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The Covenant and The Call
The Covenant and The Call
The Covenant and The Call
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The Covenant and The Call

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A nation with one of the most powerful anthems on earth, a call to the eternal Father, twinned with an efficacious but weighty covenant, its pledge, yet little is known or contemplated about the impact of the prayers and the obligations of the vow every Jamaican i

Release dateAug 8, 2022
The Covenant and The Call

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    The Covenant and The Call - Milton H.O. Maye

    Table of Contents



    A Cry To God

    Bless Our Land

    Guard Us With Your Mighty Hand

    Keep Us Free From Evil Powers

    Be Our Light

    True Wisdom From Above

    Let Justice Be Ours Forever

    Truth Be Ours Forever

    Jamaica Land We Love

    Teach Us True Respect For All

    Stir Response To The Call Of Duty

    The Weak To Cherish

    Vision Lest We Perish

    Send Us Knowledge Heavenly Father

    The Refrain


    Unanswered Prayer






    Before God And All Mankind

    The Commitments Of The Pledge

    Pledge #1: Vibrant And Whole-Hearted Service To Each Other

    To Stand For Justice

    To Stand For Brotherhood

    To Stand For Peace

    To Work Diligently

    To Work Creatively

    To Think Generously

    To Think Honestly


    So That Jamaica May Increase In Beauty

    So That Jamaica May Increase In Fellowship

    So That Jamaica May Increase In Prosperity

    Advancing The Welfare Of The Whole Human Race


    Under God

    Mystery Of The Pledge3


    National Songs3


          Eternal Father bless our land,

    Guard us with Thy Mighty Hand,

    Keep us free from evil powers,

    Be our light through countless hours.

    To our leaders, Great Defender,

    Grant true wisdom from above.

    Justice, truth be ours forever,

    Jamaica, land we love.

    Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love.

    Teach us true respect for all,

    Stir response to duty’s call,

    Strengthen us the weak to cherish,

    Give us vision lest we perish.

    Knowledge send us Heavenly Father,

    Grant true wisdom from above.

    Justice, truth be ours forever,

    Jamaica, land we love.

    Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love.


    very Jamaican will tell you they know these lines. Yes, we all do. They are the composite of Jamaica’s national anthem. I challenge you however, to consider and tell me: how much do you really know these lines?

    And by the way; how about the national pledge? I will not include it here to give you this challenge yourself. Can you say the national pledge without help or stumbling? Your response for both will probably be, Extremely well!

    It ought to be!

    I challenge you to write down your response now and review it after reading this book; then tell me if your answer remains the same after all this information.

    For most of us the admission will come; hesitantly perhaps, I had no idea I knew so little about what we were really asking God for and the impact the national pledge has on our lives.

    Welcome to the knowledge every Jamaican needs to know that has, potentially, such a humungous impact on our lives and possibly, a limiting stranglehold on our attainments, yet so many know so little about.


    A national anthem is a patriotic song

    It could be a musical composition

    Recognized officially by a nation

    Its government and its constitution

    Or through popular use it is accepted as such by convention

    The national anthem in many cases reflects a nation’s history,

    Struggles, traditions and belief

    And serves as an expression of national identity;

    That is why Jamaica’s anthem is such a mystery

    It is a cry to God seeking to create a future

    Not to evoke history but to revoke it where it is contrary

    To its desired identity and to evoke answers

    Yet all anthems help to arouse feelings of patriotism

    And remind the citizens of their nation’s glory

    Its rich heritage and its beauty

    And brings a sense of national unity

    Around a single song or music

    For Jamaica the heritage is what it seeks to create

    The beauty is above its attraction but in its prayers

    The cry is for more than is invested here

    It is asking like Jabez for spiritual expansion and grace

    When the national anthem is performed

    Every citizen of the nation despite ethnic differences or religion

    Listens attentively, gets enthusiastic and sings along

    And with the standard protocol usually conform

    The mystery is that Jamaica’s anthem is a call

    To the Eternal Father; God above

    National anthems are usually played or sung

    During national holidays, especially Independence Day celebrations

    During cultural and other national festivals

    Also, at international sporting events

    Example at the World Championships and at the Olympic Games,

    Where it brings national joy to have it played

    Well... for Jamaica, to have it prayed

    During the medal ceremonies where the winners are arrayed

    Different countries promote their national anthems in different ways.

    In some countries like China and Colombia, the national anthem is played

    Every day at specific times of the day

    In countries like India, it is mandatory to play

    the national anthem in movie theaters before a movie starts

    For daily routine in schools in many other nations, it is an integral part.

    Most countries also mention several etiquettes to be observed

    While listening to the national anthem or when it is being performed

    Like standing up, or at attention, or removing the wear on the head

    To bring focus, respect and honor; and to recognize its significance.


    According to the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), in September 1961, it was announced that the competition for the words of the National Anthem would be judged in the first instance. The successful script would then be published and a contest for the music put in train. Nearly one hundred entries for the words were received and it was subsequently announced on March 17 that the competition for the words of the National Anthem would close on Saturday March 31, 1962. A Joint Committee of the Houses of Parliament was responsible for making the final selection. Members remained divided between two possible choices until Thursday July 19, 1962 when the large majority of the House, after eager debate, approved the resolution which was put to it and the version previously heard in the lobby was selected as suitable.

    Indeed, a prayer was selected as the most important national symbol of this nation. It is such a unique anthem that has the power to set this nation apart and above nations because of the spiritual help it invokes second to one other nation on earth. We will examine this reality and what is hampering its manifestation.

    The Anthem is the creative work of four persons, the late Rev. and Hon. Hugh Sherlock, OJ, OBE, the late Hon. Robert Lightbourne, OJ, the late Mapletoft Poulle and Mrs. Poulle (now Mrs. Raymond Lindo). It is however no doubt the inspiration of God. Could it be that God has a special plan for this nation and has inspired Himself in the culture of this nation from its emergence? Are we in the days of fulfillment? Is there something required of us?


    All persons should stand at attention, (i.e., heels together) at the playing of the National Anthem and men should remove their hats. The first verse of the National Anthem should be played or sung as specifically designated on the arrival of the Governor-General or the Prime Minister.

    The National Anthem may be sung or played at public gatherings.

    Singing of the National Anthem should form part of the ceremony of raising and lowering of the flag at the beginning and end of term in schools and at Independence celebrations. The National pledge is for use at the beginning and end of term, and on other special occasions, e.g.  Independence Day.


    When the groundwork was laid in Jamaica in 1961, a new constitution was drafted and a lot of preparation put in place to prepare for the day of independence on August 6, 1962. These preparations which saw the people of Jamaica being swept up in the excitement and the energy throughout the island was electric. Poinciana trees were planted in some areas to represent new beginnings, and people learned about the symbolism of their new flag’s design and colours.  Children were also taught the national anthem in school.

    Are prayers supposed to be answered?

    Where expectations of

    The cries of our forefathers

    Would then have been enough

    Freedom from evil powers

    True wisdom from above

    Are the prayers being hindered

    Of Jamaica land we love?

    Interesting are the questions we ask, but our curiosity must remain stirred since the answers may have personal implications.






    here are national anthems which cry to the strength and bravery of its people; others cry to the land itself, lauding it as the home of the brave and the land of the free; others are a cry for freedom and a call to bravery, and others with many different focus of national interests. There are some, however, that capture an acknowledgement of God in prayers, a commitment and pledges to God and for some, prayers, such as God save the Queen. There is no other anthem in the world that is a complete cry to God for continuous national intervention and specified involvement as Jamaica’s national anthem. We look at this prayer in detail starting with the first stanza.

    Eternal Father…!

    Hello! Who called Me?

    There is nothing like a name to get someone to stop and pay attention to you or for someone to get your attention. A name is personal. It is a unique identification that picks you out anywhere within your earshot. The sound of your name gets you to stop and pay immediate attention. If there are three thousand persons in the vicinity you stop and look for the one person who called your name. You then determine the intention or desire of the person who called your name. Then you process it and determine how to respond. If a group called your name, you pay attention to the group and respond to them collectively. If a nation called your name, you pay attention to the nation.

    A name can be even a title if the title is unique. A name such as Doc., Professor, Master or Daddy, will attract a response, but individuals bearing that title will look around to verify they are the one referred to. Well, unless they know the voice.

    Jesus in teaching His disciples to pray started with calling upon God by a title, Our Father. There is no other person on earth who could share that title. While a father can have many natural children and therefore can be referred to by two or more collectively as our father, that title is only relevant when they are making a collective representation. There are also spiritual fathers who are father over many individuals of different DNA identification. They can be referred to as our father, but only when it is done by a group during collective representation. Otherwise, both the natural and spiritual father is referred to as Father, by everyone. God is the only Father who can be referred to by everyone in individual representation as Our Father. Although this is conclusive, Jesus removed every contradiction. He completed the statement by referencing His location. He said, Who is in heaven. This needs no elaboration, there is no other Father in heaven but God.

    The Jamaican national anthem starts by calling a name, or rather a title. It is the title that is borne by only one person, God. While there are many fathers, there is only one Father who is eternal and who lives in eternity, God. It is the same as with Jesus saying, Our Father who lives in heaven, eternity. Yes, the Jamaican national anthem calls attention to the only one who can answer that name. To be conclusive, the name is also repeated in one of the prayers in the anthem, this time God is referred to as Heavenly Father (send us knowledge), just as Jesus taught in what is commonly known as the Lord’s prayer.

    The second principle of calling a name with reasonable expectation for an answer is to know the person is in earshot. God is a Spirit. He is omnipresent which means He is everywhere at the same time. There are many claims in the Bible that conclusively declare that God hears our prayers. In fact, it goes beyond our expression and reaches into our thoughts. There are many who confidently execute this knowledge by praying silently, yet those with insight of the power of words refuse to be silent.  We have a good basis for believing that God is listening every time we address Him by calling Eternal Father… The question is, have we entered the solemnity of our call? Doing so. So how do we know God hears us? The scriptures assert confidently that God is omnipresent and He sees and knows everything, even the word hidden on the tongue. In Psalms 139; quoting from the Caribbean Worship and Devotional Study (CWDS) Bible, written in Jamaica:

    Verse 4There is not a hidden word on my tongue;

    Lord, You know it altogether;

    by You they are all known.

    If I ascend into heaven, Lord, You are there.

    If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

    If I take the wings of the morning, 

    and make the utmost parts of the sea my dwelling place,

    ¹⁰even there Your hand shall lead me;

    Your right hand shall enfold me in Your hold.

    ¹¹If I say, Surely darkness covers me, blocks me from the sight of everyone.

    But the night shines just as day about me.

    ¹²Darkness shall not hide me from You;

    the night shines as day;

    darkness and light are both the same to You.

    CWDS Bible Quotes

    Be very deliberate to know Him because He knows you more than you know you: He knows your thoughts, intent and actions before you even conceived them.

    You cannot escape His presence so it is wise to make His presence your escape; you cannot escape the reach of His arms, therefore, escape into His arms.

    Make God your shield and hiding place since the depth cannot shield you and the heights cannot hide you from Him.

    The Bible further asserts that the depth of God’s knowledge is so astounding that He counts and numbers the hair on the head of every person, Luke 12:7; and does this also to the stars in the sky, Psalms 147:4. The psalmist continues to reinforce this assertion in Psalms 33:13-15, further stating that God understands all our works. In Jeremiah 23:24, God Himself speaks. Can a man hide himself in hiding places that I do not see him? says the Lord. Do I not fill the heavens and the earth? Again, in Jeremiah 17:10, the Lord said, I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind; to give to each man according to his ways, according to his deeds. And again, in Ezekiel 11:5, He says, Then the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me, and He said to me, Say, ‘Thus says the Lord, So you think, house of Israel, for I know your thoughts.

    Jesus, speaking specifically to prayer in Matthew 6:8, declares, Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

    Hebrews 4:13 again asserts, There is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

    We know therefore that where ever we are in the world and we call the name of the Eternal Father, it is within His earshot and it gets His attention. There is no anthem, or statement starting with Eternal Father that does not immediately get His attention.

    Once you get the attention of the person whose name you are calling, they look or listen to find out why you are calling them. The Jamaican National anthem is very specific about what our nation demands of the Eternal Father.   

    The Bible tells us that if we know He hears us we know we have an answer, 1 John 5:15. This is more than being within His earshot. We know if a man regards iniquity in his heart, God will not hear him, Psalms 66:18. This sets up our discussion in this book as the expectation is that God is about to answer the cries of this nation in amazing ways beginning with this generation.


    Expectation of an answer

    Before we take a look at the petitions in the national anthem, or should we say demands, let us look at the relevance of our anthem as a prayer.

    A prayer is a cry to God with reasonable expectation of an answer.


    Inspired by a prophetic call this was a time of severe famine in Israel. The land was dry and parched. The leaves on every tree had long since faded and said goodbye to the branches, many of which sat lonely on their supporting stumps. They were perfect for fire wood but, even then, no one desired them. They had nothing to put on the fire. The fruits had long since dried up in the saps and fled. The piercing sun was relentless and the land had no defense against it: no trees to give shade or water to bring relief. The streams and rivers had already changed their focus; they had now become highways for people to safely pass and this without mighty miracles like at the Red Sea. It was just the lack of the will to run, or should I say, heavens support and rain.

    It was in these settings that a widow, depressed and destitute was outside picking up sticks for fire. A traveler approached her. He looked a bit rough as if he had been sleeping outdoors for a while. He also was thirsty and hungry. He asked for water. This was limited but she was willing to share it. She had a very good heart and would have willingly extended her hospitality to this man to the extent of her capability. She had no resources to express her generosity; the famine had eaten her resources as with every other person. She was taken aback when the man asked, Will you bake me a little cake also?

    This became an immediate dilemma for her. She genuinely wanted to be a blessing but she did not have enough to share. She decided to be very honest with this man, We have nothing, just one handful of meal and a little oil. I am about to bake it for me and my son to eat… She was not finished, she wanted to be dramatic so the man would get it, she continued, We will eat and then die.

    It could not have been more real. Any person with good conscience would have turned away. This traveler was not dissuaded, he agreed with her, Go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first.

    Is it that he did not hear? No, he was not finished, he had a prophecy for her. But, did he just agree with her? He said go and do as you have said. What did she say? I will bake a cake for me and my son to eat and die.

    She was just stating what she believed was the reality of their predicament, but it was no casual declaration. Her son later died even though the provision lasted throughout the famine. The man of God had to reverse his agreement with her for death and declare life into the dead body of her son.

    No, the national anthem of Jamaica, is not just vain repetition, it is a prayer demanding answers. It is foolish to believe that our expression all these years have been empty words evaporating like smoke.


    O that Ishmael may live before you. This was a cry made by an old patriarch, amused in the moment by the astounding promise of God. God had promised to give a son to his aged and infertile wife Sarai. She was not just of grandma age, but great, great grandma. He himself was a hundred years old and impotent. He laughed at the prospect and thought he would offer God an option. He made a statement, O that Ishmael may live before you.

    God was not moved, He reaffirmed that Sarai would have a son and He named the son. His name shall be Isaac.

    This settled the matter beyond doubt and confirmed that this was not just an error or a slip of the tongue; it was a done deal. It was then that God stopped to address the petition Abraham made, O that Ishmael may live before you!

    Abraham was in the presence of the Eternal Father. He was speaking to Him. There was no question of who he was addressing. God’s response made it very clear also that He heard. This was not his intention. It was not what He had come to assure Abraham of. He was here to speak Isaac; Abraham was speaking Ishmael. The fact that he spoke demanded an answer and God answered: As for Ishmael, I have heard you. I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall have twelve princes and I will make him a great nation.

    There is no casual prayer. God hears. If we know He hears we know we attract a response.

    Ishmael is very much alive today. Abraham had effectively set up a competition for Isaac, his heir, for life. It started not long after in the house where Sarah saw Ishmael mocking her son Isaac. She demanded that he and his mother be thrown out. Abraham complied. Joseph was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelites.  Today, the Muslims are the greatest opposition to Israel and to the church, the real heirs of the promise. They claim to be descendants of Abraham through Ishmael and the rightful heirs to the promise of Abraham, since he was the firstborn. The animosity is so much that Israel lives in the midst of a pack of wolves ready to attack them at every opportunity. One of the most iconic buildings in Israel is a mosque established on the holy mount where the temple of God is and Israel is powerless to remove it. The rivalry is so much that there is constant struggle with Muslims in Israel about land and new developments.

    If Abraham made his proclamation once and had such a powerful and persistent response, what are the spiritual realities that Jamaica has created by the national anthem, repeated continually on so many occasions over so many years? Of course, these would be positive, but is this our reality, and if not, why?


    No, the national anthem of Jamaica, is not just vain repetition, it is a prayer demanding answers.

    Do you mean, even when we are not conscious, we are praying?

    Yes, even when we are not conscious, we are praying.

    Do you mean, when sung or repeated by people of different religions?

    Yes, there is just one Eternal Father. It auto-corrects every other call and cry.

    Do you mean, even when we don’t pay special focus on the words and what they are requiring God to do?

    Yes, once we call Him, we must expect an answer. There is no question that God hears our prayer, every time the national anthem is prayed, played or sung, irrespective of the forum or person. Well, the question remains of whether He hears us. Is it possible for Him to hear our prayers and not hear us? Must a people be united with their prayers for God to hear them or take them seriously?

    Then again are these prayers pending? The clouds must be very heavy! It makes the national anthem of Jamaica an active prayer demanding a response. There is nothing casual about our anthem even when the occasion where it is sung or repeated is casual. It engages the spiritual realm and the heart of the Eternal Father. Every time His name is called, we engage His ear to hear the detail of our petition. Is there something hanging in the air above Jamaica like rain hanging in the clouds?

    The anthem, the prayer, the call, the dressing;

    Intercession but not as tangible a blessing

    The years; the one, the all, the lesson

    Is there something that causes

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