the books I gave her helped her find newfound confidence within her, and according to Simone, she did a 360 with her mood and attitude.

    The COVID pandemic was an eye-opener. Significantly, the longer it went on, the more our isolation started to impact us. We go through our day-to-day left wondering the type of impact we are having in people’s lives; we will make ourselves downright sad, convinced we aren’t as important as we make ourselves out to be. Amazingly, you are as important as you think and have the exact impact you expect. All I ever wanted to be was someone who people would go to. You know, Eric made me feel better. Since I was younger, I have been like that, even getting heavy into the possibility of studying psychology. I did not go that route but kept an open mind relating to anything that has to do with our mental state. I am a big believer in someone maintaining a center of balance.

    I hope whoever has decided to purchase this book is here because they are just looking for anything to help them get through. One thing I won’t do is demand anything of you, I will ask that you try to adapt the way you think about certain aspects of life, but that is about it. I hope my words impact you as they did, Robyn, as all of our lives are worth living. The people around us can make us feel the opposite, and that is where we need to do better in life with each other.

    I never really considered myself someone who could have that type of impact on someone. If I did, I would like to try and help as many people as possible who might feel like Robyn—just looking for anyone who may have felt or gone through something similar. Life can be challenging for all of us. That is something that I would not deny. It would

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