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Warrior Life 3: The Judgement Day
Warrior Life 3: The Judgement Day
Warrior Life 3: The Judgement Day
Ebook182 pages2 hours

Warrior Life 3: The Judgement Day

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Not many gangsters make it to the top. Few last long, especially black mafia bosses historically. Frank Lucas and Nicky Barnes each had less than 10 years before they were taken down by the system, but against all odds, 20 years have passed since G-Money became the world's most powerful and wanted - and celebrated - fugitive.

With murals o

Release dateSep 16, 2022
Warrior Life 3: The Judgement Day

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    Warrior Life 3 - Rohan G-Money Golding


    Part III



    Warrior Life

    Copyright © 2022 by Rohan G-Money Golding

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permissi n of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    978-1-959314-07-3 (Paperback)

    978-1-959314-08-0 (eBook)

    978-1-959314-06-6 (Hardcover)

    Table of Contents

    Introduction Judgment Day

    Chapter 1 CHECK MATE


    Chapter 3 G-MONEY JUSTICE


    Chapter 5 THE DIAGNOSIS

    Chapter 6 SOLDAT NOIR


    Chapter 8 SPACE GANGSTA

    Chapter 9 FIGHT NIGHT



    Chapter 12 THE GREAT ESCAPE

    Chapter 13 PAC IN SPACE

    Chapter 14 DOPE DIMENSIONS

    Conclusion God Money


    Judgment Day

    G-Money stood atop a burned-out police car, one he’d set fire personally too on camera a few minutes before. The crowd had been cheering at Super Bowl-volume levels for 5 minutes since he’d taken to its roof, pulled down his mask, and revealed himself to his followers for the first time in years in person. He’d addressed them for years from beneath the sea on his mother Sub, which still awaited him not far from the ocean-front rally he was holding in downtown Long Beach, California. Smoke trails still rose into the sky for miles around, dancing together in a symphony of destruction G-Money had personally choreographed, each fire set symbolically like pieces on a chess board G-Money was moving out of the way in pursuit of a master plan he’d been executing for the past 20 years underground, on the run, giving his movement that much more street credibility.

    It had all led up to this moment, where he even had his own face masks mass-manufactured at one of his many ghost-owned manufacturer factories where they pressed bootleg and knock-off clothing sold on the street corners in a convenient source of illegal revenue for Warrior Life to fund its day-to-day street operations. They also proved useful when G-Money had to mass produce T-shirts or hats or even face masks for a protest he’d organized through his street armies dependant on whatever the latest African American police shooting had commanded such a show of street force over the past decade. Shit, Warrior Life stickers were now the coolest thing to see plastered on any college kid’s dorm room door or car bumper. Hot barbies from the O.C. were getting them tattooed on their ankles and tummies, Yummy! G-Money thought, he’d have to get a little bit of that action after things calmed down in the streets some.

    G-Money was the modern day Martin Luther King meets Malcolm X meets Tupac Shakur, his personal idol, his Jah, the Jedi Master he’d studied under, and like the film series, still saw glowing in glorious black and silver every time he realized a new vision Pac’s music or message had inspired for the Warrior Life movement. They were messages, lyrics, coded directives, prophesies – all stylized in the hippest fashions of the latest fads by the hottest out-of-work fashion designers who were all now employed gainfully by G-Money. Shit, he’d thought to himself a few minutes before he’d taken to the top of the burned-out police car as he’d gotten a world-class blowjob from one of his solja wives, I OWN this time! It truly was G-Money’s time, his moment in history, and he was ready to seize it.

    He took a deep breath as he took in the stadium-sized crowd surrounding him, protecting him from any law enforcement who dared to enter the WL riot zones, cheering his name like the Nazis had cheered Hitler or the North Koreans had Kim Jung Un, or Trump supporters at his rallies. Trump and G-Money had had an interesting off-the-radar relationship, almost truce, the past 3 years, he’d even spoken to G-Money personally a couple times on encrypted lines to make deals to avoid whole major American cities burning down. Trump was a practical and pragmatic leader, eager to set the stage for the often-choreographed riot battles between Warrior Life street soldiers and police, always set up in advance to go so far before both sides knew to back off, with G-Money behind the scenes calling every shot, controlling it all.

    This was his master move, his chance to breath the fresh, burned city air for the first time. Granted, it wasn’t as pure as the clean, open ocean air he was used to breathing in whenever his sub came to the surface for a middle-of-the-ocean meeting with a General or leader of an African country when only G-Money could call off the violence among the tribal territories – he’d even met once with General Sulimani of Iran’s Republican Guard before Trump had assassinated him, both of them sitting half-way out of submarines floating in the middle of the ocean negotiating sale of nuclear -tipped missiles, yep, G-Money was a regular diplomat. He was the unofficial member of the UN, the shadow country they could never officially recognize, but had to acknowledge for the global territory his network controlled and set policy for.

    Tonight, he would be calling the shots that the police, mayors, governors, and even President Trump knew he couldn’t pull off without G-Money’s blessing, a formal truce after 6 months of riots across the U.S. that would end at once. Only he had the power to call such a broad shot and they knew it, he had the right where he wanted. The Police had even agreed in all major cities to pull back to certain neutral zones while leaving their police vehicles blocking avenue entrances and exits as a parameter – a perfect final opportunity for his people to show the power of their rage before retreating into the night victorious. Tomorrow, the world would never be the same again, as it would finally be liberated. The police state was over, and the new conditions the police unions around the U.S. had all agreed to in coordination with the Justice Department guaranteed they were final as they were tied to Federal and local funding.

    G-Money controlled the streets, but he also controlled a larger and larger contingent of African-American politicians whose careers he’d begun building from the ground up, politicians who began as councilmen and women in the cities’ worst local districts and with Warrior Life’s silent partnership in the Community Investment plans that G-Money had financed, he was a silent partner in ALL of those businesses, as well as in the political agendas and career trajectories and messaging of all of those local politicians, which now counted in the hundreds spread out across the United States alone. Many had already begun climbing the political rungs, getting onto the powerful leadership posts of local City and County Councils, State legislatures, he even had elected 7 mayors so far and 1 Governor. Shit, he’d thought to himself at one point, One day, I’ll elect a US President, or maybe run myself! (laughs)

    On the law enforcement level, G-Money’s new Cop restrictions were common-sense, and would guarantee crime rates to fall on both sides of the spectrum, he had the gangs firmly under his control to cut dramatically down on the bloody gang turf wars, but on the other side of the law, the rules were much more severe: NO lethal ammunition could be used by police, only tranquilizer-tipped SMART bullets, which recorded every second of the shot from the time the officer’s gun was pulled, recording the target, his actions, and the cop’s reaction until the time the bullet hit the target. Even then, while the cop could set the bullet’s tranquilization level to different levels of extremity depending on the perceived threat of the target, the bullet couldn’t kill.

    That left the suspect alive to tell their own story to an independent panel of Prosecutors with the authority to immediately charge that officer with excessive force if they determined it wasn’t a justified shooting. Equally as important to the community, every case was decided on an expedited basis within 48 hours of the incident, preventing what had officially become known around the nation among law enforcement communities as the GEORGE FLOYD PROVISION. G-Money had written it himself with his team of attorneys from around the world so it was as iron clad as a Universally-and-instantly implementable reality in law enforcement that would revolutionize policing on the streets forever.

    It was the equivalent of the burden of proof flipping to the IRS in the 90s for audits, freeing literally MILLIONS of working-class, blue-collar and middle-class Americans from having to prove they weren’t doing something wrong in order to be free of legal entanglements with the system. How do you prove yourself free to a system when that system was designed to keep you down? G-Money had pondered this deeply and at times darkly as he watched even with his growing power running the streets that the police state could still kill his dark-skinned brothers at any time for any reason with almost NO repercussions. That way of life for the citizens these cops preyed on was over once and for all, as dead as George Floyd had been under the painful 8-minute on-air murder that had been the spark G-Money was needing in spite of the collateral damage of the riots and Floyd’s death to flip the script on these fools forever! G-Money was the new Sheriff in town, EVERY town, and now he and his Warrior Life movement had their knees on the neck of the system firmly and fully for the first time!

    He’d negotiated the rest of the Law Enforcement Reform Bill with the people, taking input directly off the block, right out of the mouths of the protesters, invited to text their suggestions, complaints, demands, etc to Warrior Life and in kind, they were directly negotiated into the pact with the powers that be that had been reached in exchange for a cease fire agreement. G-Money would call the truce only after all police chiefs, police unions, mayors, governors, and even President Trump had signed personally on the dotted line. No verbal assurances, this was a new Constitution that would have MILLIONS of copies printed and freely distributed to EVERYONE who wanted to carry one on them, available online, and frankly, he bet his own people so cool it would be memorized by every one of the people the way cops did the bullshit Read Them Their Rights speech that had no real enforcement till now.

    His favorite new edict was the one that opened the entire document: The People have the right to NOT remain silent, not any longer. Thankfully, with the technical advent of the cell phone cameras around the world, he’d been greatly aided in securing these guarantees because anyone could now film the police in any action of law enforcement without worrying about the threat of arrest. Cops were individually no longer immune from civil suits, frankly G-Money felt, this would be one of the most effective deterrents to the cavalier history among many police officers of feeling they could do whatever they wanted to a citizen without fear of financial reprisal. From now on, any excessive force complaints that didn’t result in firings but were clearly over the line would result in DIRECT fines to that officer’s pension, and it wasn’t cheap either: $1000 per non-fireable offense, and loss of that pension without appeal with any fireable offense. Hitting these punks in their pocketbooks would be the quickest way to make them think twice and actually put a positive value on a skin color they’d seen as worthless for years.

    He’d eliminated one of the biggest causes of these senseless murders within the agreement as well with a series of common-sense reforms that were again non-negotiable: No more automatic arrests for misdemeanor warrants, which was designed to keep traffic violators from fleeing the scene for fear of arrest and in turn keeping traffic cops from shooting them for resisting arrest. ALL Body Cam footage was to be made immediately available and uploaded to a public database for scrutiny for anyone who wanted to see how their tax dollars were being spent. Equally-as-importantly, because all police firearms would now contain non-lethal ammunition and could only be activated by hand-and-palm-print activation by that specific officer ONLY, the suspect even if they got ahold of an officer’s weapon couldn’t fire it at them, eliminating the claim that lethal force was even a necessary option. That still left the option to fire if the suspect had a fire-arm of their own, and that violence was going to be inevitable to some degree on the part of petty thieves and young Gs on the block

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