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Love Is the Perfect Dish: Short and Sweet Series, #47
Love Is the Perfect Dish: Short and Sweet Series, #47
Love Is the Perfect Dish: Short and Sweet Series, #47
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Love Is the Perfect Dish: Short and Sweet Series, #47

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The man was writing in a book it seemed. It was only then that I realized who he was. A food critic.

When we heard the man talking to the chef, we realized he was telling Andre Clark about what I said!

I glanced at his food. He had the same dish!

The chef suddenly looked at me. And the look he gave me. Completely pure stink eye. I almost disappeared into the floor right there.

Angry the chef took the dish back.

I felt so humiliated. I also felt really bad. I'd ruined my favourite chef's reputation. And all because of my big mouth.


REGAN EVERETT has always wanted to be a professional chef. Not for the fame but simply to cook freely without worrying about money. She dreams of meeting her favourite chef one day.


ANDRE CLARK is a famous chef whose passion for cooking is fading from years of being in the spotlight. But maybe all he needs is a new source of inspiration.


When Regan wins a spot on the reality television show, The Perfect Dish, a national cook-off competition, she gets paired with her favourite chef as her mentor. But it's pretty clear from the start that Andre Clark doesn't like her. After a first encounter at his restaurant, he's not too happy about being paired with her. But Regan is determined to win and prove him wrong.


And along the way she might even win his heart.

Release dateSep 13, 2022
Love Is the Perfect Dish: Short and Sweet Series, #47

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Love Is the Perfect Dish - Luna Moon



    I never thought much of the word. I felt that hard work was more important than being talented.

    Although my family and friends loved telling me I was, I never took that to heart. I knew that everything I accomplished in life and will ever accomplish was because of my dedication and hard work. And plain stubbornness to not give up.

    That’s why I had my own little business that I ran out of my kitchen. I fed most of the people in my small community for a generous price. Sometimes I even put it on their tab if I knew they were really short on money. People struggled here a lot.

    I know I definitely didn't come from money. I never got the chance to go study after high school.

    I worked in retail and every single day I’d come home late and tired and still have a lot of cooking to do. But I loved it so it was a sacrifice I gladly made.

    I lived with my parents.

    My dad suffered a work injury, leaving him partially paralyzed, and I had to look after him. As well as supporting my mom, who has always been a housewife.

    I had no siblings and was an only child. Mom couldn't have children after she gave birth to me.

    It had always been my dream to be a professional chef. Ever since I used to help my grandma in the kitchen. Cooking has always been a very big thing in my family.

    Grandma always believed cooking could solve anything. I missed her stories she told while we were cooking.

    But back to reality.

    I was busy in the kitchen with my best friend, Jade, since high school helping me, while we were watching a cooking program, the perfect dish, on the television.

    The show presenter announced that they would be doing a mentorship program with some of the most famous chefs and my favourite chef, who was also on the show, would be one of them. Both Jade and I talked about how amazing that would be.

    You should apply, Jade said.

    I laughed.

    I appreciate your vote of confidence, Jade. But I'm not good enough.

    No! She said adamantly. You are good enough! You’re the best cook I know.

    You don’t know a lot of cooks then, I said with a smirk.

    She frowned and crossed her arms.

    You shouldn’t put yourself down like this, Regan, she said. You’re more than worthy of the mentorship program.

    I sighed.

    It’s fine, I said. I don’t have time for it now anyway.

    At least think about it, she pleaded. It could be your big break.

    I know, I said and squeezed her hand gently.

    I never had a big break. And I didn’t believe any was coming. I’d given up on that a long time ago.

    Things like that didn't happen to girls like me.


    The program finally ended and filming stopped. As soon as the show was off the air, Andre, my best friend and one of the most successful chefs in the industry sauntered off roughly pulling off his microphone piece and handing it to one of the people on the set.

    Although I had nothing but love for my best friend, as his publicist I've seen a lot how other people viewed him.

    To put it frank not many people liked him. I often saw people rolling their eyes, making faces behind his back or just giving him the death glare when they knew he wouldn’t see it.

    But I also knew Andre didn’t care. He was very self-assured and didn’t need anyone’s praise to feel proud of himself. While that was great, Andre did have quite a... How should I put it... Stinky attitude.

    Everyone around him was afraid of him. Especially here on the set.

    He was very dismissive of other people including fans.

    There was a woman that won a contest for the show. Some kind of promotion where she’d have the chance to be on set for a day. She immediately tried to talk to him when she saw him but he snapped at her and walked away.

    I followed him giving the woman who looked devastated an apologetic look.

    Inside his trailer Andre complained to me.

    I'm so sick of doing all these reality shows! I’m tired of it.

    You’re making a lot of money with it, though, I said carefully. And it keeps you relevant.

    He gave me a look.

    I'm always going to be relevant, Ben. I’m the best chef in this country.

    I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

    Like it or not you have to do them, I said.

    And I hate this mentorship program coming up, he said ignoring me completely. I'm probably going to be saddled up with some idiot with no talent or skill.

    He turned to me an angry scowl on his face.

    Back in my day, he said. I had to work so hard just to get anywhere and now these younger people are just getting a free ticket to success.

    Please, Andre, I said. At least try your best to get along with whoever you’re paired with.

    I placed a

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