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Heart Heist: Protecting the Pearls: Heart Heist, #3
Heart Heist: Protecting the Pearls: Heart Heist, #3
Heart Heist: Protecting the Pearls: Heart Heist, #3
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Heart Heist: Protecting the Pearls: Heart Heist, #3

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The game is on, and not everyone is playing by the rules.

Brandon Scott is finally behind bars. Now, Charlie can treat Kristine to an anxiety-free night of fun and romance. The newest trend in town is a treasure hunt—and the prize he's planning will change their lives forever.

Unfortunately, the Scott gang isn't finished with them. Certain members of the family are determined to finish what Brandon started… and get their hands on the most valuable piece of jewelry in the city.

What starts as a lighthearted tryst turns into a race for a priceless string of pearls, and death is the cost of failure.

Charlie's night promises to end with a bang, but not the one he had his heart set on.

PublisherKari Shuey
Release dateSep 16, 2022
Heart Heist: Protecting the Pearls: Heart Heist, #3

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    Book preview

    Heart Heist - Kari Shuey

    Chapter One


    Charlie rested his elbows on the balcony of his apartment, staring at the small velvet box in his hand. The engagement ring winked at him, mocking him. He was such a coward. In a few weeks, it would be a year since he’d kidnapped Kristine.

    He couldn’t believe she was still with him. Through it all, she’d been in more danger in the last year than in her entire life—and it was all because of him.

    Charlie flicked the box closed and gazed out at the courtyard of his apartment complex. Brandon’s trial a few days ago had finally put the dirtbag away for a long time. The evidence Afton retrieved solidified his incarceration. The win was almost too easy.

    With everything settling down, it felt right to take the next step with Kristine. The box had weighed him down for the last few weeks. Why couldn’t he get up the nerve to ask her to marry him? Because she would be crazy to even think about it, that’s why. Being with him meant more possible danger.

    It wasn’t always that way, but things could change in an instant. Brandon Scott proved that. Charlie heaved a sigh and pushed away from the railing. He returned to his apartment and placed the ring box on his dresser. Tonight would be the night. He’d held onto it far too long.

    Charlie picked up the flyer he’d received in the mail for a new kind of action date. The escape room thing wasn’t his scene, but a treasure hunt was right up his alley. Kristine would get a kick out of hunting for a string of pearls that went missing over a century ago.

    Legend had it that a wealthy princess from some small country fell in love with a commoner. They ran away together with just the clothes on their backs. Historians in the community speculated they settled somewhere in the Utah/Idaho area. The princess wore a string of pearls worth more than his entire company. The rare coloring and shape would make them worth millions now.

    Of course, this treasure hunt gimmick was just that, a gimmick. The company hosting the hunt probably hid some fake pearls somewhere in the city every weekend, and hundreds of people showed up to find them.

    If he and Kristine could find the pearls, it would be the perfect moment to get on one knee and offer her the real thing. His lips curled into a small smile. This was it. The night he’d been waiting for.

    He glanced at the time. Shoot, he needed to get going. If they wanted to get a jump start on the hunt, they’d need to be at the location on the map right at five.

    Charlie hurried into his room and changed into a ratty pair of pants and a t-shirt. Pulling on his most worn tennis shoes, he focused on remaining calm. It wouldn’t do any good to be anxious. Kristine knew him well enough by now to notice if something was up.

    He paused long enough to glance in the mirror and run a hand through his slightly outgrown hair. Charlie then snatched the ring box off the dresser and grabbed his jacket.

    He placed the box in his pocket and ran out the door. Chuckling, he hurried back inside, grabbed the flyer, and left again, locking the door behind him.

    The whole way to Kristine’s place, he kept checking the box. It was silly. His nerves were getting to him. By the end of the night, she’d be promised to him officially. A thrill shot through him. Kristine Livingston. Perfect.

    Charlie drove into the parking lot. He took a deep breath and got out of the car. Don’t give anything away. He could do that. He jogged up to her door, knocked twice, and shoved his hands in his pockets.

    Kristine swung open the door. She looked him up and down with a smirk. You sure dressed down tonight. Please tell me we aren’t going to get dirty. What is this secret date going to be? Yard work?

    Charlie entered the apartment and pulled her close. His hand cupped her cheek, and he brushed his lips over hers. Drawing back, he tapped her on the nose. You don’t get to find out ‘til we get there.

    She placed her hands on her hips. Well, you have to give me a hint. If I need to dress like I could go dumpster diving, the least you can do is confirm my suspicions.

    He laughed and pulled her into a hug. Dress comfortably, maybe in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. But that’s the only hint I can give you.

    She leaned into him, her head on his chest. So different than where they were a year ago. He kissed the top her head and then pushed her away. Get to it. We don’t want to be late.

    Kristine snickered. Late for taking out the trash? Hmm, seems like a pretty important date tonight.

    Charlie shook his head and watched her escape to her room. He patted his pocket again and blew out a long slow breath. His nerves were already shot. He clenched his fists to stop them from shaking. His nails dug into his skin, but it worked.

    Kristine came out in an old t-shirt and jeans. She spun for him. What do you think? Should I wear this the next time we have a show?

    He came close and slipped his arm around her waist. "You look beautiful in

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