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Mirror Image and Other Tales
Mirror Image and Other Tales
Mirror Image and Other Tales
Ebook41 pages34 minutes

Mirror Image and Other Tales

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About this ebook

MIRROR IMAGE AND OTHER TALES by J. Penelope Baker is a debut collection of seven short stories.
In "Mirror Image," Ella attends the royal ball and attempts to save the prince from a magical being bent on his destruction.
A pre-dawn jog results in harrowing trip down memory lane for one woman in "Message from a Bottle."
Miranda finally confronts her father about a lifetime of selfishness after a family funeral in "Plastic Cup."

Release dateOct 11, 2022
Mirror Image and Other Tales

J. Penelope Baker

J. Penelope Baker is a novelist who writes in the high and low fantasy, YA contemporary coming-of-age, and YA fantasy genres. She is earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Full Sail University, where she is a member of the creative writing club. At home, she has the sweetest black cat called Darth Vader (D.V.), who demands lots of pets and scritches. When she isn’t giving her cat all her attention, she enjoys reading novels and playing simulation games, like Stardew Valley and the Sims 4.

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    Mirror Image and Other Tales - J. Penelope Baker

    Mirror Image and Other Tales

    J. Penelope Baker

    Copyright © J. Penelope Baker, 2022

    All Rights Reserved

    First Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Editions, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only, then return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Table of Contents



    Mirror Image

    A Magic Fix

    The Princess and the Dragon

    Message from a Bottle

    Clio’s Monster

    Plastic Cup

    A Cup of Lemonade

    About the Author


    This collection is dedicated to my parents. Thank you both for being there for me through my highs and lows, and thank you for providing me with love and support as I took the exceedingly meandering path that lead me to where I am now.


    Thank you for downloading this eBook. This is a collection of my favorite short stories that I have produced so far while earning my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in creative writing. I hope you enjoy your reading experience.

    Mirror Image

    Ella and the prince stopped near a large reflecting pool perfectly capturing the night sky. The prince sat on the marble edge and gestured for Ella to start.

    Okay, this may sound crazy, but your life is in danger. This… powerful thing plans to kill you. Tonight. Ella paused, trying to gauge his reaction.

    What? He shook his head. How do you know this? He scanned his surroundings, searching the night for waiting enemies. Are you working with them?

    No! Ella clenched her fists in irritation. How dare he accuse me, the one who’s risking everything, of working with—

    Well, hello, Ella dear, a sickeningly sweet voice cooed.

    Rising from the pool was a human silhouette of glass and starlight. It bared its teeth in a semblance of a smile. Then, it blinked, changing its supernatural appearance into the façade that had tricked Ella. In its place was an older woman, with her greying hair swept back and gentle wrinkles etched into her face. She wore a simple dress and a kind smile—but her eyes remained inhuman, a glowing shade of green too bright, mimicking the orchids Ella’s mother had grown once upon a time.

    The prince backed up. I suppose this is the being that wants to kill me?

    Yup, Ella breathed.

    What is it?

    I don’t know. She lives in mirrors and channels magic. That’s all I know.

    What’s wrong, my dears? the thing called out. "Were you

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