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Wish Lists Lead to This: Leads to This, #2
Wish Lists Lead to This: Leads to This, #2
Wish Lists Lead to This: Leads to This, #2
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Wish Lists Lead to This: Leads to This, #2

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Whenever Seb wants to get something done, he makes a list, and he sets deadlines. He's been in Cape Town for 2 years and has yet to do all the touristy things the city has to offer, so he's set his 24th birthday as his deadline to do 100 things on the list he's come up with.


JJ's in a rut. He has no friends hates his job (working at a shirtless waiter at a gay bar isn't all it's cracked up to be), and is sick of one-night stands. After an awkward encounter with a former crush, JJ finds himself roped into helping Seb accomplish an item on his list – but plans change after he finds a box of abandoned kittens the day he's suppose to meet up with Seb.


When the two decide to foster the kittens together, they're both surprised at how well they get along, since on paper they're exact opposites – especially after their new budding friendship turns into something more complicated after JJ finds a secondary, secret list in the back of Seb's notebook...


Wish Lists Lead to This involves strangers to friends with benefits to lovers, a lot of pining, a dash of angst, an armful of kittens, and a HEA. This book is part of a shared-universe romance series, but each book can be read as a stand-alone. Roughly 88,000 words long. Contains mature themes.

Release dateOct 25, 2022
Wish Lists Lead to This: Leads to This, #2

Kay Claire

Kay Claire is an illustrator, comic creator and author from Cape Town, South Africa. When not doing art or writing they spend most of their waking hours reading, baking, looking after their plants and taking their dog for walks. If you enjoyed their books you might enjoy their ongoing webcomic Until Sunset, a contemporary fantasy romance available to read for free on Tapas and Webtoons, or as a PDF download on their GumRoad and Patreon. You can find all of Kay Claire’s social media sites here And if you’d like to see the art they’ve drawn of the characters from ARLTT, you can find that here

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    Wish Lists Lead to This - Kay Claire



    □  Go to a drag show

    I stared down at the page in front of me, frowning. There was one more thing I wanted to add, but what was it?

    Oh! I jotted down the idea quickly before I forgot it again. Then that seemed to unlock something in my subconscious, and I wrote down three more points. I was on a roll with this thing. 

    A knock came at my open door, and I looked up to see my roommate and one of my best friends, Zea, with their hands on either side of the frame, leaning into the room. 

    You ready to go? they asked. Zea's shoulder-length hair was dyed a dark pink on one side and a neon yellow on the other, and they'd spent an hour on it this afternoon, curling and teasing it, and then another hour doing their makeup, too. Tonight they were wearing a holographic crop-top under an oversized denim shirt, skin tight black jeans, and black platform shoes that made them six inches taller. 

    I stood up from my desk. Ready! I held my arms out so Zea could inspect my outfit. I'd put on a skin-tight sleeveless white turtleneck under my favourite piece of clothing I owned: an oversized baby pink denim jacket that I'd spent hours stitching patches onto, until it was more patches than visible denim at this point. I'd paired the look with acid-wash skinny jeans, my white platform vans, and done a simple makeup look of cat eyeliner and holographic lip gloss.

    Zea whistled. Veeeeery nice. No glasses tonight?

    I shook my head. I put in my last pair of contact lenses.

    You look cute. Zea came into the room and brushed a hand through my fringe. I kept my hair shaved short on the sides and longer up top, with a fringe pushed down over my forehead. Every time Zea dyed their hair a new colour they'd dye a section of my fringe with the leftovers - right now it was the same dark pink as the right side of their head. Ced and Rueb are already waiting for us downstairs, so let's get a move on! I just need to grab my bag.

    Cool, I'm ready! I grabbed my own bag – a Sailor Moon themed backpack made of white faux leather that had cat ears and a gold upside-down crescent moon on the front flap – from my bed and double checked that I had my mask, wallet, and keys in there, and had just hefted it over my shoulder when my eyes fell on the notebook on my desk. 

    I bit the inside of my lip, contemplating the blue glittery notebook for a second before I picked it up and shoved it into my backpack, along with a tiny gel pen, just in case. 

    I met up with Zea on the landing outside our rooms, and we headed downstairs where Cedric, our best friend and another of our roommates, was waiting for us with his boyfriend Rueben.

    I had moved into this house share two years ago, and Cedric and Zea had both already been living here at the time, along with Chelsea and Tamlyn, who both lived on the bottom floor. The first two months I’d barely managed to say a single word to any of them, outside of basic manners and pleasantries like, good morning, and, excuse me. At one point I was convinced that the whole move had been a huge mistake, and I’d never be able to make any friends here, and I should just pack up my stuff and head back to Joburg with my tail tucked between my legs in defeat, but...

    Well, then COVID hit, and there was a national lockdown on any kind of travel. Hell, we couldn’t even leave the house for anything other than grocery shopping for a while there at the beginning.

    Suddenly all five of us were stuck in this house 24/7, working from home (thank God we had fast wifi), and suddenly I was in a position where we weren’t just catching glimpses of each other on the landing or in the kitchen. We were always in the same space, and had to work as a team. It was finally the catalyst I needed to break out of my shell and talk to my roommates, and that had led to us all actually becoming friends.

    It helps that we had a few things in common, and that Zea was so persistent in becoming my friend. I bonded with them over the fact that we both really liked alternative fashion, and were both into anime. Cedric, Zea and I all had similar builds - just over average height, and lean. Zea was very excited about this fact, because they loved dressing up and taking photographs to share on their social media. They couldn’t order any new clothes during the worst part of lockdown, so I offered to lend them some of my stuff, and they were ecstatic. It’s gotten to the point now that the three of us are often swapping clothing – so much so that I’ve taken the liberty of getting labels made with each of our names on them and sewing them into our clothing, so we don’t forget what belongs to whom.

    Cedric had the most ordinary clothing style of the three of us. While Zea and I like to wear our colourful quirky clothes full time (the only thing I wasn’t shy about was my clothes) Cedric only really wore more eclectic outfits when we all went out together, like tonight. He'd borrowed a white crop top from Zea, and paired it with a pair of jeans that were more holes than they were fabric. He'd put a pair of micro fishnet stockings under them, visible in all the gaps, and thrown a black leather jacket over the whole thing. His makeup was a simple dark eyeliner look that made the bright green of his eyes really pop, and a high-sheen lip gloss. 

    Rueben was Cedric's childhood best friend who, as of a few months ago, was now Cedric's boyfriend. I was still a bit intimidated by his presence, but I was working on it. Rueben had tanned skin and a thousand freckles, and the most luscious curly brown hair I'd ever seen. He usually had it up in a messy bun, but tonight the locks were out and on full display. He'd put black eyeliner around his eyes, and was wearing a black leather jacket that matched Cedric’s over a red plaid shirt.

    You guys ready? Rueben asked, grinning at Zea and I as we hopped down the stairs.

    Yes! Zea exclaimed, jumping down the last two steps. First drag night of the year at Stud Muffins! I've missed this!

    I smiled, excitement bubbling inside me. I’d never been to a drag show before. Zea loved them, and knew most of the local drag queens personally, but there had only been a handful of drag shows in the last two years because of COVID, and I hadn’t been comfortable going to any of the ones Zea had gone to in the past few months. But case numbers were down at the moment, and we’d all gotten our booster shots recently, so when Zea had heard that Stud Muffins, a local gay bar and restaurant, was having its first drag night of 2022, we had all decided to make a night out of it.

    I'd never even been to a gay bar before I met these friends, let alone a drag show. It was funny how things could change. How I could have a favourite bar, and a favourite cocktail, and wear makeup and all my favourite pastel and gender-defying clothing out in public without fear, because I was part of a crowd. 

    I followed the group out the door and into our small front garden, where we all posed for photos and short video clips to capture our outfits and makeup. Rueben did most of the work photographing us, since he was a professional photographer. Cedric was the only one of all three of us in a relationship, so Zea liked to joke that Rueben was now our boyfriend, and thus the Instagram boyfriend to all three of us. Rueben just rolled his eyes with a grin every time they said it.

    I smiled as I watched Zea take the phone from Rueben and told him to pose with Cedric. The two of them made a cute couple. They'd been best friends for over half their lives, and even though they’d only been dating for four months they worked together like they’d been together a lot longer.

    Watching them, I always felt a pang of jealousy. Not because I had a crush on either of them or anything. No, I was just jealous of what they had together. I was jealous of what they’d had as best friends before they’d started dating, and now I was jealous of how perfect they were as a couple.

    I hoped one day I could have something like that.


    I startled out of my thoughts and turned to see Zea beckoning me closer. Come on! They said, We all want a selfie together!

    Oh, okay! I made my way over to them quickly, and when I got close Zea grabbed me around the waist, hauling me up against them. Rueben was holding the phone now, and was trying to angle it so he could fit all four of us into the shot.

    Say cheese! he said.

    Cheese! we unisoned.

    Rueben took the photo, and then another, and another, and another, until eventually Cedric shoved him and grabbed the phone away. This led to the two of them play wrestling with each other, while Zea cheered them on and I just stood to the side nervously.

    Ok, stop! Cedric eventually giggled, pulling out of Rueben’s grasp. You win! Can we just go already?

    Zea clapped their hands. Yes, please! We need to get there before all the best tables are taken!

    We all started to make our way over to Rueben’s car, me trailing behind as Cedric and Zea started up an argument about who was going to win the latest season of Drag Race. Even though I was a little further back from all of them, and not actually participating in their conversation, I couldn’t help smiling. For the first time in my life I was part of a friend group where I actually felt like I belonged.

    I thought about the list in my notebook again.

    Yeah, 2022 was going to be my year.



    □  Ask a waiter for their recommendation

    I dropped a pile of dishes off at the bussing station and ran a hand over my sweaty forehead. It was always so hot in Stud Muffins, the gay bar and restaurant I waited tables at. I guess they kept it hot so us waiters, who had to work shirtless, wouldn't be cold. 

    Or maybe it was so we'd be covered in sweat and glistening, so the patrons could further enjoy staring at us.

    Whatever the reason, I'd sweated through my mask already and I still had five hours on my shift. I'd have to head to the back to put on a new mask soon. 

    JJ, you've got a new table! Table seven!

    I turned and raised a hand in acknowledgement to the host, Mickey. Guess I'd go change my mask after taking their drink orders. 

    I headed out to the main floor. The restaurant was dressed up in an industrial style, bathed in bright neon shades of blue and purple. There was a bar along one wall, with a sign of the bar’s mascot – a muffin with big muscular arms and legs wearing a top hat and a tie – and a stage along another, where later tonight local drag queens would be performing.

    All of the tables were full tonight. People were excited for the performance, and were dressed in their best for it. A lot of people had come in their own homemade drag, with party store wigs and amateur makeup looks. 

    As I walked closer to table seven I could make out the people sitting there, and my heart lurched in my chest. Shit, I recognised them.

    I plastered a smile on my face, even though they wouldn’t be able to see it under my mask anyway, and squared my shoulders as I stopped next to the table.

    Hey guys! You ready to order drinks? I asked, my voice full of fake enthusiasm.

    The first person to recognise me was Zea. I’d met them a few months back at a braai, where we’d both been friends of a friend to the host. Zea was pretty cool. They were the kind of person that could make friends with anyone, and seemed to be comfortable in any situation. They seemed to know exactly who they were and what they wanted out of life, and I envied them for that.

    I wish I knew what I wanted in life. Maybe then I wouldn’t be twenty-seven and waiting tables, shirtless, in a gay bar where everyone took one look at me and just assumed I was straight and trying to trick them out of tips.


    JJ! Zea greeted me with enthusiasm, smiling up at me. I didn’t know you worked here! How are you?

    I’m great, thanks. I said, looking at them and only them, avoiding the other faces I recognised at the table. I wasn’t strong enough to look at them just yet. I’ve been working here for about a month or so. How are you?

    I’m fantastic! I’ve been looking forward to this drag night since I saw them announce it on Instagram a couple weeks ago. You ever been to one before?

    I, um. No, I haven’t. This will be the first drag show I’ve ever seen. I stammered out. I felt a little ashamed of the fact that I’d never seen one before, honestly. I was a few years away from turning thirty and had never seen a drag show – surely someone was going to take my gay card away from me for that.

    Zea’s smile broadened. "Oh my God, cool! Well, you’re gonna love Bunni Chou! She’s so funny. Zea hooked an arm around the neck of the guy sitting next to them, and pulled them forward. And we’ve got another drag virgin here tonight, too! Seb hasn’t been to a drag show before either."

    The guy Zea pulled into the conversation looks like a deer in headlights, his brown eyes wide in surprise, like he hadn’t expected that he’d have to actually participate in this conversation, and wasn’t prepared for how to handle it.

    Neither was I, honestly.

    Feeling sympathetic for him, and also wanting to just get their orders as fast as possible so I could go hide near the kitchen again, I tried to put an end to the conversation. That’s awesome! I said brightly. I hope you enjoy it! Why don’t I get you guys started on drinks before the show starts, huh? What would you like to order?

    Zea kissed the side of the head of the guy next to them, and released him. Yeah, sure! I’ll have a blueberry mojito please.

    I wrote down the order, then looked at the guy beside Zea expectantly, but he had his head buried in the menu, a blush high on his cheekbones and ears. Not ready to order yet, I guess.

    Shit. That meant I had to...

    I forced myself to look at the other half of the table. Um. I said, feeling like an idiot. Hey, Rueben. Uh, Cedric.

    Rueben Bekker looked up at me with a strained smile on his face. Next to him sat Cedric, his boyfriend, who was looking at me with a cocked eyebrow.

    Ugh. They were both so gorgeous. Rueben had his long curly hair out, loose and obviously styled with something to make it look all glossy and perfect. He had eyeliner ringing his eyes and a black leather jacket which made him look like the lead singer in a rock band. Cedric also had eyeliner and a leather jacket. They matched, and it was so fucking sweet it made my teeth ache.

    They were perfect for each other, and I wish I didn’t feel so bitter about that fact.

    Hey, JJ! I didn’t know you were working here. Do you like it? Rueben said, the smile still forced on his face.

    Um, yeah! Yeah, I do. I didn’t. Not really. But I couldn’t say that out loud. Not when I’m actually at work and anyone could hear me. Um, drink orders?

    Oh, yeah. Rueben glanced down at the menu again. I’m the designated driver tonight, so I’ll just get a Coke, please.

    Cedric squeezed Rueben’s arm where it was resting on the table. I’ll just get a beer, please. Whatever’s on tap.

    Okay, great! I stared down at my order pad as I wrote out their orders. Any reason not to look at them.

    I once had the hugest crush on Rueben. I still did. I think.


    I’d met him after a bunch of us had gone out drinking after a long day of surfing, and when I found out Rueben was gay I had gotten really hopeful that maybe we could be friends, because pretty much all of my friends were straight guys, and I would have loved to have a queer friend.

    All my plans to be his friend fell out the window the moment he’d given me an appraising look, head to toe, and a sideways smile, and asked me what my plans for the rest of the night were.

    We’d hooked up for a few months after that, though we’d never had anything more than hook-ups and a handful of drinks after surf meetups. And after COVID happened, I’d lost touch with him completely. The last time I’d seen him had been some time late last year. I’d been surprised to see him after so long, and had thought now’s my chance to finally ask him out for real, but then he’d told me he had started dating Cedric in the time we’d been apart, and, well.

    Here we are, I guess. The two of them, happily ever after, and me: alone, not dating anyone, and still no queer friends to my name.


    I still had to take the order of the last guy at the table before I could make my escape. I figured I’d just walk around the table to his side, instead of awkwardly standing next to Zea.

    This guy was the only person in the party that I hadn’t met before. He was cute. He had this oversized baby pink denim jacket on, and it was completely covered in embroidery patches. Some of them I recognised from anime – Studio Ghibli, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura – while others were just cute animals, hearts and sparkles, a little alien face surrounded by stars.

    Have you decided what you want? I asked him.

    He startled and turned toward me, probably thinking I was still over on the other side of the table. I felt bad for scaring him.

    He was a small guy. And I knew I wasn’t. I knew from firsthand experience how intimidating some of the smaller guys that came here could find me. Some of them were outright hostile towards me, like I couldn’t bully them if they bullied me first.

    I didn’t want this guy to feel intimidated by me, so I tried to shrink in on myself. Tucked in my shoulders close to my body.

    Um. He said. He looked at the menu, and then looked at me again. Um.

    Do you need more time to decide? I prompted, gently as I could.

    I felt bad for the guy. But I also really really wanted to get away from Rueben as soon as possible, so I could go lick my wounds in peace and then come back here and act like he hadn’t broken my heart on more than one occasion.

    No! he said, too quickly, and then bit his lip. Um. What – uh – what drink would you recommend?

    My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Usually it was only the really confident flirty guys that asked for recommendations.

    Really? You’re not going to get your usual? Zea asked.

    The guy turned towards her, biting his lip. Um, no. I think – I think I want to try something new?

    He turned to look at me again, and a wave of sympathy rushed over me. He’s obviously a very shy guy, but he’s putting himself out there to try something he hasn’t done before. Hell, Zea had said earlier that this was his first drag show, too. I definitely admire that in someone.

    I looked down at the menu in front of him, and suddenly knew exactly what he should get. The pink velvet martini. I said.

    The guy blinked at me, What?

    This one. I tapped the item on the menu. It’s kind of like an alcoholic milkshake, but it’s pretty good! Plus it’s a pale pink colour. It’ll match your jacket.

    The guy glanced down at his outfit, as if he’d forgotten what he was wearing, and then back up at me. His face was bright red. Oh! Um. Yes. That one sounds good. Please. He stammered out.

    Okay, great. I said with a smile. It was weird how suggesting a drink to him, and him actually ordering my suggestion, made me feel so... accomplished. I stood up straight, feeling less awkward than I had a few seconds ago, told them their drinks would be ready soon, before turning to leave.

    I can totally do this, I thought to myself as I walked away.

    I just had to get through the night.



    □  Try something new at a restaurant

    I watched the giant gorgeous jock waiter walk away from our table, and I wanted to die.

    Why was talking to other people so hard?

    Sooo, that was awkward. Zea said behind me.

    Right? Fuck, I hated that. Cedric agreed.

    I spun around. What? Really? Was I that bad?

    Could I just crawl under the table and never talk to another person ever again?

    Everyone else just blinked at me for a moment, stunned silent.

    What? No, Seb, you were fine! Honestly! It’s cool that you want to try something new from the bar, it’s always fun to branch out. Zea said reassuringly, pulling me forward so my head rested against their sternum.

    Fuck. I closed my eyes and sunk into their warmth. I wasn’t going to cry about the fact that I’d had an awkward interaction with an incredibly attractive shirtless waiter. I wasn’t.

    Zea stroked their long fingers through my hair, and it felt really nice.

    Really? Then what are you guys talking about?

    That’s the guy Rueben used to hook up with. The guy he lied to about dating Cedric, before he and Cedric actually started dating. Zea murmured.

    My eyes widened. "Wait, that was him?"

    This was something that happened late last year, which had kind of been the catalyst for Rueben and Cedric to start dating. From what I know of the story, the poor guy had asked Rueben if he was dating anyone and Rueben, wanting to avoid having to let this guy down if he tried to ask him out, had lied and said he was dating someone. There was this whole misunderstanding that Rueben was dating Cedric, and Zea found out about it after meeting JJ at a party, and when Cedric found out about it he had been pissed.

    And then they started dating, and it wasn’t a lie anymore.

    Do you think he still likes Rueben? I asked quietly, and Zea scoffed.

    Oh, one hundred percent.

    Rueben groaned. "I feel soooo baaaad."

    We’re going to have to give him a huge tip. Cedric said wryly.

    Oh, absolutely. Zea agreed.

    I hummed, and then pulled away from Zea again, looking down at the menu, though I wasn’t really seeing it. My fingers itched to take my notebook out and tick off the wish list item I’d just accomplished: ask a waiter for their recommendation.

    I bit my lip, glancing up at my friends. Should I tell them about the list? If I did, they could help me complete some of the stuff on it.

    I looked down at my phone. We had another twenty minutes until the drag show actually started. I had time...

    Okay, I was going to do this.

    With a slight tremor in my hands I picked up my backpack, and pulled the notebook out of it. Cedric, who was sitting across for me, immediately honed in on it. What you got there, Seb?

    I, um. I said, putting the notebook on the table in front of me and placing my hand on top of it, nervously aligning the edges so it was perpendicular to the edge of the table. So. Since COVID levels are down again, I decided I wanted to make a wish list of things I want to do. Like a bucket list, but without the dying part.

    Zea snorted out a laugh. Oooh, that sounds like fun. What do you have on it so far?

    I shrugged. Um. A lot of things? Some of them are really simple and easy to do, and others will involve some costs and planning.

    Cedric placed his hand on top of mine on the book, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Can we see the list?

    I reminded myself that these were the best friends I’ve ever had, and they wouldn’t make fun of me for this. And if they did make fun of it, then they would be laughing with me, not at me.

    So I pulled up all my courage and nodded. Yeah.

    I pushed the book closer to him, and Cedric spun it around to face him, opening it on the first page.

    Oh, God, this was a bad idea. This is so embarrassing!

    At least they won’t see the other list, I reminded myself. But oh, fuck, I hope the other list didn’t fall out of the back of the notebook. Then I would have to just blink out of existence immediately.

    Cedric started to read the list out loud so Rueben and Zea could hear

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