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What Next?: God-Given Strategies for Life Stabilization
What Next?: God-Given Strategies for Life Stabilization
What Next?: God-Given Strategies for Life Stabilization
Ebook80 pages59 minutes

What Next?: God-Given Strategies for Life Stabilization

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Life doesn’t always provide a direct path. Learning to deal with unexpected challenges and moving forward after setbacks are imperative. What Next addresses the challenges that many of us have dealt with recently. We find solace in the knowledge that we do not have to face these challenges alone. God and His Word are the constant in the midst of unrest and change. Know that you have been given a vital role in the grand scheme of things and are a part of “the big picture.”

Encounter examples of how to deal with unanticipated crises and new roles and yet emerge the victor. Expect to obtain clearer personal vision as you learn to trust God while traversing the rough places in life. Know that God sees your potential and has provided you with the competence and the confidence to be successful.

Dealing with life’s uncertainties?
What Next is a life-changing must read for you!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 23, 2022
What Next?: God-Given Strategies for Life Stabilization

Vanessa A. Anderson

Vanessa Anderson, Ed.D. is a lifelong educator and teacher of God’s Word. For over forty years, Dr. Anderson has been impacting the lives of children and adults with academic knowledge and spiritual insights. Her training includes a BA in education from North Carolina Central University, an MS in communication disorders from Syracuse University, an Ed.D. in educational leadership from Oral Roberts University, and a Tier 1 Educational Leadership certificate from Kennesaw State University. Dr. Anderson is the wife of Frederick T. Anderson, pastor of Covenant Christian Ministries in Marietta, GA. They have been blessed with two children and five grandchildren.

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    What Next? - Vanessa A. Anderson

    Copyright © 2022 Vanessa A. Anderson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7222-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7223-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7221-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022912815

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/19/2022




    1. Dealing with Uncertainty and Limbo

    2. Guidance from God

    3. The Importance of Vision

    4. Trust God with Your Life

    5. God Sees Your Potential

    6. God Is Our Lookout

    7. It’s Bigger Than You

    8. Know That You Represent God

    9. When Uncertain, Consult God

    10. Don’t Take Your Assignment Lightly

    11. We Are Ambassadors for Christ

    12. How to Succeed in a New Position



    And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has

    enabled me, because He counted

    me faithful, putting me into the ministry.

    1 Timothy 1:12


    While thinking about the current state of our world, I began to ask the Lord, What next? You may have had that question in your mind as well. Since March 2020, the normal state of affairs in our lives seems to have been turned somewhat upside down, and we have been riding a wave of limbo and uncertainty. In looking at those things, I began to reflect on changes that we have had to undergo during this pandemic.

    We have had unprecedented times even before the pandemic. During the previous president’s tenure, we had the collusion crisis with Russia, the impeachment, and quid pro quo--all which reigned over the news incessantly for weeks. And then in March 2020, we were hit with the COVID-19 pandemic which caused changes in our workplaces. Everyone except for those essential workers who were out on the front lines were sent home. We had changes in our educational system. Kids were required to learn remotely as opposed to going to school every day. People began working from home who would not normally have worked from home. Sports as we had known them stopped, which was unheard of.

    So many things changed that caused us to have what was called now a new normal. Things are not as they have been over my lifetime and probably your lifetime, as well. We recognize that church changed; we were unable to assemble in one place on a weekly basis, and we had to listen to the Word remotely instead. So all those things caused us to be riding this wave.

    When does it stop? When does it change? What happens next? Lord, is this how it all ends? We know this is not the end. The Word of God has to be preached and everyone has to have been given that opportunity to receive Him as Lord and Savior. But again, some of us are in limbo. We may have been well-organized, and have had plans, and we may have felt that we knew which direction that we were going. Because of the things that have happened, an apparent monkey wrench was thrust into our plans.

    We have had to readjust, recalculate, and maybe come up with a new plan, or we are still riding that wave of not knowing what comes next. Even the simple task of going shopping and picking up groceries changed. Masks became mandatory and are still being worn in some stores. All of those things have caused unrest in our lifestyles.

    This state of limbo and uncertainty, this time of not knowing what comes next is not of God. We as Christians recognize that even in all this turmoil, God has given us a constant, and that constant is His Word. As we reflect on all these things, we acknowledge the need for direction and guidance. God provides those to us through His Word.


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