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Church without god: Exploit the truth and purge yourself in the faith
Church without god: Exploit the truth and purge yourself in the faith
Church without god: Exploit the truth and purge yourself in the faith
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Church without god: Exploit the truth and purge yourself in the faith

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About this ebook

This book is a special message from God through the Holy Spirit to everyone, Christians and Church leaders all over the world. The book is a purgative; it expresses God displeasure over Church planters and Christian attitudes that are responsible for the shocking disappearance of love and genuine miracles in the Churches, and the ever-increasing crises in our world today.

In the footstep of a prophet, through the author, God reproves His church of membership leakage, demonic drifting from His word, sermon and doctrinal heresies, Christian unbecoming life style - morals and values, divisions and unhealthy rivalry among clergy and fellow Christians, covet of worldly justice, sermon of the stomach, Church growth fallacies, celebration of abnormal rather than normal, absence of genuine miracle due to love and compassion drought, and fake miracles, unrepentant attitude of calling the poor a bad name to hand them, practice of unlearned prayers, absence of pure worship, total jettisoning of works for faith breeding wickedness within and outside the church, and the undue persecution of saint within the church and forceful ejection and ex-communication.

It guides Church leaders, Christians and all on how to utilize God truth and become powerful tools in His hand and transform the world, purposefully reposition themselves and the church, restore sanctity in the church, preach undiluted message that will manifest God's truth, spiritual growth and discipline, agape love, and above all, win back the Holy Spirit for world revival and global peace. Above all, it re-emphasizes christianity beliefs.

Areas of relevance include a method for prayer, deep deliverance, biblical prosperity, financial breakthrough, financial intelligence, financial prosperity, financial miracle, how to pray effectively, how to pray for healing, how to pray in the spirit, prayer rain, receiving prosperity, saving faith, praying in the holy ghost, spiritual deliverance, victory in spiritual warfare, money prayer, night prayers, prayer and fasting, prayer for blessings, prayer for deliverance, prayer for favor, prayer for money, prayer for protection, prayer for success, prayer for the dying, prayer for the sick, prayer point, prayers for bobby, prayers for finances, prayers for healing, praying in the spirit, praying in tongues, praying scripture, prosperity, prosperity prayers, short prayers, speaking in tongues, spiritual warfare prayers, warfare prayer , prayers that avail much
PublisherMoses Omojola
Release dateSep 1, 2022

Moses Omojola

Moses Omojola is the author of the famous book "How to discover your divine destiny and total breakthroughs" and "21 keys to miracles in helpless situations: How to pray when you can't pray", and many other great books. He is an academic scholar, a Speaker, Counsellor, Life purpose, Career and Business Start-Up Coach, with over 16 years experience doing what he lives for!

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    Book preview

    Church without god - Moses Omojola

    Church Without God: Exploit The Truth And Purge Yourself In The Faith

    Moses Omojola

    Copyright © 2016 Moses Omojola

    License Notes

    All rights reserved. Contents of this book should not be reproduced in any way or by any means without the consent of the Author in writing, except for brief excerpts for critical reviews and articles.


    My Encounter And Divine Push By The Holy Spirit

    Part I: Purging Yourself In The Faith

    Frank Talk; No Sentiment

    Too Much Leakage In The Church

    Satanic Drifting

    Church Sermons And Services

    Division Among Christians

    Before I Joined The Pentecostal

    My Exodus Experience

    God, A Killer?

    Christ Up, Psalms Down

    The Earth Is The Lord’s

    Church Growth Fallacy

    Inside The Church

    Only The Abnormal Is Celebrated

    No Love: No Compassion, No Miracle

    Faith Drift

    Morals And Values In The Trash Can

    Abomination! Blaming The Poor Among You

    Unlearned Prayer

    Absence Of Pure Worship

    Monstrous Envy Among Christians

    Chained In The Gospel!

    But For Holy Spirit!

    Envy – A Function Of Not Knowing Who You Are

    Part II: Exploiting The Truth

    The Memoirs Of A Christian

    The Origin Of The Word ‘Christians’

    What Really Is Church?

    The Church Commission

    Church Organization

    How Message Should Be Preached?

    What Message Is In Your Mouth?

    The Ministry Of Christ

    Root-Based Discipling

    Stepping Out Of The Wrongs

    Call For Maturity

    Church Should Be Holy

    Unbelievers – Your Mirror

    Repositioning The Church

    Love Anew

    Sin Intervention Preferred

    Church Members

    God, Not In Big Title!

    To The Unbelievers Out There

    Holy Spirit And The Church

    What My Heart Yearns To Accomplish

    Perfect Submission

    Heaven Is Real

    This Is My Song

    About The author


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    My Encounter And Divine Push By The Holy Spirit

    There is church everywhere but love is not everywhere- Holy Spirit

    In September 2010, our ministry paid for a facility to start a Satellite church.  The following day - Sunday, I entered into the hall with ecstasy, and uncommon enthusiasm to thank God in my own little way for giving us such an edifice to worship Him. In a moment, while I was still standing, I heard a still and relatively loud voice of the Holy Spirit, in my eardrums, saying, There is Church everywhere but love is not everywhere.

    He repeated this statement until the message was securely transferred from my eardrum, to my mind and finally deposited in my heart. After, this message lingered in my spirit for days. I told my wife about it for record purposes, and also as a way of temporarily dousing the chock I received from such Holy bombshell.

    Then at a point I became grieved in my spirit. Then I remembered what Jesus told his disciples: Because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart (John 16:6). Little did the disciples know that Jesus ascension was for their own good so that the comforter – the Holy Spirit will become their helper on earth. Likewise, I didn’t know that the message I heard from the Holy Spirit was to caution me and the churches of today – I mean Christ followers, to amend our ways by placing love in the right perspective in our Christian walk, so that heaven will be our dwelling place at the end of time.

    Part I

    Purging Yourself in the Faith


    There is church everywhere but love is not everywhere- Holy Spirit

    Beloved, after I left that mountain of God, I separated myself for some days to enable me meditate adequately. As I commune with God while journalizing every detail that the Holy Spirit chipped into my spirit, the message God wants me to pass to my generation and that unborn through me – a mortal being, became explicit.  The Holy Spirit spoke to me again, this time through my heart, not my ears as he did in the church facility, that for me to understand the mystery in that message, I should search scriptures and compare the set pattern of the early church to our present day churches. He said when I do this; I will see the difference and reach out through this ‘printed preacher’ to churches, believers and unbelievers alike, to correct this contagious anomaly.

    Then it dawn on me that God is nothing else than love, having demonstrated this by risking and letting go his own dear son to die for sins, and redeemed us to Him. Does it amaze you when I said God risked His only son? Jesus resurrected by the spirit of God. If he had committed sin during his earthly ministry he wouldn’t have resurrected. That was why he lived cautiously an exemplary prayer life. Again, Holy Spirit reminded me of God’s word in the book of Hebrew:" Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body (Heb 13:1-3). He told me that angels of God have paid many unscheduled visit to many churches and believers, and ascended to report to God that they’ve both fallen short of His glory. Remember Jesus told Nathaniel that a time is coming when he would see the glory of God, characterized by the ascending and descending of angels.

    So beloved, the state of the church and believers today is pathetic. There is no congruency between the practice of churches today and the early church. I remembered a while ago, while browsing through the internet, I glanced at a write-up in which the writer said each time Jesus’ name is mentioned in some of our churches during services, if Jesus were physically present, he would have sobbed at each mention of his name. For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter (Rom 8:36).

    But God’s word says:

    Unto the angel of the church… write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;I know thy works… Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God  (Rev 2:1-7)

    Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven- Christ (Matt 7:21)


    Beloved, I believe is time for us to go to the drawing board, and get things straighten up. Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid! I remembered an incident in my country Nigeria, when a presidential election mandate said to be foremost free and fair was hijacked by what journalists referred to as

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