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Joey's Girl
Joey's Girl
Joey's Girl
Ebook225 pages3 hours

Joey's Girl

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What would you do, if the one who got away resurfaced again after five years, and was now dating your best friend? Would you give up the love of your life for the sake of a friendship, or would you pick up from where you left off and try to reclaim your love?

The way Jordan sees it, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, but the only thing he knows for certain is that with time one of them is going to get hurt—will it be him, Tiana, or Joey?

Find out in Joey's Girl...

Release dateSep 20, 2022
Joey's Girl

Solsiré E. Felida

Solsiré "S.E." Felida, a native of Willemstad, Curaçao, writes in contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and paranormal genres. Growing up, she loved to read as many books as she could get her hands on, and began writing short stories and poetry at the early age of eleven.Her current work is Queen of Curaçao, Joey's Girl, and her next project Love, Music & Everything in Between is set to release next year.When Felida isn't curled up with a good book and a tall glass of wine, you can find her in the kitchen as she loves to cook, bake and pretty much everything else that has to do with food. Including planning and catering events for family and friends for special occasions. She intends on releasing a cookbook with her most delicious recipes someday soon. While she loves and misses the beautiful Island she calls home, she now resides in Holland with her husband and their three wonderful children.For more info, please visit

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    Book preview

    Joey's Girl - Solsiré E. Felida

    Part one

    Chapter one


    Jordan Fox was on high alert as he walked into his and Tiana’s favorite spot in SoHo, New York. He couldn’t wait to see her.

    Euphoria was a small, smokey underground café where up-and-coming musicians and poets showcased their talent. A bald woman who resembled Veronica from the hit show Empire appeared on stage with a guitar in hand. Her sultry voice demanded the crowd’s attention as she belted out the first lines of her rendition of Soldier of Love by Sade.

    Despite his anxiety, Jordan marched inside and took a seat at their usual table. Now that he’d gathered the courage to express his true feelings, there was no way he was going to chicken out—even though he didn’t want to lose their friendship of five years.

    His stress level flew through the roof when Tiana didn’t appear immediately, and he ended up biting his nails. Something he hadn’t done in years. Keeping his emotions in check was becoming harder every day; all he wanted was to get out of ‘the friend zone’ and build a life with the only woman he’d ever loved.

    Jordan’s mind raced to the moment he first saw Tiana Watson in senior year of high school. She’d moved from Curaçao to Idaho with her parents three days earlier, arriving on time for the first week of school. Jordan clearly remembered thinking she was one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen in his life. But as usual, he was far too shy to approach the exotic beauty.

    Grateful that she was running late, he ordered a shot of tequila and a cold Heineken from one of the servers to calm his nerves. Not that he was much of a drinker. In fact, two or three shots usually did the trick for him. Jordan gulped down his first shot eagerly and was ordering another when Tiana walked through the door.

    Her blue dress was stunning and left an impressive amount of cleavage on display. By the looks of it, she’d come straight from her date. A date he hoped hadn’t gone too well. Jordan always prayed for that outcome the few times Tiana gave some dude the time of day.

    Those guys could never love and treat her like I would.

    He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her to ‘the one’ while he resolved unfinished business with his ex-girlfriend, Ruby Anne. Luckily, that had been taken care of yesterday, leaving him with no more excuses.

    As Tiana walked over to him, his mind drifted briefly to Ruby. Jordan still couldn’t believe, that a week ago, Ruby had tried to poison him. It was the day after he’d told her he wasn’t feeling their relationship anymore …

    I’m sorry, Ruby. I really am, but your jealousy is spiraling out of control. Lately, all we do is fight. Not to mention that we haven’t slept in the same room for weeks. Why would you want to keep this up? he asked, pulling up a seat at their maroon breakfast bar.

    Rubbing his temples, Jordan tried to suppress the headache he felt coming on. There’s nothing going on between me and her, you of all people know that. I’m not that kind of person, neither is Tiana. She doesn’t even know why you hate her. Furthermore, you knew what the deal was from the very beginning. I never kept it a secret from you. Not once. Meeting you was a true blessing, and for a moment there, I really thought you could be the one for me.

    All in all, Ruby’s behavior already bothered Jordan before he found her in the kitchen, trying to spike his coffee with rat poison. The woman didn’t even show any signs of remorse.

    Her only response at that time was, Do you really think I would stoop so low as to kill you for wanting to leave me? For fuck’s sake, Jordan, it was an honest mistake. She smirked and barely contained her laughter.

    Hey, you, Tiana greeted Jordan, snapping him from his thoughts. So sorry for the hold up. My date couldn’t seem to take a hint. He spent over a half-hour trying to persuade me to go home with him. As if, she mocked, waggling her eyebrows. Would you mind explaining to me why men assume they’re going to get a little somethin’ at the end of the night, friend?

    There’s that word.

    First, I’m nothing like those guys, Ti. He set her straight, knowing she was only kidding. She, of all people, knew him better than that. He rose and pulled out a chair for her as he continued, second, you’re right; a few expect something in return after a date. Unfortunately, that’s how some guys are set up.

    Gently, he stroked her hand. Then again, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to be with someone like you? You’re stunning. On top of that … he stared into her eyes as he spoke to gauge her reaction, You’re without a doubt one of the kindest, most down-to-earth women I’ve ever met.

    Tiana’s eyes lit up, but those same words also made her blush. If you say so. She wriggled her nose and looked away, as if to shield her face from Jordan’s gaze.

    Look at me, Ti, Jordan requested softly, yet with enough authority in his voice to make her look him in the eye. I need to talk to you about something that’s been weighing heavily on my mind for quite some time now, it’s something I can’t keep to myself anymore.

    Jordan! she exclaimed, shifting in her seat. Just say it. God, is there something going on with Stacy, or your parents? You know I love those three as if they were my family, right?

    It’s nothing like that, he promised, trying to find his voice. The words he’d been dying to speak out loud, suddenly didn’t want to leave his mouth. Thoughts of losing Tiana over feelings he wasn’t even sure would be reciprocated took on a life of their own in the back of his mind, making him second guess himself all over again.

    Jordan’s hands turned cold and clammy, and his heart hammered in his chest. Tiana noticed it, too. How could she not, when he was still holding on to her hand as if it was his life preserver.

    She stroked his hand, sending shivers down his spine with her gentle touch. Well, what’s this about, then? she inquired impatiently. Spit it out already.

    Okay, okay. He caved, feeling a bit more sure of himself again. I love you, Tiana.

    She let go of him and covered her mouth with her left hand.

    Shit! Did I just fuck up our friendship?

    He didn’t know what to make of her response. All Jordan knew was that he needed to proceed. He took a deep breath and dove past the fear of rejection. The way I feel about you passed the friendship phase a long time ago. I adore you like a man adores a woman he wants to be with in every way.

    Jordan scanned the noisy cafe for a few seconds, and his newfound confidence gave him the courage to take what he’d started a step further. He leaned in close and kissed her lips, gently. While he’d fantasized many times about what it would feel like when he got to taste her lips, Jordan never expected their first kiss to be mind-blowing. The delicious, minty taste of her succulent lips left him wanting more when she pulled away shyly.

    Wow, was all Tiana managed at that moment, so he left her alone with her thoughts until she was ready to speak her mind.

    I feel the same way, she admitted, much to his surprise.

    What? Wait … what? Did you really say you feel the same way? Or am I hearing things? Jordan asked with a huge grin.

    Tiana, on the other hand, looked upset. I never dared to do anything about it, because I value what we have more than life itself. She took a deep breath, then continued, While it pains me to have to say this; we shouldn’t cross that line. She laid one hand over her heart. I’m sorry, losing you and our friendship is not an option. Not now, not ever.

    His face fell, like a kid who didn’t get the present he’d asked for on Christmas morning. Please, don’t do this, Ti. Don’t suppress your feelings out of fear that things might not work out. I love you, woman. It’s always been you for me.

    Aww ... come on now, Jordan. Please, don’t look at me like that. Your words mean the world to me. They really do, she admitted, fighting back tears. However, you of all people know of my poor track record with men. I don’t want to add you to the list. Besides, I’ve already come to terms with the fact that there’s no happy ending for me. She blinked hard, but her tears escaped as she scooted away from him. The reason I haven’t found Mr. Right yet is because he simply doesn’t exist. Not for me. I’m too damaged.

    Tiana stood and pushed her chair underneath the table. You’ve been by my side of it all. It’s not pretty, as you know. Why would you willingly put yourself through that mess? With that, she walked to the restroom, leaving him with unspoken words in his mouth.

    Jordan gulped his beer and followed her to the ladies’ room. He felt like a stalker, but he needed to let her know he was in it for the long haul, as much as she tried to scare him off.

    Jordan, Tiana stared at him in the mirror. What are you doing in here?

    Why are you running away from me? I’m not finished. Could you at least hear me out before you decide? he pleaded, closing the distance between them. He enveloped her in his arms from behind. I know you’re scared. Jordan sighed against her ear and couldn’t help noticing when she shivered. Hell, I am, too, he confessed.

    The only difference between us is that, unlike me, you’ve failed to realize that the only reason it never worked out with someone else is because we’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places. Jordan nuzzled her neck as he spoke. While it’s been staring us in the face all along. Releasing her from his grip, he turned Tiana around to face him.

    Deep down you know this is true. He rested one hand on her chest. Listen to your heart for once and take a chance on me. I won’t hurt you or end up on that list of yours.

    Are you sure you wanna go down this path? she asked, covering his hand with hers.

    Jordan nodded. I’d go down any road with you. Even if we crash and burn, it’ll still be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Please, say that you’ll give me a chance to prove you wrong?

    Without saying a word, Tiana pulled him close, and their lips united in a passionate kiss. That evening marked a new beginning for them, which led to their first date the next Friday.

    Chapter two


    As Tiana sat in her bedroom, applying the finishing touches on her makeup, she couldn’t believe this was happening. While she’d been in love with Jordan for as long as she could remember, Tiana always felt they shouldn’t go in that direction. Knowing her, she would screw it up and lose the only constant in her life.

    She didn’t have it easy growing up, her parents made it clear that she’d been a mistake. They only tolerated her because she had their blood running through her veins. Both of them were seventeen when she was born, which in their mind justified their resentment toward her. Not a day went by without them accusing her of ruining their lives.

    Her reflection in the mirror reminded her of the resemblance she shared with her mom. Her hands trembled as she put on her bijoux jewelry set. She drew a calming breath and centered herself.

    Her grandma wasn’t looking out for her either. She hated Tiana more than her parents, and blamed her for bringing her mother and father together. According to her grandma, Tiana’s mom used her to trap her dad into a shotgun marriage for money.

    You’re only in this world because your gold-digging mother doesn’t want to lose her personal ATM. Both of you have done nothing but hold my baby back from what was supposed to be a promising future, she’d screamed at eight-year-old Tiana, who was sobbing.

    God, I hate that bitch so much. And you’re no picnic either, ungrateful piece of shit. You better get out of my face with that weak crying of yours. Go clean up the bathroom … now.

    Tiana didn’t go to her funeral when she died. Why would she? The woman never behaved like a grandma she used to envy other girls for having.

    She shook her head. Maybe if she’d cared, I wouldn’t have tried to take my own life growing up.

    Perhaps having someone on her side would’ve made a difference. Apart from her grandma, she didn’t know any other relatives. For some reason, her parents had cut ties with everyone on both sides.

    The last time Tiana tried to end it, Jordan found and rushed her to the hospital. That was by far the worst mental breakdown she’d ever had, showing her that change was needed. Jordan and his parents moved heaven and earth to provide Tiana with a dependable lawyer who could help emancipate her from her parents by moving into a halfway house called The Serenity Inn.

    The day the judge ruled in Tiana’s favor was the best one of her life. Not having to return home gave her the push she needed to keep fighting against depression.

    Tiana could leave the halfway house when she turned twenty-one, which was only a day away. Since she didn’t have a steady job, Jordan offered to take her in until she found better employment.

    Reminiscing about those days always led to tears, so Tiana redirected her thoughts as she listened to If This Isn’t Love by Jennifer Hudson on the radio. Smiling at her reflection in the mirror, Tiana had to admit she shared Jennifer’s sentiments when it came to Jordan.

    A knock on her door snapped Tiana out of her thoughts. Thinking it was her pesky roommate, she turned and yelled, I’m not ready. Come back later.

    Whoever it was didn’t budge, but continued knocking.

    Annoyed, Tiana rose to her feet and went to open the door. Instead of finding Davina on the other side, Jordan stood waiting. He looked the part for their date, too, dressed in a black blazer with matching slacks.

    Gazing into his ocean-blue eyes, she felt butterflies floating around her stomach. Jordan was 5’9 and built like an athlete. He worked out in his spare time, and had a six-pack to show for it. His brown mane was always groomed to perfection in a slicked back hairstyle.

    Why the long face, Ti? Did you get into it with Davina? he asked, making his way inside.

    Tiana shook her head, not wanting to tell him about her trip down memory lane.

    Fine, if that’s the way you wanna go about it, be my guest, Jordan said, looking right through her I. Know that I’m here for you; nothing is ever going to change that. Let’s get out of here. I have a town car waiting for us downstairs. I swear, by the end of this evening all you’ll wanna do is ... He paused and gently brushed his succulent, plump lips against Tiana’s before he continued, Nope, I’m going to let you figure it out on your own.

    Jordan! Tiana exclaimed, as they approached Flashback—the dinner theater she’d been dying to go to, ever since it opened its doors. While she could appreciate his efforts, it didn’t feel right to let him spend that kind of money on her. Simply because it wasn’t necessary. She would’ve enjoyed his company the same at a cheaper place.

    He gently pressed his fingers to her lips. Don’t worry, Ti. I got this, baby. You deserve nothing but the best, and tonight that’s exactly what you’ll be getting.

    Flashback’s interior resembled the movie Moulin Rouge’s

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