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Panic to Purpose
Panic to Purpose
Panic to Purpose
Ebook30 pages19 minutes

Panic to Purpose

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About this ebook

Your future self knocks on the door, eager to thank you for how you navigated anxiety. Hear this out. Today's headlines scream chaos, but the traditional stress-relieving techniques that we relied on in the past are failing, as our go-to remedy, radical self-care, is no longer effective. But there's a reason for this breakdown, and it's the same reason why many of us came to be here on the planet at this exact moment in time. See, anxiety has a purpose. And that is to propel us out of an old world and into the new. But before we can carry out our mission, we must know what we've brought to the table and get a handle on our fear. By acknowledging the role of the subconscious mind and adopting techniques to influence hidden patterns, we transform debilitating uncertainty into energy that we can actually use. Imagine being able to look back at that future self with excitement for what lies ahead, owning real relief, knowing why you're here, and armed with the power to do your part. But how? Having lived through years of chronic anxiety and panic attacks, Jeanne knows what it takes to find lasting relief and harness the energy of anxiety to fuel a dream. Her paranormal experiences have shown her that we are much more than a physical body, and her years with horses have taught her how to tame the Fight or Flight response. Bridging these dichotomous experiences enabled her to create a unique and more complete approach to anxiety, one that joins together a broad, other worldly perspective with a deeply grounded life experience, one that goes beyond self-care. This book distills it down into two easy-to-implement steps for achieving relief: 1. Learn the Invision Process®, a powerful tool that facilitates direct communication with the subconscious mind for impactful change, and 2. Practice an exercise that by-passes the thinking mind to deliver automatic calm. You're here for a reason. And it's time to get anxiety out of your way. The purchase of this ebook includes a meditation download accessible online.

Release dateAug 7, 2022
Panic to Purpose

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    Book preview

    Panic to Purpose - Jeanne Phillips Pruett

    Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly.

    Richard Bach


    What, Why, and How

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    The worst part of living with chronic anxiety is self-explanatory—it doesn’t go away. And traditional ways of dealing with it don’t address the real problem, as they are only geared toward managing symptoms. Not only does this approach fail to provide extended relief but it can also sometimes make things worse, which is very frustrating.

    Let’s start with a quick look at what’s really happening.

    Stay Safe

    When anxiety is ever-present, it indicates that the body’s Fight or Flight mechanism is stuck in the always on position. Worry and over-thinking take center stage in the mind, while tsunamis of symptoms frequently overwhelm the body.

    Tight muscles, racing heart, palpitations, nausea, tingling, gastrointestinal drama, and sweating come and go in waves. Or maybe it’s the sensation of spinning, a sinking sense of doom that won’t go away, or the feeling of being out of breath for no reason.

    The answer to What does anxiety look like? can be different for everyone. My weirdest symptom was the reliable appearance of a post-panic-attack fever. True story!

    Strange as some sensations may be, this can all be Fight or Flight. And while we may be able to list obvious reasons for our overwhelm and anxiety, we don’t really know why we can’t turn it all off and just relax.

    Determining Baseline Normal

    Experiencing an activated Fight or Flight response over an

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