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Mistress Rebecca Arrives
Mistress Rebecca Arrives
Mistress Rebecca Arrives
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Mistress Rebecca Arrives

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About this ebook

The story takes place in the Midwest. The book is inspired by the writer's personal experiences in her life and her engagement with the BDSM lifestyle. The storydoes contain graphic sexual content as well as depictions of BDSM activity. The book is not for the faint of heart, but it also has some educational aspects.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 23, 2022
Mistress Rebecca Arrives

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    Mistress Rebecca Arrives - Veronica Garrett

    Copyright © 2022 by Veronica Garrett.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 09/22/2022





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 1

    Rebecca awakens with a start and is a little disoriented. This isn’t her bedroom. She looks over to her right and sees a new figure in bed with her—Candace. Then the events of the previous night come rushing back to her. They had left the dungeon and gone out for breakfast at an all-night diner simply called Mary’s. It was a little hole-in-the-wall she used to go to before she met Lilith. The food there was consistently good, and the people were kind and LGBT-friendly. Afterward, they had gone back to Candace’s home on the north side of the plaza. Once there, they got undressed and went to bed. It was very late, around 2:00 a.m.

    Rebecca searches for a clock and sees one on the night table, and it is 9:00 a.m. That’s the latest she has slept in a long time. She recalls the last time was when she worked as a domme in a dungeon on Tenth Street. That was over two years ago. She remembers it fondly. The dungeon master had been a kind and fun guy named Rick. He was tall and good-looking with a Vandyke and blue-green eyes. She wonders how he has been. God! The memories of those days came flooding into her mind. She had enjoyed being a domme, and the customers/submissives liked her style. It was something she missed without ever truly realizing it.

    She gets up and goes to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror. Not bad, but not great either. She could live with it. She sits down, leaves a pee, and goes back to the bedroom to find Candace awake. Candace smiles at her warmly, and Rebecca returns the smile. She gets back in bed, and the two kiss passionately.

    What shall we do today? asks Candace.

    I have an idea, but I need to call Alicia first, Rebecca replies.

    Rebecca opens her purse, takes out her smartphone, and dials Alicia’s number.

    Hey, Alicia!

    Hi, Rebecca. This is a nice morning surprise.

    How was your night, sweetie? Rebecca asks.

    It hasn’t ended yet. Well, not technically, anyway. Ruby is sleeping next to me. It wasn’t too long after you left that we ended our session and returned to my house.

    Wow! I will assume that is a good thing. Rebecca chuckles mischievously.

    Very good! I won’t go into details right now, but suffice to say that the night ended with a bang and something that hasn’t happened in a long time.


    So what’s up, buttercup? Alicia asks humorously.

    I wonder if it would be possible to use your dungeon again tonight?

    Sure. What’s the plan? Alicia queries.

    Well, maybe you remember that guy handing me his name and number?

    No. When did that happen? Alicia asks.

    It was right after you reopened the front door the other day. A guy came up to me, handed me this note with his name and number, and requested that I contact him. I am assuming that he wants a session with me, and I think I am right. He seemed to be very shy and a little nervous about approaching me. Of course, there is always the possibility that he wants something else, but I can only guess until I call him.

    What’s his name? I might know who he is.

    The note just says Paul and a phone number.

    Ah! Paul Gates. He is a regular customer at my shop. He talks to me about his kinks. Yeah, he’s a sub. Alicia chuckles knowingly.

    Thanks for the confirmation and the use of your dungeon. I’ll tell you how it comes out.

    Okay! Talk to you soon. Bye, Rebecca, or should everyone call you Mistress now? Alicia chuckles again.

    Ha-ha, Rebecca laughs. Bye, sweetie.

    Rebecca looks over at Candace, winks, and leans over to kiss her. Their lips meet as they kiss passionately. Rebecca feels a twitch from her cock as it begins to harden. This is the second time that this has happened with Candace. She is happily surprised at this shift in her body’s response to her. Is it because of the shift in her role, from being a sub back to becoming a domme? Is it simply being with Candace that is the cause? It could be both, she reasons.

    Do you want to fuck, or are you ready for breakfast? Rebecca inquires with a smile on her face.

    Hmmm, why can’t we do both?

    Rebecca immediately rolls Candace onto her back and spreads her legs. She dives in between and lands her tongue on Candace’s clit. She flicks her tongue over it briskly but gently, and two of her right fingers slide smoothly through the folds into Candace’s wetness. Rebecca is adept at this kind of play almost as much as at BDSM. Candace moans at her touch.

    God! You’re so good at this, Mistress. Candace sighs audibly.

    Shh. Rebecca lifts her head just long enough to utter, Moan. Don’t talk.

    They both laugh a little, and then Rebecca returns to the task at hand—literally.

    Now her tongue slowly strokes Candace’s clit as she thumps her fingers against the soft tissue behind Candace’s pubic bone. Rebecca’s fingers are just long enough to hit the G-spot, and Candace immediately starts squealing as she orgasms. Rebecca keeps rubbing that spot until Candace finally calms down.

    My god! That was intense! I have never cum that hard. How did you do that? Candace asks as she catches her breath.

    Rebecca just smiles as she scoots up between Candace’s legs. She kisses Candace just before she sinks her cock into Candace’s pussy.

    That’s just right, purrs Candace.

    Rebecca sets a nice even rhythm as she fucks Candace.

    Yes, just right, Rebecca replies.

    She can’t get over the feel of Candace’s soft, velvety pussy. She isn’t a stranger to pussy, but this is the perfect fit for her cock. Each stroke is like playing a musical instrument, only it doesn’t make a sound, but the feel is like hearing a symphony play something classical in her ears. Rebecca can feel her orgasm coming on. The intensity keeps building as she maintains the motion. When she cums, it is intense. Her cock twitched as if this was the first time for her. That overwhelming sense of pleasure is something she hasn’t felt for a long time despite Lilith’s efforts with her. A mouth just doesn’t feel the same as a warm, moist pussy. Rebecca moves her face close to Candace’s, and they kiss for a lifetime, it seems. Rebecca moves down and kisses Candace’s neck, sucking softly. Candace hugs her firmly.

    Rebecca looks up at Candace and says, How about something for the tummy?

    Yeah, Candace says happily.

    The two get up and go to the kitchen without dressing and make a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. Afterward, Rebecca picks up her phone and calls Paul Gates.

    Let’s see, 8-1-6-2-7-6-0-9-0-6.

    He answers meekly, Hello?

    Hi, Paul. This is Rebecca. You gave me your name and number at Get Your Kink On yesterday and asked me to contact you.

    Oh my! Yes! How are you, Mistress Rebecca?

    I am fine. Bright as the sun. What can I do for you, Paul?

    Well, this is awkward for me. I have gone to the shop several times, but I don’t know much about the lifestyle. It has always interested me from the books and articles I have read. I saw you display your talents at the store and wanted to know if I could have some time with you, Mistress Rebecca, in a similar arrangement. Am I being clear?

    "Crystal clear, Paul! If you want,

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