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Social Media Musings: Book 3
Social Media Musings: Book 3
Social Media Musings: Book 3
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Social Media Musings: Book 3

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About this ebook

Since the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, I have posted numerous essays and other commentaries on Facebook. They are of varying length on matters of politics, law, history, and other subjects as well. My first book on social musings contains 142 Facebook posts. My second book is a continuation of my posts, an additional 118. This is my third book. I believe in an informed citizenry that relies on facts, logic, critical thinking, and reasoned judgment. It is hoped that the essay and commentaries in this my second book on this subject will inspire dialogue and further citizen involvement in their communities.
Release dateSep 18, 2022
Social Media Musings: Book 3

George Waas

George Waas is a former newspaper reporter and a retired 50-year member of the Florida Bar. He spent 32 years as a lawyer with the State of Florida, the last 24 with the Florida Attorney General’s Office. An award-winning lawyer, he argued cases at every level of the federal and Florida judiciary, including the United States Supreme Court. This is his tenth book, all published by AuthorHouse and are available from the publisher, as well as from Barnes and Noble and Amazon. He is married to Harriet Issner Waas and has two daughters, Lani (Hudgins) and Amy (Kinsey), and four grandchildren, Hailey and Kelsie (Lani) and Avery and Connor (Amy).

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    Social Media Musings - George Waas

    2022 George Waas. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/14/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-7089-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-7088-6 (e)

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    In 2022, I wrote a book titled Social Media Musings. In the introduction, I said I am the product of two professions driven by inquiry and skepticism, journalism, and law.

    I noted that both professions are founded upon logic, rational thinking, critical analysis, and sound judgment. So, when I see something that doesn’t make sense, defies logic, is irrational, or otherwise off-the-wall, I ask questions and search for answers.

    I also confessed that I am a Facebook junkie, although not necessarily enamored with social media. There is certainly far too much misinformation, flat-out wrong information, etc., being spread on social media. And we know that a lie travels around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes.

    In that book, I said that, for the most part, I kept my opinions to myself, or shared them with family and friends, until the January 6, 2021, attack on our nation’s capital. Since then, taking to heart the note on the Facebook page that says, What’s on your mind, I’ve posted my thoughts and opinions about various situations on a variety of subjects. Many of my posts are quite lengthy, solely because of the importance I place on fact, analysis, reason, logic, critical thinking, and sound judgment.

    I then included in my book, in chronological order from January 6, 2021, to February 2022, my posts on a variety of subjects, mostly—but certainly not all— on politics. Since that book was published in March 2022, I continued to post of Facebook, hoping to continue a national dialog on issues of great public importance, which resulted in Book 2, which was also published in 2022. But I didn’t stop there.

    Here is Book 3 of my social media musings on Facebook.


    Now that abortion is no longer a constitutional right, here is a simple solution that serves the interests of both the pro-choice and pro-life supporters.


    The Supreme Court’s decision doesn’t require the birth mother to actually care for the baby after birth. She can simply give it up for adoption. All she has to do is make it clear as early as possible that she doesn’t want to keep the baby. When she arrives at the hospital, or even if she delivers elsewhere, her declaration will be clear. And there are enough providers out there that will honor her declaration.

    Reproductive rights groups can easily make available to the community the names, addresses and phone numbers of all Evangelical churches in the area. They can even go online and find the names, home addresses and phone numbers of the church leaders. These folks are so pro-life and so rigidly Republican, they obviously believe in individual responsibility and accountability. They will surely step up and welcome these babies into their homes and churches. After all, since they burdened women who now can’t abort their fetuses, these churchgoers will step up to the plate and resolve the crisis they created through their rigid demands of their equally rigid politicians and justices. They created the problem; they’re on the hook for a solution. That’s the Republican mantra, right?

    Of course, we know these Bible thumpers are against any legislation that might provide a lifeline of assistance after birth, like childcare, tax credits, food programs, aid to new mothers, etc. Can’t have government intruding into our private lives, or have others pay for these women who happened to become pregnant with an unwanted child. Of course, government can intrude into the lives of women who want an abortion, but that really doesn’t count to these self-professed moralists on the extreme right.

    But it’s a new day now, thanks to the 27% rock-ribbed conservatives who oppose abortion at all costs. These folks are caring, loving, nurturing people who really can’t wait to take in these babies, and gleefully raise them to be future Evangelicals.

    And we know that, even if they are not of a mind to adopt, they will use their vast network of foster homes to provide loving care and nurturing until a permanent home is found.

    We can even extend this opportunity to the governors and legislators of the several states who’ve either outlawed abortion or are about to. Get those names, addresses and phone numbers and circulate them throughout these several states. Think of all those who will stand up, do the right thing and adopt these precious, wanted babies!

    And if you believe this, there is some great oceanfront property in Nebraska that’s your for a steal.


    If this coach prayed in his office, or in some private place, I would have no problem with that. But he chose to pray on the 50-yard line after a football game, with who knows how many in the stands. His students felt obligated to join him. In fact, this wasn’t an isolated situation. This coach routinely did this over an eight-year period, with students regularly joining him. There is at least a latent form of coach-student influence at play here. Further, school officials told him he couldn’t do this. The 50-yard line is not a proper place for personal, private prayer.

    Next time you’re in FSU’s Campbell Stadium, do you think you’ll see a Catholic, Muslim, etc., praying on the logo? Maybe the next time someone in the Donald Tucker Civic Center becomes so overwhelmed with the result of the game, he’ll go to mid-court and offer up a prayer of thanks for victory. Or maybe after the next baseball game on TV, the winning manager will go to the mound or home plate and offer up his thanks. The point here is that once religion gets its foot in the door, the rest of the body will follow. I fully understand that there are two sides involved here. Some see this as benign; I don’t. Others see it as the further blurring of the line between church and state; I do. Once they overlap, or they are absorbed into each other, when church and state become one, well, just look at Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.


    I remember Alexander Butterfield’s shocking testimony almost 50 years ago that President Nixon, under investigation for Watergate, taped his conversations. I thought that was the single most revelatory testimony about a crooked president in our nation’s history. Until June 28, 2022. Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows’ top aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, who testified before the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the capital, offered evidence that was beyond anything the best fiction writers could come up with about an unhinged, crooked president.

    Of course, this won’t change the opinions of the outlier MAGA kooks. And Trump’s diehard loyalists will no doubt double down and try to discredit her. Considering the support she is getting from former Trump White House staffers, attacking Hutchinson would be a mistake. Not that that would stop them.

    But with the new evidence of witness tampering, and with more revelations coming from the committee in the weeks ahead, the eggshell wrapped around Trump’s most loyal sycophants might begin to show signs of cracking. Thieves and crooks, to protect themselves, usually turn on each other. And then there’s the DOJ.

    It looks like Trump’s defense is going to be: Who are you gonna believe, an attractive, intelligent articulate woman privy to conversations among my closest, most ardent loyalists and a few turncoats who testified under oath; or a fact-denying, unhinged pathological liar and a few loyalists who are willing to go down with a sinking ship all of whom have refused to testify under oath. Really a tough choice—but not for sane Americans who believe in the Constitution, democracy and the rule of law.


    In 1974, after Richard Nixon resigned the presidency, his successor, Gerald Ford, issued Nixon a blanket pardon. This prevented Nixon from ever facing criminal charges, a jury of ordinary citizens and the prospects of jail time.

    Now, as evidence mounts against Donald Trump, with him no longer president, and with a democrat in the White House, the prospects of a presidential pardon to bail him out is not on the table. But there is a legitimate question that must be considered, especially since Trump faces charges not only at the federal level, but from states as well. Georgia and New York come immediately to mind.

    With the scope of possible charges far broader than what Nixon might have faced, the question is: Is Donald Trump too big to jail?

    If Trump is to be charged, that will be up to the Department of Justice. If he is charged with seditious conspiracy resulting from the mob attacking the capital, and obstruction of justice in seeking to prevent the orderly transition of power by certifying the Electoral College vote, and perhaps others, then what happens?

    Remember that, in Nixon’s case, the Supreme Court made it clear when he tried to block access to his White House tapes, that no man is above the law, not even the president. But back then, Nixon had lost not only in the Supreme Court, but in the Congress where he would have faced certain impeachment and conviction, and in the court of public opinion. All the walls had closed in on him.

    Times and circumstances are different now. Despite all of Trump’s demonstrated peccadillos and crimes, charging him and forcing him to face real jail time comes with real consequences. First, his diehard supporters and extreme loyalists will no doubt declare the filing of charges as nothing more than a partisan political attack against him.

    They will make Trump out to be a victim of the never Trumpers, a line he has been repeating every time pressure is applied to him. They will charge those who charge him with being part of a vast conspiracy to thwart the will of the people, the real patriots here. We’ve already seen this line of attack in full operation.

    Already his supporters are saying the House select committee’s hearings are nothing more than a planned, orchestrated show designed to paint Trump in a bad light. Of course, the capital attack was a planned event, and even a jury trial is a planned event involving the orderly selection and presentation of witnesses and evidence, but that doesn’t matter to the MAGA crowd hellbent on finding conspiracies wherever their minds take them.

    Then there’s the matter of the trial judge and jury selection.

    It will not be that easy to select a jury without at least one who might believe that all of the actions taken against Trump are so much noise and much ado about nothing. Recall that the Republican National Committee called January 6 just some supporters engaging in legitimate political discourse. That five law enforcement officers died, and over 140 were injured, is lost on, or means nothing to, the MAGA diehards.

    The real prospect of what we saw in the O.J. Simpson trial could well be repeated in a Trump trial: jury nullification. The jury could spend weeks listening to the testimony and simply return a verdict of not guilty in a matter of hours via a jury that effectively nullifies the evidence, testimony and ultimate accountability. For them, something about putting a former president behind bars is anathema; they simply won’t allow it.

    Then there’s the judge. A judge can influence the trial process by his/her handling of the jury selection process, or voir dire; evidentiary rulings, allowing testimony to be received but, more importantly, preventing evidence from ever reaching the jury’s eyes and ears; jury instructions, and even whether to let a case go to the jury. There have been criminal trials that have had overbearing judges influencing the outcome. The magnitude of a trial against Trump should be self-evident. So many careers will be made or broken by this. And Trump did appoint more than 200 federal judges at the trial and appellate levels. What are the chances one or more of the judges passing judgment will be a Trump appointee? Of course, many Trump appointees had no difficulty dismissing his rigged election lawsuits, but a trial against Trump himself is a completely different dynamic.

    Right now, the final decision to charge and prosecute lies with Attorney General Merrick Garland. A former judge, he will make every effort to assure that there is no stone unturned in making this decision. He will decide based on how airtight the case is, how strong and believable the witnesses are, and whether he believes he can get jurors to put aside their personal feelings and render a decision based solely on the evidence presented in court, and the judge’s instructions on the law.

    The prosecution lawyers will be the best and the brightest; Trump’s lawyers will be the best he can obtain. The stakes could not be higher.

    Of course, Garland could decide not to prosecute. Such a decision, however, will force further decisions about prosecuting Trump’s allies; those who aided and abetted January 6, those who asked for pardons, etc.

    And then, there would be outrage among those who believe no man is above the law and the rule of law applies equally to everyone. Everyone.

    Uneasy lies the head of the Attorney General of the United States. He is the first who will ask himself this question: Is Trump too big to jail?


    Our nation has a sordid history of race riots. Beginning with 1967, there have been dozens of race riots in hundreds of cities leading to hundreds of deaths and property destruction into the billions. The causes of these riots differ, but all involve claims, in one form or another, of police over aggressiveness and brutality.

    Below is a brief description of the major racial conflicts and riots since then. The purpose of this is not to show the expanse of this part of our nation’s history. Rather, it’s a result of far too many who seek to somehow dismiss or justify the January 6 assault on our nation’s capital by comparing the loss of life and property damage on that day to the greater numbers in these many riots. The causative factors demonstrate that there is simply no comparison.

    Following the 1967 riots, President Lyndon Johnson appointed a National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (the Kerner Commission) to investigate the violent disorders that had erupted in 15 U.S. cities, including Detroit, since 1965. The commission’s 1968 report cited white racism, discrimination, and poverty as among the causative factors and famously warned that our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.

    In the past few years, we learned the names of Freddie Gray, Michael Brown and George Floyd, as well as others. Much of what is in the Kerner Commission report remains valid today, regardless of how many attempts are being made to re-write or ignore our nation’s sad history on this subject.

    Those riots grew out of grievances over treatment of Blacks by law enforcement, mixed with poverty and a no way out mentality.

    Now contrast that with January 6. A president of the United States knew that his supporters were armed and were not going to harm him. He was hellbent on stopping the constitutionally mandated certification of the election results and the orderly transition of power. He instigated a riot at the nation’s capital to accomplish that singular purpose. People died and many were injured, including law enforcement. This president was aided and abetted by elected and appointed Republican Party officials and cronies, all of whom acted as they did based on a lie pitched repeatedly by this president. To this day, he continues to double down on his Big Lie.

    Those who rioted years ago were, to a large extent, fighting for those words that say, all men are created equal and equal justice under law. The inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When arrested without justification, without probable cause; when assaulted without instigation; when

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