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Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success
Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success
Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success
Ebook202 pages2 hours

Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success

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An insider reveals the secrets to pitching your nonfiction book: “Traditional publishing is shrouded with mystery. Terry Whalin peels back the curtain.” —Michael Hyatt, New York Times–bestselling author of Your Best Year Ever

In the beginning stages of writing a book, most people start with a blank page and write their entire manuscript. According to acquisitions editor, former literary agent, and author of dozens of traditionally published books W. Terry Whalin, this approach is backwards. He knows that about 80% to 90% of nonfiction books are sold from a book proposal.

This mysterious document called a proposal contains many elements that will never appear in a manuscript—yet these details are critical to publishing executives who make the decision about publishing or rejecting an author’s project. Book Proposals That Sell reveals twenty-one secrets to creating the kind of effective, impressive book proposal that can help an author make the sale.
Release dateJul 6, 2021
Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success

W. Terry Whalin

W. Terry Whalin has worked both sides of the editorial desk—as an editor and a writer. He worked as a magazine editor, and his magazine work has appeared in more than 50 publications. A former literary agent, Terry is an Acquisitions Editor at Morgan James Publishing. He has written more than 60 books through traditional publishers in a wide range of topics from children’s books to biographies to co-authored books. Several of Terry’s books have sold over 100,000 copies. He has an innovative online training course to help authors effectively connect with literary agents and editors called “Write A Book Proposal”. He is a popular speaker and teacher at numerous writers’ conferences and an active member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors. Terry lives near Denver, Colorado and has an active following on twitter (@terrywhalin).

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    Book Proposals That Sell - W. Terry Whalin

    Book Proposals That $ell

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    Book Proposals That $ell

    A book proposal serves as the business plan for your manuscript. My friend Terry Whalin’s revised classic on this is a must-read for any writer.

    —Jerry B. Jenkins, A 21-time New York Times Bestseller

    Terry Whalin has written an informative book to help people navigate the treacherous waters of getting published. This book is an indispensable tool for new authors.

    —Scott Waxman, CEO Diversion Media

    "I’ve known Terry Whalin and his work in publishing for decades. Throughout the years he has guided many authors to create excellent book proposals. His recently updated edition of Book Proposals That $ell will introduce these time-tested principles to a whole new generation of authors."

    —Steven James, Bestselling author of Synapse

    This is a valuable step-by-step guide to doing a book proposal. It tells would-be authors what agents and editors look for in book proposals, with advice on how you can tailor your book proposal for the market at which you’re aiming.

    —Timothy Harper, Journalist, author and Newmark-CUNY professor

    "If every proposal followed the rules of Book Proposals That $ell, my job would be a lot easier."

    —Kyle Duncan, Writer-in-Residence, The Fedd Agency

    Terry Whalin shares his wisdom as a bestselling writer and editor to ensure your book contains the necessary ingredients to attract agents and editors. Whalin’s step-by-step instructions on how to create a dynamic proposal is filled with years of wisdom and insight. This is a must have book for every writer who has wrestled with a proposal.

    —DiAnn Mills, Bestselling novelist of Airborne

    "Writers who are serious about getting published need more than talent. They need the inside scoop on what really goes on in publishing. Terry Whalin offers insider information for writers at every level in Book Proposals That $ell. This book is bursting with real life examples and bottom-line advise to create professional proposals that will make editors sit up and take notice."

    —Vicki Caruana, Teacher and author of the bestselling Apples & Chalkdust.

    Terry Whalin has written scores of book proposals. And, as an acquisitions editor at two publishing houses, he’s read his fair share of proposals. Now he shares his wealth of knowledge in succinct chapters brimming with pointers.

    —Janet Kobobel Grant, Literary Agent and Founder, Books & Such

    Traditional publishing is shrouded with mystery. Terry Whalin peels back the curtain to give authors an inside look at what a writer needs to provide a publisher. Following his advice will give you the edge you need to create a slam dunk proposal!

    —Michael S. Hyatt, New York Times bestselling author

    A tremendous book with crisp, concise and insightful advice that makes this an invaluable resource for every writer! Ignore his counsel at your peril.

    —Steve Laube, Literary Agent and President, The Steve Laube Agency

    "As a former publisher, the truth and insider information from Book Proposals That $ell resonates with my own publishing experiences. Terry Whalin helps would-be authors or experienced writers walk through the critical questions from any acquisitions editor. If you give the editor this information, it will help you gain serious consideration for your book idea."

    —Kelly Gallagher, Vice President Content Acquisition, Ingram Content Group

    "As an agent, I am consistently impressed by Terry’s nonfiction proposals. He knows how to put together a winning presentation. In Book Proposals That $ell, Terry combines his compassion for writers with his considerable publishing experience, resulting in solid, helpful advice for aspiring authors.

    —Claudia Cross, Partner and Literary Agent, Folio Literary Management, New York City

    Many beginning book writers complain that it’s harder to write the proposal than the book itself. Until they know how, that’s probably true. Terry Whalin knows the secrets of good book proposals. As a writer, he’s composed many book proposals; as an editor, he’s read hundreds of them

    —Cecil Murphey, writer, co-writer, or ghostwriter of 140 books including Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story and 90 Minutes in Heaven.

    "Early on as a writer, I turned to Book Proposals that $ell to learn how to craft a proposal that was not only correct, but that would get a publisher’s attention. Now as a literary agent, I receive proposals from writers seeking representation. I am shocked at how many know so little about what should be included in a proposal or how to present their project to get my attention. They desperately need this book. It is a must read for every writer who wants to be published."

    —Karen Hardin, Founder and Literary Agent, PriorityPR Group & Literary Agency

    "When I wrote my first book proposal, Book Proposals that $ell was recommended as a guide. I’m thrilled Terry is updating this resource so I can recommend it to first-time authors. Each secret includes not only the how-to, but also the why-to. Armed with this information, writers can craft a proposal that will get a second and third look.

    —Susan K. Stewart, Managing Editor— Nonfiction, Elk Lake Publishing Inc.

    "With years of experience as an author and an editor, Terry Whalin has written a book that can help any writer. Book Proposals That $ell offers great advice on building the nonfiction proposal and also explains the inner workings of the editor’s and publication board’s role in acquiring a new book. Novelists, too, will find this background information very helpful. All authors need to understand the uphill battle they face in selling a book before they can be fully prepared to submit their absolute best proposal or manuscript. Whalin’s book lays out what they’ll face— and then shows them how to win the battle."

    —Brandilyn Collins, bestselling novelist

    "Book Proposals That $ell is the go-to resource for learning how to write a book proposal. It’ll set you apart from the crowd."

    —Lee Warren, freelance editor and author of the Mercy Inn Series

    "Today writers need to stand out in the competitive literary marketplace. Book Proposals that $ell gives you the guidance to maximize your chances for success."

    —Katharine Sands, a literary agent at the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency and agent provocateur of the book, Making the Perfect Pitch: How to Catch a Literary Agent’s Eye

    "As a writer, Terry has written proposals which received six-figure advances. As an editor, he has read countless proposals. I’m thrilled to see this updated edition of his classic Book Proposals That $ell—perfect for beginning to advanced writers."

    —Michelle Medlock Adams, bestselling author of more than 100 books and a New York Times Bestselling ghostwriter

    "I speak with many authors (traditional and self-published). While their book is written, I’m shocked many of them are clueless about the critical elements of a book proposal: target audience, competition to their book and a detailed marketing plan. Terry Whalin’s Book Proposals That $ell is loaded with valuable insights for every author—no matter how your book is published."

    —Brian Feinblum, Award-winning blogger ( and book publicist of 30 years



    That $ell

    21 Secrets to Speed

    Your Success

    W. Terry Whalin



    Book Proposals That $ell

    21 Secrets to Speed Your Success

    © 2022 W. Terry Whalin

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in New York, New York, by Morgan James Publishing. Morgan James is a trademark of Morgan James, LLC.

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    To every writer and editor who built so much into my life and publishing experiences as you told me your stories. Thank you for the joy in the journey.

    To every person with dreams and aspirations to get their ideas into print. May you find in these pages the perfect insight for your need.

    To the One who gives creativity and provides us with the words when we don’t have them.


    21 Secrets


    The path to publication is not always a straight line. Book proposals often require reworking and refinement for the right pitch for a publisher. Several years ago at a conference, I met Regina Leeds. She lived in Los Angeles and had a three-decade-long professional organizing business that included many Hollywood celebrities. She had written a proposal on how to organize your home. I worked with Regina early in my work at a literary agent and I sent it out to a number of publishers. We were unable to find a publisher to take it on, despite its many merits.

    Regina and I reworked the proposal so the book would present a one-year process which a reader could use to organize their life. With this different structure, the reader could select any type of timeline to get their business or home organized. The reworked book carved a unique place in the market. I sold Regina’s book to Hachette and One Year to an Organized Life: From Your Closets to Your Finances, the Week-by-Week Guide to Getting Completely Organized for Good became a New York Times bestseller. While the much of the content of that first proposal remained the same, the restructured focus worked. Regina has now written ten more books about getting organized. Her story is just one of many books I’ve worked on through the years and demonstrates the power of a well-thought proposal.

    I work in publishing because I have always loved books. For my first job, I worked at the Worcester Public Library. Then, during the next two decades, I led marketing and sales teams inside publishing houses like Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster, and Penguin Books. I’ve had the pleasure of working with a number of bestselling authors, including Stephen King, Ken Follett, Barbara Kingsolver, John Gray and Mary Higgins Clark.

    On the surface, it looks simple enough to write a book and publish it, but I know firsthand the complexity involved in creating a book which reaches the right audience and sells well in the marketplace. The details of this process are not simple, and it requires a combination of talents and a series of opportunities to succeed.

    Do you have a burning desire to take your real life stories and turn them into a novel? Have you had some remarkable experiences in your career and want to turn them into a nonfiction book? Maybe you are doing groundbreaking research and want to find a wider audience. Or, you and your family lived in a foreign country and had a memorable year which could become a page-turning book. Perhaps you have always dreamed of becoming a writer and are brimming with creativity and talent, but are unsure how to make that a reality. Where do you begin the publishing process?

    From my years in publishing, I have come to understand this reality: it is difficult to write a book from start to finish—especially if you are working or parenting full time. Writing a book takes an enormous amount of time and work. Publishing

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