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Words for Your Soul: 7 Advanced Soul Secrets For Goddesses, Starseeds, & Spiritual Seekers (You May Not Know You Needed)
Words for Your Soul: 7 Advanced Soul Secrets For Goddesses, Starseeds, & Spiritual Seekers (You May Not Know You Needed)
Words for Your Soul: 7 Advanced Soul Secrets For Goddesses, Starseeds, & Spiritual Seekers (You May Not Know You Needed)
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Words for Your Soul: 7 Advanced Soul Secrets For Goddesses, Starseeds, & Spiritual Seekers (You May Not Know You Needed)

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Words for Your Soul: Seven Advanced Soul Secrets for Goddesses, Starseeds and Spiritual Seekers (you may not know you needed) was created to help you communicate with your soul. In this book, author Kathryn Gorman reminds you you are a light-filled soul. You have a frequency, and your frequency is always interacting with others.


This book shows, tells, and gives you easy and practical ways to communicate with your soul, and know how your soul communicates with you. Knowing this helps you remember why you are here on this planet, and what you came here to do. It assists you to be crystal clear about your life, so you can be, do and have the things you wish.


Words for Your Soul introduces concepts from quantum science and psychology, to help you see, hear, and get how you are always creating your life, and how to make changes if you don't like the life you've created.


This book contains practical techniques to:

-REMEMBER who you really are #exciting

-SUPERCHARGE your energy to create your ideal life

-RISE UP and shine


This is a must-have read for serious Goddesses, Starseeds and Spiritual Seekers who wish to:

-let go of the past and get happier

-supercharge your superpowers

-have fun and success (with people, opportunities, and resources) on Planet Earth.



Release dateSep 8, 2022
Words for Your Soul: 7 Advanced Soul Secrets For Goddesses, Starseeds, & Spiritual Seekers (You May Not Know You Needed)

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    Book preview

    Words for Your Soul - Kathryn Gorman

    Words for Your Soul

    7 Advanced Soul Secrets

    for Goddesses, Starseeds and Spiritual Seekers

    (You May Not Know You Needed)

    Kathryn Gorman

    Words for Your Soul: Seven Advanced Soul Secrets for Goddesses, Starseeds and Spiritual Seekers (You May Not Know You Needed)

    Copyright © 2022 Kathryn Gorman. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any manner, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

    Cover design: Kathryn Gorman/Rahima Akter

    Disclaimer: If you have a medical problem, seek medical advice. The author does not give or claim to give any advice of a medical nature for physical or other problems and assumes no responsibility for the use and application of any of the suggestions given here.


    For my dear soul sister Emily

    who inspires me every day

    Book Description

    Words for Your Soul: Seven Advanced Soul Secrets for Goddesses, Starseeds and Spiritual Seekers (you may not know you needed) was created to help you communicate with your soul. In this book, author Kathryn Gorman reminds you you are a light-filled soul. You have a frequency, and your frequency is always interacting with others.

    This book shows, tells, and gives you easy and practical ways to communicate with your soul, and know how your soul communicates with you. Knowing this helps you remember why you are here on this planet, and what you came here to do. It assists you to be crystal clear about your life, so you can be, do and have the things you wish.

    Words for Your Soul introduces concepts from quantum science and psychology, to help you see, hear, and get how you are always creating your life, and how to make changes if you don’t like the life you’ve created.

    This book contains practical techniques to:

    -remember who you really are #exciting

    -supercharge your energy to create your ideal life

    -rise up and shine

    This is a must-have read for serious Goddesses, Starseeds and Spiritual Seekers who wish to:

    -let go of the past and get happier

    -supercharge your superpowers

    -have fun and success (with people, opportunities, and resources)

    on Planet Earth.




    Table Of Contents

    Introduction: Soul secrets you may not know you need

    Chapter One: You are a soul

    Chapter Two: You have a frequency

    Chapter Three: You are light

    Chapter Four: Your soul is always communicating with you.

    Chapter Five: You can communicate with your soul

    Chapter Six: You are programmed.

    You can change the program.

    Chapter Seven: You are here on purpose.

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    Introduction: Soul secrets you may not know you need

    We do the best with what we have,

    and when we know more, we do better.

    (NLP Principle)

    Hello Goddess, Starseed & Spiritual Seeker!

    Welcome to this concise and power-packed book Words for the Soul. If you’re reading this, you’re most probably an empath, a sensitive soul, a soul seeker, who experiences life in an intense way and becomes overwhelmed at times with the energy on this planet. You feel deeply and you experience other people’s pain and sadness and fear just as deeply as you feel your own. This means you could find your emotional state changing from moment to moment as you feel and even embody (take on) the emotional energy weather of the people around you.

    Perhaps you get out of bed feeling happy, but someone in your home is sad, so then you feel sad, and you go to work feeling sad, then greet your colleague who is angry, so you start feeling irritable and angry, and then a client informs you they are disappointed with a project outcome and now you feel disappointed and angry and sad... and it’s not even ten o’clock in the morning. Can you relate?

    Your energy levels can swing drastically from high to low, as you interact with others, exchanging energy and often, having your energy drained. You may have experiences where you wake up in the morning feeling energized, then catch up with a friend or colleague and feel exhausted, sooooo exhausted you withdraw as soon as you can to sleep and rejuvenate. Sometimes, it takes you a few days to regain your energy before you emerge back into the world of humans.

    As an empath, a sensitive, a starseed, you just don’t get why human beings are so unkind to each other. You certainly don’t understand their need to control another human or engage in power-plays or declare war on another community or nation. You wish everyone would play nice and get along. I mean, we learned this in grade school, right, so why are these apparent grown-ups behaving like mean little kids? Planet Earth is a strange place, and if you are a super-sensitive starseed, and a regal, sovereign Goddess, you probably struggle to understand these weird humans, just as I do. They are so weird, it’s almost as if they are from a totally different planet to us.

    In your day-to-day life on this planet, maybe there are places you have to enter, such as a workplace or shopping center which are overwhelming for you, where the sights, sounds, smells, and the emotions of other people cause your head to spin and your stomach to churn and your eyes to wince from the stark overhead lighting, and the weird chemical smells, and the energy... oh, the energy!

    Perhaps you are super-sensitive to the Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF), the invisible energy all around us on this industrialized and technologically driven planet. Although the low-level radiation emitted by electrical devices such as microwave ovens, computers, electrical meters, wireless (WIFI) networks, cell phones, blue tooth devices, power lines and even MRI’s is generally deemed as harmless by government bodies, you know you are affected by these devices. You know they weaken your energy field because they cause you to feel drained, tired, flat, and exhausted if you spend too much time in certain environments.

    Of course they do! The cells in your body are designed to conduct electrical currents. Your nervous system requires electricity to send communication signals through your body and to your brain–so you can move, think, and feel. It makes sense that electrical signals from outside your body, even

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