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Jasper and the World Tribulation
Jasper and the World Tribulation
Jasper and the World Tribulation
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Jasper and the World Tribulation

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After the previous novel (Jasper and the Guiding Light - Book 3) ended with the rapture of all Christians to Heaven with the Christ, this fourth installment (Jasper and the World Tribulation) begins at day one of the prophesy of the Apostle John as depicted in the book of Revelation from the Holy Bible.
As the Antichrist rises to power, so too does an A.I. computerized robot. They compete for a presidential position as they strive to rule the world.
Jasper is caught up in the middle of everything while trapped in the body of a red demon. A struggle to maintain peace and prosperity is undermined by evil rulers who have conflicting, self-serving agendas. Depopulating the world and controlling people is at the top of the world leader’s goals, but they are all caught off guard when God, Himself, moves and displays His anger and wrath and brings about an unavoidable World Tribulation.
This two part story is Jasper’s final quest, ending the entire epic series. After these things the earth will never be the same.

Release dateSep 16, 2022
Jasper and the World Tribulation

Robert A. Hunt

Robert A. Hunt resides in British Columbia, Canada with his wife and five children. He is the author of the thirteen published titles, including the Genation series, Jasper series and Sasquatch stand alone Legend series and a fun short story. He enjoys writing adventurous tales like science fiction, fantasy and historical fiction They remain unpredictable with new perspectives and clever story twists that distinguish, Robert A. Hunt as an author.

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    Jasper and the World Tribulation - Robert A. Hunt

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. No attempt to add or subtract from our formal theology has been made. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This story was written based off the scriptures of the Holy Bible, however, if your interpretation differs, that’s fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but keep in mind the author’s purpose was foremost to entertain within fictional realm and to arouse discussion.

    This world of Jasper is set in a fictitious universe so towns and cities might sound like places we know, but geographically they don’t exist. It was not the author’s intent to create real stories for real places, or even for a particular time.

    It is not the author’s aim to make anyone upset by what is written in any of the Jasper books or any of his other books, but what he hopes to do is cause people to think.


    This novel is dedicated to my father in law, Ole. Your interest in the tribulation in the biblical book of Revelation was a huge [art in motivating me to write this two part, fourth novel. Our deep conversations during long walks have stuck with me throughout the years. Thanks again for your passion, understanding and unwavering faithfulness in the Lord God Almighty. You are a true jewel of the earth.


    Jasper and the World Tribulation

    Part 1

    Table of Contents

    Smashwords Edition License Notes



    Table of Contents

    Author’s Note

    Author’s Testimony


    Chapter 1 So Begins the Age of Judgement.

    Chapter 2 Ceramecy

    Chapter 3 The Second Presidential Debate

    Chapter 4 Neffy

    Chapter 5 President Jedediah

    Chapter 6 The Ceramecy Caves

    Chapter 7 The First Seal and the White Rider

    Chapter 8 The Two Witnesses

    Chapter 9 Ceramecy Gherm and Neffy

    Chapter 10 Death and Fire

    Chapter 11 The Underground

    Chapter 12 The Second Seal and the Red Horseman

    Chapter 13 Jerusalem Bound

    Chapter 14 The Mark of God

    Chapter 15 The Third Seal and the Black Horseman

    Chapter 16 The Fourth Seal and the Pale Horseman

    Chapter 17 The Fifth Seal and the Souls Under the Altar

    Chapter 18 Chips

    Chapter 19 The Sixth Seal

    Chapter 20 The Seventh Seal and the Golden Censer

    Chapter 21 Wilson Blows the First Trumpet

    Chapter 22 The Second Trumpet and a Mountain Thrown into the Sea.

    Chapter 23 The Third Trumpet and the Star Wormwood

    Chapter 24 The Castle of Night on Earth

    Chapter 25 The Fourth Trumpet and the Loss of a Third

    Chapter 26 The Fifth Trumpet and the Plague of locusts

    Chapter 27 Sixth Trumpet and the Release of the Four Angels

    Chapter 28 Wrath of the Four Angels

    Chapter 29 EMP Gauntlet

    Chapter 30 The Eviction Begins

    Chapter 31 Satan – The Monstrous Red Dragon

    Chapter 32 The Seventh Trumpet

    Jasper And The World Tribulation

    Part 2

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 The Abomination that Causes Desolation

    Chapter 2 No Stop for Death

    Chapter 3 The War in Heaven

    Chapter 4 The Real War in Heaven

    Chapter 5 The Unholy Trinity

    Chapter 6 A Great Fall from Grace

    Chapter 7 The First Bowl and the Other Jesus

    Chapter 8 The Haunted Vatican

    Chapter 9 The Secret Catacombs of the Vatican

    Chapter 10 Jedediah’s Behemoth M7 Migaloo Super Submarine

    Chapter 11 The Leviathan

    Chapter 12 The Second Bowl Turns the Sea into the Blood of a Deadman

    Chapter 13 The Third Bowl Causes All Fresh Water to Become like Blood

    Chapter 14 The Forth Bowl - The Sun Scorches the Earth

    Chapter 15 Subterranean Facilities

    Chapter 16 The Fifth Bowl Brings Darkness

    Chapter 17 The Sixth Bowl and the Three Evil Frog Spirits

    Chapter 18 Three Demon Frogs

    Chapter 19 Armageddon

    Chapter 20 The Mountain of Gold

    Chapter 21 Jezebel

    Chapter 22 The Great Winepress of God’s Wrath

    Chapter 23 The Seventh Bowl and God’s Great Hailstorm

    Chapter 24 The Return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

    Chapter 25 The Wrath of Christ

    Chapter 26 Satan Casted into the Abyss of Darkness

    Peace Be with You

    Bonus Story The Millennium

    A Simple Prayer

    Touch an Angel or be touched by an Angel.








    Jasper & Jade

    The Author’s final thought

    About the Author


    The 4X8 Jesus painting of Jesus the Christ

    Jasper 4

    The World Tribulation

    Book 4

    Parts 1 & 2

    By Robert A. Hunt

    Author’s Note

    THE IDEAS AND CONCEPTS put forth in this book are my fictional imagination. I know some of the concepts I used will not be shared by others. For instance, I know the bible describes layers to heaven, like the first second and third heaven, but I decided to simplify some of the teachings in favor of the telling of the story.

    I have never actually found a female angel mentioned in the bible.

    Also, Jasper doesn’t go on a long spiritual journey of learning basic Christian concepts as I have, because that would be to slow for the story I envisioned to tell. Instead, he meets seven angels, immediately believes, and is propelled into a story narrative that yanks the reader behind the curtains of God’s mysteries.

    Another concept I toyed with was to make Jasper become a demon. This in actuality is no more possible than turning Jasper into an angel. I don’t believe this would be possible, but for the sake of the story, I loved this idea. It allowed me to break Jasper out of his good guy mold, created tension and made him more interesting with a very real spiritual struggle that I believe people will be able to connect to. Because people strive to be perfect and good, it is true that no one has actually been able to pull it off except through convincing themselves that they are better or smarter than everyone else. Don’t kid yourself. You are a miserable worm like the rest of us and only through God can you hope to find any form of deliverance. The way God sees us isn’t the way we see ourselves.

    Do your best and trust in God’s mighty hands. Let His will be done and seek what it is He would have you do.

    ~Robert A. Hunt~

    Author’s Testimony

    I FELT I SHOULD share with you, my readers, something that is rather personal about myself. The reason I felt compelled to write this story is; it stems from me looking for an escapism in life and me trying to figure things out for myself. I’m going to try to explain what being a Christian means to me.

    When I look at the world, I see an earthen people who are not like the heavenly folks who reside in heaven. Who of you think you can be who you are in this world and carry it onward to the next? Are you perfect? What is it to be perfect? If Christ is perfect, then perhaps we should be Christ-like. To be Christ-like means we must study and emulate who Christ was.

    There are those who are sleepers and those who are awake in the Lord. To be awake in the Lord is to live like someone has flip a switch on inside of you. When someone sees or experiences something compelling, that supports a faith-based belief in God, they are spiritually turned on. Some stay turned on and get brighter and brighter, but others fade by the distractions of this world.

    God is the creator of this world and He created it to be exactly the way it is. How people decide to function in God’s matrix is up to the individual. I have connected the dots using good common sense to peel back the layers and see this life for what it truly is.

    What would God say to you and to me? When I read the bible I realized what was recorded was beyond the scope of man. Of course, it is contained in a book. If someone wants to search for God, the bible would seem to be the logical route. If God was on earth, walking and talking with people, He would likely end up repeating Himself over and over to each person He comes in contact with, so for those who want to know what He has to say; read. Or as Jesus has said; Seek and you will find.

    I stood up in a church at the end of a Christmas production and dedicated my life to the Lord. I was eighteen years old at the time. I am fifty now and my light is still flipped on, yes I am truly awake.

    You can tell when someone is awake or not. A true Christian can’t help but to share the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. People think they can get to heaven without Jesus, but Jesus made it clear, John 14:6 - Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

    John 15:10 – If you keep My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commands and remain in His love.

    Do you really want to gamble with eternity? You think you can go to heaven on your own merit? Why not read what the bible quotes that Jesus has said. Pray to Him and show that you care. Jesus asks us to do so very little to go to heaven. What point is there in excluding Jesus from your life? Cover the bases and I’ll see you in heaven.

    I was told to begin reading the bible at the beginning of the New Testament (The book of Matthew). It didn’t make sense to begin at the middle, but I did. The bible I was gifted had red writing in it where ever scripture was a direct quote from Jesus. I have to admit, anything Jesus says turned out to be the cream of the crop. I was discouraged when the words went back to black which was for narration of everything else.

    Holding onto the excitement of God at Christmas time was an incredible experience and I tried to hold onto the magical feeling I was swept up into for as long as I could.

    I hope you can all have this experience too.

    In God’s great love I pray for you all, amen.

    ~Robert. A. Hunt~


    The following book descriptions are key points from the former three novels;

    Book 1

    After an angel accidentally opens one of heaven’s gates, he calls six of his angelic friends for advice to close it. From a moment of curiosity about earth in the distance, they venture a little closer for a better look. Unfortunately, they end up trapped outside the great gate.

    Meanwhile, a young man, Jasper, experiences a terrible accident at work that renders him blind. After discovering he has the ability to see spirits, ghosts, demons and angels, he befriends the Seven. After being guided on adventures and confronting the insufferable six demons, Jasper is led to solve the earth’s climate change problem.

    Book 2

    Many nations are at war. It all started over climate change blame and responsibility for correctional efforts. The various wars escalated quickly. Everyone is only interested in helping themselves. The Apostle John assists Jasper and the Seven angels to figure out a great mystery concerning Death. A world wide movement of faith occurs as images of heaven and angels is revealed to the public.

    Meanwhile, the Seven angels join the army with the human; Jade. Finally, Death is exposed and what comes of this blows everyone’s mind.

    Book 3

    A holy book, penned by the hand of God, is stolen. When Jasper is punished for this theft, he is punished. His spirit is disfigured until he looks like a demon, then he is cast out of heaven.

    The Seven angels end up lost in the far reaches of space beyond the stars where they too become demons.

    A Warlock conjures demons into the world of the earth with physical form, then he sets them all free on Halloween night. Time is running out to make things right, but to do so, everyone needs to find and follow their own guiding light.

    Book 4

    Jasper and the World Tribulation

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    So Begins the Age of Judgement

    DESTRUCTION AND EMINENT DESOLATION was his trying situation. The blue devil; Nero, with the appearance of a dark blue furred werewolf with ram’s horns, couldn’t imagine living a worse situation.

    Recalling the moment his leader, the white devil, transfigured his spiritual self into a ghostly white cloak before slipping out of the castle of night, he had a knack for survival. He knew the way out? How? When? Did he know this secret the whole time?

    Having the spirit of Nero with him, not only was the blue devil trapped within a rock of Chrisanthenite, (the only known substance a spirit cannot pass through.) but the entire castle turned prison tumbled toward an immense black hole.

    The abominable spirits of a legion of outcast Nephilim race scattered about in a mad panic calling for the white devil to save them. None of their prayers or desperate shouts were answered. Few knew of the recent departure of the white devil.

    An abrupt explosion rocked the entire meteor-like castle.

    What was that?! asked the Nephilim ghost of Ukraniel.

    Is it not bad enough a black hole will soon tear us apart? Must we be blown up first? asked Gibbor in disbelief.

    Another explosion threatened to crack the castle like an egg. It was so jarring. Then came another and another. A thought crossed Nero’s mind, Perhaps, it is the white devil outside! He hadn’t yet realized he was the next in charge.

    This outward thought caught the attention of a few of the nearby Nephilim.

    Maybe he is trying to push us away from the black hole. Gadnaki suggested.

    With a roar, Gath barked, Maybe we will be saved after all! It was a fine idea to believe in for a while, but as time went on without any further explosions, it was clear there was something else at work… something more destructive and fearsome.

    A sick feeling trembled the blue devil’s widening third eye as he realized this was the end. ‘We were cast away and lost to deep space for generations and abandoned by God, but that wasn’t good enough? It looks like the maw of the swirling black hole will be our utter end.’

    From a flash of arcing electrical light, a strange icon of sorts weightlessly summersaulted past his field of vision. It was the famed Book of God.

    The blue devil’s first notion was, ‘This isn’t a good time to start reading a book.’ But why not? He really had nothing better to do. ‘Should I simply give myself to the thralls of my deathly situation? Should I cower as I await my doom?’ Setting his yellow eyes on the Book of God again, ‘Might as well take a look into the mind of God. Who knows, maybe there’s something that’ll jump out at me and spark a thought of hope?’ then he had a second thought, ‘Nope. No good. It’s just too dark to read anything in this place.’ But as the blue devil stared, disgruntled and blindly, into the pages of the book, the words therein began to glow with a light of their own. At that point, despite the craziness of chaos building around him, Nero read, Let there be light!

    With that said, the darkness crowded in once more, and he began to close the book. Then the slightly open pages from the Book of God exploded forth with light. It was the most intense light too; as bright and intense as the sun at mid-day. Reopening the book, light brightened the dark dungeon halls of the castle of night for the first time. The light from every written word of those open pages stretched out from the paper with power.

    Squinting his eyes, Nero forced himself to peer into the bright pages once again. ‘Surely this is a wondrous book.’ There he read the words, ‘Go in peace. Your journey has the Lord’s approval.’

    Suddenly, the entire castle jarred to a stop. It no longer tumbled toward the black hole and instead, changed direction and began moving away from the swirling maw of destruction. Smashing through the asteroid field, the castle of night caused the fragments of space rock to get caught up in its trajectory. Other asteroid fragments were caught up in the castle’s spires as it began to incrementally pick up speed.

    While holding the Book of God open before him and basking in the holy light, Nero began to experience a few different things. Once he was in an open-eyed trance, induced by the power he was enveloped in from the book, he began to spiritually reach out beyond the confines of the castle’s Chrisanthenite walls. This was something no one, within the castle of night, could achieve before.

    Focusing his mind on his lord, the white devil, he was surprised to discover how he was able to follow their visitants undetected. He had tricked Jasper into thinking he was a white cloak.

    After Jasper, archangel Shelton and the Seven had successfully reached earth, and at the time when they were entering the mirror, the white devil received the telepathic linkage to the blue devil. A great deal of time and effort was spent in their communications as the two devised plans to bring their distant worlds together. They relied heavily on their understanding of physics. Calculating the space between space, the white devil and the blue devil focussed their wills to slip the castle of night through a shortcut through the stars. They increased the castle’s speed surpassing time and space.

    Suddenly aware of the great powers that the white devil was conjuring, Satan recognized how it rivalled his own. Recognizing his son, the white devil, had returned, the Devil was a confused rat’s nest if emotions. On one hand he was quite happy to have his son back, but he was also reminded of his undermining treachery, so many eons ago. Satan found himself baffled and uncertain what to feel.

    The impossible had been achieved. Though under great strain and stress, the white devil, likewise, felt his father’s presence. He hated his deceitful father, that red dragon. As the historical memories of countless betrayals arose in his mind, like the rising of the dead, each one cut deep. Upon knowing Satan was drawing near, his hurts felt like they were reopening.

    The last betrayal which led to the white devil’s banishment from earth pained him the most. Wishing he could avoid Satan, he soon realized this won’t be possible. In a final twist of fate, the white devil managed to plead, Father… help me … My kingdom is in my grasp, only it’s so very far away, help me to pull it to earth and I will give it to you… Consider all of my accumulated treasures yours… Let thy kingdom come before God’s new Jerusalem descends from the heavens to earth… Do you see the wisdom in this?…

    Satan was about to scold his son and mock him just for the humour of it, but after giving it a second thought, he decided, for once, he would agree with the white devil. "Fine... seeing you are as weak as you are, I will bring your... er… my kingdom to the earth!" Using unforeseen powers of the deepest and darkest arts, Satan joined the telepathic link. When he beheld the castle, he could find no trickery in his son’s claim.

    Nero’s mind touched Satan’s as well. Countless memories of age old strife were stirred up. Nero knew Satan well. Nevertheless, he explained, ‘Father Satana, I must cut to the chase! We’re slipping from a sweet spot of a massive black hole’s event horizon. We are on our way home, but because of our great distance even our shortcuts through space will prolong our arrival by many human generations.’

    That will not do… Satan thought about this. He was impatient knowing his own time on earth was drawing short. In a desperate reach for power, knowing the powerful spirits of the Nephilim were in the castle of night, he decided, ‘I will have to steal some of God’s power to pull this off.’ Who is in your company, Blue?! Satan’s words dripped like acidic drool as he sought confirmation.

    Lord, I am with many Nephilim!’ came the blue devil’s desperate psychic words.

    Nephilim? Satan’s yellow eyes flashed and arose as his dream-like thoughts trailed off.

    Abruptly, the desperate thoughts of the blue devil cut in. ‘Our telekinetic propulsion is running at full speed. Any distraction on your part could cause us to be knocked off course or our forward pull could simply cease. I don’t have the strength to save this castle on my own. Once devoid of your assistance, we could be lost to the cosmos forever.’

    Taking the initiative to secure a safe passage, Satan set forth establishing a series of portals for the massive object to pass through to quicken its journey toward earth. It was a complicated endeavour, so he had to get started right away.

    Days following this moment, on earth, people reeled as they tried to make sense of the mystery behind the sudden mass disappearance of people around the globe. There were no solid scientific answers from Governing officials to explain what just happened. Amidst the confusion and tears people cried out in the confusion. It was common to hear reports of the babies who had disappeared along with most, if not all, the small children. Random households consisting of entire families, also vanished with no clue.

    In total, around the world, it was roughly one billion people who were taken up into the clouds. Or as many Christians left behind insisted, they had been raptured by God.

    At an emergency UN meeting, governments wouldn’t accept that what happened was the rapture as predicted in the bible.

    Science has a better explanation! smart minds of the world struggled to explain the occurrence away, but their quick, unconcise and vague answers only proliferated more questions.

    America outright blamed Germany for teleporting Americans away, but this made no sense as many Germans, especially their young, were taken too in the same way.

    Before people believed it was an act of God, professors, researchers and other experts in the field of life beyond earth made convincing theories that aliens from space were to be blamed for propagating such an unbelievable event.

    A prominent scientist informed the people; Don’t kid yourselves. ‘The happening’ was not a rapture of God! If you examine the videos that have been taken as closely as we have, it becomes clear that UFO spacecrafts were responsible for what happened. They came and took certain people away. Why? Who knows? Maybe they were tagged with implants, but for now I believe they were somehow chosen. They did rid us of many outspoken religious fanatics. Was that so bad? Now, don’t fret. No one has been left behind as the bible would have you believe to survive a world of God’s anger. In fact, it is quite the opposite. You were all chosen too… Chosen to stay and enjoy the great life we have planned for you. Stick with Jedediah! He will show humanity the way. I believe he has been in peace talks with these aliens and he is negotiating a future for humanity. A future of love peace and happiness. This is the greatest time to be alive!

    No one was comfortable suggesting God was behind it. Finally, governments admitted they really had no idea what exactly occurred, but they warned, "This might happen again. The sudden and mysterious disappearances of people may be part of our new normal."

    Some argued it wasn’t new at all. Others pushed for GPS tracking chips to be implanted into the bodies of every person in the world. Still opposition came with complaints of privacy rights. Many had good reasons to want to hide or to just be left alone.

    Well, I’m not sure how any of the other candidates hope to have a chance against an AI computerized robot, but I find the whole idea completely daunting and intimidating. Jedediah told the host, James Nickles on his late-night talk show, The cards are certainly stacked against all who thought they had a chance at the presidency.

    The live studio audience applauded and cheered.

    Ha! Ha! Right! Who could’ve ever guessed a computer would get so smart after thinking for itself that it would acquire status as a citizen of society? It even has its own identity as a person. A passport even! James Nickles really worked up the excitement of his audience, I don’t know, Jedediah. This is a crazy world we live in. You think we can trust a computer to lead?

    It is an interesting concept, but I guess I’m just a little too old fashion. It kind’a feels like giving control over humans to an alien. Computer or otherwise, it’s not one of us. Jedediah looked directly at the camera, "I hope I have a chance. It would be great to have a crack at beating a computer at least. It would be a huge win for the human race to see someone beat something that is otherwise unbeatable.

    "Statistics don’t lie and statistics show since people opted to stay at home and collect a pay check for doing nothing, jobs were being taken over by the robotics industry. It surged it the travel trade and healthcare; doctors and nurses; pilots and servers. Now, sadly, those jobs will never be available to humans again because robots have proven, they are better.

    I was just at the bank the other day. The teller took seconds to calculate my total costs for the year, do my taxes and provide a new statement of my savings… Not much I’m afraid.

    (Budum-bump!) went the drums. James Nickles turned to Jedediah again, So, are you saying you are a man with a plan? Or just another hopeful candidate just trying your luck at being the country’s leader for the next four years?

    Without showing any sweat, Jedediah remained calm. He displayed nerves of steel. Answering promptly and speaking to the camera again, Jedediah said, Ultimately, the message I want to leave you all with this evening, is this; it is a call to all the people of the world to lay down your weapons and pick up your tools. Together we must put an end to all of our genocidal destruction and begin building a new and safer tomorrow for generations to come. We will start with a strong nation… a great nation… a new world order! We will be the standard which will lead all the other nations globally. By our example we will set the bar to the level of perfection. The rest of the world will follow. This is my promise as president. It can and will be done. Don’t put your trust in a soulless AI computer mind. It can’t ever truly care for you. World peace cannot be achieved through violence. Only peace can lead to prosperity.

    People watching from their homes couldn’t see how the white devil was ruthlessly puppeteering Jedediah. It moved within him and he shuttered, but no one caught the full scope of what his small spasm meant.

    The actual spirit of Jedediah within, fought to break free and warn the world of the monster the white devil was, but he couldn’t get his message out. His ghost was held in such rigid paralysis that he was incapable of interfering with the white devil’s deeds.

    Sinking deeper, Jedediah soon surrendered to the oppressive foreign spirit’s and was lost to the darkness.

    The sad voice of the white devil mournfully spoke to him, saying, ‘I will succeed where you would’ve failed. As you can see, I am far more capable of becoming president than you could ever hope to be.’ The white devil convinced his captive he would champion world with peace.

    Jedediah’s spirit told the white devil, ‘Prove to me you will make good on your promises.’

    Witness and despair, you little worm.’ came an incredulous remark.

    During the week before the presidential electoral debates commenced, Jedediah took a flight to Iraq. He hoped to speak to the president in power there to put an end to all of their years of war and oppression. In his short visit, Jedediah made a point of attending every radio station that would have him. They were surprisingly cooperative. He even respectfully attended many religious temples before speaking directly to Iraq’s president.

    Boldly, Jedediah proclaimed he and his organization was the source to peace. By my works, for the good people of Iraq, we can bring an end to your pain, bloodshed and deep historical transgressions.

    Not only was his presence captivating, but his message of peace left a lingering impression of possibilities. Through Jedediah’s connections, influence and growing popularity, he acquired the signature he sought.

    Shortly after Jedediah returned home, on the first night of the presidential electoral debates, he pointedly asked a question to the other nation leaders of the world, How many years and decades have you been assisting in the efforts to put a stop to all of this senseless fighting? You have accomplished little to nothing to effect any real change. In fact, for all your efforts, you have only helped to fuel the anger inciting only more violence! Now it is my time to do what no one else has. Elect me and I will establish world peace!

    The eleven presidential candidates in the running were;

    1. Alpha Zenith (The AI robot),

    2. Sandra Robinson,

    3. Dan Chapman,

    4. Paul Grant,

    5. Chuck Morris,

    6. Brian Hulan,

    7. Jedediah Duggar,

    8. Tony Watts,

    9. Gene Styles,

    10. Colton Pullen,

    11. Jane Risdon.

    All of the candidates who were introduced during the first electoral day seemed like your average run-of-the-mill applicants that one might expect, but it wasn’t long before two specific contenders stood out from all the rest. These were; Alpha Zenith and Jedediah Duggar.

    The first-time people saw Alpha Zenith, the computerized self-aware robot looked like a silver skeleton. It had a black expressionless face plate. People mocked it and hated it from their first impression saying, It’s just a puppet!

    There are people controlling it from remotes!

    It’s a joke, right? I know a president isn’t anything more than a puppet on strings, but this is ridiculous.

    A robot cannot lead humanity! It’s unethical!

    That thing is the beginning of the end for all human kind!

    Still, because Alpha had legal civil rights, and it aced the presidential exam, it remained in the riding.

    During the first day of the debates, the people of Iraq made sure their voices were heard as they strongly supported Jedediah. This, plus a hefty donation one five million dollars to boost their economy surprised everyone and was the first thing that put the young challenger in the spot-light boosting his popularity exponentially. What Jedediah had accomplished amongst the Iraqi people could not be overlooked by the rest of the world. After this, when he spoke, people began to take notice and listen.

    Making good on his promises was exactly what enhanced Jedediah’s trust value in the eyes of many nations. They found favor in his intensions and innocence of expression, but before he could claim his prize, he needed to win the election. This was how a simple man of faith and strong standards became a candidate.

    Chapter 2


    AS THE MIST SLOWLY AROSE off the crown of Ceramecy’s mountaintop, it looked like a ghostly clawed hand slowly drawing itself up. While the fog recoiled, a deep pounding heartbeat could be heard, but it was a muffled ominous sound restarting anew from an ancient tomb at the heart of the mountain.

    With thumping footfalls, the heavily structured bat-demon came striding out from the morning mist. He broke tree branches as he pushed his way through and snapped twigs and pine cones under his clawed feet.

    Though West’s eyes were not very good, he would occasionally screech out a creepy sound. The resonating waves of sound returned to his senses and revealed where things before him were; echo location.

    Grinder stepped out on his little cabin’s deck where he lit a smoke. He was suddenly amazed by the ghastly sight of West emerging from the misty woods. He figured if just remained completely still the gigantic beast would lumber past him and not even take notice.

    It was feral creature. How was he supposed to look at it and see an angel like he was told to? What kind of angel looked like a clawed and fanged vampire demon? Its black leathery bat wings stretched up so high they brushed against the tree branches causing leaves to be shaken loose and fall behind it.

    Without warning, Grinder surprised both himself and the bat creature when he exploded with a sneeze.

    As Grinder sniffed and took in a new exasperated breath. Through nauseated reddened eyes, he saw the bat glaring at him. When Grinder swung around and wrenched at the doorknob, he found it locked. Next to the door was a window full of the faces of Pounder, Slammer and Crusher. Their eyes and mouths were open wide with transfixed shock.

    Bless you. West responded.

    Grinder witnessed the expressions of his friends change to gut wrenching laughter.

    You gonna be okay little fella? West asked.

    Grinder steadied himself and turned around. Looking the bat right in his pitch-black eyes, he managed to say, Oh, my apologies. It’s my allergies acting up again. Sometimes they really get to me.

    I have no plants in mind that can fix that. West told him.

    That’s okay. I’ve got Zyzuzul. Grinder tried to reassure his friend about his favorite cold medication as he dug the worn little box out of his breast pocket.

    Sounds like the name of a demon. West was serious, with a strong look of concern in his eyes. Is it a powerful one?!

    Not sure. Grinder answered. He was a little narrow minded at times. Says here it’s extra strength though. Of course, I could always rely on Niequil, Phennilindix or Benedrooll.

    "Oh, don’t bother dealing with those terrible demons, let me have another look at the plants around here. He huge bat demon crouched down to the ground and began sniffing around like a dog. I’m sure we can find something natural from God to assist with your ailment."

    Wha? There’s nothing on the ground around here but all these weeds. Grinder pointed out.

    Right, weeds. There is a very special weed I have in mind for you. West told him. Would you care to help me look for it?

    You bet, bat-man. Now you’re talk’n. Grinder bounced right off his deck to West’s side as they began combing the forest for a specific sinus clearing plant.

    Hey! Check this out, you guys! Ripper bolted out of the little cabin with his cell phone in hand. "There are a bunch of videos uploaded to the internet of people as they disappeared on the day of the happening."

    Others, mostly farmers, who were up and tending to the gardens and livestock before the sun came up, gathered around Ripper. Every eye peered at the display of his phone. Activating the videos, the first one showed two women washing dishes, when suddenly a trumpet sound shook the home as one of them seemed to be whooshed away in a quick blur. It was so fast, in fact, that it was difficult to make out the blur. Still the footage was no less intense to watch.

    A dish and dishtowel fell to the floor with a heap of clothing. The other woman was so stunned she screamed and screamed. Her friend was suddenly taken from her in the most mysterious and unexplained way.

    The next clip showed what was happening from the perspective of a helmet cam from a skydiver who was jumping with three other people. They were already in free-fall when the video started. A bright light flashed below and all around them as the trumpet sounded across the sky. It seemed louder than the previous vid like it was very near. The skydivers were obviously shaken up. As they tried to reposition themselves in a circle formation, it looked like a man in a glowing white robe shot up between them all, but actually they had just fallen past him. It was so fast, the man in the white robe was difficult to make out. It looked like he had clouds around his feet, but the craziest thing was how one of the skydivers disappeared from his jumping outfit, leaving his parachute to tumble freely.

    On and on the videos went from fishermen to full school busses becoming completely empty.

    Breaking the silence of stunned onlookers, Ripper said, Experts are still undecided as to what happened on the day of the happening. Despite slowing down the footage frame by frame all anyone seems to be able to do is hypothesize or disagree. All in all, it just doesn’t make sense.

    It was the rapture. One of the farmers said. You can read about the predictions of this kind’a thing in the good book, you know, the bible.

    Anytime anyone referred to the rapture after it took place, it wasn’t referred to as ‘the rapture of God.’ No one really understood what happened. Everyone had their theories, but the idea people were caught up to heaven in a twinkling of an eye was an unbelievable stretch of the imagination. Other, more science-based theories, circulated as to what happened so they end up calling the event, ‘The happening.’ And everyone knew what was being referred to by this term so it quickly gained momentum for it was on that strange day when so many disappeared from the face of the earth.

    Man, I sure am happy I wasn’t taken. Smasher insensitively commented. Though some people didn’t like such talk, it was popularly said. With emotions running so tight, the majority of the general public quickly learned to just keep their mouths shut.

    Leaving the people to discuss the videos amongst themselves, Jasper went for a walk along one of the many trails of Ceramecy with the Seven. With eyes of white, he continued to practice seeing through a variety of ways. Jasper could see like a normal person. He could see the spiritual activities of angels and demons and he could look into the heart of any person and recognize good intentions or bad. Catching someone lying was the easiest, but he felt he still had more to learn. Unable to see with telescopic vision as the angels could, bothered Jasper. And he couldn’t see into the future or the past. He wasn’t certain if he ever would be honoured with such gifts.

    West lifted Jade’s demon-baby’s sack-like jug of goat’s milk. Because the baby was a Nephilim, Starr naturally named him, ‘Neffy’ and it stuck. West intended to refill the sagging sack for the child. He’d be bound to scream for food again soon.

    When Joel noticed West making preparations, he too thought ahead and shoved a small portable pump and hose into his shoulder satchel.

    Taila was beside him cradling baby Neffy in a basket of tightly woven branches that she made for him. She held it firmly in her protective arms.

    Jasper’s shoulder brushed against Taila’s and though her deer-face seemed to only carry one expression, he thought he could depict a smile in her eyes. He thought of himself as the baby’s stepfather and adored it as though it was his very own. It was his wife’s child after all and there was a deep sense of fatherly connection that he could not deny. Jasper’s demon looking family seemed to be growing, but from his eyes he saw only goodness and love.

    A short distance from the cabins, Elana spoke from her throaty voice and said, "Because the baby is a Nephilim and Jade was his mother, I suggest you name him; Nephrite."

    Nephrite? I don’t know. Jasper pondered the idea as though tasting a fine wine. Doesn’t really roll off the tongue very well, does it? Why don’t we just name him… Jack? You see? Jasper, Jade and Jack. That makes more sense to me.

    Weak Elana responded like a whip. "Sorry, but Jack? You came to this conclusion from a rhyme?"

    That was a rhyme? Joel chuckled to himself.

    Elana dived right into an explanation to clarify her first suggestion, "Nephrite Jade is the ‘stone of the heart’; google it. It is related to the heart chakra and has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues and all love relationships. It is also considered to be good for emotional or spiritual balance and stability."

    Nephrite Jade? Jasper considered. Makes sense. Why not?

    "He still looks more like a, Neffy to me." Starr said as she tickled under his chin adoringly with her shadowy dark finger.

    Right, Neffy, and we shall know that this name means, Nephrite Jade. Wilson declared.

    Exactly! Joel added. No one will wonder if we named him after the word, Nephilim."

    Breaking the building tension, Charmatrien said, He sure is growing fast and his appetite. That’s not normal, is it?

    I don’t know. Jasper replied, I’ve never raised a baby before.

    Charmatrien was quick to respond, I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Expecting as much from Charmatrien, Jasper smiled as he peered into Neffy’s eyes before continuing, He sure eats more than a baby lamb or a calf. But what I see in Neffy’s eyes intrigues me the most. There’s so much intelligence there, like he’s trying to figure me out.

    He is smart beyond his years. Wilson commented.

    He has a matured perception of his new world, that much is certain. West observed.

    Midway, along the trail, Starr paused to ask the rest of the company, I-I have that feeling again, do any of you feel it too? It is that same distant feeling I felt when we were so distant from God… in the castle of night. I wasn’t sure before and I wanted to deny it too, but since the rapture… that feeling has returned for me.

    I would rather not agree with you on this matter, my sister, but it is true. I too have felt the same distance. West admitted.

    We all have. Wilson confirmed, On the day of the rapture, Jesus shut himself up in heaven with those who have chosen Him in their hearts and He will remain with them, cut off from this world for seven long years before he returns to rule and reign.

    After this was explained, Starr turned back to the path and continued to trod uphill, leading the way.

    When the company was near the top of Ceramecy, Jasper broke the silence when he finally asked, "If that was the rapture, then why wasn’t I taken? And why weren’t any of you?"

    The rapture was God’s intent to save His people, His believers, His beloved, those who chose Him, from the coming tribulation or the pouring out of his wrath on all the sinners and ungodly of the world. Wilson said, matter-of-factly. It is a beautiful thing. Ingenious by design, like a wedding.

    We are angels, thus the rapture wasn’t intended for us. Starr explained. It was for the people of earth.

    You, on the other hand; perhaps God isn’t happy with you. Joel suggested, looking at Jasper, You still look like a demon. Perhaps you were supposed to figure out how to correct that before the rapture happened? You certainly aren’t the first to miss the boat.

    "Look Joel, I am a believer! How can I not be? I’ve been to heaven. I even led armies of angels! For crying out loud; I’m a knower!"

    The angelic demons react peculiarly to this. Some of them rolled their eyes while others rolled their shoulders and turned away.

    What?! Jasper didn’t understand, such body language. What is it?! I gave my heart to the Lord back even before I died. Remember? In Ceramecy. I pledged my life to God and was baptized! Jasper looked the crocodile right in the eyes, You, Joel. It was you who baptized me there.

    This is true. Joel recalled. But God doesn’t make mistakes. You must face what is coming next now.

    What is coming next? Jasper asked.

    You can read about it in the Apostle John’s book of Revelation. Charmatrien said, It’s in your bible like the farmer said.

    Basically, it is God’s judgement on man. West said, Man has a corrupt heart by nature. Man must choose God in love and wonderment. He must choose God of his own free-will. God cannot choose for people, but whosoever choses to live by God’s laws will be saved, for his laws are perfect and just.

    Yes, I chose God and lived for Him ever since. So why was I left behind? Jasper pleaded to know. He still couldn’t understand.

    Obviously, God still has plans for you. Elana told him. Her caring tone was in crass contrast to her haggard appearance. There must still be much work to be done.

    It’s not our place to question the Lord, Jasper. Starr added, Just know He is doing a mighty work in you.

    Finding a seat on a large smoothened stone next to the little lake, Jasper reclined. There, Taila gently placed Neffy in Jasper’s arms where he began to feed him goat’s milk from the collapsible bladder jug that West carried up. Boy, he sure is hot. Jasper realized immediately.

    Jasper opened the valve on the bladder and released the milk at full drain. The child drank it all as fast as it drained.

    Neffy’s body heat is the reason for his great hunger. Elana explained, He is like a little machine and he’s running hot to sustain his incredible muscles and mind.

    A heavy-eyed and drowsy look washed over the baby’s serene face as he snuggled into Jasper’s embrace and drifted off to sleep.

    Joel began working to assemble the portable pump to pump goat’s milk into Neffy’s mouth. When they ran out of milk, they had to pump the lake’s water into him.

    For a moment, the angelic demons celebrated all that God had created in the world and their recent deliverance from evil, so far away, in the depths of space.

    Jasper swayed and smiled as he too was caught up in the worship song of the angels.

    After this, they prayed in a moment of silence. Putting an end to the tranquility, speaking matter-of-factly, Wilson softly said, "You know, all this talk of jasper and jade out here in these woods, coupled with the mention of Nephrite Jade and how it is the ‘stone of the heart,’ well, it had me thinking. Even the first time we were with you here in Ceramecy, Jasper, we were aware of the large quantity of rich metal deposits and the different kinds of quartz within this Ceramecy mountain. There is amethyst, rutilated quartz, green quartz, heliotrope, jasper, aventurine, carnelian, onyx, agate, chalcedony, herkimer quartz, rose quartz, blue quartz, milky quartz, ametrine, citrine and of course bronze, silver, copper and gold."

    Gold? Jasper perked up.

    Whoever owns this place now, or inherits it, should stake a mineral claim and begin the excavation. Wilson finished.

    Starr disagreed with this and stated, Forget that! As far as I’m concerned, no one owns Ceramecy but God. And even if someone did own this land, they can only own the top of it. Not the earth below it. Further to my point, no one can actually own any land. They just rent it from the government. The government can take back their land anytime they want so before we get too heavily into the politics of who owns what, we should thank the Lord and reap the natural resources he intended for those who dwell herein.

    While everyone was busy discussing land ownership rights, Joel had crouched down on all fours like the beastly crocodile he represented and began to dig the ground. The combination of his sharp claws and powerful arms enabled him to move a large amount of earth quite quickly.

    Everyone could hear him huffing and digging. As Joel tore a 500 pound stone out of the ground, the earth tore with a roar like thunder. Next, Joel set it outside his cave entrance with a thump that the others felt through their feet. Everyone gathered around him, exchanging looks.

    All at once, Joel stopped before hopping out and showing everyone what he’d found. He was quite excited for his discovery. Holding out his open hand, amongst the dirt on his dark scaly palm, he presented three pieces of red stones. I found three jasper stones! He cheered triumphantly.

    They were indeed three small blood red stones with dark lines running through them.

    I thought jasper stones are supposed to be green? Starr smiled inquisitively.

    They can be. Joel explained, They can be a variety of colours like yellow or pink too, but these are definitely jasper. He licked them as though tasting the stones. Yup, one hundred percent jasper right here. He turned to Starr, You want to hold them?

    Perhaps I did, until you licked them.

    Ignoring her, Joel had more important goals on his mind. Let’s see what else we might dig up! he said, Who’s with me? Joel didn’t bother waiting to see who would answer him and slunk back down into his hole where he resumed digging. Between breaths, Joel said, Why don’t we continue here?!

    Joel hadn’t just picked a spot to dig at random. He specifically knew how he want his cave to go so he would end up extracting most of the minerals.

    Turning to Jasper, Elana told him, Back when we came through the warlock’s mirror portal, we had to leave all of our personal weapons, armour and clothing, behind. None of it could come through with us, but Joel did suggest how we could create them again. I guess that wasn’t so nuts after all.

    Neffy started crying when he awoke. He needed to be changed and miracle of miracles, he was hungry again.

    The Nephilim boy had his mouth open wide. It was wider than an average man could open his mouth, as though his jaw could unhinge to widen abnormally. One thing no one could deny was the double rows of teeth on his upper and lower palate. This only confirmed further that he was a Nephilim.

    The average temperature of a human is 80 degrees, but Neffy’s average stomach temperature is 235 degrees. Jasper informed everyone. He could barely be heard over the high octaves of the child’s screaming.

    Everyone was forced to turn away and bend down with their ears covered at the piercing sound.

    Boy, Neffy’s second set of vocal chords are really high. Joel tried to be nice while stating the obvious, They hurt my ears!

    Yeah, mine too. West cringed at the deafening resonance.

    The angelic demons began to experience blood trickling from their noses and ears.

    Charmatrien and Taila worked through the high-pitched, ear-splitting noise together to set up the hand pump in the lake.

    West worked the pump slow and easy as Taila held the spout of the hose to the baby’s mouth.

    Neffy drank and when he had his fill he was off again, crawling around and exploring. He was fascinated with everything and it required the attention of all eight of the adults to watch him as Neffy would get himself into troublesome incidences constantly.

    In time, the angelic demons built work sheds at the top of the mountain where they worked and didn’t want to be disturbed. Each one of the Seven were expert diggers of the earth.

    Jasper liked to help and even little Neffy began to crawl in and inspect the caves. There, they fashioned replicas of the weapons and things they were accustomed to, to replace the ones they had lost. The angelic demons could make almost anything of metal. They seemed to be naturally skilled at it. Knowledgeable at how to work the metals in the refiner’s fires. Their soon to be intricate cave system doubled as a place for them to hide if need be.

    Other than the lessons of earth metals, their extraction methods and refinery procedures, the Seven also taught about the astrology of the stars, medicinal plants of the area and effective methods of worship and prayer.

    Chapter 3

    The Second Presidential Debate

    THE SECOND PRESIDENTIAL debate was the most anticipated event since the ‘hay-days’ of the Beatles. It was a global phenomenon and many of the presidential candidates felt they were just barely hanging on to keep in the riding.

    Emotions ran high throughout the world as people were still reeling from global pandemics, global climate change, the mysterious day of the happening, economic down turns, the rise in crime and the loss of life across the board and the unstoppable increase of inflation. In short, the people of earth were hurting and looking for answers. Many figured it would come from the AI robot, Alpha Zenith who was quickly gaining in the popularity poles for his quick solutions.

    Since the last meeting of presidential candidates, four of the original eleven contenders were not qualified to continue. These were: Tony Watts, Chuck Morris, Jane Risdon and Dan Chapman.

    Amongst the seven remaining runners was the AI computerized robot. People who saw this robot standing at a podium as a candidate for presidency for a second time, were getting used to seeing it there.

    The mediator addressed the remaining electorates. Welcome back each one of you, Sandra Robinson, Paul Grant, Brian Hulan, Jedediah Duggar, Gene Styles, Colton Pullen and of course our most controversial candidate in history, the AI robot, Alpha Zenith.

    With a retro synthesized voice, Alpha insisted, During this election I prefer to be referred to by my given, legal, first name; Alpha Zenith and not, the AI robot. Thank you very much.

    Many weren’t sure if this was the first chink in this candidate’s armor; a first sight into the emotion of anger within this strange man-made intelligence. This time, all who looked upon Alpha were amazed at the simple fact that the he-robot was now a she-robot and when she spoke, her voice was female, but affirmative.

    The mediator cleared his throat and responded as professionally as he could, "My apologies, Alpha. May I compliment you on your look tonight. You look real good. Dare I say, less robotic?" The announcer had an expression that seemed to read, ‘please don’t cut my head off for saying that.’

    The people around the globe who tuned in to the election saw a talking mannequin for the most part.

    One of the candidates, Gene Styles, mentioned the plans he was making amongst the Jewish leaders to have their temple rebuilt. The Jewish synagogue was hungry to resurrect their most holy temple of Jerusalem. The original temple was designed as a perfect copy of a temple that exists in heaven. He even went so far as to make this very controversial comment, Between myself, Jewish leaders and Muslim leaders, an agreement has been reached. Military forces will be deployed and on site so we won’t have any of those religious extremists getting in the way of our efforts to reconstruct the temple.

    Would you care to clarify that statement, sir? asked a journalist.

    Well, with regard to ‘the happening,’ many of those who opposed our efforts in the past are not here anymore. Was it not the aliens who rid our world of all those annoying Christians? Gene chuckled gleefully.

    When footage of heaven was seen on the internet from the radio-controlled airplane and special lens, some Jewish scholars were quick to recognize and point out their temple. It was brief, but it planted a seed of thought that was revived.

    Talk of this Jewish temple sparked interest in Jedediah. He did nothing to disguise the look of interest on his face. Immediately, he wanted to know more on this subject, Why is everyone making such a big deal about Gene’s deal to have this specific Jewish temple remade? Jedediah asked this question right into his microphone. I mean, none of the other candidates seem interested in this business in the least.

    Colton snickered as he explained, Everyone knows, whoever builds this temple for the Jews will be honoured by them as their messiah. No one really takes it seriously though. He laughed more and the other presidential candidates laughed along with him.

    Gene, however, didn’t find this project amusing in the least and neither did Jedediah.

    Thinking on this matter, conversely caused Jedediah to react with a surge of awe and excitement. The notion of being a people’s messiah was not something the white devil took lightly.

    As the night progressed, the candidates were asked various questions like how they plan on reducing global emissions since all the air scrubbers had been decommissioned, how they planned to heal the current economic crisis and how to help people dealing with mounting stress in their lives.

    Most of the candidates gave the usual run-of-the-mill answers to such questions, but before any matters made their way to Alpha, Jedediah arose with this iconic speech, Though there are many different people and cultures in the world, I would much prefer to focus on our similarities rather than our differences. Therein lies the heart of our strengths. I am amazed at how very similar we are. There is no reason we do not have peace. Concepts like racism are for child-like minds, are they not? We are above them. Now let’s live above and not let such divisive thinking slow us down. Come together my brothers and sisters in the name of acceptance and love. I pledge we place a blank sheet of paper before us where we unite as one people and make peace our reality, RIGHT NOW!!! Such passionate and brazen words ensued an uprising of cheers and approval, but Jedediah wasn’t finished. He then pledged a large sum of his own money towards an effective method of feeding the hungry and assisting farmers with three-acre wide bio domes for cultivation. The design of his approved bio domes completely cut off the farmers and their sensitive crops from the elements of the harsh weather. Jedediah alone held the patents for

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