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Summary of Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop's Ten Women of the Bible Study Guide
Summary of Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop's Ten Women of the Bible Study Guide
Summary of Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop's Ten Women of the Bible Study Guide
Ebook55 pages33 minutes

Summary of Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop's Ten Women of the Bible Study Guide

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:

#1 Sarai is the reason we have a story about Hagar, Sarah’s maid, in the Bible. She was supposed to be in charge of getting the wife pregnant, but somehow this didn’t happen. Hagar ends up having a child by Abram. Sarah becomes pregnant, but before she knows it, she is visited by an angel who demands she sleep with Abram before he has a child (he’s old! He’s going to die soon!). Sarah refuses. The angel then gives her a choice: You may have anyone you want as a husband—but my servant Abram will have a son. Sarah says, No way—I want Abram. And the angel says, Okay, then I will give him your brother (Abram) as a husband. And that’s how we get two wives and one husband in the Bible. God had already intended this. In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses writes: When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, do not be afraid of them.

#2 Sarai and Abram have a child. Sarai is overjoyed. But fourteen years later, when the baby is born, and the family realizes it’s a boy, they have the same reaction as when the angel told them they would have a son: They laugh.

#3 God has always intended for us to have a husband and a wife. In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses writes: When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God who brought you up from the land of Egypt will help you defeat your enemies. Sarah’s childless life would test her childlike faith.

#4 God wanted to change history by giving Abraham and Sarah a child, but they couldn’t figure it out for fourteen years. God had always intended for them to have a husband and a wife. 2. What is the difference between integrity and security. How do you determine which one to chase.

PublisherIRB Media
Release dateSep 15, 2022
Summary of Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop's Ten Women of the Bible Study Guide

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    Book preview

    Summary of Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop's Ten Women of the Bible Study Guide - IRB Media

    Insights on Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop's Ten Women of the Bible Study Guide


    Insights from Chapter 1

    Insights from Chapter 2

    Insights from Chapter 3

    Insights from Chapter 4

    Insights from Chapter 5

    Insights from Chapter 6

    Insights from Chapter 7

    Insights from Chapter 8

    Insights from Chapter 9

    Insights from Chapter 1


    The story of Sarai and Abram is a prime example of how God can test us. When Sarai was unable to have children, she decided to take matters into her own hands and give Abram a son.


    The name Abraham was given to the baby boy when he was born fourteen years after the fact. He was a stubborn and wild donkey, according to his parents.


    As citizens of the kingdom of heaven, we are often surprised when God does the absurd, works miracles, and moves in unimaginable ways. We grow comfortable in a life that we see, touch, and manage on our smartphones. But Jesus said, Unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.


    Abram and Sarai were a married couple who were called to move to a strange land called Canaan. They were old, and the journey was difficult, but they responded positively.


    The covenant that God made with Abram was made between him and his descendants. Abram had to walk between two slaughtered animals, representing his own life, to signify his commitment to uphold his word.


    We start with I am. We start with remembering our shield and our great reward. We must never forget that the same God who spoke with, met with, and walked with Abraham wants to speak with, meet with, and walk with us.


    God can pay off your debt. Jesus has no personal debt, and he has been doing it for years. For proof, Paul pulls out a statement from the two-thousand-year-old file marked Abram of Ur.


    The story of Hagar and Sarai is a prime example of how outside of God’s plan things can go wrong. Hagar and Sarai began to despise each other, and Abram was caught in the middle. He eventually gave up trying to work it out and said, Do what you want with her.


    Sarai’s story is a reminder of God’s tolerance. If you ever need a reminder of how God can use you to change the world, just look at this couple. They made a lot of bad decisions, but God still credited their charge account and covered their debts.


    God had already forgiven Abram and Sarai for their mistake, since he knew they would one day need his forgiveness. He had provided for their blunder before they had even made the mistake.


    The story of Abraham and Sarah

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