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Coming of Age 2: More Innocence, More Experience
Coming of Age 2: More Innocence, More Experience
Coming of Age 2: More Innocence, More Experience
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Coming of Age 2: More Innocence, More Experience

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About this ebook

Five new tales of college-age teens exploring their sexuality and figuring out what it means to come of age.

Threesomes, sex with strangers, lost virginity, random lesbian hookups and sex toys. Anything goes in this new collection of short stories, where sexual fulfilment and experimentation are the name of the game.

PublisherE. F. Foster
Release dateSep 10, 2022
Coming of Age 2: More Innocence, More Experience

E. F. Foster

Everyone remembers their first.Whether that's their first time or their first time with a new partner (or partners) or trying something outside of their comfort zone, there is an excitement and anticipation that can be hard to recreate.The erotic works of E. F. Foster look to capture that feeling as people explore their sexuality and their sexual preferences in new and exciting ways, binding it to the page for others to experience again and again.

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    Coming of Age 2 - E. F. Foster

    Coming of Age 2: More Innocence, More Experience

    Copyright © 2022 E. F. Foster

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    ISBN: 9781005098612 (ebook)


    In Cars With Strangers

    Three’s A Party

    Solo Adventures

    The Vampire Curse

    A Great Fucking Track

    In Cars With Strangers

    Take off your panties.

    The car turned right and skipped through a yellow light.

    I was wearing a summer dress, so it was easy to slip my hands underneath.

    I’d arranged for him to meet me a few streets over, so my parents wouldn’t see me getting in the car with a stranger. A much older stranger.

    Even though I was eighteen and therefore, officially an adult, they certainly wouldn’t have approved of me getting in the car with a thirty-five-year-old man, certainly not one I’d arranged to meet over the internet.

    I hitched my thumbs into the waistband and wiggled them down, lifting my ass to slide them off.

    I leaned over to slip them off my feet, and he held out his hand, eyes on the road.

    They had been a lacy, red number, something to make him go wild, but he took them off me and stuffed them in his pocket without so much as a glance.

    I pushed my thighs together, nervous about being exposed, feeling the heat rise between my legs at the excitement.

    As he turned again, he reached over and put his strong hand on my delicate, pale thigh.

    My skin tingled and I shifted in my seat, trying not to let nerves get the better of me as his hand slid up under my dress and up to my pussy.

    Good girl, he said, his fingers running along my exposed area.

    I let out a small gasp as his index finger carefully slipped between my lips, running up and down. He could feel my wetness, I was sure of it.

    One hand on the wheel, the other on my pussy, he continued to drive, his finger slipping down to my entrance, circling it slowly, making me desperate for him to enter me.

    Then he ran his moist fingers back up, taking in every contour until he got to my clit.

    He started rubbing it gently, my juices lubricating his touch, and I closed my eyes and softly moaned.

    Already, the car smelt of my sex, and we hadn’t even gotten out of town.

    He continued to rub my clit, as if it were a normal part of driving. He took a turn and we were on a gravel-lined road, still, he continued, the tiny bumps causing his fingers to vibrate, sending me wild.

    I put a hand on the dashboard to steady myself as I moaned, the other gripping the headrest, as he brought me to orgasm.

    I moaned and wriggled in my seat as this stranger made me cum.

    Mind, he said, referring to the passengers in the other cars, but it was too late. I was mid-orgasm and couldn’t control myself. I had to ride it out, whether they could see my o-face or not.

    A few seconds later, the sensation subsided and I leaned back in my chair, satiated for the moment.

    A few strands of short red hair were stuck to my face with sweat, and I gently pushed them back.

    I looked out the side window and saw a middle-aged man staring at me, mouth agape. Clearly, he’d caught the show.

    I gave him a little wave and he waved back until a car horn beeped and brought his attention back to the road.

    Here, he said, removing my hand from under my dress and holding his pussy-soaked fingers out.

    I took them in my mouth, tasting myself, sucking his fingers like they were his dick, giving him a taste of what I could do.

    This was our first time meeting and I wanted to impress him as much as he had already impressed me.

    I took them deep in my mouth, demonstrating my lack of gag reflex, and ran my tongue over his fingers, as he worked them in and out of my mouth.

    When he was seemingly satisfied, he slipped them out and continued driving.

    I wasn’t entirely sure where we were going, but that was part of the excitement.

    He hadn’t said much so far, either. It gave him a sense of mystery, but I wanted to have a little fun.

    Looking round to make sure there was no one to see, I undid my seatbelt and let it slide back across the chair.

    There was a beeping sound and saw the seatbelt light lit up on the dashboard, as I leaned over.

    Put your seatbelt on, he said, scolding me. He wanted me to know he was in charge, but I was feeling naughty.

    But then, I asked, my hands rubbing along his crotch, how will I do this? I felt his dick twitch under my touch and took this as permission.

    I unzipped his jeans and slipped my hand inside, rubbing him over his boxers. I could feel him reacting to my teasing and decided to slip him out before he got too worked up.

    I slipped my hand through the hole at the front of his boxers and touched his dick for the first time. It was thick and juicy and I struggled to get it through the hole, which my little hand had easily slipped through.

    Once out, it hung there, impressive even semi-erect. But even so, semi-erect was no good for what I had in mind.

    I took him in my hand, his member already dwarfing my fingers and began to slowly stroke him, long slow strokes, running my hand from the head to the base of the shaft.

    I worked slowly, speeding up as he got harder and harder. It wasn’t long before he was fully

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