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Swami Vivekananda and His Great Thoughts
Swami Vivekananda and His Great Thoughts
Swami Vivekananda and His Great Thoughts
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Swami Vivekananda and His Great Thoughts

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Swami Vivekananda was a great saint of India and an icon of greatness. He took Indian spirituality, civilization, and culture far and wide in the world and thus introduced Indian culture to other countries.
He says that there may be many ways to reach God, but there is only one God who is non-dual.
Swami Vivekananda, who was always striving for human upliftment, had the abode of nectar in his thoughts. His thoughts have always guided us like a real deity.
Release dateSep 4, 2022
Swami Vivekananda and His Great Thoughts

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    Swami Vivekananda and His Great Thoughts - Hseham Atina

    About the Book

    Swami Vivekananda was a great saint of India and an icon of greatness. He took Indian spirituality, civilization, and culture far and wide in the world and thus introduced Indian culture to other countries.

    He says that there may be many ways to reach God, but there is only one God who is non-dual.

    Swami Vivekananda, who was always striving for human upliftment, had the abode of nectar in his thoughts. His thoughts have always guided us like a real deity.


    Table of Contents

    About the Book

    1. Swami Vivekananda

    2. Words of Wisdom - One

    3. Words of Wisdom - Two

    4. Words of Wisdom - Three

    5. Words of Wisdom - Four

    6. Words of Wisdom - Five

    7. Words of Wisdom - Six

    8. Words of Wisdom - Seven

    9. Words of Wisdom - Eight

    10. Words of Wisdom - Nine

    1. Swami Vivekananda

    Swami Vivekananda was an Indian philosopher, pioneer, and reformer. He got a western education. He later joined the Brahma Samaj and turned into the most outstanding supporter of Ramakrishna Paramahansa. He was a driving force behind the growth of Vedanta in the United States and England. He addressed and spread Hinduism in the two nations. In 1897, he established the Ramakrishna Mission. He left for his superb homestead on July 4, 1902. Indeed, even today, he is significantly cherished and profoundly worshipped both in the East and in the West.

    Brought into the world as Narendranath Dutta on January 12, 1863, Swami Vivekananda is viewed as one of the main holy people of India. The superb devotee of the nineteenth-century Indian spiritualist Ramakrishna Paramhansa, he once again introduced the Indian ways of thinking of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world.

    Early Life

    Naren (as he was prominently known) was brought into the world in the British capital of Calcutta on Gourmohan Mukherjee Street. Naren's childhood was affected by his dad's liberal reasoning and his mom's profound and strict disposition. He was the child of Vishwanath Dutta, a lawyer at the Calcutta High Court, and a passionate housewife, Bhubaneswari Devi.


    Swami Vivekananda was keen from a young age. He was the main understudy to have gotten first division marks on the Presidency College placement test. He was an avid reader of various subjects, including religion, history, sociology, craftsmanship, and writing, as well as the Hindu texts, the Puranas, Vedas, and Upanishads.


    He went toward the West, bringing the Hindu way of thinking and presenting Indian legacy, culture, and reasoning to the West. Of his many talks, the one in Chicago at the Parliament of the World's Religions is the most respected. Here, he gave a short discourse addressing India and Hinduism.

    With his initial discourse, beginning with Sisters and Brothers of America, Swami Vivekananda procured 2-minute thunderous applause from the horde of 7,000.


    Swami Vivekananda accomplished Mahasamadhi on July 4, 1902. On this day, he got up right on time, went to Belur Math, and contemplated there for three hours. In the wake of taking classes and examining an arranged Vedic school in Ramakrishna Math, he went to his room at 7 pm and asked not to be upset.

    He kicked the bucket at 9:10 pm while reflecting. His pupils accept that the crack was because of the Brahmarandhra (an opening in the crown of his head) being penetrated when he accomplished Mahasamadhi.

    He was incinerated in a sandalwood fire on the banks of the Ganga in Belur.


    Swami Vivekananda uncovered to the world the genuine underpinnings of India's solidarity as a country. He showed how a country with such a huge variety can be bound together by a sensation of mankind and fraternity. Vivekananda underscored the inadequacies of Western culture and India's commitment to conquering them. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose once said: "Swamiji fit the East and the West, religion, and science, over a significant period. Also, for that reason, he is perfect. Our comrades have acquired exceptional self-confidence, independence, and self-statement from their lessons.

    Vivekananda was effective in developing a virtual extension between the way of life of the East and the West. He interpreted the Hindu sacred writings, reasoning, and lifestyle toward the Western public. He caused them to understand that, notwithstanding neediness and backwardness, India had an incredible commitment to making to world culture. He assumed a key part in finishing India's social separation from the remainder of the world.

    2. Words of Wisdom - One


    We can never lose what is our own. Who can lose his soul? Who can lose his actual presence? If I am great, it is the presence first, and that becomes shaded with the nature of goodness. Assuming I am underhanded, it is the presence first, and that becomes shaded with the nature of disagreeableness. That presence is first, last, and consistently; it is rarely lost, however, at any point in time.


    Experience is the main instructor we have. We might talk and reason for our entire lives, yet we will not comprehend an expression of truth until we experience it ourselves.


    Have confidence in Guru, in his lessons, and the guarantee that you can get free. Think constantly that this universe is zero and that God is there. I want to get free.

    Confidence in self

    Our most memorable obligation isn't to despise ourselves because to propel we should have confidence in ourselves first and afterward in God. People who have no confidence in themselves can never have confidence in God.

    The best religion is to be consistent with your tendencies. Have confidence in yourselves. There is no such thing as if you, how might God exist, or any other person?

    We are, at any point, free to assume that we will just trust it, just have confidence enough. You are the spirit, free and

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