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Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth
Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth
Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth
Ebook92 pages59 minutes

Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth

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After the masterful return of Sherlock Holmes and finishing the cases of the murders of Ronald Adair and Raschy Cooper, as well as the confirmation of the disappearance of the heir to Alsace, the famous detective receives a strange gift from a publisher: the novel of Frankenstein, which he reads avidly in just two nights, but it has a hidden message that can lead to a new investigation.

A valuable book, The Secrets of Wealth, of which only one copy exists, was stolen from the safe, in the publisher's office, and it can be plagiarized and sold as an international best seller, in Europe and America, while the publisher has no way of proving that he owns the intellectual property rights.


First Part, Sherlock Holmes Is Obsessed With Frankenstein

Second Part, The Theft of a Valuable and Unique Book

Third Part, The Secrets of Wealth

Release dateSep 18, 2022
Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth

Rolando José Olivo Ing. de Sistemas con 3 postgrados: Maestría en Economía Aplicada, Diplomado en Gerencia General y Especialización en Gerencia de Programas Sociales (Summa Cum Laude).

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    Book preview

    Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth - Rolando José Olivo

    Sherlock Holmes Is Obsessed With Frankenstein

    This story took place during the last week of June 1894. What an inopportune time to engage in this kind of work! I will continue with the explanations… Good day, I am Dr. Watson, physician, researcher, assistant, biographer and writer of the adventures of the sensational Sherlock Holmes. I continue with my memory problems, derived from a strange incurable disease, diagnosed only by my detective friend. Although it has not prevented me from dedicating to my hard work and I even have too many issues that concern me intensely. In addition to this, I am still deeply affected and surprised. Nonetheless, I don´t know how to express this precisely, but I hope you can understand me. Two months ago, Sherlock Holmes returned from the beyond, however, he never was dead and fooled almost everyone, including me and several officers of Scotland Yard. I insist, the feeling of having something practically unrecoverable again is indescribable for the human mind. My thoughts are very confused. On the one hand, I have been extremely happy and optimistic, many of my immense concerns disappeared, and I regained the courage and strength to continue living. And on the other hand, in the bottom of my mind, I felt some disappointment and bitterness. How is it possible that my detective friend betrayed me in this way, making me suffer too much? And it was not for a few days or months. This mourning lasted three years! While his brother Mycroft and other agents of the secret service office, including Mrs. Watson, knew the truth. Time after time, I felt like a useful fool or a pawn in complicated political games. Of course, the audacious Sherlock Holmes explained me the situation about his personal safety, but I wasn´t convinced, and as on other occasions, I perceived that the relationship between the psychiatrist or doctor and the patient had been inverted, and I was a victim of the masterful machinations and unusual plans of Sherlock Holmes, being a kind of convalescent who he handled at his will.

    Returning to the initial reflection. Why were those days so inappropriate to tackle a new investigation? In addition to my delicate emotional state, affected by my neurological disease and the crazy things of my detective friend, this was due to the fact that we knew about an unfortunate death, that of the honorable Ronald Adair, explained in The Adventure of the Empty House, and recently worked on two murders. In this regard, the parliamentarian Raschy Cooper, chief of the liberal party, was liquidated during the night of May 23. Fortunately, the brilliant detective solved that case in a few hours. And we witness the strange death of Godfrey Norton, the powerful figurehead of the organization and owner of Alsace, an alleged suicide that occurred on June 11, which in the conspiring mind of my detective friend was classified as murder and unsolved crime.

    Of course, despite my limitations, I continue writing the stories of this great detective, and I am compiling the last two cases in an extensive novel entitled: The Big Secret of Sherlock Holmes and His Struggle Against the Organization. And as expected, it is my responsibility to tell the events of this last week of June.

    In addition to all these concerns, which stole my sleep, another additional element persisted. The woman! Obviously, in Godfrey Norton's strange death, his then-wife, somehow was involved. It was very strange that Irene Adler ran away the night before that alleged suicide. At that time, my main anxiety was that Sherlock Holmes, perhaps the most powerful thinking machine of all time, has involuted. He no longer called her the woman, rather he admired that criminal woman and wanted to be close to his adversary, whom he even unsuccessfully pursued in Scandinavia, while he was officially missing. First, he gave her the nickname of countess of crime, then he recognized that she is the golden lady, worthy to hold the position of any European queen. Nonetheless, the last time Irene Adler ran away, she left Sherlock Holmes a letter, in the hotel room she shared with her husband, demanding that her mob friends would not be disturbed and threatening to divulge his dark secret.

    Since then, I have noticed my friend Sherlock Holmes, extremely nervous and obsessed with finding Irene Adler, as soon as possible. Her passion was so great, that every time the famous detective read criminal news from European newspapers, he didn´t hesitate to relate her to those cases and many times, he has asked me to accompany him to look for her on the continent. My friend has also confessed me that just as the deceased professor James Moriarty had extraordinary mental powers, equal to his abilities, in the same way, the golden lady possesses a spark of those incredible psychic and mental faculties, which isn´t insignificant.

    In short, I am affected by a neurological problem, which I

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