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A Letter To The church: The Church is Designed to solve the World's Problems
A Letter To The church: The Church is Designed to solve the World's Problems
A Letter To The church: The Church is Designed to solve the World's Problems
Ebook32 pages27 minutes

A Letter To The church: The Church is Designed to solve the World's Problems

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Leadership can birth a problem; but when rightly utilized, it can birth a solution as well. When the leaders are kingdom-focused, the followers will become the same. However, when leaders are in error, the followers will be in error as well. When a leader is in error, he transfers the error to the followers.
Wherever there is a move of God, development and civilization is the aftermath. In Africa, the move of God hasn’t produced much to benefit the continent because religious leaders do not understand the kingdom assignment of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, we have stopped at the move of God and ignored what the move of God comes with. If Africa is ever going to enjoy the benefits of the move of God, we must love God genuinely and be sold out to His kingdom agenda. When the move of God hits the church, it empowers believers to leave the four walls of the church and go into the spheres of influence. Religion has raised self-centred believers who are self-focused, not God-focused.
Religion has raised pagans and transactional believers whose belly is their gods. Our sermons do not create an appetite to know God deeper and to be kingdom-minded. Even a local church can take over a nation when kingdom leaders are raised. But when religious people are raised, even a mighty 100,000 capacity church cannot even transform a local community because religion programs man to be self-focused. When a pastor is religious, he will raise religious people who are mostly not relevant. But when a pastor is kingdom-minded, he will produce kingdom leaders who accept responsibility to be managers of the earth.
The greatest challenge in every Christian nation is pastors who are not kingdom trained because they will raise a religious army who are not kingdom advancers and solution providers. The church is the breeding ground of giants who are solution providers. Salvation is not only a visa to heaven but a license to dominate earth with heaven; it is a doorway to enlisting into the colonist army of God.
Release dateAug 30, 2022
A Letter To The church: The Church is Designed to solve the World's Problems

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    A Letter To The church - Benjamin Manu

    The Desperate Need for Kingdom Pastors

    A religious church leader can damage a whole community; he will incapacitate destinies, halt the development of individuals and society as well. A kingdom leader or pastor can raise homeless people to become world-class innovators and change agents who will transform the earth to be like the kingdom of heaven. Kingdom leaders are soul winners. They are uncommon personalities who are solution providers to national and global challenges.

    The kingdom of God is not a kingdom of slaves but a kingdom of kings. Every believer is a king and a deliverer. We are redeemed not to be small, but to occupy, manage the earth, and influence every sphere of life to advance the kingdom of God. The quality of people in our pews is a reflection of the quality of leaders and the system that is in place. The most productive, innovative and relevant human capital must spring from our churches. However, when we the leaders are not kingdom aligned, we will only build fancy churches and do religion.

    Religious messages only build churches and enrich the pastors. But kingdom sermons breed giants that transform society with the influence and culture of heaven. The quality of the pastors in society will determine the things that happen in that society, whether good or bad. When our pulpits are choked with religious leaders, we will raise a people who will deprive humanity of their gifts. However, when our pulpits are choked with kingdom pastors, we will raise sons of God who will lead the nations with the rod of righteousness.

    Society suffers when its pulpits are filled with religious pastors because they will raise people who will not be relevant to society. The goal of the kingdom is to raise the saints to dominate and transform the earth. The goal of religion is to raise people for heaven without fulfilling the mandate of God for their lives. A local church can change the nation when kingdom leaders are in place to raise selfless leaders and deliverers who are problem solvers. The lack of understanding of the kingdom mandate among many religious leaders and pastors has negatively affected the productivity of nations and individuals as well. It has incapacitated many who were assigned by God to become

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