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Moon and Magic: Minister's Grove, #2
Moon and Magic: Minister's Grove, #2
Moon and Magic: Minister's Grove, #2
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Moon and Magic: Minister's Grove, #2

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About this ebook

She won't stop until I'm dead.


Mother Florescu. Leader of a malevolent Coven, Posessor of my best friend, attempted killer of my hot new boyfriend, and heiress to the pentagram around my neck.


My grandmother was right. This conjurer, my auntie, will continue to haunt me until I'm dead just like what happened with my parents.


But she doesn't know my secret..

PublisherE.L. Jones
Release dateDec 17, 2021
Moon and Magic: Minister's Grove, #2

E.L. Jones

Elizabeth Lauren (E.L.) Jones is a mother to one little terror who keeps her on her toes. She's always loved books and have a soft spot for paranormal romance and fantasy genre. She is an introverted soul and on her spare time, loves to read various books, go on adventures with her little terror and her much taller husband, such as horse riding, snorkelling, kayaking and rock climbing, as well as watching different genre movies. She loves her coffee with no sugar and sitting by her deck taking in the soft breeze and fresh air.

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    Book preview

    Moon and Magic - E.L. Jones

    Chapter One

    Iris regains consciousness and discovers that she is on the side of a road. She clears her eyes and surveys the scene in front of her. Black skid marks lead all the way to the upturned truck lying in a smoking heap further down the road. The air is filled with the fumes of burnt rubber and leaking fuel. She props herself up on her arms and feels a stinging pain shooting through her arm. She carefully pulls up the sleeve of her greasy shirt to reveal large red bruises; lying back down she carefully straightens her arm to make sure there are no broken bones. She hears the sound of boots running towards her followed by Roman’s voice.

    Iris, Iris! He shakes her shoulders roughly with both hands, unaware of Iris’s blinking her eyes up at him. She can see his heaving breath and knows he’s probably still filled with adrenaline. The sudden movement hurts her shoulder though and she lets out a short cry of pain.

    I’m fine, I’m fine. She shakes free from his hands and looks up at him. She can make out a few cuts and grazes on his face and arms but the rest of him looks fine. Are you alright? she follows up the quick examination with her worried question.

    Just cuts and bruises. He looks at his arms and tries to rub some of the blood off his skin.

    Iris gingerly rises to her feet since they feel numb and sting with the pressure that she puts on them. She stumbles towards the truck and anxiously asks Roman, Sara? Where is she? Is she alright?

    Roman answers by pointing at a body that was lying in a recovery position just to her side. She got the worse of it.

    They both crouch down by her side. Iris can see a wooden splint tied roughly to support her broken arms. How bad it? she asks, concerned.

    The EMT’s are on the way. Roman looks away helplessly. She has two broken arms and possible internal injuries. I’m not sure.

    Iris can make out Sara’s short, shallow breaths. She can recall moments before the crash when Sara was possessed by her aunt. We’re in some deep shit, she tells Roman as they sit by the roadside, watching a few helpful motorists pull up.

    The plan didn’t work. We might have bitten off more than we can chew here, Iris. Roman has a defeated look on his face as the adrenaline begins to wear off. Watching Sara lying in a coma is distressing to both of them. Do you think she’ll make it? he asks with his head in his arms.

    The fear of losing Sara stirs something within Iris. Stop that nonsense. She will. She has to.

    She clutches the pentagram hanging around her neck and chants silently to the universe and her ancestors, hoping they will intervene to save Sara’s life.

    Chapter Two

    The glaring lights and the accompanying siren of the paramedics draw closer. She watches Sara while answering some questions from the concerned motorists gathered nearby. She handles the whole thing better than Roman who dismisses, and refuses, their help. He rushes towards the oncoming ambulance, frantically waving his arms. The paramedics rush out of the vehicle upon seeing his bloodied figure. They ask him to comply with their directions and try in vain to calm him down. He repeatedly tells them to have a look at Sara instead.

    Iris sees them finally rush to Sara’s side, to try to stabilize her condition. One of the paramedics heads towards Iris, saying something that was incoherent to her and begins to check on her wounds. A torch is shone on her face as another voice appears out of nowhere and instructs her to keep her eyes on a finger. The fatigue begins to catch up with her and her head suddenly feels lighter. Helping hands guide her into the back of the ambulance as the three of them are driven off to an unknown hospital.

    The voices become slurred and she feels an oxygen mask being fastened to her face. She continues to pass in and out of consciousness for the rest of the ride, seeing the blurred figures of the paramedics working on Sara each time she awakens.

    IN THE AMBULANCE, ROMAN watches as the paramedics attend to Iris and Sara. He hears one of them say Iris suffered a concussion. He couldn’t remember the exact events of the accident but it was very likely she had banged her head off of some surface. It was a wonder how she had even managed to hold herself together for so long after. Looking at himself, he knew he had fared better than both ladies. It was all because of his werewolf genes. He had suffered worse, and made many miraculous recoveries, over the years. The paramedics were surprised when they had first arrived on the scene and had to be convinced that he was also involved in the accident. They insisted on giving him a thorough checkup for internal wounds when they failed to find any telltale signs of injury. He assured them he was fine and directed their attention to Sara who took the worst of the accident. Roman’s paranoia slowly began to set in once they arrive at the hospital. He tries to make himself useful without disrupting the practiced hands of the staff.

    Sir, you’ll have to stay back, one of the nurses says in a

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