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My Blue Dragonfly
My Blue Dragonfly
My Blue Dragonfly
Ebook28 pages22 minutes

My Blue Dragonfly

By Sudi

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A strange story of kindness, “The Help” features at a woman who is dissatisfied with her life, and a young girl who is willing to help. Is it kindness and magic, or is it cunning and tricks? And is the help ever free?

“Twin Room” is the psycho-emotional story of Mr. Leonard’s odd honeymoon. A combination of longing, satisfaction, and loneliness of love has given Mr. Leonard a haunting question, or an endless trip.

Tucked into a cemetery, Dannie, a dandelion grumpy because he can not catch the wind meets Anilla, a little girl who can talk to plants. With kindness and empathy, Anilla tries to help Dannie to find the wind. Although Dannie calls it, "My Wind".

Reflecting on the societal issue of family solitude, “He Chin Up, Chuckled” concerns the tug-of-war moment between life and death for Andy, who is suffering from auditory hallucinations.

Set in the mountainous area of Dien Bien, Vietnam, "My Blue Dragonfly" is a story of a young dishwasher called Potato! tries to chase his dream of flying a helicopter. He has to face his chef, Drake, a manipulative man who is not going to loose his staff.

Release dateOct 1, 2022
My Blue Dragonfly


Sudi is a creative writer and a screenwriter for film and TV series. She is pursuing a Creative Writing BFA at Full Sail University and works as a Creative Writer for Grim Studio, CEM Partner, and Above Viet Nam. She was the lead scriptwriter and producer on the short film “Phim ngan Cuoc Goi 2021” (distributed on YouTube).Sudi discovered her passion for writing and filmmaking after working as a production assistant and actress on small independent films. She especially cares about mental health and so her voice often brings healing to the soul.

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Much enjoyed these stories. I like the last one it took me a while to figure out what the dragonfly stands for.

Book preview

My Blue Dragonfly - Sudi


By Sudi

Table of Contents

Title Page


Table of Contents

The Help

A Twin Room

He Chin Up, Chuckled

My Wind

My Blue Dragonfly

About The Author

Copyright © Le Huyen Trang, 2022

All Right Reserved

Book Cover Original Images/Illustration by Pages

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or

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Thank you for downloading this ebook. This is the collection of my very first stories, written as course work for creative writing degree. Some of these stories are based on specific course guidelines and prompts. I hope you enjoy them all.

The Help

On a bench, in the middle of the park, a brunette woman chunters about her day to a blonde girl who just listens and smiles while looking down at the cigarette burning out between her fingers. The woman turns to her right, staring at the trail of smoke, staring at the girl’s plump red lips.

I will change anything to be like you! Young, wild and free.

You sure, ma’am?

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