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Karl Marx’s America
Karl Marx’s America
Karl Marx’s America
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Karl Marx’s America

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The Colonists who began settling in the United States in the 1600s came here for three main reasons: 1) to escape religious persecution; 2) to escape repression; and 3) for better economic opportunity. It is not coincidental the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were written to provide us with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our founding fathers wrote the Constitution to insure the people and not the government had the power. It is a hell of a document that is brilliantly written. In America’s history, the Constitution has never been abused as it is being abused today by those who want to turn America into a Marxist nation. Abraham Lincoln said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. If we lose this way of freedom, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the best hope for man on Earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” There is no way to get back what we will lose if we lose our traditional American values to Marxist rule because there is no place on Earth like America — no place on Earth even comes close. When it’s gone — it’s gone!!! Historically, throughout the Earth’s civilizations, it has not been a question of whether a successful culture can last forever but how long it can last. What makes us think we will be different?
Release dateSep 5, 2022
Karl Marx’s America

R. Lynn Wilson

R. Lynn Wilson retired in 2008 as CEO of Bryan Health in Lincoln, Nebraska. He has a bachelors degree in business from Western Kentucky University and a master’s degree in hospital administration from Xavier University. He and his wife, Robyn, live in Naples, Florida. He is the author of Exploring Great Leadership, One American’s Opinion, Epilogue II: One American’s Opinion, and The Final Chapter.

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    Karl Marx’s America - R. Lynn Wilson

    Copyright © 2022 R. Lynn Wilson.

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    Chapter 1Introduction to A Marxist America

    Chapter 2The 2020 Presidential Election: The Beginning of the End

    Chapter 3Failed Coup D’état Number Four

    Chapter 4The Biden Presidency and The Marxist Conversion

    Chapter 5The New Marxist America

    Chapter 6China’s Rise to World Dominance

    Chapter 7Final Thoughts


    Well, here I am again. I said I would never write another book after I finished the One American’s Opinion trilogy series; which includes the books titled One American’s Opinion, Epilogue II One American’s Opinion, and The Final Chapter. In the last paragraph of The Final Chapter, I quoted Dinesh D’Souza saying, They can’t take America away from us without our consent. I truly believed that. However, I was wrong. There was one avenue the progressives had that I thought was not possible in America — a corrupt and stolen presidential election. I assume the U.S. Senate election runoff in Georgia that gave the progressives the U.S. Senate majority was also corrupt and stolen. This revelation and the current enormous Marxist onslaught of the America I dearly love, compelled me to write this book as an addendum to the trilogy series.

    I wrote in The Final Chapter that no nation has ever outlasted the test of time. I questioned when America as we know it would end. That end, in all likelihood, began today — January 20, 2021 — when Joe Biden was illegally sworn in as the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris was illegally sworn in as vice president. I purposefully picked today as the day I began writing this book for that reason. The book was 18 months in the making and the subject matter is in perpetual change; therefore, some of the material used as examples may need updating but that does not change the points made.

    I have copiously written in my books about my love and respect for my country. If you have read any of my books, you know the strength of those feelings. America is no longer the America we have cherished and loved. It is now on the road to being a Marxist-communist based country under the control and power of a Marxist inspired government. Our beloved U.S. Constitution that delineates the laws of governance which have provided Americans with unparalleled freedom, safety, and enormous economic success will be used by these Marxists for toilet paper — figuratively if not literally. I can guarantee you they are going to shit all over it. A crude statement but true. Just look at what they have already done to destroy the Constitution’s principles. Will the United States become another Venezuela? Will America become Oceania as in George Orwell’s 1984? Will China take our place as the leader of the world? That is what this book is about and is a poignant expression of the deep love I have for my country and the deep hurt I feel as we descend into the world of Marxist-communism. Karl Marx would be proud!!!

    The primary sources for my reference material are: Fox News; The Wall Street Journal; The Naples [Florida] Daily News; The Heritage Foundation; The Daily Signal [which is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation]; Townhall; TheBlaze/Glen Beck; Dennis Prager; Judicial Watch; The Epoch Times; conservative and progressive Internet websites; other Internet news sources and organizations; and Wikipedia. [Note: Wikipedia has increasingly become more progressive and is now only reliable for general non-political information.]


    I wrote in the trilogy the America we have known and loved would not be possible without the following great American heroes: Samuel Huntington, Roger Sherman, William Williams, and Oliver Wolcott from Connecticut; Thomas McKean, George Reed, and Caesar Rodney from Delaware; Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, and George Walton from Georgia; Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Samuel Chase, William Paca, and Thomas Stone from Maryland; John Adams, Samuel Adams, Elbridge Gerry, JOHN HANCOCK, and Robert Treat Payne from Massachusetts; Josiah Bartlett, Mathew Thornton, and William Whipple from New Hampshire; Abraham Clark, John Hart, Francis Hopkinson, Richard Stockton, and John Witherspoon from New Jersey; William Floyd, Francis Lewis, Philip Livingston, and Lewis Morris from New York; Joseph Hewes, William Hooper, and John Penn from North Carolina; George Clymer, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, John Morton, George Ross, Benjamin Rush, James Smith, George Taylor, and James Wilson from Pennsylvania; William Ellery and Stephen Hopkins from Rhode Island; Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton, and Edward Rutledge from South Carolina; Carter Braxton, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Jefferson, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Nelson, Jr., and George Wythe from Virginia.

    If you read my trilogy, you would know these people are the signers of The Declaration of Independence. In other words, they are the founders of our great country. As I said in the trilogy, I felt a sense of sadness as I wrote their names and now have an even greater sense of sadness and wonder how they would feel if they were alive today and were observing what is happening to the country they fought for and risked their futures as well as their lives. I find it enormously disgusting that many of them are being personally ridiculed today by progressives in their quest to discredit and destroy America’s heritage.

    I want to again recognize and express my unmitigated appreciation to all the men and women who are serving, have served, or are currently serving in our military who are proud Americans and not America hating progressives who are increasingly entering our military forces. I also want to again recognize our policemen and policewomen who risk their lives to keep us safe and are coming under increasing attack from government officials, progressive leaders, and foolish followers of progressive ideology.

    I also want to recognize and applaud the elected officials and government employees who have served and currently serve in local, state, and federal government and have defended and made decisions in the best interest of the American people and not for their own personal or their political party’s best interest. These true Americans are increasingly coming under verbal and physical attack, censorship, and legal intimidation by our own government. I quoted Henry Kissinger who once said, Corrupt politicians make the other 10 percent look bad. I would add to Kissinger’s statement, Corrupt politicians and government officials who only act in their personal best political interest to actualize their power and ego and their financial future. The American people for whom these corrupt politicians and government officials work, be damned.

    I want to recognize my incredible wife, Robyn, who has put up with my years of writing the trilogy and my many months of writing this book. As with the trilogy, this book would not be possible without her incredible encouragement, support, advice, and editing.




    I stated in the preface that today, January 20, 2021, is the first day of the political destruction of the America we know and love and is the day I chose to begin writing this book for that very reason. That is a profound and disturbing statement and one that many Americans, if not the majority, would say is fool’s talk — especially jubilant progressives. In my One American’s Opinion trilogy, I delineated in chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the original book the difference between classic liberals, conservatives, and progressives. Classic liberals believe in the stated tenets of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution but are idealistic in pursuing those tenets and strive to achieve their defined goals while often overlooking any untoward end results. Conservatives routinely pursue adherence to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in a more pragmatic and realistic way and in full consideration of any untoward end results. Often the two political entities’ goals are the same but the outcomes can be at odds because of differing approaches.

    Progressives are a very different animal — figuratively and literally. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing who do not adhere to the tenets of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and are only interested in achieving unfettered power and control over the rest of us — classic liberals and conservatives alike. I use the term Marxist progressives as those who support changing traditional American political ideology to a Marxist based ideology. I refer to progressives in general to include Marxists but also any other group that wants to destroy traditional American culture — supporters of radical Islam for example.

    All progressives have one common goal and work in unison to achieve that goal. Their goal is to obtain the power to control the rest of us in order to implement their self-serving objectives. I have often stated that if the progressive contingent ever achieved power and control over the rest of us [classic liberals and conservatives alike], each progressive faction would eventually turn on each other to obtain the ultimate power and control because they would no longer have a common enemy. The enemy then would be each other.

    In light of my reference to January 20, 2021, being the beginning of the end of the America we know, I looked on the Internet to see what progressives might call me personally for such a statement that is in stark contradiction to their feelings of profound victory. Here is what I found: a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; idiot; nincompoop; buffoon; ignoramus; imbecile; moron; loon; airhead; birdbrain; ass; twerp; bozo; dumbass; goofus; putz; ding-dong; dingbat; yo-yo; dingleberry; and asshat. Asshat??? I had to look that one up. Merriam-Webster says asshat means a stupid, annoying, or detestable person. I would change or to and and proclaim that any progressive reading this book [if that were possible] would use that definition to describe me.

    I assume you are an American who loves our incredible country and what it stands for or you would not be reading this book and I am safe from being attacked by the so-called cancel culture. A November 2021 Rasmussen Reports survey showed 72% of adults believe cancel culture has gotten out of control, 12% are not sure, and 15% disagree. Where are you 72% of American adults? Why are you not standing up to this progressive nonsense??? Actually, I hate these new in vogue terms like cancel culture that are resulting from the assault on our beloved American culture and I refuse to use them as you will observe as you read.

    Let’s revisit what I wrote in the trilogy regarding how our country got to where it is today in this diabolical progressive onslaught. A think tank was formed in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1923 to transition Karl Marx’s ideology from an economic movement to an ideological cultural movement in Western societies. A new director named Max Horkheimer took over in 1930. He and his Marxist colleagues founded the concept of Critical Theory in the early 1930s at their Frankfurt School of social theory and critical research, which was located at the Universität am Main in Frankfurt. The university’s name was changed to Goethe University Frankfurt in 1933. The purpose of the Frankfurt School was to implement Marxist ideology throughout the Western world. The basis of Critical Theory is to criticize existing society in the most destructive way possible to bring about liberating change to Marxist ideology as opposed to merely presenting society with a Marxist political alternative, which had been proven in the past to be unsuccessful.

    Critical Theory was developed to bring down Western culture and Judeo-Christian religion in order to replace social equality and free market capitalism with Marxist based ideology. I learned this in 2015 as I was writing my first book in the trilogy. It was an astonishing discovery for me. I had no idea about Critical Theory and it caused me to spend considerable time researching its relationship to what is happening to our country today.

    Here is what I discovered. Critical Theory’s purpose is to tear down the traditional ideology of Western society by condemning to the fullest extent possible the repression of women, gays, and blacks. Western society would then be reformed under the Marxist ideology of social equity versus social equality. Social equity refers to every member of society being the same [except the ruling elite of course], where social equality refers to every member of society having equal opportunity. Another theme touted by Horkheimer was environmentalism. Environmentalism became a primary push at the Frankfurt School to counter what Horkheimer called man’s domination of nature. Sounds like Global Climate Change ideology to me.

    The Marxist movement of Critical Theory started in the 1930s and only the name has changed. Critical Theory is now referred to as social justice and is achieved through political correctness. As you well know, the new generic catch all term for Critical Theory is Critical Race Theory. I am going to write it as Critical race Theory throughout the book to emphasize the subject of race was chosen to implement Critical Theory as developed at the Frankfurt School of social theory and critical research and I will use the original term Critical Theory to denote the original Frankfort School concept. Previous efforts to use women failed, as I discussed in depth in The Final Chapter and gays are now used in conjunction with blacks for their Marxist purposes but the term Critical gay Theory has not been coined as I write.

    Herbert Marcuse was another key person at the Marxist school. He introduced the sexual element, which is central to Critical Theory. Horkheimer had promoted the bourgeois culture as being excessively devoted to labor. Marcuse expressed his demand for human sensual happiness that he claimed the bourgeois inherently had treated with hostility. His writings promoted a society of polymorphous perversity in which a person can do their own thing. We are now seeing a progressive movement that is beginning to rival Critical race Theory for prominence in converting our American society to Marxist society and could be appropriately called Critical LGBTQ Theory. Marcuse would be proud.

    The Marxists who founded Critical Theory were all European Jewish elitists. When the Germans begin the genocide of the Jewish population, Horkheimer moved to Los Angeles and Marcuse moved the School of Critical Theory to Columbia University in New York City. Marcuse wrote extreme material regarding the need for sexual liberation. For those of us old enough to remember, the radical organization named Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) that obtained its fame during the Vietnam War used one of Marcuse’s books as their bible and coined the famous phrase Make Love Not War from that book. Members of the SDS organization are still alive today and are part of the progressive onslaught on America.

    We routinely see Horkheimer’s and Marcuse’s Marxist Critical Theory concept as progressives push laws and regulations that diminish personal responsibility and independence, promote leisure and entitlement, and support social justice-political correctness. A May 2019 Gallup poll said Americans believed the moral values in the U.S. had slipped to a seven-year low, eighty-one percent said our moral values were only fair or poor, and 77% said our moral values were getting worse.

    I repeatedly said in the trilogy that Horkheimer and Marcuse are smiling big in their graves because their Critical Theory that was conceived in Germany in the late 1920s and early 1930s is working successfully today to accomplish their dream of converting Europe and the United States to Marxist societies. The non-Marxist progressives such as anti-America radical Muslims are riding the Marxist progressives’ coattails to destroy our country for their own demented purposes.

    These anti-America progressives needed a mechanism to implement Critical Theory and found it in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals that was published in 1971. I discussed Alinsky’s rules in the original trilogy book. Barack Obama was a master organizer using Alinsky’s principles and began the overt process of converting America to a Marxist society during his presidency. I have read that the actual conversion process takes decades so the actual process began long before Obama took office. The trilogy books cover much of that process, but I give Obama credit for openly bringing Marxist ideology to the forefront and providing the impetus for the success it is achieving today. We now know what Obama actually meant by his comment on October 30, 2008, when he said, We are five days away from fundamentally changing America.

    Here is how the concept of racial equity is used in conjunction with Alinsky’s principles to accomplish their Marxist goals. Obama and his fellow progressive leaders picked racism as the most dominate issue to organize behind, unite their ideological community, and create conflict toward Americans who do not share or support their Marxist progressive ideology. They picked the police and white Americans [especially males] as the antagonists and racial brutality and racial injustice as the symbols to ridicule and protest against. The enemy is anyone who does not ideologically agree with them.

    Since the concept of racial injustice has been thrust by progressives into American culture, it has gotten progressively worse. Pun intended! Their ultimate goal is to use this contrived racial injustice to divide America along political ideological lines and generate support for progressives and principally Marxist progressives to obtain power and control over our American society. In order to do this, progressives began to use the term Critical race Theory; which was made popular by America hating professor Derrick Bell, Harvard’s first black tenured law professor. Bell introduced the term Critical race Theory in his 1992 book titled Faces at the Bottom of the Well. The term "Critical ‘race’ Theory was used by others in academia but it was Bell’s book that popularized it.

    I want to share with you something I read in a great article published by The Daily Signal in May 2021 that was written by black pundit Deroy Murdock. Murdock makes a great point. He said, If AmeriKKKa is so bigoted, why do Africans and Caribbeans leave black-run, predominately black nations and come to the United States of America, which the Democrat left condemns as Earth’s headquarters of ‘systemic racism’ and white supremacy? He provided the following statistics from the Department of Homeland Security. Between 2015 and 2019, 548,891 Africans immigrated to the U.S., obtained green cards, and are now permanent residents.

    He also used the CIA World Factbook to make the point that in 2020 there were an additional 49,672 permanent residents in the U.S. from 10 African nations that are 91.1% black on average in population, while the U.S. is only 13.4% black. Murdock said that during the same period from 2015 and 2019 there were 816,532 people from five Caribbean nations that were 81.4% black in population on average who obtained green cards and permanent residency. There were an additional 24,668 people from these countries who obtained green cards and permanent residency in 2020. Murdock summed up his article with a great quote. He said, Black immigrants like these treasure America’s abundant freedom and ample opportunity, never mind the ‘systemic racism’ big lie relentlessly chanted by the America-hating Democrat left.

    Murdock hit the hail on the head. It is always stunning to me that intelligent human beings fall for this racist bull shit, when the evidence overwhelmingly proves otherwise. Well-meaning and not-so-well-meaning people off to the proverbial milky way. This tactic; however, is a very effective tool to divide America.

    As the Frankfurt School hypothesized, a divided American society is a weak society and much easier to dominate. How power and control is obtained and any collateral damage incurred is an unimportant issue for progressives. The current action to split America apart is an enormous affront and threat to Americans of all races. It is extremely concerning that it appears the vast majority of Americans are clueless about what is actually happening and are being sucked into a progressive web of deceit and manipulation.

    Progressive manipulation is especially effective in recruiting classic liberals to their cause. The core personality traits that we analyzed in the trilogy for classic liberals can be blinding to pragmatic reasoning. I am always amazed classic liberals fall in line behind radical progressives and their Marxist movement when, in reality, progressivism is a ruse and a contradiction to the basic classic liberal beliefs of equality and fairness.

    I see this phenomenon every day as I read sincere liberal letters to the editor in my local newspaper. These letters reflect liberal core personality traits where emotion replaces fact and reason — well-meaning people off to the Milky Way searching for utopia. These indoctrinated classic liberals need serious deprograming. Sadly, there are also naive conservatives who are unknowingly being programed to accept progressive ideology. Unfortunately, these classic liberals and naive conservatives can take the rest of us with them into the Marxist abyss.

    The accusation of racial inequality almost always applies to the black race, sometimes to Hispanics, and never to Asians until the Chinese virus hit. Conservative Americans became racists toward Asians, according to mainstream news and other progressives, after President Donald Trump and fellow conservatives used the terms Wuhan virus and Chinese virus to denote the COVID-19 virus. It is a sad commentary that progressives are so determined in their criticism of President Trump and conservatives that they ignore China’s dishonesty that caused significant harm and death in the world, which in all likelihood could have been prevented.

    The following is disturbing information regarding the Chinese virus. The U.S. Intelligence Community declassified and released information stating the virus is thought to have begun in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) lab and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spent considerable effort to cover it up. I have researched a significant amount of information on this issue and there is zero doubt in my mind that is what happened. The intelligence report also made public the Chinese Liberation Army (CLA) was conducting covert research on biological warfare and performing biological research to develop a super human army.

    The Daily Signal reported in July 2021 French intelligence officials warned the U.S. State Department in 2017 they were kicked out of the WIV lab and questioned the motivations as to why. The French believed it was because they were getting too close to what the Chinese were doing regarding virus research for military use. The article also said the State Department alleged in 2021 the WIV lab had engaged in classified research for the Chinese military at least since 2017. Another Daily Caller article published in July 2021 reported the National Institute of Health (NIH) has given almost $46 million to 100 Chinese institutions in sub-grants since 2011 for research in infectious disease, drug addiction, mental health, and other scientific fields. Why are we funding Chinese research to the tune of tens of millions of dollars???

    The infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAI), was involved in gain-of-function research at the WIV lab before the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of gain-of-function research is to better understand the causes and treatment of viruses. In 2014, the U.S. government stopped the NIAI from being directly involved in the WIV lab. The NIAI continued their involvement in gain-of-function research at the WIV lab through a $3.7 million NIAI grant to New York’s Eco Health Alliance which continued the funding.

    Judicial Watch published an article in June 2021 outlining their discovery from government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that NIAI funded the WIV to the tune of $826,000 for bat coronavirus research from 2014 to 2019. One of the documents was an April 2020 email from the Principal Deputy Director of NIH, the parent government agency to NIAI, to Dr. Fauci titled HEADS UP: Wuhan lab research:. The email was in regard to the White House addressing concerns raised by Representative Matt Gaetz (R., FL.) involving the U.S. Government’s funding of the WIV lab and bat research. Dr. Fauci lied to Congress and the public when he said he was not aware of the research and the U.S. government did not fund it. The government grant to New York’s Eco Health Alliance was terminated in April 2020 by NIH because of the COVID-19 WIV lab controversy.

    Was Fauci involved in honest virus research or was he unknowingly or knowingly suckered into being involved in research by the CCP for biological warfare and/or super soldiers? As much as I distrust Fauci’s honesty pertaining to COVID-19, I do not want to believe he would knowingly help the CCP bolster their military power. He certainly should; however, have great guilt regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and its horrendous worldwide impact. On the other hand, maybe not. Often, people like Fauci have enormous egos that protect them from the discomfort of guilt, especially in a horrendous outcome like COVID-19. I read he was quoted in The Washington Post ten years ago saying gain-of-function research is a risk worth taking because important information and insight can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory. He certainly got more insight than the world bargained for.

    I read Fauci said in October 2021 Americans who did not want to take the COVID-19 vaccine should give up their individual freedoms for the greater good of society. How anti-America and Marxist can he get? I have seen him being grilled in Senate hearings by Senator Rand Paul (R., KY.) regarding his involvement in funding WIV lab research related to coronaviruses. Fauci became indignant to say the least and denied providing any funding, which we know is false. It makes one wonder which side he is on — ours or China’s. In reality, he is on his own self-centered and self-serving side.

    Do you know how much Fauci’s salary is? Newsmax published an article in December 2021 that said he earned a salary of $417,608 in 2019 and $434,312 in 2020. I found it interesting that he received a 68% pay raise in three years from 2004 to 2007 — from $200,000 to $335,000 per year. Why??? Another Newsmax article in January 2022 said Senator Roger Marshall (R., KS.) and others looked into Fauci’s investments. Fauci and his wife have over $10.4 million in investments, including more than $2 million in unrealized gains. The article also said the New York Post reported Fauci earned between $100,000 and $1 million in royalties from McGraw Hill and $14,000 for various appearances.

    Fauci has another source of income that has an enormous conflict of interest written all over it. The National Review reported in May 2022 that Fauci, along with NIH Director Francis Collins and others at NIH, received more than $350 million in royalties from 2010 and 2020 from drug companies because NIH was involved in research with them. Fauci received 23 royalty payments and Collins received 14 payments. Others who received payments at NIH were not identified and the amount awarded to each individual was redacted from the FOIA request. I find this to be an unbelievable conflict of interest but not surprising. This begs for an investigation but don’t hold your breath.

    I said I have seen Paul and other Senators grill Fauci in Senate hearings and they have been hard hitting, especially since Fauci appears to be hiding the truth about the Chinese virus and his involvement. Fauci always becomes indignant and rude to them, especially to Senator Paul. The Democrat Chairpersons of these committees always let Fauci get away with it. You will read in chapter 6 how the Chinese government has corrupted several U.S. college professors and even U.S. government workers in the CDC by paying them for information regarding their work. Could Fauci be on the Chinese government payroll too? I have often wondered about that because of what I have observed and learned about him since the Chinese virus started.

    I saw Representative Jim Jordan (R., OH.) in January 2022 on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox Television show titled Sunday Morning Futures. He accused Fauci of using a federal grant to silence two of his biggest detractors on his Coronavirus rhetoric. In February 2020, expert researchers studying the origins of viruses named Kristian Anderson, Ph.D. and Robert Garry, Ph.D. were very vocal about the Coronavirus originating in the WIV lab and not from a natural source. They reversed their position in March 2020 and lo and behold received an $8.9 million grant from Fauci in May 2020. Like I questioned in the last paragraph, was/is Fauci on the Chinese government’s payroll??? I do not know, but I can certainly say for sure that he has intentionally or unintentionally put China’s best interest before ours.

    Here is another compelling accusation on the origin of the coronavirus that I found in a December 2021 Daily Signal. A young Chinese M.D. and Ph.D. virologist named Li-Meng Yan was interviewed in the article. I also saw her being interviewed on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Show Tucker Carlson Tonight. The article began by quoting Yan saying she was warned over and over by her supervisor at the University of Hong Kong to be silent, don’t cross a red line, if not, you will be disappeared. Yan escaped from Hong Kong to the U.S. in April 2020. The article quoted Yan saying, The virus actually does not come from nature. It came from the lab, the lab controlled by the Chinese Communist Party government and its military. … The Chinese government has developed a novel bioweapon. She said in the article that she felt she had to get the truth out and, as she tried to do so, U.S. mainstream news did what they could to discredit her. No surprise there. When I saw her on Carlson’s show, she was very believable.

    Fauci’s historical record on funding questionable studies goes beyond the WIV lab. I read in the Republican Insider in December 2021 that he was involved in NIH funding of three other controversial lab studies. One study took place between 2018 to 2019 in Tunisia and involved beagle dogs. The dogs’ heads were reportedly put in cages infected with parasite infected flies in order to study the safety and efficiency of a therapeutic drug being developed to prevent the parasitic disease. Reportedly, the flies ate the dogs alive and the dogs’ tongues were removed so the people doing the experiment would not have to listen to the dogs’ horror as this occurred. PETA was not happy! This was one of the rare times, if not the only time, I have ever agreed with PETA. I checked PETA’s website and the organization said they were stonewalled by NIH for the truth. News articles stated the NIH funding ranged from $375,000 to $1.8 million depending upon which article I read.

    Reportedly, in 2019, a study was funded by NHI to the tune of $16 million to study brain responses to external threats by injecting monkeys’ brains with toxic injections. The study sounded very cruel. When you think it can’t get worse, it can. In 2004, Fauci reportedly was involved in NIH approving experiments on orphans in a New York City orphanage named Incarnation Childrens Center. Hundreds of children died or were harmed for the rest of their lives after being subjected to drug trials involving experimental HIV drugs. I saw video testimony by an investigative reporter and workers at the orphanage who were involved. It made you want to cry listening to how these children were used for this experiment and were basically subjected to torture.

    I understand the need to perform medical research but we can’t lose our humanity in doing so as displayed in the above three stories. As disturbing as these revelations are, the next one is arguably worse. It involves denying Americans effective treatment for COVID-19 because of politics, which resulted in death. We all watched President Trump’s numerous television reports on the COVID-19 virus that included Fauci and other government health experts. Trump promoted Hydroxychloroquine (HCO) and Azithromycin (AZM) as effective drugs as far back as March 2020 according to a June 2021 Gateway Pundit article. The mainstream media and progressives excoriated Trump as a quack and Fauci did not support the use of either drug. After 49 million cases of COVID-19 and 787,000 deaths in the U.S. as of December 2021, the most recent medical studies are showing that these drugs would have saved many lives.

    The Gateway Pundit reported a news tweet from Breaking911 stating medRxiv quoted a study showing the use of these drugs would have improved the survival rates of ventilated patients by almost 200%. This is consistent with many interviews by medical experts I heard for several months on Fox News and other conservative news sources. Sad — very sad for innocent people to die in order for self-serving progressives to denigrate an opposing politician they despise.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) released a report in early 2021 on COVID-19 which states that most likely the virus was spread from animal to human and did not originate in the WIV lab. The data for the report was given to the WHO by the CCP and the WHO was prevented from verifying the data used to formulate the report. The CCP and the WHO have said from the beginning that the virus most likely came from the Wuhan Wet Market which is in close proximity to the WIV lab. A study released in June 2021 by Oxford University said the two most likely suspects for natural transmission of the virus were bats and pangolins [Chinese ant eaters]. The study said the animals had an alibi in our COVID-19 outbreak since neither animal was sold at the market.

    In January 2020, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom defended China and downplayed the contagious nature and potential seriousness of the virus. Obviously, the WHO was wrong and it appears the organization knowingly and dishonestly defended China. After Trump left office, the Biden administration stopped any investigation of the issue. Because of new information from sources like Judicial Watch, the issue came back on the front burner but is again buried in government bureaucracy. I assume this was on purpose to avoid conflict with China. Time will tell what happens but I would not get too excited about justice being done or the truth being told.

    The U.S. has historically been WHO’s top funder. We gave them $893 million in 2018-2019. China was sixth at $86 million. Because of the WHO’s dishonesty and/or incompetency regarding COVID-19, President Trump suspended our funding of WHO resulting in severe criticism by many fronts both international and within the U.S. I find it troubling and very curious that China has the power over WHO to cause them to bow to their interest even when they are not one of their top funders. It appears they have monetary and/or political control over Adhanom himself. The CCP was responsible for Adhanom getting his job as Director-General and that is arguably enough to control him.

    After President Biden took office, he immediately restored our funding of WHO. This is one of a multitude of decisions by President Trump that was in the best interest of our country that Biden has and will continue to overturn out of progressive political pressure and his inability to exercise competent intellect and judgement. More about this troubling issue regarding Biden’s mental abilities in chapter 4.

    I strayed here a bit, which I am prone to do at times, but it does point out the inconsistencies with our current progressive controlled government. Reality does not matter to progressives. What matters is how to achieve power and control over our American population. Let’s go back to our review of Critical Theory in America. I never use the term African American, which is often used to describe black Americans. That term is racist in my opinion. Ninety-four percent of blacks in the United States were born in the U.S. so how can they be African Americans? They are American Americans. I bet very few black Americans have ever set foot in Africa.

    I do not have to tell you how effective the Alinsky tactics are in using race to divide the country. It is a tribute to Alinsky’s insight regarding human nature, albeit diabolical insight. We hear examples daily of racism toward the black race. My trilogy books prove that scant few of these accusations are based upon fact and justified. Let’s take a quick look at some of the actual facts I presented in the trilogy.

    I reviewed a 2016 study by the Pew Research Center regarding racial discrimination. The study concluded that 41% of U.S. born citizens occasionally experienced discrimination or unfair treatment because of their race. Here is the breakdown: Black 71%; Hispanic 52%; and White 30%. Roughly 60% of blacks and Hispanics said that race relations in the U.S. are generally bad. Is that true or do they think it’s true because they are told it’s true?

    The breakdown of the total U.S. population by race according to 2019 U.S. Census Bureau estimates is as follows: White, 63.4%; Hispanic/Latino, 15.3%; black, 13.4%; Asian, 5.9%; and other, 2.0%. This is a story in itself. The ratio of whites to blacks is 5 to 1. Progressive rhetoric suggests that the number of blacks should be equal to the number of whites in any aspect of American life or it is a sign of discrimination. That is asinine!

    The ratio of Hispanics and Latinos to whites is higher than blacks to whites. When population numbers are used, white discrimination toward Hispanics and Latinos would be worse than toward blacks using progressive logic. Why do we not hear that assertion from progressives? Because, that narrative does not fit their model of using the emotion associated with slavery and repression to support their Alinsky method of criticizing American culture through the black race and achieving a Marxist America through Critical Theory.

    I tried to update these numbers to 2020 estimates but found it impossible to do so by race because of all the overwhelming and confusing information provided by the Census Bureau. It did appear; however, the Census Bureau moved about 2% of the white population to Hispanic and decreased the black population by 1%. One thing that did stand out is that our country is becoming increasingly interracial compared to the past, which is not surprising.

    My trilogy series totally debunked the progressive racial narrative. I discussed slavery extensively in chapter 10 of the original trilogy book and in Epilogue II. Slavery is a horrific assault on a human being’s life and was unfortunately commonplace around the world before and during the period of slavery in the U.S. It was often African blacks who sold their fellow African blacks and the U.S. was the recipient of one of the lowest numbers of black slaves in this hemisphere.

    I read an interesting article by Walter Williams who recently passed away. He is one of my favorite pundits and I have quoted several of his insightful articles in my books. Williams is black and was the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University. Williams said slavery was common in ancient peoples such as Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Greeks, Persians, Armenians, and many others. Many others include all Muslim countries, the Ottoman Empire, European countries, and even Africa itself.

    Oh, and don’t forget the American Indian tribes who also had black slaves. This included the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes who lived in the South. It is estimated they had a minimum of 5,000 black slaves. How do the progressives deal with that one? They don’t! The progressives would have a very difficult time reconciling a photo I saw in a March 2018 Smithsonian Magazine of Choctaw Chief Greenwood LeFore’s house which was a very large two-story southern mansion with very large two-story columns at the main entrance. It looked like a southern mansion from the movie Gone with the Wind. Chief Greenwood LeFore personally had an estimated 400 black slaves. Another Indian chief in the article was John Ross, who was chief of the Cherokee tribe. In addition to being a Cherokee Indian chief, he was a lieutenant colonel in the Civil War for the Confederate Army and had numerous black slaves. If progressives ever took the time to find out the truth about native American history, I doubt they could intellectually or emotionally cope with Chief Ross being a Confederate officer and owning slaves.

    We in America tend to think of slaves as always being black when, in reality, slaves throughout the world have included and still include all races. Yes, even the white race. Below is a very insightful Letter to the Editor on this topic that I read in my local newspaper. Yes, I do read a few that are very astute:

    Racism is an interesting topic. If I had to guess the earliest example, it’d probably have something to do with Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. I’m sure there are examples in archaeology, but the earliest recorded example is probably the genocide of the Midianites by the Hebrews in Numbers 31. Racism occurs on every continent and in every age. White-on-white racism was and is common — the Romans looked down on foreigners as did the English with the Scots and Irish; the Germans and the Jews; Poles and Cossacks; Russians and Ukrainians, et al. Africans sold other Africans into slavery because they were from a different tribe. They sold them to white and Arab slave traders. Tribal racism in Africa still thrives. To this day, genocides like the Hutu slaughter of Tutsis and the treatment of the Isaaq in Somalia are common examples of racism. Racism is endemic in Asia: the Mongols; Japan and China; China and Tibet; India and Bangladesh, and most Near East countries. If you’re not one of the chosen races, you’re less than human. Racism was present in North and Central and South America before the arrival of Columbus. So, I find it fascinating that white racism is the only topic intellectually worthy of study. There’s a reason everyone wants to come to Racist America to get away from these non-racist places. Maybe that’s worthy of study.

    Here is an excellent quote from Walter Williams. He said, Here’s my hypothesis about people who use slavery to trash the Founders: They have contempt for our constitutional guarantees of liberty. Slavery is merely a convenient moral posturing tool they use in their attempt to reduce respect for our Constitution. I pointed out in the trilogy that if progressives are so concerned about slavery, where is their outrage regarding sex slavery, including young children, that is currently rampant around the world and in the U.S.? I personally find this to be one of the, if not the, most repugnant crimes in our society and progressives are noticeably absent in their vehement condemnation or taking any serious action to address the issue. Actually, the progressive Biden administration, is currently promoting sex slavery of women and children with their border policies. Or, I should say, lack thereof.

    An article in TheBlaze said, Many victims of human sex trafficking are girls in their early to later teens. Some are held at gunpoint by their trafficker as they are repeatedly raped by so called ‘johns’. They’re threatened with harm to themselves or their families if they try to escape. The article explained that at first these victims receive a portion of the money they earn but, as the trafficker exerts increasing control, the victims receive relatively nothing except the minimum essentials they need to continue working and a daily fix of drugs, if they need them. The article stressed these traffickers are professional manipulators and the victims face extreme physical and psychological abuse. It was also pointed out that, although the typical victim is female, the trend is the increasing trafficking of young men and boys.

    The common image of sex traffic victims is one of young people who run away from home. I recently read that young victims are often groomed at school for months by other victims until they are ready to become victims themselves. Many others are groomed on the Internet over a period of time until they are ready. The groomers are paid for their work.

    A Townhall article by Jason Piccolo stated human trafficking is the second most illicit profit-producing business in the world at upwards of $150 billion per year. The article quoted the National Human Trafficking Hotline as saying almost two-thirds of trafficking victims throughout the world originate in the U.S. I found that shocking and very disturbing.

    A single victim can earn between $375,000 and $1.25 million per year for their pimp. Piccolo wrote, There is no single demographic for a victim, nor is there a single demographic for a human trafficker. Sex trafficking victims can be as young as children or in early adulthood. … There is no common socioeconomic or racial background of victims; they can come from poor or rich households. The only general commonality for sex trafficking is a history of some form of abuse in their background; whether it is sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse. This is common in approximately 95% of victims.

    The actual number of victims in the U.S. is unknown, but I quoted a news article in the initial trilogy book that said an estimated 300,000 men, women, and children are victims of sex and labor trafficking in the United States which generates $9.5 billion annually. That was in March 2016. Why aren’t progressives outraged about sex slavery and abuse of women and children as they are about black slavery and women’s inequality? Sex slavery does not fit the progressive narrative of racism or women’s inequality in America and, more profoundly, sex slaves do not vote.

    We should applaud our country for condemning black slavery through the Thirteenth Amendment and passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that stopped the abhorrent discriminatory segregation practices that took place after the Civil War. I find it ironic that it was the Southern Democrats who were in power and passed Jim Crow laws promoting black segregation until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.

    We should be proud of our country for its accomplishments in achieving the integrated country we are today. Our path was flawed, messy, and difficult but we are the greatest country the world has ever known for all races despite what the progressives want our American society to believe. America was not perfect, is not perfect, nor ever will be perfect but we have no equal. I repeatedly say utopia does not exist and, ironically, the harder a society strives to be utopia — the further away it becomes. One only has to honestly look in depth at all [and I emphasize all] the other countries in the world that practice Marxist based ideology to validate that statement. Unfortunately, we in America are becoming more like those other Marxist based countries as progressives criticize our society and politically teardown American values, norms, and laws to destroy our American culture.

    An often-used tactic by progressives is to pick out an isolated or infrequent occurrence in our society to make their diabolical points toward a flawed America and then continually hammer those points as if they were universally representative of our entire society when they are not. Racial brutality by the police is one of the progressive favorites after the George Floyd debacle. The George Floyd event was used as an excuse to create a Marxist assault on America. The Final Chapter in the trilogy series covers this in detail.

    The Epoch Times reported in October 2021 an expert witness for accused murderer Derek Chauvin testified Floyd died from a sudden cardiac arrhythmia due to his heart disease. I also read in news stories and saw on television news this was an irreversible event that was most likely triggered by an overdose of fentanyl, which was found in his system. Those conclusions support Floyd dying from a cardiac arrest caused by a fentanyl overdose, which would mean Chauvin is innocent as are the other policemen who were prosecuted. An article by Treavor Loudon, that is reviewed in the next chapter, explains how radical communist based organizations all over America were organized and waiting for the optimal excuse to act out, as they did after Floyd’s death. Floyd became the excuse they were waiting for.

    No country in the world offers more to all of its citizens, no matter what race they are, than America does regarding personal freedom, safety, and economic opportunity. Why is America the biggest magnet country in the world for immigrants? There is no bona fide example the progressives can honestly point to that validates their Marxist push for a better America.

    I find it ironic but very telling the top ten large cities [population of 250,000 or more] in the United States with the highest percentage of low-income residents [as estimated by the 2012 U.S. census] and ranked from very disappointing to total disaster as a desirable place to live are all historically predominately governed by Democrats.

    Here is the list in rank order: 1) Detroit has had all Democrat mayors since 1962; 2) Cleveland has had all Democrat mayors but two since 1941; 3) Cincinnati has had all Democrat mayors since 1971; 4) Miami has had 10 Democrat and 6 Republican mayors since 1957; 5) Fresno’s mayors’ political parties were not available. I assume all or most were Democrat; 6) Buffalo has had all Democrat mayors since 1965; 7) Newark has had all Democrat mayors since 1953; 8) Toledo has had 11 Democrat, 2 Independent, and 2 Republican mayors since 1957; 9) Milwaukee has had all Democrat mayors since 1908; and 10) St. Louis has had all Democrat mayors since 1949. All ten of these low income cities have been predominately or totally governed by Democrat mayors.

    It has been widely reported in the first half of 2022 there is a mass migration from Democrat led states to Republican led states because of more freedom, more opportunity, less crime, and less taxes and the Democrat progressives think they are more intelligent than conservative Americans and want to tell us how to live our lives??? I don’t know if it is actually true or just a joke but I heard on television that it is increasingly becoming difficult to find U-Haul trailers and trucks to rent in California. True or not it, it makes the point.

    I said in the trilogy the original colonists came to America to escape religious persecution, escape repression, and to find better economic opportunity. The colonists had the pioneer spirit of personal struggle, hard work, sacrifice, and the love and respect of their fellow man. That pioneer heritage is the basis of the principles and laws set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which provide America’s foundational structure to ensure continuation of that heritage. Also included in that heritage is an economy based upon free market capitalism — the best economic system in the world by far. To reflect and support our American heritage, our educational system at all levels promoted individualism, aspiration to achieve success, rewards for that success, and respect and kindness for each other.

    The Declaration of Independence says, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Constitution says, WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    Progressives have a strong differing belief regarding the American ideological principal of equality as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The progressives take the position that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution represent a flawed ideology and should promote and guarantee equity versus equality. Equality means that all Americans have the equal opportunity to succeed in life and have equal rights in living their lives the way they wish as long as they obey the laws of the country in accordance with the Constitution. Equity is the epitome of Marxist ideology in that Marx teaches that all people should be the same; with the same goals in life, the same opportunity in life, and the same economic status in life. The exception is the totalitarian leaders who control the people and live in extreme prosperity. Equity is the anthesis of equality.

    Do schools even teach American civics and honest American history anymore??? All I hear about is Marxist indoctrination in our educational system with Critical race Theory and the progressive 1619 Project that erases true American history and our cultural foundation of equality to lay an erroneous foundation to support their progressive movement based upon equity. We now also have gender coaching taking place in our schools as early as kindergarten to further confuse our children and take away parental rights in order to give progressives more control over our future society. More about this in chapter 4.

    Here are some excerpts from the trilogy series to further explore the difference in equity and equality. The current onslaught of social justice inspired political correctness on America is a direct result of the concept of equity which is a founding principle of Marxist ideology? Marxist ideology is a philosophy that all members of society share equally in economic output and social classes do not exist — equity for all; i.e., social justice. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote in their 1848 book titled The Communist Manifesto that poverty and starvation were products of the evil that resulted from a capitalist society like America.

    How has Marxist ideology worked for Marxist based countries? Let’s take a look. According

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