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The Ratzinger Code
The Ratzinger Code
The Ratzinger Code
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The Ratzinger Code

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Volume One. This first part includes the canonical issue and the Code of Communication which is widely described by Pope Benedict. The juridical institution of pope emeritus doesn't exist and, for nine years, Benedict XVI repeats: "There can be only one pope", but never specifies which one. In the Declaratio in which Ratzinger "resigned" in February 2013, authoritative Latinists quickly identified errors and imperfections in syntax, but Benedict XVI confirmed, in 2016: "I wrote the Declaratio in Latin in order to avoid making mistakes". Is it possible that all these oddities originate from a cultured and unassailable theologian, not to mention a refined Latinist? And even if pope Benedict really wanted to abdicate, why would he continue to live in the Vatican, wearing a white cassock, maintaining the pontifical name and other privileges of the reigning pope? After two years of research, patiently undertaken through over 200 articles in Libero, ByoBlu, RomaIT, this enormous mosaic has been methodically and logically recompiled piece by piece. The scenario that emerges is shocking, of millennial importance and has not been denied by anyone, not even by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, who emerges as one of the greatest pontiffs in history. Through his subtle communication, "the Ratzinger Code", that resembles the style of Jesus Christ, he reconciles us with the Logos, the logic that reveals the truth, in particular to his canonical situation. The first "participatory investigation" in history has been enriched both by courageous professionals as well as by contributions from readers. A work intended for non-believers and the faithful alike. And for all those that love the truth.
Release dateSep 13, 2022
The Ratzinger Code

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    Book preview

    The Ratzinger Code - Andrea Cionci

    Andrea Cionci

    The Ratzinger Code



    Published by

    Byoblu Edizioni Srls

    Via Deruta 20

    20132 Milan

    Copyright: © 2022 Byoblu Edizioni Srls

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9791280657183

    First edition: May, 2022

    Volume One

    Editing and editorial coordination: Federica Prestifilippo

    Translator: Antonio Menna, Peter M. Mitchell, H.E.D.

    Reviewer: Fabio Mangiapane

    All rights reserved, except where otherwise noted. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief references intended for reviews.

    Dedicated to M. and F.


    The investigation that we present here, which lasted two years, was initially a thankless job: many sleepless nights, many professional connections lost over it, lots of purely voluntary work, all sorts of risks of various kinds – all for what, then? Just to end up relegated to the now crowded club of conspiracy theorists?

    Yet, in life there are things that you have to do even if you don’t want to, simply to assuage your conscience.

    There are, in fact, just 1.285 billion Catholics in the world who have the right to the truth.

    Moreover, with the possible end of Roman Catholicism now looming before us, there will no longer be any bulwark against the advance of policies and cultures that are very dangerous for mankind and for his physical, social and moral integrity.

    Do you understand, then, why it was necessary to put pen to paper?

    However, little by little as these pages were completed, the initial anguished sense of duty gave way more and more to amazement and an admiration-filled enthusiasm.

    Joseph Ratzinger never fled before the wolves and, although cornered by them, he made an extraordinary, incredible gesture of a millennial scope and importance, which in this work we intend to illustrate for you in all of its dynamics as explored and discovered up to this point.

    This is a book written for non-believers as well as believers, in the name of the objectivity of the facts and out of respect for a religious institutional structure that is foundational to our civilization.

    The real distinction will not be, therefore, between believing and non-believing readers, but rather between those who love the truth and those who, for the most varied reasons, do not want to see it. It’s a crazy, shocking story: we’re aware of it, but we had to make it known, some time in advance of the probable final revelation. It is important that when, before long, we arrive at the climax, public opinion will have been prepared. We believe that it is also the very will of Pope Benedict. 

    Some will be led to think that these are all just daring fantasies, something out of a Dan Brown novel. This is not the case, because all the reported facts and documents are real and objective, just a click away, and the reasoning that connects them is inspired by a logic which is understandable to anyone and everyone.

    And above all, if it were a question of ruminations from a religious-fantasy novel, then this story would be the greatest masterpiece of fiction of all time, since this book would have managed to put together hundreds of completely random elements into a narrative perfectly consistent with canon law, theology, Church history, and current events, along with a mountain of documents, producing an incredibly exciting detective mystery. But we are simply not that good. We do not have all that imagination nor, much less, the interest in discrediting ourselves by trying to pass off a made-up story as true.

    The canonical Plan B of Benedict XVI, which he himself has explained or made to be understood by means of the Ratzinger Code, is, therefore, a historical reality that will be discussed for centuries to come.

    We only began to understand something about it in June 2020, when we published an article in the newspaper Libero that addressed the Latin errors contained in Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of resignation. This was the first crack in the dam of an oppressive and boringly rhetorical politically-correct narrative. From that point on, the ball of yarn slowly began to unravel: the inconsistencies gradually explained themselves, automatically and quickly, allowing every new piece of this enormous puzzle to be identified and put in the right place more and more easily.

    We do not know if, by the time you read The Ratzinger Code, the fire will have finally broken out, or if it will continue to be suffocated by the ashes of media indifference.

    Other authors may despair about this question and suffer a nervous breakdown. We, on the other hand, are very tranquil, serene and perfectly satisfied by the fact that we have simply done our duty, with all the passion that the investigation deserved. In short, and only half-joking, We would never commit suicide, neither for this nor for other reasons. We are not in the least disturbed by the fact that this truth, which is always growing and spreading, is struggling – for now – to be accepted by the mainstream media. In fact, a process of collective understanding is underway that has a life of its own and transcends the will of men, both the will of those who are trying to implement crazy, miserable projects of worldwide socio-anthropological reorganization, as well as the will of those who are exerting themselves and making sacrifices in order to unveil the deception.

    The truth imposes itself, as Pope Wojtyła used to say. Everything will run its course, in its own time and with its own dynamics. And for those who are believers, the one who is in charge of directing the operations is none less than the Virgin Mary.

    This fact, however, must not and cannot lead us to inertia, to remaining onlookers, to comfortably withdrawing in prayer or resigning ourselves to compromises of convenience, whether we are believers or non-believers.

    We are living through a final war, and it is necessary to decide which side we are on: the side of the Truth, or the side of the Lie. We must act accordingly: each of us is called to choose on which side we want to fight in such an eschatological battle that is also a battle for the identity of our culture.

    Pope Benedict XVI, one of the greatest and most significant popes in the entire history of the Church, has placed us at this unavoidable crossroads.

    Andrea Cionci


    "Il papa è uno soloThere is only one pope – Benedict XVI has been repeating for nine years, without ever explaining which of the two it is. In all this time, not even by chance, he has never added that’s Francis. The oddity was noted, but it was then confirmed in 2021 by his private secretary, Msgr. Georg Gänswein who, responding to Fr. Enrico Bernasconi, one of those priests who has been excommunicated because they are faithful only to Pope Ratzinger, said: There is only one pope and it is clear that it is Francis."¹

    So, if it is clear, Benedict XVI never said it explicitly.

    This alone would be enough to raise the antennae of a journalist of any professional level. And so, in 2020 we were able to begin carrying out an investigation on the blog of, which has continued now for two years, about what has recently been called – without stretching it – the event of the millennium.

    This investigation, which continued also on ByoBlu where it was completely reorganized, rests first of all on the brilliant canonical solution that has been adopted by Pope Benedict. But it is also based on a theme that is absolutely fundamental for the purposes of understanding the investigation, a theme that for the sake of simplicity we have called The Ratzinger Code, that is, the subtle, but perfectly logical and unequivocal language with which Pope Benedict XVI continues to confirm the canonical situation.

    We have examined in depth the context that led the Pontiff to this dramatic choice in 2013, and also all the juridical, theological, historical and cultural reasons that demonstrate that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has never been and never could be the true pope. Some scholars say that he is a false pope, or a usurper; others say that he is an antipope, of which there have been about forty in the history of the Church. Nihil sub sole novum.

    A certain space has also been dedicated in our study to the passive-aggressive strategies of the media and part of the clergy to hide the Magna Quaestio, in an attempt to isolate it.

    This work also seeks to do justice to all those in the world who have courageously witnessed to this reality: lawyers, canonists, jurists, theologians, clergymen, and Latinists, without whose fundamental contribution, paid by some of them at a high price, none of this could have been understood, neatly organized, and then published. Among the readers, many ordinary people responded to the call, creating a true Crusade of the Little Ones and the first participatory investigation in history. Many among them have been so helpful, reporting facts and documents of primary importance.

    Since the matter is really too big to be digested all at once, let’s start with a few questions.

    Is it even possible, let alone credible, that in the February 11, 2013, Declaratio of resignation, in an act of renunciation of the papacy – this, at least, is how the official document was presented to us – that a pontiff known to be an excellent and refined Latinist could have committed errors of syntax in the official language of the Church? These errors were identified by the well-known philologists Luciano Canfora (in Corriere della Sera) and Wilfried Stroh,² who also counted about twenty other linguistic imperfections in the document. Strangely, after our article on the subject, Canfora’s article disappeared from the national website of Corriere, but traces of it remained on the local Bari page.³

    However, three years later, in 2016, again in Corriere, Pope Ratzinger again addressed in an interview what he had already expressed in Peter Seewald’s book Last Conversations (Garzanti, 2016): I wrote the text of the renunciation. I can’t say exactly when, but at most two weeks beforehand. I wrote it in Latin because such an important thing is done in Latin. In addition, Latin is a language that I know so well that I can write in a decent way. I could have also written it in Italian, of course, but there was the danger that I would make some mistakes.

    As Benedict XVI affirms in Ein Leben, another volume by Seewald (Garzanti, 2020), the document was written by him in just two weeks and passed the scrutiny of the Secretariat of State - under the seal of pontifical secrecy - to eliminate formal and juridical errors. Despite this filter, the Declaratio, interpreted as a renunciation of the papacy, presents very serious legal problems, involving several articles of the Code of Canon Law (e.g., canons 124, 332 § 2, 188, 14, 17).

    We will return to the matter in depth.

    Today, despite his resignation, Pope Benedict continues to dress in white, justifying himself by saying that he had no other clothes. He continues to use the title P. P. (Pater Patrum), to impart the apostolic blessing and to benefit from other prerogatives that typically distinguish the reigning Pontiff.

    Moreover, it has recently been definitively established that the juridical institution of the papacy emeritus does not exist.⁵ Authoritative canonists and historians already affirmed this but, in September 2021, the Vatican itself publicly set to work to try to elaborate a jurisprudence in this regard. And so, it is legitimate to ask: What has Benedict XVI been for the last nine years? Perhaps a cardinal in a summer cassock without red thread?

    Joseph Ratzinger is considered one of the most cultured men of the contemporary Church, and yet it seems that, in addition to not knowing the Latin language and canon law well, he also has great gaps in his knowledge of ecclesiastical history. In Last Conversations we discovered an incredible statement he made referring to his own resignation: No pope has resigned for a thousand years, and even in the last millennium it has been an exception.

    Given that six popes in the first millennium and four in the second millennium renounced the papacy, there are only two possibilities: either Benedict XVI does not have a good memory, or he is communicating something extremely precise to us.

    For now, let’s stop here: by now you understand that there are too many elements that do not add up. In two years of work, with the help of canonists, jurists, psychiatrists, psychologists, Latinists, historians, and even Dante scholars, we have gradually figured it out, following an extraordinary process of the logical assembly of facts and documents.

    If you have the goodness and patience to follow us, in the next chapters we will tell you the extraordinary Story of the Pope Who Saved the Catholic Church. And perhaps not only the Church but even more.

    1. Cionci A., Benedetto XVI non ha mai detto che il papa è Francesco, in Libero (web), 09 July 2021. Cf. blog/blog/andrea-cionci/27899260/monsignor-Gänswein-confermainvolontaria-benedetto-xvi-mai-detto-papa-francesco.html

    2. Stroh W., Latein-Professor verbessert Benedikts Rücktrittserklärung, Abendzeitung, 22 February 2013, in latein-professor-verbessert-benedikts-ruecktrittserklaerung-art-187833

    3. Canfora L., Un accusativo al posto del dativo Canfora «bacchetta» il testo di Ratzinger, 12 February 2013, in https://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere. it/bari/notizie/cronaca/2013/12-febbraio-2013/accusativo-postodativocanfora-bacchetta-testo-ratzinger-2113963174383.shtml

    4. Benedetto XVI, Benedetto XVI si racconta: «Nessuno mi ha ricattato», 8 September 2016. Cf.

    5. Gagliarducci A., Papa emerito e Papa impedito: un gruppo di studio per colmare due vuoti giuridici, in Acistampa, 28 September 2021. Cfr: https://www.acistampa. com/story/papa-emerito-e-papa-impedito-un-gruppo-di-studio-percolmare-due-vuoti-giuridici-18100

    6. Seewald P., Benedetto XVI. Ultime conversazioni, Garzanti, 2016.


    In which we address all of the strong powers, the lobbies and personalities, both within the Church and outside her, who oppressed the pope, preventing him from governing, so much so as to lead him to implement the so-called canonical Plan B.



    To understand the context in which Benedict XVI’s Plan B had to be implemented, we refer to a very precise panorama of the situation put together twelve years ago - paradoxically - precisely by his most declared secular archenemy: the left-wing journalist and philosopher Paolo Flores D’Arcais, founder and director of the culture and politics magazine Micromega.

    In order to give a close-up view of the emotional distance that separates Flores from the Holy Father, here is what the journalist writes in his book La sfida oscurantista

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